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Since the pandemic came, our world has changed. The Covid-19
pandemic has produced a new world full of challenges, it has a great
impact on our society. Due to the presence of the virus, many activities
that we did before that we can’t do this time. As we are facing this
pandemic, this new normal system teaches us how to be more flexible
and enables each and every one to gain learnings at their place as it will
be our fuel to the new battle in the future. This study contains on how
effective the new normal system on learners and teacher and the issues
facing our society during the pandemic. This accompanied by the
impact of online learning on students in the midst of the new normal
education system.
The main objective of this study is to distinguish the effectiveness of
new normal system on learners specialized subject.

To achieve the purpose, the following will be undergone:

Gathering information from the respondents using the researcher-made
Gathering some photos, videos from the respondents on how they learn
in amidst of pandemic.
Review of the information, data, photos, and videos that will be
gathered during the investigation.
The result of the study will benefit the following:

• To the students. The proposed study will serve the students as their reference in creating their future study.

• To the teachers. This study will be beneficial to the teachers for them to identify the needs of their students in new

normal setting.

• To the future researchers. This study enables them to look strong evidences and responses from the respondents.

• To the future researchers. This study will serve as their guide in creating their own research.
• English- is a study of literature, media and language in which students critically and creatively engage with a variety of texts in all

language modes. (

• New normal- financial crisis to refer to the dramatic economic, cultural and social transformations that caused precariousness and

social unrest, impacting collective perceptions and individual lifestyles. (

• Performance- the execution or accomplishment of work, acts, feats. (

• Specialized subject- is a school or university subject that concentrates on a particular field of knowledge. (

• Students- a person formally engaged in learning, especially one enrolled in a school. (
This study only covers English 10 subject in determining the
effectiveness of new normal system in specialized subject performance
and the respondents are grade 10 who are living in La Paz, Iloilo City
E-learning and The Social Nature
• According to Educational Technology and Society
(2008), educator influence was expressed as a
significant indicator of E-learning in student
acceptance. Teacher’s attitude to their control over the
LMS is possibly the reason for the student’s non-use of
it. The educator who is not enthusiastic or has a
negative view of E-learning is the most likely reason
for the decrease in student satisfaction and motivation.
The Characteristics of the Learning Management

Darren Turnbull said that through student character and social

influences, the quality of the system and information has a unique
impact on Students ‘inclination. System quality is characteristics that
are measurable, responsive to time, reliable, flexible, easy to use, easy
to access, organized design and appropriate to the user’s personality.
Information quality means that students perceive the resulting product
of the system. Quality information includes the school time table,
instructional materials, and forum discussions, all of which need to be
organized carefully to ensure student satisfaction.
Teaching and Learning in Times of Crisis

• CFT stated that the teaching and learning process assumes a different shape in
times of crisis. One emerging reality as a result of the world health crisis is the
migration to online learning modalities to mitigate the risk of face-to-face
interaction. Universities are forced to migrate from face-to-face delivery to
online modality as a result of the pandemic. They have their preferred learning
style that suits them in understanding the lesson better. Then faculty should
understand these styles to create more appropriate instruction for the students.
Student’s performance may relate to their learning preferences. The student’s
success is partly dependent on the teacher’s understanding of their learning
styles. For learners with internet connectivity, computer-assisted instruction,
synchronous online learning, asynchronous online learning, collaborative e-
learning may be considered.
The Role of Technology in Learning Continuity

In the study of Datagbil, et al., (2021), technology provides innovative

and resilient solutions in times of crisis to combat disruption and helps
people to communicate and even work virtually without the need for
face-to-face interaction. Teachers should effectively approach these
current challenges to facilitate learning among learners, learner
differentiation, and learner-centeredness and be ready to assume the role
of facilitators on the remote learning platforms. These students may
present themselves as copious note-takers or avid readers and translate
abstract concepts into words and essays. The kinesthetic learners best
understand information through a tactile representation of data.
Learning with Effective Learning Techniques

• According to Dulosky, et al., (2013) learning is a continuous process, and a

process is actions that lead to a result. In this situation, learning barriers can result
in delay or stop the learning process. However, an effective learning strategy can
overcome those barriers to create learning that suits the learner. One of those
barriers is the mismatch in the teaching-learning approach. An inappropriate way
of using methods, techniques, and strategies to the learners may lead to this
barrier. Recognizing the learner’s style of learning can be lead to effective
learning. Every student has a learning style and learning preferences that are
useful and helpful to them. Some find their dominant learning style, but others use
different learning styles in other situations. In contrast to Kolb’s learning style
theory, different people naturally prefer a specific single different learning style,
meaning to say everyone has a unique learning style.
The effects of online education on student
performance due to New Normal
• Ahmed (2020) aims to tell the college administration that a teacher system should
be developed to watch what students should know while online Learning and
teaching education is dominant thanks to COVID-19 and supported many
researchers who claimed that user satisfaction and the use of the Education
Learning System had a significant impact on success. Mental health issues are the
leading barrier to academic success. Mental state can affect student motivation,
concentration, and engagement important factors for college children to achieve
instruction The center’s Annual report for Collegiate mental state reported that
anxiety continued to most important common problem among students who
completed the Review Counselor investigation Of Psychological Symptoms,
along with clinicians who also report that anxiety continues to be the most
important common diagnosis by scholars seeking services in university counseling
The “new normal” in Education

• The pandemic ushers in a “new” normal, in which digitization enforces ways of

working and learning. It forces education further into technologization, a
development already well underway, fueled by commercialism and the reigning
market ideology. Daniel notes that “many institutions had plans to make greater
use of technology in teaching, but the outbreak of Covid-19 has meant that changes
intended to occur over months or years had to be implemented in a few days”.
Knowledge is and will be produced in order to be sold, it is and will be consumed
in order to be valued in a new production: in both cases, the goal is exchange.
Knowledge ceases to be an end in itself, it loses its use-value. An instructor
provides an environment in which the learner enjoys learning, participates in
meaningful learning activities, and achieves success because he or she is valued,
embraced, and feels secure, even if he or she makes mistakes during his or her
learning exploration.
Opportunities to advance the integration of
technology in teaching
• Teachers are obliged to develop creative initiatives that assist to overcome the
limitations of virtual teaching. Teachers are actively collaborating with one
another at a local level to improve online teaching methods. There are
incomparable opportunities for cooperation, creative solutions and willingness to
learn from others and try new tools as educators, parents and students share
similar experiences. Which can contribute to the advancement of online learning
or the integration of technology in teaching, and the further professional
development of teachers. Participation and inclusion aims to increase, include and
provide equal opportunities for development, training, and education of all
individuals within pre-university education; Teacher professional development,
which aims to improve the quality of teaching, and contribute to the
implementation of reforms.
Challenges in Teaching and Learning
• Student assessments are carried out online, with a lot of trial and error, uncertainty
and confusion among the teachers, students and parents. The approach adopted to
conduct online examination varies as per the convenience and expertise among the
educators and the compatibility of the learners. Appropriate measures to check
plagiarism is yet to be put in place in many schools and institutions mainly due to
the large number of student population. The lockdown of schools and colleges has
not only affected internal assessments and examinations for the main public
qualifications like General Certificate of Secondary Educations, but A levels have
also been cancelled for the entire cohort in the UK. Depending on the duration of
the lockdown, postponement or cancellation of the entire examination assessment
might be a grim possibility (United Nations, 2020). Various state-level board
exams, recruitment exams, university-level exams and entrance exams have been
postponed across India due to the COVID-19 outbreak and national lockdown.
Using Learning Style to Improve Learning

• Both teaching and learning styles play an essential role in learning

development and achievement. Thus, researchers have paid great attention
to discovering the students’ learning styles, particularly under the New
Normal. The VARK model of students’ learning styles, developed by Neil
Fleming, is commonly used by most researchers. VARK stands for Visual,
Auditory, Reading/Writing Preference, and Kinesthetic. Students have
different approaches to how they interpret information, which is referred to
as “preferred learning modes” in the model. Visual learning style prefers
images, maps, and graphic organizers to access and understand new
information. Listening and speaking in seminars and group discussions
help auditory learners understand new material.
Research Design

• The researchers would be utilizing a qualitative research method for

this to determine the effectiveness of new normal setting on students
in their specialized subject performance which is English. The project
will focus on finding who are the respondents’. The independent
variable in the study is the open-ended questionnaire and the
dependent variable is the participants’ response to the items. To control
the extraneous variables, participants will only be allowed to complete
the questionnaire in the presence of the researchers to create a
controlled setting, which will increase internal validity of the
variables. The data that will be collected will be the answers to the
open- ended questionnaires and these will be analyzed.

• Using the random sampling method to obtain the number of respondents, the study will utilize

fifteen (20) grade 10 students from La Paz, Iloilo City.

• The researchers will prepare a consent letter and questionnaire in conducting this study for the

respondents. The researchers will set a schedule for an interview and will validate their questionnaires

guided by their research adviser. After the research adviser corrected and approved the questionnaire,

the researchers will conduct the interview with the permission letter from the respondents.
Test/ Instrument

• The instrument used in gathering data will be a questionnaire.

An open-ended type of questionnaire is constructed in order
to help the researchers distinguish what are the effective
ways to learn in this time of pandemic. Moreover, the open-
ended questionnaire is chosen to give the respondents more
freedom in answering the questions and then will give the
researchers an in-depth understanding.
Data Analysis

The data to be collected from the questionnaire will be reviewed and analyzed. The
dependent and independent variables will be interpreted.

Survey Questionnaire

I. Profile of the Respondents

1. Name:
2. Age legend
• 15- 16 years old
1. Year Level
2. Section
Data Analysis

II. Questions:
1.How would you like to be learning right now?
2.How difficult or easy has it been for you to follow the COVID-related
safety measures and protocols at your school?
3.When you have online schoolwork, how often do you have the
technology (laptop, tablet, computer, etc.) you need?
4.If you are participating in distance learning, how often do you hear
from your teachers individually?
5.If you are participating in distance learning, how often are you talking
with your friends from school?
•The main objective of this study is to distinguish the
effectiveness of new normal system on learners specialized subject.
•Gathering information from the respondents using the
researcher-made questionnaire.
•Gathering some photos, videos from the respondents on how
they learn in amidst of pandemic.
•Review of the information, data, photos, and videos that will be
gathered during the investigation.
•The researchers used the information and concept gathered as the basis for this
study which determined that the new normal system is effective on learners in
English 10 subject.
•Preparing materials needed. The researchers prepared the materials needed for
writing the study such as laptop, computers, notebooks, pens, inkjets, printer and
bond papers.
•The collected data were encoded in the computer to be passed on soft and hard
copy to the teacher for checking. It was returned to the researchers for corrections.
After revisions, the literary outputs were again passed to be submitted to the printing
press and on the book launching, the finished original literary outputs were unveil.
The study is about to determine the effectiveness of new
normal system on learners specialized subject
performance. 3 out of 5 respondents agreed that system
were effective in the reason that teachers gave them
advance learnings before they will proceed to the topic and
teachers designed different teaching strategies until they
going to find out what approach are effective to the
students. While 2 of 5 respondents did not agree due of
lack of motivation and inspiration in this time of pandemic.
It was noted in the last chapter that there are many perspectives from

which problems could be perceived. The study has highlighted some

issues on students' personal information relating to their studies. These

indicated that a vast majority of the students approved the effectivess of

new normal in this time of pandemic in English 10 class.

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