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Relationship Between Man and

Lecture two
Relationship of Man, Environment and


Physical Environment
Elements of Human Environment
Four basic elements of man’s environment

Physical features Animals


Climate Plants
Physical Features
• Earth is not even physically and all physical features like
mountains, rivers, plateaus, deserts and rivers affect upon man.
• Mountains act as barrier between two countries .E.g Ural
mountains of Europe
• These act as hindrance in the way of strong winds and caused
of heavy rainfall.

• Plain areas ,river basins or valleys are

considered the hub of human civilization and
agriculture. E.g Indus valley in Pakistan
• Nile valley in Egypt, Mississippi valley in America

• Plateaus having undulating surface are mostly

rich in minerals, e.g Colorado plateau in
America , Balochistan plateau in Pakistan


• Deserts having very less rainfall, affecting upon

human life and agriculture.
• Deserts are the driest parts on the earth.

• Climate is made up of four basic elements.

1. Temperature
2. Rainfall
3. Humidity
4. Air pressure
• Climate effect upon daily life of man.
e.g we wear dresses according to the environment
we eat food according to the environment
• Climate affect upon vegetation, population ,agriculture and
much more …..e.g Population is mostly concentrated in
those areas having moderate climate like European
Vegetation and Animals

• Vegetation cover and forests affect upon human life. Forests

provide food to humans and provide fodder to animals.
• According to climate animal species are different in different
areas …..e.g camel in deserts, Reindeer in Siberia
Physical Environment and economic activities
• We adopt our profession according to our climate….
e.g people live in plainy areas mostly do agriculture
people live in megalopolises do high type of activities
Physical environment and Socio-cultural traditions
• Man’s traditions, customs also influenced by climate …e.g in
hot climatic areas people want to enjoy in parks and open

Karachi beach
Physical Environment and human behavior and
physical capacity
• Climate also affect upon human behavior, physical and human
capacities…..e.g. man become dull and lazy in very hot
environment like in tropical areas
• People live in plainy areas having moderate climate are more
delightfull, energetic in working

Cotton picking
Physical environment and Population
• Densely populated areas are those having
moderate climate…too cold and too hot areas
are not hostile for population concentration.

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