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Historical india has been a land where elders have always found a revered place in the society strong family supported system
existed as a bulwark agianst uncertainities of the oldage . The increased speed due to modernization , urbanization , and
industrialization has led to :

• Breakdown of the joinery system .

• Lack of security and authority of elder .
• The aged prefer mutual exchange and are reluctant to accept assistance from the children .
• Family can provide protection for the elderly only to a limited extent .
• Manton males wouldn’t like to live with their daughters .
• Intern perception relation change after the death of the spouse of elders , those of the widows are unwilling to live with their
married son .
27 million
98 million 60+ age 3.8% per 12.6 old
240 seniors
Elderly fastest annum age
million by need
people in growing growth dependency
2030 medical
india demographic rate ratio

Thus change in inter – personal economic deprivation , less social support , utilization are some of the important concerned problem
in common which has bearing on their housing needs .

The study revealed 70% of the respondent lives with their children , 30% of the aged lives as a problem group . Some reputed
institutions have classified the problem group into four categories :

• Aged person single or couple , well to do but childless .

• Elderly comprised of single or couple whose children cant work .
• Eldrely comprised of well to do children but stay abroad and parents cant be settled with them as they aged and health concern .
• Aged having less income , and no one to look after and so on .
• No age restricted institutions for longterm care .
Before 19th
• But elders ended their days almhouses .

• Womens and church groups began to establish special homes for elderly .
• No.of elderly who found shelter in these institutions were limited .
of 19th
century • Majority : whowed and single women .

19th • old age home operated to differentiate “worthly” old of a particular religion of ethnic group from most needy and destitute of the
century aged population .

1880 - 1923 • Alms-house elderly population increased to 33% and further to 67% .

• Alms-houses a symbol of failure and disappear .

20th century
• Poor houses a word of hate and loathing .

• Medicine provided additional growth to nursing homes .
• No.of nursing homes grew by 40%private industry simulated .

• Nursing homes had become a billion industry , paid largely by medicare , and although the elderly individuals between 65 and 74
By 2000 reside in such institutions , proportion of those over 85 increased to 85% .
• To create space for old privileged natives of the country with social responsive spaces catering to a symbiosis relation between the old and
society .

• To design a dynamic atmosphere that encourages the creative spirit by varied natural illumination and a play of lights and shadows in the
exterior as well as interior of the building .

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