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The word “crime” is derived from the Latin root cernō,which means
"I decide, I give judgment".
In sociology “crime” is an action or omission which constitutes an
offence and is punishable by law.
 Example : robbery,murder,kidnapping,rape etc.
 Types of crime :
1. Personal crime
2. Property crime
3. Inchoate crime
4. Statutory crime
Prevention of crime :
1.Target hardening 2.Surveillance
3.Target removal 4.Environmental change
5.Reducing the means 6.Rule setting
7.Reducing the payoff 8.Mass awareness
9.Access control 10.Deflecting offenders
The word “deviance” connotes odd or unacceptable behavior, it is
simply any violation of society’s norms.
In sociology “deviance” is an action or behavior that violates social
norms, including a formally enacted rule, as well as informal
violations of social norms.
“Deviance” is a behavioral disposition that is not in conformity
with an institutionalized set-up or code of conduct.
 Types of deviance :
1.Falsely accusing
2.Pure deviance
4.Secret deviance
Prevention of deviance :
1.Focus on adolescence 2.Peer influence
3.Social interaction 4.Weak bond

5.Socialization 6.Prevention programs

7.Social link
The term "social control" was first coined by Albion Woodbury
Small and George Edgar Vincent in 1894
The term “social control” is defined as certain rules and standards
in society that keep individuals bound to conventional standards as
well as the use of formalized mechanisms
“Social control” is considered one of the foundations of order
within society 
Following are three main characteristics :

1.It is an influence exerted through social suggestions, public

opinion, religion and appeal.
2.Influence is exercised by society bitterly than a single person or
3.Every control as influence exercised by a specific society for the
promoting of group welfare.
Sociologist identify two basic forms of social control :
1.informal means of control
2.formal means of social control
Importance of social control :
1.Re-establishing the old social system
2.Regulation of individual social behavior
3.Obedience to social decision
4.To establish social unity
5.To bring solidarity
6.To bring conformity in society
7.To provide social sanction
8.To check cultural maladjustment

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