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Legadembi Gold Processing Plant

 Total Ore crushed and Milled = 28,839,833 Tonnes

• Government = 3,356,484 t @ 3.3 g/t
• Midroc Gold = 25,483,349t @ 2.6g/t
• Gold production Total= 74,043 kg
Government = 11,000 Kg
Midroc Gold = 63,043 Kg
• Bar Total for Midroc 7151 as of March 2018
• Average Finess Gold ( Au) = 78%
• Silver (Ag) = 21%
• Average overall recovery
 Midroc = 94.6 %
 Government= 89 %
 Recovery boosts from 91 % to 96 % for Midroc
General Design Data
Govenment Midroc
• Feed material Oxidised , Quartzitic Quartzitic type rock
• Feed rate 150 t/h 196 t/h
• Gravity Circuit On Off
• Carbon In Pulp (CIP) 45 m3 150 m 3 Tank volume
• Soak Solution N 3%+NaOH 2% Only Na OH 1.5 %
Major Plant Circuits
– Crushing
– Grinding
– Thickening
– Leach
– CIP Adsorption
– Elution (Stripping)
– Electrowinning and Smelting
– Carbon Regeneration
– Tailings Dam
– Detoxification Plant
Major Reagents
– Sodium Cyanide
– Sodium hydroxide
– Flocculant
– Hypochlorite
– Lime
– For Gold smelting (Borax, Potassium Nitrate, Silica)
– Process water 150-200 m3
– Plant air compressor (two) each 3 bar.
– Plant air compressor (two) each 7 bar.
– EEU power supply for Mill 15 KV and two transformers
to 3.3 KV.
– EEU power supply for Crusher 15 KV and two
transformers to 400 V
– EEU power supply for CIP 15 KV and two transformers
to 400 V.
– Five stand by Diesel Cat generators each 1 megawatt
Beach devlopment &
water contact

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