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In this meeting we are going to learn:
• Congratulating someone
• Give compliment
• Expressing wish and hope
Pay Attention to the following pictures!
Pay attention to this video!
A. Congratulating

Congratulation adalah ucapan selamat yang ditujukan

kepada seseorang atas kebahagiaan/keberuntungan
yang sedang dialami atau  prestasi/kesuksesan yang
telah diraih.
How to congratulate :
a. Happy ... / Merry . . .
e.g: Happy birthday, Happy anniversary,
b. Congratulations
• Please accept my warmest congratulations.
• Congratulations.
• I’d like to congratulate you on …
2. Responding Congratulation

• Thank you very much for saying so.

• I’m glad you think so.
• Oh, it’s nothing special actually.
• Oh, I have a lot to learn yet.
• Thank you.
3. Example of Congratulating
Situation 1
The teacher is announcing the winner for the story-telling competition.
Teacher  : The winner of the story telling competition in this class is
Students  : Congratulations, Lina.
Lina  : Thank you, Ma’am. Thank you, everybody.
Situation 2
Lina has just got the result of her Math test. Dayu
congratulates her on the result of her Math test.
Lina  :   Thank God, I’ve got 100  for my Math test.
Dayu  :  Congratulations for the result of your Math test, Lina!
Lina  : Thanks, Dayu.
Situation 3
Udin’s father is congratulating Udin on his birthday.

Udin’s father  :   Happy birthday, Udin. You are a big boy, now.
I’m proud of you.
Udin  :   Thank you, Dad. I’m proud of you, too.
B. Giving Compliment

• Compliment adalah pujian yang kita ucapkan untuk

mengapresiasi orang lain.

• Pujian juga seringkali diucapkan ketika mengucapkan

Here are the expressions used to give compliment :

• You are great. • Well-done!

• You are excellent. • You did it!
• That’s awesome. • You’re the best!
• You deserve it. • etc.
• That’s a very beautiful
• Good job!
Dialog Example :

Situation 1
Edo and Beni are preparing for a running competition.

Edo  :  Amazing, you run like a panther. I’m sure you will win
the race.
Beni  :   I hope so. Thanks.
Dialog Example :
Situation 2
Siti gets a scholarship for her study.
Siti  : Udin, I get a scholarship.
Udin  : Congratulations, Siti. You deserve it. Your parents must be proud
of you.
Siti  : Yes, thanks. It will help them a lot.
Dialog Example :
Situation 3
Lani gets 100 for her English test.
Lani  : Thank God I get 100 for my English test.
Beni  : Wow, that’s great! You are amazing! Congrats, Lani!
Lani  : Thanks, Beni.
C. Hope/ Wish

• Hope/wish adalah ungkapan atau ucapan seseorang yang

menunjukkan doa, harapan dan keinginan terhadap orang lain
supaya lebih baik, dan terkabul cita-cita atau yang menjadi
Expressing Hope/ Wish

• I hope ...
• I hope you will win the first prize.
• I hope you will pass the examination.
• Wish you luck.
• Wish me luck.
• Good luck.
• Get well soon, etc.
Examples :

Situation 1
Zahra is preparing for a singing contest. Shidqi hopes Zahra will be the
Shidqi  :Your voice is amazing, Zahra. I hope you will be the winner of the
singing contest.
Zahra  : Thanks Shidqi. Wish me luck.
Examples :
Situation 2
Lina tells Udin that she will get a scholarship from the government to
finish her school. Udin congratulates her and wish for the best with her
Lina      : Udin, I will get a scholarship from the government to finish my
Udin   : Wow, really? Congrats, Lina. I hope you can do your best.
Examples :
Situation 3
Dayu is going to participate in the running competition to celebrate the
Independence Day. Siti hopes that Dayu will become the winner.

Day : Siti, wish me luck. I will take part in the running competition to
the Independence Day.
Siti : I hope you’ll be the champion, Siti. Good luck!

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