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Chapter I.

Background of Science
and Technology
What is Science?
Science- systematic body of
knowledge , an idea, an
intellectual activity , and as
personal and social activity.
What is Science?
 for Ancient Greek philosophers:
Science is called the “philosophy of the
natural world” with the ultimate desire
to know about nature.
It is as old as the world itself.
It started at the beginning of the creation
of the world.
What is Technology?
Comes from the Greek word “tekhne”
meaning the “art or craft” and “logia”,
meaning a “subject or interest”.
The term became popular in the 20th
century during the 2nd Industrial
Revolution. (even others claim that technology started
before that- started as when people discovered fire)
Thorstein Veblen- a German social scientist
who changed the concept of “technic” to
Read Bain- An american sociologist who
expounded the meaning of technology which
includes all tools, machines, utensils, weapons,
instruments, communication and
transportation devices including the skills to
produce, and the use of by these art or craft.
Ursula Franklin- Technology is a practice, the way
things were done.
Bernard Stiegler- Technology as a pursuit of life or
the means other than life, and as an organized
inorganic matter.
Webster’s Dictionary- Technology is the use of
science in industry, engineering, etc. to invent useful
things to solve problems.
What is Society?
Group of individuals involved in persistent social
Large social group sharing the same geographical or
social terrotory, typically subject to the same political
authority and having the same dominant cultural
It is characterized by patterns of relationship between
individuals who share a distinctive culture and
Interactions of Science, Technology
and Society
* Science and technology play a crucial role in everyday life
and transform society of what it has become now.
* We then describe, identify and classify societies
according to the developments in science and
• (Developed, underdeveloped, modern, technologically
advanced societies, etc.)
• Millenials, Generation X, Generation Y, Generation Z
• Human beings embarked in scientific endeavors and
researches to know and understand everything
around them.
• They persistently observed and studied the natural
and physical world to find meanings and answers to
many questions.
• They developed philosophy and religion to provide
possible explanations to the realities of life back to
Seatwork: by 5’s
In your generation today, identify at
least 3 specific technology that greatly
influenced your everyday life? Explain
each of their role and how did you use
it properly.
Answer in matrix form.
Hunting and gathering societies- rely primarily or
exclusively on hunting wild animals, fishing, and gathering
wild fruits, berries, nuts and vegetables to support
human life.
Agricultural societies- they began to domesticate plants
and animals when they adopted indigenous tools.
- invention of agriculture, pastoralism, or horticulture.
- Domestication leads to specialization of work and
creation of specialized tools like fishing nets, hooks, sharp
or pointed stones, and animal bones.
As the number and size of agricultural
societies increased, they expanded, and they
became mobile leading to the development of
the communal- tribal communities. (villages)
Homo sapiens
Agricultural societies
One of the communities developed then, was the
Sumerian- otherwise known as ancient Mesopotamia.
Known as Cradle of civilization
Sumerians developed the first writing system known as
“cuneiform”- a system that utilizes word pictures and
triangular symbols which are carved on clay using wedge
instruments and left to dry.
Cuneiform was used by the Sumerians to keep records of
the things with great historical value.
The Great Ziggurat of Ur
Famous for its legacy esp in infrastructures and
engineering technology.
One of these is the pyramids.
They were also the one who invented “papyrus” and the
Developed system of writing using symbols known as
They also invented the use of cosmetics and wigs- for
health and aesthetic reasons.
Invented water clock
Pyramid of Egypt
Egyptian ancient clocks
Egyptian cosmetics and wigs
Greek Civilization
Known as the birthplace of western
philosophy and mathematics.
Famous for its coliseums and Olympics.
Also invented alarm clock.
Invented water mill.
Athens- known as the center of Greek
The Greek Miracle
A period that replaced superstitious, religious,
mythological, supernatural thinking with
rational, scientific, philosophical, and
naturalistic thinking.
* The lives we live today, especially the benefits of
science and technology, owe much to this Greek
Greek Coliseums and Olympics
Ancient Greek water clock
Greek water mill invention
Roman Civilization
Model in terms of legislations, and
codified laws.
Cradle of politics and governance at that
Invented newspapers, boundbooks and
codes, Roman architecture, and Roman
Roman architectures
Roman basilica and churches
Chinese Civilization
Considered universally as the oldest civilization of the
Famous because of its silk trade, tea production,
Great Wall of China, and gun powder.
Silk is one of the things that connected China to the
rest of the world.
Today, tea is one of the most popular drinks in the
Great Wall of China
Great Wall of China is the only man made structure
that can be seen from the outer space.
 The greatest and the most extensive infrastructure
built to keep invaders and protect the borders of
 So huge and resilient that divided China from the rest
of the world.
 The crowning glory of Chinese civilization.
Gun Powder
One of the deadliest and fascinating
inventions in China.
It is widely used to propel bullets from guns
and cannons which caused countless deaths.
Today, it is widely use in fireworks especially
during significant occasions and celebrations.
Great Wall of China
Middle Ages /Medieval Period
In Europe.
Sometimes referred to as Dark Ages.
Inventions of printing press, microscope, telescope,
and war weapons.
JohannGutenberg- invented printing press
Zacharias Janssen-developed the first compound
microscope to observe organisms that were normally
unseen by the naked eye.
Late Middle Ages
Also known as Age of Exploration.
Invention of the telescope along with the invention
of compass, oars, and rudders as useful tools for
Invention of crow bows and long bows, iron body
armors, and chainmail purposely for defense and
offensive encounters.
Iron body armors
Modern Times
Begun from the Industrial Revolution in the 1900s to the
contemporary period.
All forms of warfare are based on technological advances.
Global expansion, unprecedented access to high technology
weapons like biological weapons,rocketry, travel jets,nuclear
weapons, and weapons of mass destruction, jet bombers,
computers, radar, sonar, machine guns, GPS (Global
Positioning System)
Machines in production, faster and direct to information,food
processing,health and medical advancement,telephone,
calculators, etc.
Louise Pasteur- invented pasteurization.
Pasteurization- process of preserving dairy products by
heating the products to kill the harmful bacteria for milk
and other dairy products to be stored much longer.
He also invented molecular asymetry, fermenation, and
Samuel M. Kier- invented kerosene
Kerosene- referred to as “illuminating oil” to refine
petroleum to provide lighting.
Alexander Graham Bell- invented the
Calculator and computer was also
invented in the modern times
Philippine Inventions
Philippines is a developing country but has remarkable
contribution to the global advancement of science and
Victor Llave- invented salamander- an amphibious tricycle
that can cross not only flooded streets but also rivers and
Aisa Mijeno- invented SALt lamp- (Sustainable Alternative
Lighting) lamp- a lighting system that utilizes material
abundant in the Philippines- salt water.
Dr. Fe del Mundo- Filipino pediatrician devised a
medical incubator, immunization treatment for
jaundice and the “brat diet” for curing diarrhea.
DOST- ITDI- invented mosquito trap system known as
Mosquito Ovicidal/ Larvicidal Trap System or OL Trap
E- jeepney- developed to address the pressing global
environmental problem
Salamander Amphibious tricycle
Medical Incubator

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