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Leader: John NIelren M. Duzon
Sebastian Carbonell
Christian Rubio, 
Nash De Guzman
Micah Mequiabas Abarca
Shan Michael Cabrera
Kyle Ferrer
Jp Caraig
Jerome Clavejo Patol
Ryke Rosima
Jericho Goliman
Josua Diauna
Class Interval Tally Frequency Classmark FX Cumulative Lower
Frequency Boundary
93-95 IIII-I 6 94 564 50 92.5

90-92 IIII 4 91 364 44 89.5

87-89 IIII-IIII-IIII 14 88 1,232 40 86.5

84-86 IIII-I 6 85 510 26 83.5

81-83 IIII-II 7 82 574 20 80.5

78-80 IIII 4 79 316 13 77.5

75-77 IIII-IIII 9 76 684 9 74.5

i=3 N= 50 ∑FX= 4,244

Class Interval Tally Frequency Classmark FX
93-95 IIII-I 6 94 564
90-92 IIII 4 91 364
87-89 IIII-IIII-IIII 14 88 1,232
84-86 IIII-I 6 85 510
81-83 IIII-II 7 82 574
78-80 IIII 4 79 316
75-77 IIII-IIII 9 76 684
i=3 N= 50 ∑FX= 4,244

Mean: Interpretation:
  ∑FX   Based from the mean, out of 50 students of Grade 10-
=  4,244  = 84.88
N 50 Mabini, there are 20 students who belong in below
average (75-83), 6 students are in average (84-86)
and 24 students are in above average (87-95) as far as
mathematical ability is concerned.
Class Interval Frequency Lower Boundary Cumulative

93-95 6 92.5 50 45th-50th

90-92 4 89.5 44 41st-44th
87-89 14 86.5 40 27th-40th
84-86 6 83.5 26 21st-26th
81-83 7 80.5 20 14th-20th
78-80 4 77.5 13 10th-13th
75-77 9 74.5 9
i=3 N= 50
Solve for Q1, Q2, and Q3
Formula in solving Quartiles:
Let us solve for the 1st Quartile:
Using Mendenhall and Sincich Method:
Q1=  kN  =  (1)(50)  = 12.5
4 4
Let us find where Q1 is located at and it's given:
Class Interval Frequency Lower Cumulative
Boundary Frequency
93-95 6 92.5 50 45th-50th
90-92 4 89.5 44 41st-44th
87-89 14 86.5 40 27th-40th
84-86 6 83.5 26 21st-26th
81-83 7 80.5 20 14th-20th
78-80 4 77.5 13 10th-13th This is where Q1
located at
75-77 9 74.5 9
i=3 N= 50

LB = 77.5
cfb = 9
fQ1= 4
N= 50
Now let us solve for the 1st Quartile:
Now let us solve for the 2nd Quartile:
Using Mendenhall and Sincich Method:
Q2=  kN  =  (2)(50)  = 25
4 4
Let us find where Q2 is located at and it's given:
Class Interval Frequency Lower Cumulative
Boundary Frequency
93-95 6 92.5 50 45th-50th
90-92 4 89.5 44 41st-44th
87-89 14 86.5 40 27th-40th
84-86 6 83.5 26 21st-26th This is where Q2 
located at
81-83 7 80.5 20 14th-20th
78-80 4 77.5 13 10th-13th
75-77 9 74.5 9
i=3 N= 50

LB = 83.5
cfb = 20
fQ2= 6
N= 50
Now let us solve for the 2nd Quartile:
Now let us solve for the 3rd Quartile:
Using Mendenhall and Sincich Method:

Q3=  kN  =  (3)(50)  = 37.5

4 4
Let us find where Q3 is located at and it's given:
Class Interval Frequency Lower Cumulative
Boundary Frequency
93-95 6 92.5 50 45th-50th
90-92 4 89.5 44 41st-44th
87-89 14 86.5 40 27th-40th This is where Q3
located at
84-86 6 83.5 26 21st-26th
81-83 7 80.5 20 14th-20th
78-80 4 77.5 13 10th-13th
75-77 9 74.5 9
i=3 N= 50

LB = 86.5
cfb = 26
fQ3= 14
N= 50
Now let us solve for the 3rd Quartile:

Hence, 25% of the class got less than or

equal to 80, 50% of the class got less than or
equal than to 86 and 75% of the class got
less than or equal to 89.
Class Interval Frequency Lower Boundary Cumulative

93-95 6 92.5 50 45th-50th

90-92 4 89.5 44 41st-44th
87-89 14 86.5 40 27th-40th
84-86 6 83.5 26 21st-26th
81-83 7 80.5 20 14th-20th
78-80 4 77.5 13 10th-13th
75-77 9 74.5 9
i=3 N= 50
Solve for D2, D4, and D6.
Formula in solving Deciles:
Let us solve for the Decile 2:
Using Mendenhall and Sincich Method:

D2 =  kN  =  (2)(50)  = 10
10 10
Let us find where D2 is located at and it's given:
Class Interval Frequency Lower Cumulative
Boundary Frequency
93-95 6 92.5 50 45th-50th
90-92 4 89.5 44 41st-44th
87-89 14 86.5 40 27th-40th
84-86 6 83.5 26 21st-26th
81-83 7 80.5 20 14th-20th
78-80 4 77.5 13 10th-13th This is where
D2 located at
75-77 9 74.5 9
i=3 N= 50

LB = 77.5
cfb = 9
FD2= 4
N= 50
Now let us solve for the Decile 2:

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