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Basic Concept and Basic Inistitutions of

Govt of Islam

Course Instructor & Clusterhead

Islamic Studies:
CDR(R) Ahsan-ul-Haq
Islamic Political System
What is an Islamic State:
 In the Islamic State sovereignty rests with Allah who delegates political authority to
some selected person. The public law here is the Quranic law. The Islamic state
cannot frame any law against Quran and Sunnah. Islamic state is a welfare state. In
Islamic state every one has to remove evil activity.
Purpose of Islamic State:
 The main object of the Islamic state is to promote good and stop the evils. The
Muslims should be forced to act upon the orders of the Quran and Sunnah. Islamic
state guide its citizens in all aspects of life including religion. It promote peace
and order.
Characteristics of Islamic state:
Following are the basic characteristics of an Islamic state
1. It is a government of Allah. Sovereignty lies with Allah and Quran is the basic
law. The Khalifa (Caliph) works under the supremacy of Allah.
2. It is not a Democracy of the modern age, it is not a theocracy. It is theo-
3. Islamic state based on the tenets of the Quran and Sunnah /
Basic Principles of Islamic State
1. Islamic State is Justice (“Adal”). Allah has proclaimed in the
Holy Quran that “when you decide among the people……
2. Muslims should decide their matters through mutual consultation.
Majlis-e-Shoora should be appointed as Holy Quran says”.
3. Full freedom of speech and expression. Every Muslim to promote
good and stop evils and to speak truth.
4. Khalifa is responsible to Allah and public.
5. There is perfect equality and no discrimination on grounds of
race color and creed.
6. The law should be based on Holy Quran and Sunnah.
7. Judiciary should be independent of the executive. Khalifa is
ordinary citizen in the eyes of the Judiciary.
8. The ruler should be elected from the will of the citizens and they
must be consulted in this matter
Duties and Functions of an Islamic State
1. Executive for Civil and Military
The executive does not require elaborate examination. It is self
evident and obtains every where in the world. The sovereignty
belongs to Allah and it is a trust which is administered by men for
the well being of all without exception.
2. Legislative functions:
All the laws are to be framed in the limits fixed by the Holy
Quran, whether spiritual or temporal.
3. The Domain of Judiciary:
All the peoples should be considered equal before law and also
the Head of the state is not exempted. The non Muslims
inhabitants of the Islamic state enjoy a Judicial autonomy, each
community having its own tribunals.
4. Cultural Duty:
Muslims government, not only to abide by the divine law in the
daily behavior but also organize foreign missions for the purpose
that Holy Quran says “There is no compulsion in the religion”.
Forms of Government
1. Consultative Deliberation (Shoora):
The Quran commands the Muslims again and again to take their
decisions after consultation whether a public matter or a private one.
The practice of the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.W) has reinforced this
disposition as Holy Prophet always consulted his companions and the
representatives of the tribes of his adherents before taking decision and
also all the khalifas continuously always consulted with other sahaba-
2. Foreign Policy:
In an Islamic state, the relations with foreign countries are based on
what is called International law. The basic principle of the system of
International relations is that the Muslims and Non Muslims are equal
in respect of the sufferings of the world.
3. Muslim Law of War:
The Muslim law of war is Humane. It does not
permit the killings of minors, women, the very
old, children, sick and monks. Islam seeks to
establish a world community with complete
equality among all the peoples without
distinction of race, color, class or country and
also no compulsion in religious beliefs, every
individual responsible to Allah. The
functionaries of the servant of the peoples.
Every one is responsible for spreading the good
and prevent evils. Allah judges as according to
our acts and intentions.
Significant features
of Riyasat e
Madeena in The
light of Surat Al
Hadid verse #25
Surat Al Hadid verse 25
ُ َّ‫ان لِيَقُو َم الن‬
‫اس‬ َ َ‫ت َوَأن َز ْلنَا َم َع ُه ُم ا ْل ِكت‬
َ ‫اب َوا ْل ِمي َز‬ ِ ‫سلَنَا ِبا ْلبَيِّنَا‬ َ ‫لَقَ ْد َأ ْر‬
ُ ‫س ْلنَا ُر‬
‫س َولِيَ ْعلَ َم هَّللا ُ َمن‬ِ ‫ش ِدي ٌد َو َمنَافِ ُع لِلنَّا‬ َ ‫س‬ ٌ ‫س ِط ۖ َوَأن َز ْلنَا ا ْل َح ِدي َد فِي ِه بَْأ‬
ْ ِ‫ِبا ْلق‬
‫ي َع ِزي ٌز‬ ٌّ ‫ب ۚ ِإ َّن هَّللا َ قَ ِو‬
ِ ‫سلَهُ ِبا ْل َغ ْي‬
ُ ‫ص ُرهُ َو ُر‬
ُ ‫ يَن‬-
iron, wherein is great military might and benefits for
the people, and soWe have already sent Our
messengers with clear evidences and sent down with
them the Scripture and the balance that the people
may maintain [their affairs] in justice. And We sent
down that Allah may make evident those who
support Him and His messengers unseen. Indeed,
Allah is Powerful and Exalted in Might.(25-Al
Quranic Language (QL)
Quranic Language (QL) Verbs with

pronouns “Ta,Tii, Woo (For Plural)”

‫ كتبت – كتبوا‬-‫ كتبت‬-‫األفعال مع الضمائر‬

Madeena ‫ریاست‬
( ‫)مدینہ‬, Surat Al Hadid
verse 25

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