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Alaska Conservation Solutions





Alaska Conservation Solutions

2009 Project of The Ocean Foundation

The Greatest Threat

Global Warming: The Greatest Threat 2006 Deborah L. Williams

Climate change is the most severe problem that we are facing today.
Sir David King Former Chief Scientist for the UK Government
Photo The Age, Melbourne. All rights reserved

Photo: Amanda Byrd/Canadian Ice Service

The Greatest Threat

Global Warming: The Greatest Threat 2006 Deborah L. Williams

No other single issue presents such a clear and present danger to the future welfare of the worlds poor.
Christian Aid

The Greatest Threat

There is no doubt in my mind that climate change is one of the greatest threats facing humanity today.
Markku Niskala Secretary-General of the Red Cross January 2008

Tony Weyiouanna, Sr. photo

The Greatest Threat

Global warming is a brutal and urgent reality...the greatest threat hanging over the future of mankind.
Global Warming: The Greatest Threat 2006 Deborah L. Williams

Former French President Jacques Chirac

A great nation like the United States has the duty to not obstruct the fight against global warming but, on the contrary, to head this struggle because what is at stake is the future of all humanity.
French President Nicolas Sarkozy

The Greatest Threat

Things are getting desperate enough now that we need to throw away our conservatism and just act.
Dr. Terry Chapin, UAF

Photo: Corel Corp., Courtesy of www.exzooberance com

Global Warming Overview The Evidence in Alaska Global Cataclysmic Concerns

Global Warming: The Greatest Threat 2006 Deborah L. Williams

IV. What We Can Do

magazine covers courtesy of Chris Rose

Case Closed
We believe that the science is quite compelling and that climate change is certainly attributed to human activity and to the substantial use of fossil fuels.
ConocoPhillips April 2007
Global Warming: The Greatest Threat 2006 Deborah L. Williams

When 98% of scientists agree, who is Shell to say, lets debate the science [about global warming]? Shell Oil
November 2006

Recognizing the risk of climate change, we are taking actions to improve efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions in our operations.
Exxon Mobil December 2006

The United States faces an urgent

US Climate Action Partnership: 2009

need to take meaningful action to slow, stop, and reverse GHG emissions to address climate change. Accumulating science shows that the impacts of global warming are occurring sooner than anticipated. If the risks of serious adverse impacts of GHG emissions are to be minimized, prompt and aggressive emission reductions are necessary,
US CAP 2009

What We Can Do

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