The Critical Literature Review: Presented By: Zainal Abidin, S.E.,M.Ak.,Ak

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The Critical Literature


Presented by:
Zainal Abidin, S.E.,M.Ak.,Ak
Learning Objectives
1. Discuss the function of a literature review
2. Write a literature review on any given topic, documenting the
reference in the prescribe manner
• Critical literature review is therefore essential in most research
• A literature review is “the selection of available documents (both
published and unpublished) on the topic, which contain information,
ideas, data and evidence written from a particular standpoint to
fulfill certain aims or express certain views on the nature of the topic
and how it is to be investigated, and the effective evaluation of
these documents in relation to the research being proposed” (Hart,
1998 , p. 13)
The Function of Critical Literature Review
In general, a literature review ensures that:
1. The research effort is positioned relative to existing knowledge and
builds on this knowledge.
2. You can look at a problem from a specific angle; it shapes your thinking
and sparks useful insights on the topic of your research
3. You are able to introduce relevant terminology and to define key terms
used in your writing. This is important because the same term may have
different meanings, depending on the context in which it is used.
Definitions will also help you to give structure to your essay, article or
How to Approach The Literature Review
1. Data Sources
• Textbooks: An advantage of textbooks is that they can cover a broad range of topics. A
downside of textbooks is that they tend to be less up to date
than journals.
• Journals: Articles in academic journals have generally been peer‐reviewed: this means
that the articles have been subject to the scrutiny of experts in the same field before
being accepted for publication. Research articles also provide a detailed description of
the purpose of the study, the method(s) used, and the results of the study.
• Theses
• Conference Proceedings. Conference proceedings can be useful in providing the latest
research, or research that has not (yet) been published. Not every manuscript
presented at a conference is eventually published in an academic journal; hence you
must critically assess the quality of this information source
• Unpublished manuscripts
• Reports
• Newspaper
• The Internet
How to Approach The Literature Review
2. Searching for Literature
• Previously, one had to manually go through several bibliographical
indexes that are compiled periodically, listing the journals, books, and
other sources in which published work in the area of interest could be
• Most libraries have the following electronic resources at their
disposal,electronic journal, Full‐text databases, Abstract databases
Metoda Saintifik dan
• Metoda Saintifik

1. Menggunakan Struktur Teori

2. Hipotesis
3. Artifisial
4. Fact do not speak for themselves (Blalock, 1969)
5. Kuantitatif dan Statistik
Metoda Saintifik dan
• Metoda Naturalis

1. Tidak menggunakan struktur teori

2. Hipotesis Implisit (jika ada)
3. Alamiah (Natural)
4. Let the data speak for themselves
Cara terbaik menjelaskan dan membangun suatu teori adalah dengan
menemukannya dari data (Glaser & Straus, 1967).
5. Kualitatif (dengan atau tanpa statistik)
• Deduksi

- Teori Hipotesis Data Simpulan

• Induksi

- Data Hipotesis/Simpulan digeneralisasikan
• Bab I Latar Belakang
• Bab II Tinjauan Literatur Umum
Kemudian membangun hipotesis Khusus
• Bab III Metode penelitian
• Bab IV Analisis Data dan Pembahasan Khusus
• Bab V Kesimpulan (generalisasi) Umum
Jenis-jenis Riset
• Pelaporan
Riset yang dilakukan untuk menyediakan informasi yang diperlukan
untuk keputusan tertentu.
• Deskriptif
Bertujuan untuk menggambarkan suatu keadaan.
• Penjelasan
Menjelaskan fenomena yang terjadi.
• Prediksi
Menjelaskan apa yang akan terjadi dari suatu fenomena.

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