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Each and everyone thinks about

their personal development or progress.
Different people have different development goals.
People may have conflicting development goals
• A dam is development for a farmer because he gets
water for irrigation.
• It is destructive for a tribal man because his living
place will be submerged in water.
• People May have different and conflicting notion
about a country’s development.

Cottage and village Large scale industries

industries must develop should develop
Money or Income is one of the main development
goals of most of the people because money can
get a person material things needed to live well
• Apart from money people may have other

development goals such as equal treatment,

freedom, good health, security, and respect of

others. These non material things ae also

important to lead a good life.

For development people look for a mix of goals

• Money Equal Treatment Good Health

Respect Security
Comparison of the Economic Development of
different Countries
The World Bank (IBRD) uses per capita income as
the criterion for classifying the countries.

Per capita Income is the average income of a


Per capita Income =

• The countries with less than $ 955 as per capita
income are called low income countries.

• Examples: Bangladesh. Ethiopia , Somalia

• The countries with more than $ 12,056 as per
capita income are called developed or rich
countries (High Income Countries).
• USA, Great Britain, France, Japan
• The countries in which per capita income is more
than $ 955 and less than $ 12,056 are called
medium developed countries.
• Examples: Srilanka, Brazil, India

• India comes in the category of low middle income

countries because its per capita income in 2017
was just $ 1820 per annum.
Limitation in using Per capita Income as a
criterion of development
• Per capita Income is average income. If there is
unequal distribution of income in the economy,
even a high per capita income may not lead to
• Income alone is not sufficient for people’s welfare.
They need safety and security, good health,
education, equal treatment, respect etc. So, there
may not be development even in countries where
income is high.
Comparison between Haryana, Kerala and Bihar



HARYANA 1,80,174 30 82 61

KERALA 1,63,475 10 94 83

BIHAR 34,409 35 62 43
• If we consider only per capita income, we will
conclude that Haryana is the most developed
among the three state.
• However, if we consider the other criteria like life
expectancy, literacy rate and net attendance ratio
also, we will conclude that Kerala is the most
developed among the three states.
UNDP introduced the concept of Human
Development Index (HDI) to rank the countries
on the basis of development in its Human
Development Report
• Human Development Index (HDI) is the
cumulative measurement of longevity, knowledge
and decent standard of living.
• Longevity: - It is measured in terms of life
expectancy at birth.
• Knowledge: - Knowledge is measured in terms of
literacy rate and net attendance ratio at three
levels of schools.
• Decent standard of living: - It is measured in
terms of per capita income.
Comparison between Development of India and
i. Srilanka is ahead of India in Human Development
HDI rank of Srilanka is 76. India’s HDI rank is 130.
ii. Per capita income of Srilanka is higher than that
of India
iii. Life expectancy at birth is 75.5 years in Srilanka. It
is only 68.8 in India.
iv. Educational achievement of Srilanka is also better
that that of India.
• Economic development which does not damage
environment and at the same time take care of
the needs of the future generations is called
sustainable development.
• Over exploitations of resources may harm the
future generations. Many of the resource will get
• Environmental degradation is a threat to the
survival of human on the Earth’s surface.
• Public facilities refer to those facilities which cannot be
purchased at individual level. They are provided by the
• These facilities are necessary to improve the standard of living
of the people.
• (i) We need a pollution free environment to lead a comfortable
and healthy life.
• (ii) We need to get protection from infectious diseases.
• (iii) Good infrastructural facilities are needed for industrial and
agricultural development.
• (iv) Law and order has to be maintained to provide safety and
security to the people.
• (v) Safe drinking water and sanitation facilities are also needed.
Attributes for comparing notions of development between
different countries.

• (i) National income: - National income is the sum of values

of all the final goods and services produced in a country in
a year along with the income from abroad.

• (ii) Per-capita income:- It is the average income of a person.

It is calculated by dividing national income with population.

• (iii) Life expectancy:- It is the average life span of an

(iv) Infant mortality rate:- It refers to the number
of child deaths before attaining the age of one for
every thousand live births.
• (v) Literacy rate:- It measures the proportion of
literate population in the 7 and above age group.
• (vi) HDI:- Human Development Index is the
cumulative measurement of longevity, knowledge
and decent standard of living.

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