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A. Siswanto
• Not everyone sees the same hazard;
• People interpret hazards differently based on their
viewpoint, knowledge and experience.
Principle of Management

Those managing safety and health should adhere to the

following basic principles.
1. Management is ultimately responsible for
occupational safety and health.
2. Thus, the need for commitment, budgeting, and
planning for safety falls upon management’s
Principle of
3. Poor safety conditions and safety performance by the
workforce result from management’s failure to
effectively manage workplace safety and health —-
Accidents and incidents result from management’s
inability to manage safety and health as they would
any other company function.
Principle of

4. Worker and supervisor involvement are critical to

good workplace safety and health.
A workforce that is not involved in safety and health
has no ownership and thus feels no investment,
responsibility, or accountability for it.
Principle of
• Hazard identification and analysis are critical
functions in assuring a safe and healthy work
• If management and the workforce do not tolerate the
existence of hazards and constantly ask the question,
‘‘How could this have happened?’’ they are better
able to get to the basic causes of adverse workplace
Principle of
• Management’s philosophy, actions, policies, and
procedures regarding safety and health in the
workplace put workers into situations where they
must disregard good safety and health practices to
perform their assigned task or work.
• Workers in most cases perform work in an unsafe
or unhealthy manner when they have no choice or
are forced to do so by existing conditions and
Principle of

It is critical to obtain safe and healthy

performance or behavior by effective
communications and motivational procedures
that are compatible with the culture of your
Principle of

If you do not understand what it is that fulfills the

needs of your workforce, you will not be able to
communicate or motivate them regarding safety and
health outcomes no matter how good your
management approach.
Mechanical Hazards
Trapping hazards Impact hazards Contact hazards Entanglement Ejection hazards
(includes puncture) (cutting, friction or hazards (eg of workpiece or
abrasion) (rotating parts) part of tool)

• Two moving • Something • Something • Drill chuck • Catridge tool

parts or one that may sharp or with and bit • Thicknessing
moving part strike or stab a rough • Power take off machine
and a fixed someone or surface shaft • Using
surface can be struck • Knife, chisel, • Pipe threading hammer and
• Conveyor belt against saw, etc. machine chisel
and drive • Moving • Blender blade • Abrasive • Abrasive
• Vee belt and vehicle • Circular saw wheel. wheel.
pulley • Robot arm blade
• Power press • Sewing • Sanding belt
• Mangle machine • Abrasive
• Guillotine • Drill wheel
• Scissors • Hypodermic • Hover mower
• Stapler needle • Blade.
• Using • Pendulum
hammer. • Crane hook.
Electrical, Pressure, Stored Energy, Stability,
Electrical hazards Pressure Stored energy Stability Overload/
hazards hazards hazards defective due to

Electricity: • Compress • Springs under • Inadequate • Crane

• Electricity ed air tension crane base overload
above 240V • Compress • Springs under • Forklift • Chain sling
• Electricity ed gas compression truck on • Eye bolt
(240V) • Steam • Hoist slope overload
• Electricity boiler platform/list • Machine not • Scaffold
(110V) • Vacuum cage bolted down overload
• Extra low volt • Hydraulic • Conveyor • Mobile • Hopper
electricity system. tension weight scaffold too overfill.
IgnitionSourcs • Raised tipper high
•Static lorry body • Scaffold not
• Counterweight tied.
• Batteries.
• Load carried
by crane.
Radiation, Noise, Vibration and
Thermal Hazards
Radiation hazards Noise hazards Vibration hazards Thermal hazards

Electricity: • Pneumatic drill • Pneumatic drill • Hot surface

• X Rays • Operation of • Operation of • Using blow
•  or  radiation plant. plant. lamp
• neutrons • Welding
Ignition Sources:
• Refrigerant
• Microwave
• Steam.
• Radio frequency
• Laser
• Ultraviolet
• Infrared.
Fire/explosion Hazards
Combustible Flammable Oxidizing Dust
hazards substances substances explosion

• Timber stack • Petrol • Organic • Coal dust

• Coal store • Propane gas peroxide • Wood dust
• Grease • Methane • Potassium • Aluminium
• Magnesium • Carbon permanganate powder
• Straw monoxide • Nitric acid • Flour
• Plastic foam • Methanol • Explosive
• Paraffin material
• Oxygen
enrichment. • Acetone • Fireworks
• Toluene • Proprietary
• Detonators
• Some oxidising
Hazardous Substances
Corrosive/ Fumes Vapor Gases

• Sulphuric • Lead fume • Acetone • Carbon

acid • Rubber • 1,1,1-tri- monoxide
• Caustic soda fume chloroetahane • Hydrogen
• Man made • Asphalt • Dichloro- sulfide
mineral fibr fumes methane • Carbon
• Benzene disulfide
• Isocyanates • Sulfur

Hazards Associated with Work Organization
Contractor Organization of work Work in public areas

• Work above • Monotonous work • Trailing cables

employees • Stress • Traffic/plant
• Use of harmful • Too much work movement
substances • Lack of control job • Obstruction to
• Contractors’ • blind person
welding Work too
demanding. • Obstruction to
• Process fumes prams, etc.
• Services (e.g. • Work above public
electricity cables)
• Stored hazardous

Other Types of Hazards
Attack by animals Attacked by people Natural hazards

• Bees • Criminal attack • Lightning

• Dog • Angry customer • Flash flood.
• Bull • Angry student
• Fleas • Drunken person
• Snake. • Drug abuser
• Mentally ill person

Hazardous Substances
Mists Asphyxiants Ingestion Contact hazards

• Oil mist • Nitrogen • Toxic, harmful, • Swarf

• Printing ink • Carbon dioxide corrosive and • Rough timber
mist • Argon. irritant liquids • Concrete
• Water- • Poisons, eg all blocks
legionella harmful • Molten metal
• frozen food.
polluted water,
food and drink.
Hazards Associated with the Workplace
Access Work at heights Obstruction Stacking/ Work over/near
storing hazards liquids, dusts,
grain, etc.
Trips/slips: • Fragile roof • Low headroom • High stacks • Grain silo
• Damaged floor • Edge of roof • Sharp • Insecure • Tank
• Trailing cables • Edge of projections. stacks • Reservoir
• Oil spills mezzanine • Inadequate • Sump
• Water on floor floor racking • Work over
• Debris • Work on • Stacking at river
ladder heights. • Work near
• Wet grass
• Erecting canal.
• Sloping
• Hole in floor.
• Uneven steps
• Changes in
floor level
• Locked exits
• Obstructed
• Long exit route
Hazards Associated with the Work Environment
Light Temperature Confine Ventilation

• Glare Indoor work: • Work in tank • Fumes

• Poor lighting • Work in furnace • Chimney • Odours
• Stroboscopic • Cold room • Pit • Tobacco
effect Out door work: • Basement smoke.
• Arc welding • Hot weather • Unventilated
• Molten metal. • Cold weather room
• Win chill factor • Vessel
• Work in rain, • Silo.
snow etc..
Hazards Associated with Work Methods
Manual Handling Repetitive Posture

• Lifting • Keyboard work • Seated work

• Lowering • Using screwdriver • Work above head
• Carrying • Using hammer and height
• Pushing chisel • Work at floor level.
• Pulling • Plucking chickens
• Hot / cold loads • Production line
• Rough loads tasks.
• Live loads, ie
person or animal.
Hazards Associated with Work Methods
Manual Handling Repetitive Posture

• Lifting • Keyboard work • Seated work

• Lowering • Using screwdriver • Work above head
• Carrying • Using hammer and height
• Pushing chisel • Work at floor level.
• Pulling • Plucking chickens
• Hot / cold loads • Production line
• Rough loads tasks.
• Live loads, ie
person or animal.




Risk Management

If for any reason it is not possible to integrate risk

management across an entire organization, it may still be
possible to apply it successfully to individual
departments, processes or projects.
Risk Management
is to understand risk
and to mitigate the risk
to an acceptable level.
Risk Management

 Risk management is recognized as an integral part of

good management practice.
 To be most effective, risk management should become
part of an organization’s culture.
• Risk Analysis – The development of a quantitative
estimate of risk based on engineering evaluation &
mathematical techniques for combining estimates of
incident likelihood and consequences
• Risk Assessment – The process by which the results of
a risk analysis (i.e., risk estimates) are used to make
decisions, either through relative ranking of risk
reduction strategies or through comparison with risk
Risk Management

• Risk Management – The planning, organizing, leading

and controlling of an organization’s assets and activities

in ways, which minimize the adverse operational and
financial effects of accidental losses upon the
Risk Management
Step 1 – Risk Assessment
 What might go wrong? (Risk identification)
 What is the likelihood it will go wrong?
(Risk Analysis)
 What are the consequences and how severe? Could we
know the risk? (Risk Evaluation)
Risk Management(cont’d)
Step 2 : Risk Controls
• Is the risk acceptable? (Risk Acceptance)
• If not, what can we do to make it acceptable?
(Risk Reduction)

Step 3 : Risk Communication and Review

 Who need to know about the Risk Assessment and
Control? (Risk Communication)
 Will the situations change later? (Risk Review)
Kapan manajemen resiko dilaksanakan?
Manajemen resiko sebaiknya dilakukan pada tahap-
tahap sebagai berikut:
• Perencanaan suatu proses
• Proses operasi sudah berjalan, dengan dilakukan
secara teratur (terjadual)
• Pada saat pemeliharaan (maintenance) yang
memerlukan penghentian proses operasi (major shut-
• Pada saat penambahan peralatan baru (pembelian
• Bila terdapat keluhan dari pemakai
• Bila terjadi kecelakaan.

Tetapkan sistim
yang akan dikelola

Identifikasi Bahaya

Frekuensi Analisis Akibat

Evaluasi risiko

Risk Assessment Matrix

Pengendalian dan Pemantauan Risiko

Identifikasi Bahaya

Identifikasi Bahaya - Hazard Identification :

Penetapan/penentuan dari suatu bahan, system,
proses dan karakteristik pabrik yang dapat menimbulkan
akibat yang tidak diinginkan akibat suatu kecelakaan.
(The pinpointing of material, system, process, and plant
characteristics that can produce undesirable
consequences through the occurrence of an incident).
Pengelolaan Resiko - Risk Management : Penerapan
secara sistematis dari kebijakan manajemen, prosedur dan
pelaksanaan tugas, untuk menganalisis, menilai dan
mengendalikan risiko dalam upaya melindungi manusia,
lingkungan dan asset perusahaan.
(The systematic application of management policies,
procedures, and practices to the tasks of analyzing,
assessing, and controlling risk in order to protect the
people, the environment, and company assets.)
Risk Assessment
• The primary benefit of conducting a risk assessment
is to evaluate the hazards of a situation prior to
the occurrence of an incident or accident.
• Having this knowledge, the organization or the
affected person can then make an informed decision
on whether or not to accept that risk.

accident Unacceptable

incident Acceptable

near miss No outcomes

Risk Assessment
• A risk assessment program is but one of the many
necessary elements for a successful risk
management program.
• Once assessed, the organization needs to be prepared
to act on the findings and resulting
Risk Assessment

The PLAN (identification of safety and health aspect)

of the management system needs to be supported by
the DO (implementation and operation), the CHECK
(checking and corrective action), and the ACT
(management review).
Risk Assessment
• In its simplest form, a risk assessment is the process
of making a determination of how safe a situation is.
• William Lowrance defines safety is “ a judgment of
the acceptability of risk” and risk as “ a measure of
the probability and severity of harm to human health”.
• Risiko tidak dapat dihilangkan, artinya risiko akan
selalu ada, sebagaimana hukum aksi-reaksi.
• Risiko merupakan akibat dari suatu aksi. Misalnya, risiko
yang berhubungan dengan kematian, kehilangan,
kerusakan dll.
• Hanya dengan menghilangkan aktivitas atau faktor bahaya
lainnya, risiko dapat dihindari.

Risk assessment is
the overall process of
estimating the
magnitude of risk and
deciding whether or
not the risk is
• In using the RAM, the consequence severity is
based on the potential outcome of the incident
rather than the actual outcome i.e. what might
have happened realistically rather than what
actually happened, and the likelihood estimate is
based on the previous occurrence of this
consequence due to this type of incident.
Penggunaan RAM (Risk Assessment Matrix)
RAM dapat dipergunakan dalam berbagai hal seperti :
RAM can be used for various purposes such as:
• Risk Assessement sebagai bagian dari Risk
Management (Risk assessment as part of HSE
Risk Management).
• Penetapan Prioritas upaya reduksi risiko
(Prioritizing risk reduction efforts).
• Memperlihatkan ketekunan dalam pengendalian
risiko berdasarkan kepada tingkat risikonya
(Demonstrate due diligence in risk control
according to the degree of risk).
Penggunaan RAM (lanjutan)

• Penetapan komposisi team investigasi kecelakaan

(determining incident investigation team composite).
• Mengkasifikasikan laporan near miss, inspeksi dan
temuan audit (classifying near miss reports, inspection
and audit findings).
• After assessing the severity of the potential
consequence, the likelihood of the estimated
consequences occurring is estimated based on historical
evidence or experience that such consequences have
materialized within the industry or the company.
• A scale of “0” to “5” is used to indicate increasing
probability in likelihood axis (horizontal axis).
Risk Management is
the opportunities and
adverse culture,
processes, structures
that are directed
towards the effective
management of
potential effects.
Manajemen Risiko
Penerapan secara sistematis dari kebijakan
manajemen, prosedur dan aktivitas dalam
kegiatan identifikasi bahaya, analisis, penilaian,
penanganan dan pemantauan serta review risiko.
Manfaat Manajemen Risiko

Impelementasi manajemen risiko adalah untuk

menginvetarisasi, serta menilai jenis bahaya di
tempat kerja, dan hasilnya digunakan untuk
meminimalkan tingkat bahaya.

Manfaat Manajemen Risiko
• Dapat memberikan informasi tentang berbagai jenis
bahaya dan risiko yang ada di tempat kerja, serta
potensinya untuk menimbulkan bahaya.
• Dapat digunakan untuk menentukan strategi dan jenis
pengendalian yang berhubungan dengan pengaturan
anggaran K3.
• Dapat digunakan untuk perencanaan penyusunan program
keadaan darurat.

Ruang Lingkup:
Ruang lingkup menunjukkan batasan di mana HIRADC
dilakukan, dengan cara menentukan area, kegiatan,
proses, dan waktu yang dipertimbangkan selama
pembuatan HIRADC.
Tugas Kritis
Tugas pekerjaan apa saja yang karena jenis dan sifatnya
atau stressor-nya dapat menimbulkan bahaya dan risiko


Job Safety Analysis

• JSA is the systematic examination of a job

intended to identify potential hazards, assess the
degree of risk, and evaluate practical measures
to control the risk.
Job Safety Analysis
• It must be kept in mind that JSA is not a workplace
inspection or an audit procedure.
• Workplace inspection is a systematic examination of
workplace conditions and practices to determine their
confirmity with company procedures and compliance
with prescribed health and safety regulations.
Job Safety Analysis
• A JSA should be proactive, although it may be used in
response to a rising rate of injuries and illnesses.
• Hazards should be recognized and preventive
measures implemented at the planning and organizing
stages of the work.
• It should be emphasized that the focus of JSA is to
examine the job and not the person who is doing the
How to Perform A JSA
1. Selecting the job to be analyzed.
2. Breaking the job down into a sequence of
3. Identifying potential hazards.
4. Determining preventive measures to control
these hazards.
5. Communicating the information to others.
How to Perform a JSA

Factors to be considered in assigning priorities

include :
• Accident, injury and illness statistics
• Absenteeism
• Signs and symptoms of harmful exposures
• Potential for severe injuries and illnesses
• Modified jobs
• Infrequently performed job
How to Perform a JSA
Factors to be considered in assigning priorities
include (continued) :
• Jobs with frequent work interruption due to
technical difficulties
• Jobs with excessive waste generation and
production losses
• Jobs where employees are required to work
alone in isolated workplaces
• Jobs with the potential for violence in workplace
• If all hazads evaluations were perfect, then it would
not matter which hazard evaluation technique is used or
who perform the analysis.
• But, unfortunately, neither the techniques, teams,
analysts nor studies can ever be perfect.
• Neither hazard evaluation technique nor an analyst can
guarantee that all possible incident situations involving a
process have been identified.
Organizations deal with the limitation of completeness in
two main ways .
• First, they use interdisiplinary teams to perform the
analysis, capitalizing (mempergunakan) the team
members’ combined experince.
• This ‘many heads are better than one’ strategy is the
key to performing high quality hazard evaluations
when using certain techniques (e.g. HAZOP analysis,
What if/Checklist analysis).
• Second, organizations tend to use more systematic
techniques for those processes that they believe pose
higher risk (or, at least, for situations in which
incidents are expected to have severe consequences).
• Thus, the greater the perceived risk of the process, the
more important it is to use hazard evaluation
techniques that minimize the chance of missing an
important incident situation.
• Risk shoud be reduced to a level that is both ‘tolerable
and As Low As Resonably practicable (ALARP).
• Alarp can be demonstrated if alternatives have been
considered and it is concluded that further risk
reduction are impraticable or the costs to further reduce
the risk are grossly disproportionate to the
improvements gained.
Kondisi dan /atau cara kerja yang berpotensi
menyebabkan kerugian. OHSAS 18001-2007
mendefinisikan bahaya sebagai sumber, situasi, atau
tindakan yang berpotensi menyebabkan
cedera/menimbulkan penyakit atau kerusakan harta
benda atau kerusakan lingkungan atau kombinasi dari
ke tiganya.
Identifikasi Awal Berbagai Faktor Bahaya
Tujuan :
1. Menjaga pekerja selalu waspada terhadap bahaya dari
proses produksi
2. Tinjauan prosedur operasi (operating procedures)
untuk kebutuhan revisi,
3. Mengidentifikasi peralatan atau perubahan proses
yang mungkin menghasilkan bahaya baru.
4. Mengevaluasi sistem kontrol dan safety
5. Tinjauan terhadap penerapan teknologi baru untuk
mengetahui adanya potensi bahaya
6. Tinjauan pelaksanaan inspeksi dan maintenance

• Peluang terjadinya suatu kerugian. Keterpajanan
terhadap bahaya; kemungkinan terjadi cedera
akibat bahaya tertentu. Risiko memiliki
kemungkinan dan keparahan konsekuensi.
• Risiko bukanlah hasil (outcome) dari kejadian.
• OHSAS 18001: 2007 mendefinisikan risiko
sebagai kombinasi dari kemungkinan terjadinya
suatu kejadian bahaya atau keterpaparan dan
keparahan kecederaan atau penyakit yang dapat
disebabkan oleh kejadian atau keterpaparan
Risiko Murni
Risiko apa saja yang teridentifikasi yang berdiri
sendiri dan dapat dikuantifikasi dan belum diatasi
dengan penggunaaan suatu kontrol.
Risiko Sisa
Risiko sisa adalah risiko yang masih ada setelah
tindakan pengendalian (kontrol) diterapkan.
Penilaian Risiko Awal
• Penilaian risiko yang dilakukan pada tahap awal
operasi dan/atau tugas bertujuan untuk mengukur di
tingkat mana kontrol yang ada terimplementasi secara
efektif dan untuk menentukan apakah diperlukan
pengontrolan lebih lanjut.
• Penilaian baseline risk juga akan dilaksanakan bila
terdapat perubahan metodologi penambangan
/pekerjaan, penggunaan alat baru misalnya jenis truk,
eksplosif yang baru, pemakaian bahan kimia baru,
mensosialisasikan SOP yang baru, dll.

Identifikasi Bahaya
Proses untuk mengetahui bahwa suatu bahaya ada di
tempat kerja dan menentukan karakteristik dari bahaya
Penilaian Risiko Informal
Penilaian risiko yang dilakukan di tempat kerja oleh
personil atau kelompok yang ditugaskan, bersamaan
dengan inspeksi tugas, inspeksi keliling, observasi
pekerjaan, dll.
Identifikasi Bahaya

Identifikasi Bahaya
Metode untuk mengidentifikasi bahaya dari suatu
proses, pekerjaan atau aktivitas yang kritis:
 Menggunakan peta/chart proses atau kegiatan.
 Menentukan batasan/lingkup.
 Menentukan sumber energi yang timbul dalam
tahapan pekerjaan/proses.
 Membuat daftar jenis sumber energi yang timbul
dalam tahapan pekerjaan/proses

Flow Diagram Yes No
1. Raw material
2. By-products/waste
3. Quantities
4. Product movement and means of conveyance
5. Routes
6. Equipment involved/ population and distribution
7. People involved/population and distribution
8. Position of energy sources, types and quantity
9. Processes
10. Output in product and waste material
11. Raw material consumption
12. Emission/discharge points
13. Land use and types
14. Energy sources
Job Safety Observation

Bertujuan memperbaiki atau

meningkatkan mutu K3 melalui
pengamatan sikap dan cara
seseorang dalam melakukan
Job Safety Observation
• Job Safety observation (JSO) adalah suatu metoda
pengamatan suatu pekerjaan untuk meningkatkan mutu
pelaksanaan keselamatan kerja.
• Kegiatan ini biasanya dilakukan sewaktu-waktu oleh
para pengawas tanpa sepengetahuan operator yang
Job Safety Observation
Pengamatan pekerja dalam melaksanakan
pekerjaan aspek K3 meliputi :
• Penilaian risiko bahaya
• Penilaian cara kerja yang tidak aman
• Penilaian cara kerja yang aman,
• Melakuan koreksi
• Memberi penghargaan cara kerja yang aman
Identifikasi Bahaya
Kegiatan Jenis bahaya Potensi bahaya Yang dapat terjadi
(activities) (types of (what can harm you – (what could happen -
hazards) hazards?) risks?)
Memindahkan Ergonomi: • Mengangkat/membawa Cedera, contoh.
karung seberat Penanganan beban terlalu berat pinggang/punggung
15 kg manual (manual • Teknik mengangkat yang Keseleo/terkilirr
handling) salah
• Posisi mengangkat/
membawa salah
• Lokasi terlalu jauh
• Housekeeping yang buruk
Penilaian Risiko
Risiko Penilaian Risiko Tingkat
(risks) (Risk Assessment) Risiko
Akibat Ranking Peluang Ranking
(outcome) (probability)

Penanganan Cedera 3 Material tidak C S

manual punggung: berat tetapi sudah (signifikan)
tidak dapat didahului dengan
bekerja selama adanya cedera
1 minggu ringan pada

Pengendalian Risiko

Risiko Pengendalian Risiko PJ (PIC) Lamanya/

(risks) (Risk Control) Durasi

Penanganan • Kurangi beban Supervisor 2 minggu

manual • Buat instruksi kerja/pedoman
mengenai teknik mengangkat
yang benar
• Gunakan alat angkat/angkut

Identifikasi Bahaya
Kegiatan Jenis bahaya Potensi bahaya Yang dapat terjadi
(activities) (types of (what can harm you – (what could happen -
hazards) hazards?) risks?)

Penilaian Risiko
Risiko Penilaian Risiko Tingkat
(risks) (Risk Assessment) Risiko
Akibat Ranking Peluang Ranking
(outcome) (probability)

Pengendalian Risiko

Risiko Pengendalian Risiko PJ (PIC) Lamanya/

(risks) (Risk Control) Durasi


Division : PT ASON Indonesia Date of HIRADC: 10-1-2008

Department: Housekeeping Date of Review: -
Team Members:
-Facilitator: Aman
Process / Operation: General Office Cleaning
-Leader: Mitos
-Members: Iwan, Husin, Nurdin
Scope: Part time cleaners-contractor, day shift, office areas

Risk Identified (Pure Type of Risk
Calculation Risk
No Critical Task Hazards
Risk) Rank
S H E Cons Freq

1 Cleaning floor

Handling cleaning
3 Lifting equipment

4 Working at height

5 Operating machine

Cleaning electrical
TIPE RISIKO (konsekuensi)
energi Kesehatan& Perlengkapa Penundaan Lingkungan
keselamatan n & aset produksi
KIMIA Luka Bakar Kebakaran Tidak tersedia Polusi air
Kerusakan paru- Ledakan Terlalu banyak Polusi udara
paru Korosi Terlalu sedikit Polusi tanah
Keracunan Meleleh Bahankimia keliru

LISTRIK Luka bakar Kebakaran Tidak tersedia Psumber daya

Shock Kerusakan Terlalu banyak– Polusi
Kerusakan mata Korslet amps enggunaan
Back feed Terlalu sedikit–
Tegangan salah
MEKANIS Kontusi Dampak Tidak tersedia
Benturan kerusakan Terlalu banyak
Cedera tumbukan Kegagalan Terlalu sedikit
struktur Mesin keliru

TEKANAN Kontusi Tekanan Tidak tersedia Perubahan-

Cedera Tumbukan berlebih Terlalu banyak
Kerusakan perubahan
Luka potong Terlalu sedikit
Kerusakan Topografis
Catatan: Efektivitas Kontrol : 0% - 100%
Efektivitas Tingkat
Ref Tingkat Risiko Kontrol yang Ada Kontrol (%) Risiko Kontrol Tambahan yang Direkomendasikan
No Sisa
S H E S H E Elimina Substitus Engineeri Admin. APD
si i ng

4 21 Kebijakan “Dilarang Berdiri 25 16 MOP

di Atas Kursi”
Pelatihan bagi Karyawan
tentang Sistem Kerja Tangga
untuk Kebersihan

1 21 Warning cones ditempatkan 50 11 Sistem Sepatu

pada area lantai basah 2 mop Sensibl
Menginstruksikan agar e
karyawan menjauh dari lantai
Petugas kebersihan
menggunakan soket listrik
yang terdekat dengan area
kerja untuk mengurangi risiko

6 8 Implementasi cek pra- 75 2

operasi untuk mesin-mesin
Karyawan dilatih untuk tidak
memercikkan air dekat soket
atau alat listrik
Risiko Rencana Tindakan
Sisa (Kontrol Tambahan) Sumberdaya Status
Ref Penanggung Tanggal Tanggal
yang Kemaju
No Jawab Mulai Selesai
Dialokasikan an (%)

Sistem Data
1 Semua Staf melaksanakan
4 Base– Catatan Robi 3-2-09 28-2-09
6 MOP sesuai jadual
dan Analisis

- Dianggarkan Riso 3-2-09 28-4-09

pada Kuartal 2
-Untuk mengurangi risiko
terpeleset, kenalkan sistem
2 mop untuk membersihkan Rosa 3-2-09 8-2-09
lantai—mop basah diikuti -Buat WO dan
1 11 oleh mop kering. Stok W/H stock
- Petugas kebersihan
diinstruksikan untuk
memakai sepatu sensibel
Tabel Konsekuensi
S Perkiraan Kerugian (USD)
(1) Keruakan Alat
(2) Interupsi Usaha DAMPAK LEGAL
(3) Liabilitas Legal

Lebih dari 100 Lebih dari 2 atau lebih kematian disebabkan oleh
7 Usaha Tutup > 100 MM Usaha Dihentikan
fatalistas 10 fatalitas penyakit akibat kerja (PAK) (katastrofi)

Lebih dari 1 kematian disebabkan oleh penyakit Berdampak berat

6 Katastrofi 5 - 100 MM Lebih dari 10 fatalitas
1 fatalitas akibat kerja (disaster) terhadap usaha

Cedera yg bisa merenggut nyawa atau cedera

Pertimbangan legal
5 Sangat Kritis 500,000 - 5 MM Lebih dari 1 fatalitas 1 fatalitas cacat atau Kasus PAK berganda. Mengalami
keguguran (Sangat serius) yang berat

Pengaruh kesehatan tidak bisa dipulihkan.

100,000 - Dirawat /masuk PAK yang dapat dikompensasi.
4 Kritis 1 fatalitas Pertimbangan legal
500,000 Rumah Sakit Kemungkinan mengalami keguguruan

25,000 - Kasus kehilangan Keluhan adanya bau Mengalami pengaruh kesehatan yang
3 Menengah Investigasi Eksternal
100,000 hari kerja (yang ditimbulkan) dapat dipulihkan, PAK.

Kasus tindakan
Diduga mengalami pengaruh kesehatan Insiden yang dapat
2 Minimal 100 - 25,000 medis atau hari kerja Tidak ada
yang dapat dipulihkan dilaporkan
Persyaratan yang lengkap dari kontrol yang ada dipenuhi dan ditaati dan tidak ada
100% ISTIMEWA keraguan bahwa persyaratan tersebut secara penuh diimplementasikan dan berfungsi.

Kontrol yang ada diimplementasikan dan berfungsi tetapi masih perlu ditingkatkan.

Kontrol yang ada diimplementasikan dan berfungsi. Tetapi, masih ada celah yang jelas
DIIMPLEMENTASIKAN yang harus diperbaiki. Semua detil persyaratan pada kontrol yang ada tidak dipenuhi, dan
DENGAN BAIK beberapa pekerjaan masih harus dilakukan agar memenuhi detil persyaratan.

Persyaratan kontrol yang ada diimplementasikan cukup baik, tetapi masih memerlukan
65% DIIMPLEMENTASIKAN tindakan spesifik dan terfokus untuk memenuhi persyaratan.

Persyaratan kontrol yang ada telah diimplementasikan sampai taraf tertentu. Ada pengertian
DIIMPLEMENTASIKAN tentang persyaratan-persyaratan, tatapi dengan jelas memerlukan tindakan-tindakan spesifik
SEPARUH untuk direncanakan dan diimplementasikan.

Walaupun suatu tindakan dilakukan untuk memenuhi persyaratan suatu item, ada celah-celah
DIIMPLEMENTASIKAN ((gaps) yang jelas dan ada kemungkinan kesalahpahaman terhadap beberapa tindakan-tindakan
40% spesifik yang masih perlu diambil agar bisa secara semestinya mengimplementasikan kontrol
yang ada.

Tidak ada tindakan riil yang telah diambil untuk mengimplementasikan persyaratan. Jelas bahwa
hal-hal tertentu dari persyaratan tidak dipahami. Intervensi spesifik harus harus diambil untuk
memastikan bahwa kemajuan dibuat untuk mengimplementasikan persyaratan.

Ada pengertian bahwa tindakan harus diambil tetapi hingga tanggal ini tidak ada sesuatu yang
15% ADA PENGERTIAN telah dilakukan untuk mengimplementasikan persyaratan kontrol yang ada.

Tidak ada yang sudah dilakukan sampai dengan tanggal ini untuk mengimplementasikan
TIDAK persyaratan kontrol yang ada. Tidak ada pertimbangan implementasi dalam waktu dekat.
0% Pengertian tentang persyaratan mungkin ada, tetapi tidak ada tindakan spesifik untuk
Divisi: PT ASON Indonesia
Tanggal Pembuatan HIRADC: 10-1-2009
Departemen: Housekeeping
Tanggal Reviu: -
Anggota Tim:
Proses/Operasi: General Office Cleaning
-Fasilitator: Aman
-Pimpinan: Hasan
Ruang Lingkup: Part time cleaners-contractor, day shift, office areas
-Anggota: Suparno, Husin, Nurdin

Risiko yang Kalkulasi

Jenis Risiko Tingkat
No Pekerjaan Bahaya Diidentifikasi (Risiko Risiko
S H E Kons Frek

Lantai licin, Terpeleset, terjerembab,

1 Membersihkan lantai X 3 7 21
ketidakteraturan jatuh

Menangani bahan kimia Terkena bahan-bahan

2 Bahan-bahan kimia X 2 3 6
pembersih kimia pembersih

Mengangkat barang
Praktek pengangkatan
3 secara manual Sakit punggung X 2 3 6
yang tidak benar

Berdiri di atas kursi

4 Bekerja di ketinggian untuk melakukan Jatuh dari kursi X 3 7 21

Risiko cedera bila mesin

Pengoperasian mesin
5 Mengoperasikan mesin menghantam kaki atau X 3 2 6
yang tidak benar
mata kaki

Tersengat atau terbakar

Menggunakan alat
6 Listrik karena alat listrik yang X 2 4 8
pembersih listrik
Catatan: Efektivitas Kontrol : 0% - 100%
Efektivitas Tingkat
Ref Tingkat Kontrol Kontrol (%) Risiko Kontrol Tambahan yang
No Risiko yang Ada Sisa

Eli Admi
S H E S H E Subs Eng PPE
m. n.

4 21

1 21

6 8
Catatan: Efektivitas Kontrol: 0% - 100%
Efektivitas Tingk Kontrol Tambahan yang
Re Tingkat Kontrol yang Ada Kontrol at Direkomendasikan
f Risiko (%) Risiko
N Sisa
S H E S H E Elimin Substit Enginee Adm APD
o asi usi ring in.

4 21  Kebijakan “Dilarang 2
Berdiri di Atas Kursi” 5
 Pelatihan bagi Karyawan
tentang Sistem Kerja
Tangga untuk Kebersihan

1 21  Warning cones ditempatkan 5

pada area lantai basah 0
 Menginstruksikan agar
karyawan menjauh dari lantai
 Petugas kebersihan
menggunakan soket listrik
yang terdekat dengan area
kerja untuk mengurangi risiko
terjerembab over leads.

6 8  Implementasi cek pra-operasi 7

untuk mesin-mesin pembersih. 5
 Karyawan dilatih untuk tidak
memercikkan air dekat soket
atau alat listrik
Rekomendasi dan Rencana
Risiko Rencana Tindakan
Sisa (Kontrol Status
Ref Tambahan) Penanggung Tanggal Tanggal Kema-
No Jawab Mulai Selesai juan
Tahap 2 : Tentukan Frekuensi

Frekuensi adalah suatu ukuran tingkat kejadian dari

suatu peristiwa yang dinyatakan sebagai jumlah
kejadian suatu peristiwa dalam waktu yang tertentu.
Yang perlu dipertimbangkan:
• Seberapa sering situasi terjadi
• Berapa orang yang terpapar
• Ketrampilan dan pengalaman para pekerja
• Kondisi pabrik/peralatan
• Kondisi lingkungan
Tabel Frekuensi
7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Satu kali
Satu kali Tidak Diiperkir
Lebih selama Sangat Frekuensi untuk
dalam 10 selama akan
dari satu Satu kali keberadaa tidak
tahun keberad tidak Keselamatan Kerja
kali per per tahun n pabrik mungki
(Dapat aan akan dan Pengelolaan
tahun (Mungkin) (Kemungki n untuk
Terjadi) pabrik pernah Keadaan Darurat
(Sering) nan terjadi
(Jarang) terjradi

Dapat Dapat
Agak Agak
Sangat Mungkin terjadi. terjadi.
mungkin mungkin
mungkin terjadi. Dalam Dalam Sangat
terjadi. terjadi.
terjadi. Dalam beberap bebera tidak
Dalam Dalam Frekuensi untuk
Hampir beberapa a gilir pa gilir mungkin
beberapa beberapa Kesehatan Kerja
setiap gilir kerja kerja kerja untuk
gilir kerja gilir kerja
gilir selama 1 selama selama terjadi
selama selama
kerja minggu 1 10
1 bulan 6 bulan
tahun. tahun
Tahap 3: Hitung Tingkat Risiko (K X F)
49 42 35 28 21 14 7

42 36 30 24 18 12 6

35 30 25 20 15 10 5

28 24 20 16 12 8 4

21 18 15 12 9 6 3

14 12 10 8 6 4 2

7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Tahap 4: Urutkan Tingkat Risiko
Kemungkinan terjadi ( Likelihood / Probability )

• Rare : Kemungkinan terjadinya bahaya sangat kecil

( pada keadaan luar biasa )
• Unlikeky : Biasa tidak terjadi namun kemungkinan
terjadi tetap ada.
• Possible : Kemungkinan terjadi bahaya kecil atau
merupakan kebetulan
• Likely : Kemungkinan terjadi bahaya pada keadaan
• Almost certain : Sangat mungkin terjadi bahaya
Kategori tingkat Resiko ( tingkat bahaya
/Risk Level )

• Negligible : Tidak memerlukan tindakan khusus

( diabaikan )
• Low Risk : Pemantauan untuk memastikan tindakan
pengendalian telah berjalan dengan baik.
• Moderatet: Perlu perhatian den tambahan prosedure /
• High Risk : Perlu mendapat perhatian pihak tertentu
untuk perbaikan.
• Extreme : Perlu segera dilakukan tindakan
E 5 5 10 15 20 25
4 4 8 12 16 20
K 3 3 6 9 12 15
A 2 2 4 6 8 10

1 1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5
Human Environment Property Productivit Never heard Heard of in the Occurred Occurred in Occurred
Injury Damage y Loss of in the industry in Dynea 1 per several times

industry industry 1 5 years per year in

per 20 (before Dynea
years or control) / in (before
several this site control) / in
times per (after this site
year in the control) (after
industry control)
E Catastrop Catastrophic Catastrop Catastro
hic effect hic effect phic High
human effect Risk
D Major Major effect Major Major
human effect effect
C Medium Medium Medium Medium Medium
human effect effect effect Risk
injury (ALARP)

B Minor Minor effect Minor Minor Low Risk

human effect effect (Manage
injury . for
A No None None Insignifi
human cant
Penilaian Risiko
Menentukan prioritas dengan menggunakan Tingkat
• Jangan main tebak jika data dikuantifikasi, gunakan
data statistik yang valid.
• Kekurangan data dapat menyebabkan tebakan yang
tidak jujur.
• Jangan ambil keputusan hanya mendasarkan pada
skor risiko.
• Perilaku manusia sangat kompleks.
Penentuan Kontrol Risiko
• Identifikasi semua kontrol yang ada.
• Periksa dimana keberadaan kontrol tersebut dan
seberapa efektif. Harus dibuat perkiraan tentang
efektivitas alat kontrol yang ada untuk pengendalian
risiko yang ada.
• Tingkat efektivitas alat kontrol akan memberikan
petunjuk/mempengaruhi tingkat paparan risiko dan
membantu untuk mengidentifikasi persyaratan kontrol
Untuk menentukan risiko sisa, ikuti
tahapan berikut ini :

• Tentukan persentasi tingkat efektivitas alat

kontrol yang ada. Contoh, tim memutuskan
bahwa kontrol engineering berjalan cukup efektif,
kontrol administrasi sangat efektif, dan APD juga
efektif. Sehingga dapat diputuskan bahwa
efektivitas keseluruhan adalah 75%.
• Untuk menentukan risiko sisa, persentase tersebut
harus dikurangi dari 100%. Dalam contoh, ini berarti
(100% – 75% = 25%) jadi risiko sisa adalah 25%.
Faktor risiko sisa adalah 0.25.
• Nilai risiko murni sekarang harus dikalikan dengan
faktor risiko sisa untuk memberikan peringkat risiko
• Dalam contoh, jika nilai risiko murni adalah 21,
peringkat risiko sisa adalah 21 x 0.25 = 5.
Hazard adalah sumber bahaya
potensial yang dapat menyebabkan
kecelakaan atau kerusakan harta
Hazard dapat berupa : bahan,
bagian dari mesin, bentuk energi,
metode kerja atau situasi kerja.
Hazard : potential source of
harm, danger or loss
Hazard is anything
that could cause
harm or damage
Hazard – A condition and/or practices with
the potential to cause loss. OHSAS
18001:2007 defines hazard as source,
situation, or act with a potential to do harm in
terms of human injury or ill health property
damage, environmental damage or a
combination of these.
Terms & Definitions
• Acceptable Risk – Risk that has been reduced to a
level that can be tolerated by the organization having
regard to its legal obligations and its own SHE
• Baseline Risk Assessment – A risk assessment
carried out at the initial stage of operation and/or
task(s) to measure in what level the current controls
are effectively implemented and to determine if further
control(s) is required.
Baseline Risk Assessment

• Baseline risk assessment

shall also be carried out when there is changing of
mining/task methodology, using new equipment, such
as newly type of explosive truck, introducing new
materials, such as new chemicals, socializing newly
generated SOP, etc.
Terms & Definitions
• Critical Task – Any work task that by the nature of
it and/or due to a stressor(s) could produce
significant SHE-related hazard(s) and risk(s).
• Hazard – A condition and/or practices with the
potential to cause loss. OHSAS 18001:2007 defines
hazard as source, situation, or act with a potential to
harm in terms of human injury or ill health or a
combination of these.
Terms & Definitions
• Hazard Identification – Process of recognizing that
a hazard exists and defining its characteristics.
• Informal Risk Assessment – A risk assessment that
needs to de carried out on the job by assigned
personnel or a group of personnel, along with their
daily walk-around inspection, planned job
observations, etc.

Willie Hammer dalam Hand Book of System and

Product Safety: "A hazard is condition with the potential
of causing injury to personnel, damage to equipment or
structures, loss of materials, or lessening of ability to
perform a prescribed function. When a hazard is present,
the possibility exist of these adverse effect occurring".
Terms & Definitions

• Pure Risk – any quantifiable, identified risk that

stands alone and has not been mitigated with any
means of control.
• Risk – A chance of loss. Expose to dangers. A
likelihood that harm from a particular hazard may
Hazard Identification

The process of
identifying a hazard
that can lead to an
unwanted event or
Types of Potential Hazard

• Physical Hazards
• Chemical Hazards
• Electrical Hazards
• Mechanical Hazards
• Physiological Hazards
• Biological Hazards
• Ergonomic Hazards
Apakah Hazard ?
Hazard didefinisikan sebagai karakteristik fisik
atau kimia yang sifatnya inherent yang
mempunyai potensi menimbulkan accident
sehingga menyebabkan :

prodution Property environment

death injury Damage
loss loss

product property plant business

 Physical Hazards
Meliputi penerangan, suhu udara,
kelembaban, cepat rambat udara, suara,
vibrasi mekanis, radiasi, tekanan udara
dan lain-lain.
 Chemical Hazards
Berupa gas, uap, debu, kabut, asap,
cairan dan fumes.
 Mechanical Hazards
Bahaya timbul dari konstruksi, mesin
dan instalasi
• Electrical Hazards
Semua potensi bahaya yang
berhubungan dengan listrik (pembebanan
lebih), kebocoran isolasi dll.
Biological Hazards

 Bahaya dari jazad renik, serangga atau

hewan lain ditempat kerja, berbagai
macam penyakit yang timbul seperti
infeksi, alergi dan sengatan atau gigitan
binatang yang menimbulkan berbagai
macam penyakit.
Ergonomic Hazards
Gangguan faal tubuh
karena beban kerja yang
terlalu berat, peralatan
kerja yang tidak sesuai
dan tidak serasi dengan
tenaga kerja, cara
mengangkat dan
mengangkut yabg salah.
 Bahaya : adalah sumber atau keadaan yang
berpotensi terhadap terjadinya kerugian dalam
bentuk cidera atau penyakit.
 Risiko: kombinasi antara kemungkinan suatu
kejadian dalam setiap peristiwa dengan
keparahan akibat yang dinyatakan dalam
 Identifikasi bahaya : adalah proses
mengenal (recognizing process) adanya suatu
bahaya dan menetapkan karateristik dari
bahaya tersebut.
Hazards may fall into one of the
following categories

• Natural hazards • Biological hazards

• System hazards • Social hazards
• Physical hazards • Environmental hazards
• Chemical hazards • Physiological hazards
• Mechanical hazards • Operator hazards
• Psychological • Electrical hazards
• Accident
• Accident statistics
• Inspections
• Discussions,
• Job safety analysis
• Audits
• Checklist
What is risk?

There are two factors related to assessing the

importance or risk of an unwanted event :
1. Likelihood (probability) --- Could it
happen ?
2. Consequences (severity) --- How bad
would it be ?
• Risiko bukan akhir dari kejadian dan juga bukan
apa yang terjadi.
• Sebuah Lubang Besar pada lantai kerja di
processing plant adalah suatu Bahaya. Apabila
tidak ditutup atau diberi pagar pengaman akan
menjadi sebuah resiko.
• Risiko bukan terletak pada lubang tetapi pada
kemungkinan pemaparan terhadap lubang tsb.


• Risk = How often x How bad

• Risk = Frequency x Consequences
• Risk = Frequency x Severity
• Risk = Likelihood x Consequences
• Risk = Probability x Consequences
Hazard Severity

4 Death or severe Lost cost > $ 10,000


3 Injury or moderate Lost cost > $10,000.

health impacts

2 Minor injury or minor Lost cost $ 1,000 - $

health impacts 10,000

1 No injury or health Lost cost < $ 1,000

 Peluang pekerja dapat
tertimpa barang saat
berjalan di bawah daerah
lifting obyek.
 Peluang minyak
melimpah dalam
skimming pit bilamana
hujan terus turun.
 Peluang tanki bahan
bakar meledak bilamana
pekerja melakukan
pekerjaan panas .
Analisis Risiko
Analisis Kualitatif
Metode ini menganalisa dan menilai suatu risiko
dengan cara membandingkan dengan suatu
diskripsi/uraian dari parameter (peluang dan
akibat) yang digunakan. Umumnya digunakan
metode matriks.
Analisis Risiko
Analisis Semikuantitatif

Metode ini pada prinsipnya hampir sama

dengan analisa kualitatif, perbedaannya pada
metode ini uraian/deskripsi dari parameter
yang ada dinyatakan dengan nilai/score
• Risiko = Probability x Konsekuensi
• Risiko = frekwensi x Konsekuensi
• Risiko = ProbabilityxFrekwensixKonsekuensi
• Probability : kemungkinan yg berupa rasio dari
outcome terhadap total kemungkinan outcome
(10 : 100) atau 10 %

The outcomes of
an event such as
an injury or
equipment loss

Tolerable Risk
Risk that has been reduced to a level that can be
endured by the organization having regard to its
legal obligations and its own OH&S policy.
(Risiko yang telah dikurangi sampai pada tingkat
yang dapat ditolerir oleh organisasi dalam hal
kewajiban hukum dan kebijakan K3-nya).
Risk management is about treating
hazards, putting controls over hazards :
• Elimination. substitution, isolation
• Engineering
• Administrative
• Personal protection
Merupakan suatu poses untuk
menentukan apakah suatu
BAHAYA memiliki resiko
tinggi atau tidak
Dua Pertimbangan :

A. Probability (Tingkat Kemungkinan), ada

3 elemen penilaian :
1. Frekuensi Kejadian (FK)
2. Ketersediaan Sistem Proteksi (SP)
3. Maintenance (MC)
B. Severity (Tingkat Keparahan), ada 3
elemen penilaian :
1. Tingkat cidera pada karyawan/dampak
pencemaran (CK)
2. Pengaruhnya pada Kesehatan Karyawan
3. Kerugian Ekonomis (KE)
Level of Risk = Consequences x Frequency x Probability

y/ Tin
i li t
r ob

Frequency/Peluang kejadian
Combination of
(probability) and
(severity) of a
specified hazardous
event occurring.

Risk = f (Likelihood x Consequences)

Consequence Probability
(Hazard Severity) (Likelihood of
The outcomes of an
event related to
environmental loss

The chance of a
consequence will
result from a hazard
Degree of consequence
Likelihood Catastrophic Serious - Minor -
of incident critical marginal
Quite possible

Unusual but


 Driving defensively and being alert could
reduce the likelihood of an accident but would
not reduce the severity of the injury. Some
actions will reduce both the likelihood and the
severity. By driving slower, the chances of an
accident are reduced and the severity of the
accident is lessened (dikurangi).

• The outcome of an event

expressed qualitatively or
quantitatively, being an
injury or loss.
• There may be a range of
possible outcomes
associated with an event.
 The likelihood of a specific event or outcome,
measured by the ratio of specific events or outcomes
to the total number of possible events or outcomes.
 Probability is expressed as a number between 0 and 1,
with 0 indicating an impossible event or outcome and
1 indicating an event or outcome is certain.
A systematic use of
available information
RISK to determine how
often specified
events may occur
and the magnitude
of consequences
Risk Analysis

Adalah perkiraan kuantitatif dengan teknik

matematik dengan menggabungkan konsekuensi dan
frekuensi insiden.
The development of a quantitative estimate of risk
based on mathematical techniques for combining
estimates of incident consequences and frequencies.




Hazard Evaluation
Criteria in classifying hazard and
magnitude of significance risk are based
on :
 Risk of potential hazard = occurrence x

consequences (1-25)
 Occurrence (1-5)
 Consequences of risk (1-5)
Category Occurrence Description

1 Almost impossible Practically

2 Rare Could occur at
certain time
3 Possible Might occur at
4 Likely Will probably occur
in most
5 Almost certain Is expected to
occur in most
Consequences of Hazard
Result of
Category Impact Recovery Inside Open area Air Emission monitoring &
working (m) (EMS—Outdoor) measurement
area (m)
Based on one of the following outcomes
against target or
Threshold Limit

1 Insignificant < 1 day <5 - Some of the Meet &

content exceed
2 Minor < 1 week 5 – 10 Around Several of the Meet
building content
3 Moderate 1 week- 1 10 -15 10 meters Many of the Meet
month inside content
4 Major 1 month – 15 – 20 25 meters Most of the Out of
3 months outside content target/limit
5 Catastrophi > 3 months > 20 > 25 All of the Out of
c meters content or target/limit
outside several toxic
fence gas
E 5 H
(5) ( 10 )H ( 15 ) E ( 20 )E ( 25 )E
U 4 M
(4) (8) H ( 12 ) H ( 16 )E ( 20 )E
G 3 (3) L (6) M (9 ) H ( 12 )E ( 15 )E
2 (2) L (4) L (6) M (8) H ( 10 )E
N 1 N
(1) (2) L (3) M (4) H (5) H
1 2 3 4 5
Katagori Tingkat Risiko

1. N (Negligible) Tidak memerlukan tindakan

Pemantauan untuk
2. L (Low risk) memastikan
tindakan pengendalian telah
berjalan dengan baik.
3. M (Moderate Perlu mendapatkan
dan tambahan prosedur
risk) atau
instruksi kerja
Perlu mendapatkan
4. H (High risk) perhatian
Qualitative Risk Assessment

• Using the information from the hazard

identification together with the hazard effect
and considering number of people to be
involved, a risk rating is established.
• This is determined using a risk evaluation
matrix where the risk rating equals the
likelihood of an occurrence times the severity
of the hazard. Two examples of a qualitative
risk evaluation matrix are shown below.
Qualitative Risk Matrix 1
Likelihood of Occurrence
Unlikely Possible Probable
Very Unlikely Could occur, 50/50 More likely to
Little or no loss than 50/50 chance Occur than not
Chance of chance

No or minor injury CARE CARE CARE CAUTION
Hazard Severity

off-site medical CARE CARE CAUTION ALERT
Treatment or DAFW
- long-term absence
Permanent disability CAUTION ALERT ALARM ALARM
or fatality

CARE Minor harm possible, serious harm very unlikely to occur

CAUTION Minor harm probable, major harm very unlikely to occur
ALERT Moderate harm probable, major harm unlikely to occur
ALARM Serious or major harm will probably occur
Qualitative Risk Matrix 2
Hazard Severity
Negligible Slight Moderate High
Negligible injury, Minor injury Injury leading Involving a Very High
no absence requiring first aid to a lost time single death Multiple deaths
from work treatment accident or serious injury

A freak combination of
factors would be required
Likelihood of Occurrence

for an incident to result

A rare combination of factors LOW LOW LOW MEDIUM MEDIUM
would be required for an
Incident to result

Could happen when
additional factors are present
but otherwise unlikely to occur

Not certain to happen but
an addition to happen but LOW MEDIUM MEDIUM HIGH HIGH
result in an accident

Very Likely
Almost inevitable
that an incident
would result
LOW RISK May be acceptable, however, review task to see if
risk can be reduced further.

Task should only proceed with appropriate management

authorization after consultation with specialist personnel
and assessment team. Where possible, the task should
be redefined to take account of the hazards involved or
the risk should be reduced further prior to task

Task must not proceed. It should be redefined or further

HIGH RISK control measures put in place to reduce risk. The controls
should be reassessed for adequacy prior to task
Risk Assessment
• So the work of risk assessment involves
determining : (1) how often a certain unwanted
event could occur (the probability), (2) how
serious could be the consequences of that
unwanted event ( the severity), and then (3)
judging the acceptability of that risk.
Risk Assessment
The National Safety Council suggests the
following benefits of using formal risk
assessments :
• It can uncover hazards that have been
overlooked in the original design, mockup
(maket, contoh) or setup (susunan) of a
particular process, operation, or task.
Risk Assessment
• It can locate (menetapkan/menemukan)
hazards that developed after a particular
process, operation, or task was instituted.
• It can determine the essential factors
in and requirements for specific job
processes, operations, and task.
• It can indicate what qualifications are
prerequisites to safe and productive
Risk Assessment
• It can indicate the need for modifying
processes, operations and tasks.
• It can identify situational hazards in facilities,
equipment, tools, materials, and operational
events ( for example, unsafe conditions).
• It can identify human factors responsible for
accident situations (for example, deviations
from standard procedures).
Risk Assessment
• It can identify exposure factors that
contribute to injury and illness (such as contact
with hazardous substances, materials, or
physical agents)
• It can identify physical factors that contribute
to accident situations (noise, vibration,
insufficient illumination).
• It can determine appropriate monitoring
methods and maintenance standards needed
for safety.
Qualitative Risk Assessment
• Using the information from the hazard
identification together with the hazard effect
and considering number of people to be
involved, a risk rating is established.
• This is determined using a risk evaluation
matrix where the risk rating equals the
likelihood of an occurrence times the
severity of the hazard. Two examples of a
qualitative risk evaluation matrix are shown
below. 164
Qualitative Risk Matrix 1
Likelihood of Occurrence
Unlikely Possible Probable
Very Unlikely Could occur, 50/50 More likely to
Little or no loss than 50/50 chance Occur than not
Chance of chance

No or minor injury CARE CARE CARE CAUTION
off-site medical CARE CARE CAUTION ALERT
Treatment or DAFW
Hazard Severity

- long-term absence
Permanent disability CAUTION ALERT ALARM ALARM
or fatality

CARE Minor harm possible, serious harm very unlikely to occur

CAUTION Minor harm probable, major harm very unlikely to occur
ALERT Moderate harm probable, major harm unlikely to occur
ALARM Serious or major harm will probably occur
Qualitative Risk Matrix 2
Hazard Severity
Negligible Slight Moderate High
Negligible injury, Minor injury Injury leading Involving a Very High
no absence requiring first aid to a lost time single death Multiple deaths
from work treatment accident or serious injury

A freak combination of
factors would be required
for an incident to result
Likelihood of Occurrence

A rare combination of factors LOW LOW LOW MEDIUM MEDIUM
would be required for an
Incident to result

Could happen when
additional factors are present
but otherwise unlikely to occur

Not certain to happen but
an addition to happen but LOW MEDIUM MEDIUM HIGH HIGH
result in an accident

Very Likely
Almost inevitable
that an incident
would result 166
May be acceptable, however, review task to see if
risk can be reduced further.

MEDIUM RISK Task should only proceed with appropriate

management authorization after consultation with
specialist personneland assessment team. Where
possible, the task shouldbe redefined to take
account of the hazards involved or the risk should be
reduced further prior to task commencement

HIGH RISK Task must not proceed. It should be redefined or

further control measures put in place to reduce risk.
The controls should be reassessed for adequacy
prior to task commencement
Qualitative Risk Assessment

Continued …………..
By redefining the hazard severity. risk evaluation can
be used to assess health, production and
environmental risk as well as the risk of accident and
injury. An example of these definitions may be :

 Negligible injury or health implications,

no absence from work, negligible loss of

function/production with no damage to
equipment or the environment.

 Minor injury requiring first-aid treatment or

headache, nausea, dizziness, mild rashes,
 Damage to equipment requiring minor
remedial repair, loss of production or impact to
the environment

• Event leading to a lost time incident or persistent

dermatitis, acne or asthma; localized damage to
equipment requiring extensive repair, significant loss
of function/production or moderate pollution incurring
some restitution costs.
• Involving a single death or severe injury,
poisoning, sensitization or dangerous infection.
• Damage to equipment resulting in production shutdown
and significant production loss.
• Severe pollution with short-term localized implications
incurring significant restitution costs.
Very High

• Multiple deaths, lung diseases, permanent

debility or fatality.
• Major pollution with long-
term implication and very high restitution

 Although this approach uses numerical

values to assess risk, the results are still
largely of a qualitative nature and are similar
to the previous examples. Some people find
this approach easier to use than the wholly
qualitative approach. Two examples of a
semi-quantitative matrix are shown.
 These numerical values are quite often
correlated to the low, medium and high
categories as detailed previously.
Semi-Quantitative Risk Matrix 1
Hazard Severity
1 2 3 4 5
Negligible injury, Minor injury Injury leading Involving a Multiple
no absence requiring first aid to a lost time single death deaths
from work Treatment accident or serious injury

A freek combination of
Factors would be required 1 2 3 4 5
Likelihood of Occurrence

For an incident to result

A rare combination of factors
Would be required for an
2 4 6 8 10
Incident to result

Could happen when
additional factors are present 3 6 9 12 15
but otherwise unlikely to occur

Not certain to happen but
an addition to happen but 4 8 12 16 20
result in an accident

Almost inevitable
that an incident 5 10 15 20 25
Would result
May be acceptable: however, review task to see if risk
can be reduced further.

7 - 14 Task should only proceed with appropriate management

authorisation after consultation with specialist personnel
and assessment team. Where possible, the task should
be redefined to take account of the hazards involved or
the risk should be reduced further prior to task

15 - 25 Task must not proceed. It should be redefined or further

control measures put in place to reduced risk. The
controls should be re-assessed for adequacy prior
to task commencement.
Semi-Quantitative Risk Matrix 2
< Low (1) Low (2) Medium (3) > Medium (4) High (5)
Not cradible Conceivable Less then average More than average Likely to occur
ie the team have but would require ie easy to postulate ie the team do not and the team have
never heard of multiple failures of a scenario for have direct knowledge knowledge of a
event Occurring systems and controls accident but but suspect that event similar event
in industry considered unlikely may have occurred
and respresents
a credible scenario

< Low (1)

Injury is not credible 1 2 3 4 5
Severity (Consequences)

Low (2)
Only a minor injury 2 4 6 8 10
is credible

Medium (3)
A single serious injury 3 6 9 12 15
is credible

> Medium (4)

Fatality or multiple 4 8 12 16 20
serious injury is credible

High (5) 15 20 25
Multiple fatality is credible 5 10
A more formal technique of setting
priorities for action are :
a. Trivial; No action required.
b. Tolerable ; maintain existing control;
improve if easy/cheap.
c. Moderate; reduce risk further; action within
d. Improve substantially; action within weeks.
e. Extreme; stop immediately.

By redefining the hazard severity, risk

health, production and environmental risk
as well evaluation matrices can be used to
assess as the risk of accident and injury.
An example of these definitions may be :
1. Negligible injury or health implications, no absence
from work. Negligible loss of function or
production with no damage to equipment or the
2. Minor injury requiring first-aid treatment or
headache, nausea, dizziness, mild rashes. Damage to
equipment requiring minor remedial repair loss of
production or impact to the environment.
3. Event leading to a lost time incident or persistent
dermatitis, acne or asthma. Localized damage to
equipment requiring extensive repair, significant loss of
function/production or moderate pollution incurring
some restitution costs.
4. Involving a single death or severe injury, poisoning,
sensitization or dangerous infection. Damage to
equipment resulting in production shutdown and
significant production loss. Severe pollution with
short-term localized implications incurring
significant restitution costs.
5. Multiple deaths, lung diseases, permanent debility
or fatality. Major pollution with long-term
implication and very high restitution costs.
 Risk acceptance : an informed decision to
accept the consequences and the likelihood of
a particular risk.
 Risk avoidance : an informed decision not to
become involved in a risk situation.
 Risk engineering : the application of
engineering principles and methods to risk
 Risk evaluation : the process used to determine
risk management priorities by comparing the level
of risk against predetermined standards, target risk
levels or other criteria.
 Risk control : that part of risk management which
involves the implementation of policies, standards,
procedures, and physical changes to eliminate or
minimize adverse risks.
 Risk transfer : shifting (memindahkan) the risk
possibility or burden for loss to another party
through legislation, contract, insurance or other
 Risk transfer can also refer to shifting a
physical risk or part thereof (bagian
daripadanya) elsewhere (di tempat lain).
 Risk management process : the systematic
application of management policies, procedures
and practices to the tasks of establishing the
context, identifying, analyzing, evaluating,
treating, monitoring and communicating risk.
 Risk treatment : selection and implementation
of appropriate options for dealing with risk.
Consideration Can procedures be used to specify the safe system
method of work to follow to reduce risks?
• Permit 
Control examples • Checklists • Process maps
6. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Note : Suitable and sufficient PPE, appropriate for the task ?
• Safety harness/inertia reel
When identifiying • Respiratory protective equipme
• Chemical suit/gaunlet; face mask;
control measures.
Always start at the 5. Reduction in Personnel/Time Exposure
first step Limit the number of personnel exposed to the risk and control the time
they are exposed.
Hazardous work carried out at low activity periods eg nights/weekends
Workplace design; Job rotation; Shift rotation; Control
4. Segregation
Can distance, .barriers/guards be used to prevent personnel exposure
to hazard ? • Time
• Access controls
• Distance • Engineering controls

3. Engineering Controls
Can equipment be used to reduce the risk ?
• local exhaust ventilation
• Lighting
• Guarding •
• Isolations Enclosure

2. Substitution
Can something else be used to reduced the risk ?
• Use of water-based paints instead of solvent-based substance in
pallet/liquid from instead of powder
• Reduction in size/weight of item

1. Elimination Risk
Dose the task need to be done ?
•Use of mechanical device instead of manual handling
Risk Control Hierarchy
• Elimination - Design/ redesign or modification to
the process method or material to eliminate the
hazard completely. (100%)
• Substitution - replace the material, substance or
process with a less hazardous one. (75%)
• Separation - Isolating the hazard from persons
by safeguarding, or by space or time separation.
• Administration - Adjusting the time or conditions
of risk exposures (30%)
Risk Control Hierarchy
• Training - Improving skills therefore making
tasks less hazardous to persons involved. (20%)
• Personal protective equipment - using as the
last resort, appropriately designed and properly
fitted equipment where other controls are not
practicable. (5%)
Remember the risk hierarchy is only a guide
to the type of actions required.
• A successful hazard evaluation program requires
tangible management support; sufficient, technically
competent people (some of whom must be trained to use
hazard evaluation techniques); adequate, up-to-date
information and drawings; and selection of the
techniques (matched to the complexity and hazard of
the process).
• Fortunately, a variety of flexible hazard evaluation
techniques exist. Below is a simple listing of generally
accepted techniques:
• 1
Qualitative Techniques
• Qualitative Techniques: These methods help a multi-
disciplinary team (1) identify potential accident
scenarios and (2) evaluate the scenario in sufficient
detail to make a reasonable judgment of risk.
• If the team is confused on the risk, a scenario
identified in a qualitative hazard review may be
further analyzed using one or more of the quantitative
Qualitative Techniques
• Preliminary Hazard Analysis (PreHA): A technique
that is derived from the U.S. Military Standard System
Safety Program Requirements.
• The Preliminary Hazard Analysis is often used to
evaluate hazards early in the life of a process.
• A Preliminary Hazard Analysis is generally applied
during the conceptual design or R&D phase of a
process plant and can be very useful when making site
selection decisions. It is also commonly used as a
design review tool before a process P&ID is
Qualitative Techniques

• Checklist (traditional): A detailed list of desired

system attributes or steps for a system or operator to
• Usually written from experience and used to assess the
acceptability or status of the system or operation
compared to established norms.
Qualitative Techniques

• What-If Analysis : A brainstorming approach in

which a group of experienced people familiar with the
subject process ask questions or voice concerns about
possible undesired events.
• The method does not use guide words to help in the
Qualitative Techniques

• What-If Analysis : A brainstorming approach in

which a group of experienced people familiar with the
subject process ask questions or voice concerns about
possible undesired events.
• The method does not use guide words to help in the
Qualitative Techniques
• What-If/Checklist Analysis: A brainstorming
approach in which a group of experienced people
familiar with the subject process ask questions or
voice concerns about possible undesired events.
• The method is similar to What-if alone, with the
difference being that broad categories of types of
concerns are used to structure the analysis.
Qualitative Techniques
• 2 Guide Word Analysis: A systematic method in
which potential operating problems are identified by
asking what would happen is a step in a procedure
were (1) skipped or (2) performed incorrectly.
• This method is applicable to any procedure (startup,
shutdown, online maintenance, or normal batch
operations), but does not apply to continuous
operating mode.
Qualitative Techniques
• Hazard and Operability (HAZOP) Analysis:
A systematic method in which potential operating
problems are identified using a series of guide words
to investigate process deviations.
• Can be applied to any mode of operation of a flow
process and can also be applied to any procedure or
Qualitative Techniques

• Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA):

A systematic, tabular method for evaluating and
documenting the effects of known types of
component failures.
• Applies to electrical/mechanical systems. Can also be
applied to flow systems where very high reliability
factors are needed (such as fire-fighting water supply
Quantitative Techniques

• These do not identify possible accident

scenarios, but they instead aid in risk
judgment by provide more detailed, statistical
evaluations of the risk of a specific scenario.
Quantitative Techniques

• Dow Fire and Explosion Index (F&EI): A method,

developed by Dow Chemical Company, for ranking the
relative potential fire and explosion risk effect, radius and
property damage/business interruption impacts associated
with a process.
• Analysts calculate various hazard and exposure indexes
using material characteristics and process data.
Quantitative Techniques
• Layer of Protection Analysis (LOPA): A method
that uses pre-defined values for initiating events,
independent protection layers, and consequences to
provide an order-of-magnitude estimate of risk.
• LOPA applies to a single cause-consequence pair.
Scenarios are identified elsewhere (typically in a
qualitative hazard evaluation).
Quantitative Techniques
• Dow Chemical Exposure Index (CEI): Address five
types of factors that can influence the effects of release
of the material: (1) acute toxicity, (2) volatile portion of
material which could be released, (3) distance to areas
of concern, (4) molecular weight of the substance, and
(5) various process parameters such as temperature,
pressure, reactivity, and so forth.
• The CEI is the product of values assigned for each of the
factors of concern using arbitrarily defined numerical
Quantitative Techniques
• Fault Tree Analysis (FTA): A logic model that
graphically portrays the combinations of failures that
can lead to a specific main failure or incident of interest
(Top event).
• This method using Boolean Logic (And & Or logic
gates). Assigning statistical values to each end point on
a branch allows the calculation of risk.
Quantitative Techniques

• Event Tree Analysis (ETA): A logic model that

graphically portrays the combinations of events and
circumstances in an incident sequence.
• Assigning statistical values to each branch point (failure
or condition) allows the calculation of composite risk
starting from a defined initiating
Quantitative Techniques
• Human Reliability Analysis (HRA) event tree: A
graphical model of sequential events in which the tree
limbs designate human actions and other events as well
as different conditions or influences upon these events.
• Assigning statistical values to each branch point (correct
or incorrect performance of a step) allows the
calculation of composite risk starting from a defined
first step.
27-28 November 2010 Training ISO 14001:2004 - FKM Presented by Sigit E.
Universitas Airlangga Surabaya Prawoto, MT

Risk Assessment
• Risk Assessment is the careful examination of what
could create unwanted events or incidents, then risk
assessment incorporates the identification of controls
and hazards. The aim is to apply controls
(precautions) to minimize or eliminate the occurrence
of unwanted events or incidents.
Acceptable Risk

• Acceptable risk can change with time (e.g.

deaths in mining was acceptable 100 years
ago, now it is not), depending on
consequence (e.g. financial risk maybe
greater and acceptable compared with safety

• Activity : any task or process
• Aspect : any activity with environmental
• Hazard : potential source of harm, danger or loss
• Risk : a measure of the importance of the potential
loss. Risk has two elements ----- the likelihood of
something happening and the consequences or
impacts if it does.
• Risk assessment : is a methodical process to evaluate
and calculate the risk associated with activities or
• Current risk : the risk that exists after considering
current controls .
• Residual risk : the risk that remains after implementing
additional controls.
• Controls : are precautions design to minimize or
eliminate the impact or likelihood caused from
• Consequences : the outcome of an event (such as an
injury or equipment loss).
• Impact : the outcome of an event related to
environmental loss.
• Likelihood : the chance that a particular consequence
will result from a hazard.
• Acceptable risk ; the level of risk deemed (dianggap)
acceptable given current knowledge and circumstances
(sesuai dengan pengetahuan dan keadaan yang ada
pada saat ini).

• Hazard identification : the process of

identifying a hazard that can lead to an
unwanted event or incident.
• Hazard : anything that could cause harm or
Step 1 : Determine the application and scope

a. Identify and record what is to be assessed on the

general purpose risk assessment form. Most likely it
will be equipment, workplace, environment,
business process or a task. The quality of the
outcome from the risk assessment will depend on
accurately defining the scope. The scope should
reflect regulations and the company policy and
Step 1 : Determine the application and
scope (cont’d)

b. Record the title of the risk assessment,

names, of the team members,
Department, location, date and create a
unique assessment (RA) number.
Step 2 : Identify the specific activities

 The risk assessment can be focus on either a single

activity or aspect or a broader process.
 To ensure quality in the outcomes from the risk
assessment, all the associated activities or aspects
need to be identified so that there is less chance that
some risks are overlooked.
Step 2 : Identify the specific activities

• This will ensure that the entire area, process or

broad function is systematically accounted for and
divides the next steps of identifying hazards and
unwanted events (incidents) into manageable pieces.
• Record all the associated activities (aspects) to be
assessed on the general purpose risk assessment form.
Step 3 : Identify Hazards

 Hazards associated with activities (aspects) can lead

to unwanted events or incidents, so identifying hazards
will assist in identifying unwanted events or incidents.
 Ask “what could cause harm (damage or injury) or
Step 3 : Identify Hazards (cont’d)
 It is important to identify all significant of
obvious, hidden and developing or future
hazards in order to identifying all potentially
significant unwanted events or incidents.
 Record the obvious, hidden and developing
hazards identified on the general purpose risk
assessment form.
Step 4 : Identify The Unwanted Events

 Identify the unwanted events or incidents

associated with the specific hazards by asking
“what could go wrong?”.
 The aim is to identify all credible unwanted
events or incidents associated with each activity
or aspect that can have consequences
(impacts) that negatively affect the performance
of the business.
Step 4 : Identify The Unwanted Events

 Record the unwanted events or incidents

descriptions with adequate detail to enable
the potential consequences and likelihood
of occurrence to be quantified later in the
Step 5 : Identify of Existing controls

 Identify the existing controls (precautions)

that are in use.
 In identifying the existing control measures
currently being used, it is important to identify
those controls that reduce either the
consequence or likelihood of the unwanted
event or incident occurring.
Step 5 : Identify of Existing controls

 It is not relevant at this stage to evaluate

the effectiveness of controls but it is vital
to identify and record all current controls that
will be used for analysis of risk later in the
 Record the existing controls on the general
purpose risk assessment form.
Step 6 : Calculate the Current Risk

 The current risk score is calculated by defining the

consequence and the likelihood ratings and then
apply the following formula :
 Consequence rating (1 to 5) x Lilkelihood rating
(1 to 5) = risk score (1 to 25).
Step 6 : Calculate the Current Risk

a. Identify the maximum reasonable consequence

(impact) that could result from the identified
hazards and unwanted events or incidents. Utilize
the impact matrix in table to determine a rating (1-
5) based on any of the following consequences :
Step 6 : Calculate the Current Risk
• Financial
• Health and safety
• Natural environment
• Social environment
• Reputation
Note : the risk value used should be the highest
risk presented by the table as there can be more
than one consequence for any unwanted event.
Record in the consequence column on the
general purpose risk assessment form.
Step 6 : Calculate the Current Risk

1. Rare
2. Unlikely
3. Moderate
4. Likely
5. Almost certain
Record the rating in the likelihood column on
the general purpose risk assessment form.
Step 7 : Determine If the Risk Is Acceptable

• To determine if the risk is acceptable,

use the Quantitative Risk Analysis --- Level
of Risk Matrix.
• Identify the intersection of the consequence
(impact) rating with the likelihood rating and
record the risk score.
Step 6 : Calculate the Current Risk

b. Calculate the likelihood of such as

consequence (impact) occurring given
the current controls. Utilize the likelihood
matrix in table to determine the likelihood
rating (1-5) based on any of the following
descriptors :
Step 7 : Determine If the Risk Is Acceptable

Now check the descriptor legend for the matrix.

The legend provides the following categories :
1 - 4 : Low risk (managed by routine
5 - 9 : Moderate risk (management
responsibility must be specified)
10 - 16 : High risk (Senior management
attention is needed)
17 - 25 : Extreme risk (Detailed research and
management planning are required at
senior levels)
Step 8 : Identify All Additional Controls

 The acceptance of risk will be determined by many

 Typically the risk will be ranked first and then a cut-
off determined based on common policy, available
resources, and agreed objectives.
 Generally no additional controls are required if the
risk score is between 1 to 4 because the risk is low
given the current controls.
Step 8 : Identify All Additional Controls

• However, if the risk is above 5, there may be a

requirement to reduce the risk.
• This is achieved by improving current controls
or by identifying additional controls.
Step 8 : Identify All Additional Controls

• The hierarchy of controls for economic,

environment, social and reputation should be as
follows :
- Avoiding the risk by deciding not to proceed
with the activity likely to generate the risk.
- Reduce the consequence of an event.
- Reduce the likelihood of an event.
Step 8 : Identify All Additional Controls

The hierarchy of controls for safety risk reduction

Is as follows :
• Elimination : control the hazards at source
• Substitution : replacement (e.g. replace a
chemical with a less hazardous one)
• Engineering : design or engineering out the
hazard (e.g. installing guides on machinery)
• Administrative : policy and procedure for safe
work practices
• PPE : PPE appropriate for the type, level of hazard
Step 8 : Identify All Additional Controls

Note : in minimizing risk a combination of

reduction methods may be used balancing the
cost of implementation against the benefits derived
(diperoleh) from it. Record the additional controls
on the general purpose risk assessment form.
Step 9 : Reassess the Risk (Residual risk)

• Now reassess the risk by repeating the risk

calculation taking the proposed additional
controls into account.
• Record the results on the general purpose
risk assessment form.
Step 10 : Determine if the risk is

• Repeat the analysis of risk to determine

if the risk is acceptable.
• If the risk score is still too high,
management action is required.
• The risk assessment is now complete.
Step 10 : Determine if the risk is

Note : any additional controls identified through

the risk assessment process must now be
implemented and a process to implement,
monitor and review any improved or additional
controls must be followed.
Step 11 : Record the assessment
• There shall be a process developed in all Departments
to record and retain all completed formal risk
• All new control measures shall be monitored and the
risk assessment is reviewed to ensure the reduction of
risk intended has been achieved
• Results of any monitoring and review of the risk
assessment shall be recorded and records maintained
for a period of not less than 12 months.
Hazard Severity

1 2 3 4 5
Insignifi- Minor Moderate Major Catastro-
cant phic
5 (M) 10 (H) 15 (H) 20 (E) 25 (E)
Almost certain
Likelihood of Occurrence

4 4 (L) 8 (M) 12 (H) 16 (H) 20 (E)


3 (L) 6 (M) 9 (M) 12 (H) 15 (H)

2 6 (M) 8 (M) 10 (M)

2 (L) 4 (L)

1 (L) 2 (L) 3 (L) 4 (L) 5 (M)
Risk Risk Descriptor Required actions
rating code

Extreme risk Detailed research and

17-25 E management planning are
required at senior levels

High risk Senior management attention

10-16 H is required

Moderate risk Management responsibility

5-9 M must be specified

Low risk Manage by routine procedures

1-4 L
Proses Penilaian
• Langkah 1 : menentukan penerapan dan jangkauan
(apa yang ingin dicapai?)
• Langkah 2 : mengidentifikasi aktivitas (aspek) yang
• Langkah 3 : mengidentifikasi bahaya (apa yang dapat
menyebabkan cidera atau kerugian ?)
• Langkah 4 : mengidentifikasi kejadian yang tidak
diinginkan atau incident (what could go wrong?)
Proses Penilaian
• Langkah 5 : mengidentifikasi pengendalian yang
telah ada
• Langkah 6 : menghitung risiko saat ini.
Menentukan konsekuensi dan kemungkinan
terjadi pada pengendalian yang ada sekarang
dengan menggunakan matriks risiko. Menghitung
nilai risiko dan menggolongkan risiko tersebut.
• Langkah 7 : apakah risiko dapat diterima atau
tidak ?
Proses Penilaian
• Langkah 8 : bila tidak dapat ditoleransi ---------
mengidentifikasi peningkatan yang realistik atau
yang dapat tercapai terhadap pengendalian yang
ada sekarang atau pengendalian tambahan.
• Langkah 9 : menilai ulang risiko (risiko residual).
Menentukan konsekuensi dan kemungkinan
terjadi berdasarkan semua pengendalian yang
ada,dan menggunakan matriks risiko. Menghitung
nilai risiko dan menggolongkan risikonya.
Proses Penilaian

• Langkah 10 : apakah risiko masih tidak dapat

diterima ? (diperlukan tindakan manajemen
sesuai dengan matriks risiko).
• Langkah 11 : mencatat hasil penilaian risiko.
Matriks Kemungkinan
Peringkat Deskriptor Keterangan Frekuensi Peluang terjadi

1 Jarang Dapat terjadi Terjadi < 10%

hanya pada dalam
keadaan luar keadaan
biasa luar biasa
2 Kemungkin Terjadi hanya Terjadi 10 10%-20%
an kecil pada waktu- tahun
waktu sekali
3 Kemungkin Terjadi pada Terjadi 3 20%-55%
-an sedang beberapa tahun
keadaan sekali
4 Kemungkin Kemungkina Terjadi 55%-90%
an besar n terjadi pada setahun
sebagian sekali
Matriks Kemungkinan
Pering- Deskriptor Keterangan Frekuensi Peluang
kat terjadi

1 Jarang Dapat terjadi hanya Terjadi dalam < 10%

pada keadaan luar keadaan luar
biasa biasa
2 Kemungkina Terjadi hanya pada Terjadi 10 tahun 10%-20%
n kecil waktu-waktu tertentu sekali

3 Kemungkina Terjadi pada Terjadi 3 tahun 20%-55%

n sedang beberapa keadaan sekali
4 Kemungkina Kemungkinan terjadi Terjadi setahun 55%-90%
n besar pada sebagian besar sekali
5 Hampir pasti Terjadi pada Diperkirakan 90%-
sebagian besar akan terjadi 100%
keadaan kapan saja
Matriks Konsekuensi
Peringkat Deskriptor Kesehatan & keselamata Kerja

1 Tidak Tidak ada cidera

2 Kecil PPPK
3 Sedang Cidera tunggal yang menyebabkan
tidak mampu bekerja sampai cidera
yang menyebabkan cacat permanen
4 Besar Kematian tunggal atau cidera yang
menyebabkan tidak mampu bekerja
dalam jumlah banyak, sampai
beberapa yang menyebabkan cacat
5 Bencana Benjana, kerusakan lingkungan
dalam jangka panjang
Likelihood Matrix
Rating Descriptor Description Frequency Probability of
1 Rare The event may Will occur in < 10%
occur only in exceptional
exceptional circumstance
circumstances s
2 Unlikely The event could Will occur 10% - 20%
occur at some time once in every
10 years
3 Moderate The event will Will occur 20% -55%
probably occur in once every 3
some years
4 Likely The event will occur Will occur 55% - 90%
in most once per year
5 Almost The event is The event is 90% - 100%
certain expected in most expected to
circumstances occur at any
Consequences Matrix
Rating Descrip- Finan Health Natural Social Reputation
tor cial and Environment Environment
(US $) Safety

1 Insignifi- <$ No Brief pollution but Low-level, Reporting

cant 10K injuries no environmental repairable (not front
harm damage ; No page) in
disruption suburban

2 Minor $ 10K- First-aid Minor transient Minor Reporting in

$100K environmental harm medium-term suburban
social impact newspapers
on total
3 Moderat $ 00K- Single Significant release Ongoing Reporting in
e $2M disabling of pollutants with social issues; local
injury up mid-term recovery Permanent newspapers
to injury damage to (not front
resulting items of page) and/or
in cultural regional
permanen significant inquiry
Consequences (Impact) Matrix
Rating Descrip- Finan- Health and Natural Social Reputation
tor cial Safety Environ- Environment
(US $) ment

5 Catastro- > $ 10M Multiple Catastro Irreparable Reporting in

phic, damage to national TV
phic fatalities highly valued
long- news
or large items of great
term headlines
scale cultural
environ- and/or
injuries mental governmen-
or breakdown
harm of social tal
order; Total investigatio
cessation of n
service for a
number of
Hazardous Substances
Chemical Hazard Symbols

4 4 5.1
Does the Is it Is it
chemical flammable ? explosives ?
cause health
Yes Yes
Fire Hazard (Red)
Health Hazard (blue) Flash point
4 Deadly 4 Below 73 0F
3 Extreme danger 3 Below 100 0F
2 Hazardous 2 Above 100 0F not
1 Slightly hazardous exceeding 200 0F
0 Normal material
3 1 Above 200 0F
0 Will not burn

Specific Hazard (White)

3 3
Reactivity (Yellow)
ACID = acid
ALK = alkali W 4 May detonate
3 Shock & heat may
COR = corrosive
W = use no water
OXY = oxidizer 2 Violet chemical
1 Unstable, if heated

4-Severe., 3-Serious., 2-Dangerous.,

1-Minor., 0-None/negligible
Labeling Hazardous Chemicals

This labeling has two main purposes :

1. To identify the hazardous chemical so that
you can look up the MSDS if it becomes
necessary to do so.
2. To tell you the types(s) of hazard presented
by the chemical.
NFPA Hazard Warnings
NFPA hazard warning symbol, which is made
up of four diamonds (quadrants). Each
diamond warns you of different type of hazard.
The number within a diamond tells you how
severe the particular hazard is.
These numbers range from 0 (no hazard) to 4
(high hazard).
The bottom diamond warns of specific hazard.
NFPA Hazard Warnings
Health (Blue Color)
4 Too dangerous to enter vapor or liquid.
3 Extremely dangerous. Use full
protective clothing.
2 Hazardous. Use breathing apparatus.
1 Slightly hazardous.
0 Like ordinary material.
NFPA Hazard Warnings
Flammable (Red Color)
4 Extremely flammable
3 Ignites at normal temperatures.
2 Ignites when moderately heated.
1 Must be preheated to burn.
0 Will not burn.
NFPA Hazard Warnings

Reactive (Yellow Color)

4 May detonate ---- vacate area if materials
are exposed to fire.
3 Strong shock or heat may detonate ---- use
monitor from behind explosion resistant
2 Violent chemical change possible ---- use
hose streams from distance.
1 Unstable if heated ---- use normal
0 Normally stable.
Adverse Health Effect
Effect that causes changes in the
morphology, growth, development or life
span of an organism and which results in the
impairment of functional capacity or
impairment of the ability of the organism to
maintain homeostasis or do not enhance
susceptibility to the deleterious effects of
other environmental factors.
Biological Monitoring
Measurement of indicators of the uptake of
substances into the body.
These indicators could be the presence of
the substance or its metabolites in the
body or the sub-clinical biological effect
caused by the substances (the measurement
of the latter indicator is sometimes referred
to as biological effect monitoring).
The contact of a person with a chemical
substance either by breathing it in,
getting it
onto the skin or into the eyes, by
it, or by injecting it through the skin.
Hazardous chemicals
Chemical elements and compounds,
and mixtures thereof, whether natural
or synthetic, which are hazardous to
The likelihood that a chemical will cause
illness in the conditions of its use.
Health Surveillance
Any examination and investigation which
may be necessary to detect exposure levels
and early biological effects and responses, and
includes biological monitoring, biological effect
monitoring, medical surveillance, inquiries
about symptoms and review of records and
occupational history.
Significant Risk

A situation whereby work with a hazardous

chemical is likely to adversely affect the
health of employees and other persons
at the place of work.
Tolerable Risk

Risk that has been reduced to a level that can be

endured by the organization having regard to its
legal obligation and its own OH&S policy (risiko
yang telah dikurangi sampai pada tingkat yang
dapat ditahan oleh organisasi dalam hal
kewajiban hukum dan kebijakan K3 nya).
Qualitative Risk Assessment
The traditional qualitative risk assessment
techniques include the safety checklist, job
safety analysis, “what if” analysis, hazard and
operability analysis (HAZOP), failure mode
and effect analysis (FMEA), and fault tree
analysis (FTA).
Quantitative Risk Assessment

Quantitative risk analysis techniques are

also available to the safety and health
practitioner, but they are used fairly
infrequently and in complex situations.
Benefit of Assessing Risks
The primary benefit of conducting risk
assessment is to evaluate the hazards of
a situation prior to the occurrence of an
incident or accident.
Having this knowledge, the organization or
the affected person can then make an
informed decision on whether or not to
accept that risk.
Benefit of Assessing Risks
A risk assessment program is but one
the many necessary elements for a
successful risk management program.
Once assessed, the organization
needs to be prepared to act on the
findings and resulting
Benefit of Assessing Risks

This PLAN (identification of safety and

health aspects) part of the management
system needs to be supported by the DO
(implementation and operation), the CHECK
(checking and corrective action), and the
ACT (management review).
Risk Management
Risk management is about treating hazards,
putting controls over hazards :
 Engineering
 Administrative
 Personal protection
 Others such as training, isolating, substituting,
and eliminating (OHSAS 18001,1999).
A chemical health risk assessment (CHRA) is
conducted with the purpose of enabling decisions to be
made on appropriate control measures, induction and
training of employees, monitoring and health
surveillance activities as may be required to protect the
health of employees who may be exposed to hazardous
chemical at work.
A CHRA has the following objectives :

a. To identify the hazards posed by each chemical

substance used, stored, handled or transported within
the place of work.
b. To evaluate the degree of exposure of
employees to the hazardous chemicals either
through inhalation, skin absorption or ingestion.
CHRA (cont’d)
Continued ………..
c. To evaluate the adequacy of existing
control measures.
d. To conclude on the significance of the
health risk posed by the hazardous
chemicals, and
e. To recommend further appropriate control
measures to prevent or reduce risks.
Steps In Chemical Health Risk Assessment

1. Decide who will do the assessment

2. Identify chemicals in the workplace
3. Determine degree of hazard
4. Divide into work units
5. Evaluate exposure
6. Assess the risk
7. Evaluate adequacy of control measures
8. Conclude the assessment
9. Identify action to be taken
10. Keep records
11. Review assessment
1. Who will do the
assessment Steps in CHRA
2. Identify chemicals in
the workplace

Are No
required Other info sources
Info available for
all chemicals?

Is required No
info Insufficient
3. Evaluate hazard available? info

No Risk not
Is chemical
hazardous? significant now

4. Divide into
work units

Can No
Get additional info (may
be estimated? need specialist help)

Steps in CHRA
Steps in CHRA
5. Evaluate exposure

6. Assess the risk

Is risk No
significant? Risk not significant

7. Assess controls
8. Conclude assessment Steps in CHRA

Are controls Yes

Risk significant but
adequate ? adequately controlled

9. Identify actions to
be taken

10. Keep records

11. Review assessment

Decide Who Will Do The Assessment

 The employer of a place of work is to appoint an

assessor who has the knowledge and basic skills
in doing an assessment.
 The appointed assessor must be given the authority
to do the work, and should have enough resources to
gather information, consult the appropriate people,
review existing records, and examine the workplace.
Decide Who Will Do The Assessment

 The employer should be aware of the

limitations in the experience and
knowledge of the personnel conducting an
assessment and should be willing to
engage specialist assistance, if necessary.
Decide Who Will Do The Assessment

The would-be assessor should have the abilities to :

a. Interpret the information in MSDS and labels;
b. Observe the conditions of work and foresee potential
c. Communicate effectively with employees, contract
workers, managers, specialists and others;
d. Draw all the information together in a systematic way
to form valid conclusions about exposure and risks;
e. Report the findings accurately to all parties
Decide Who Will Do The Assessment

 In certain cases, an assessor may not be able to

conclude the assessment due to lack of expertise or
 The assessor is not expected to conduct employee
exposure monitoring, biological monitoring or health
surveillance unless he or she is competent to do so.
The assistance of a specialist may b required.
Decide Who Will Do The Assessment

The common specialist who may be consulted

upon may include, but is not limited to the following :
a. An industrial hygienist – expertise on the
evaluation and control of exposure.
b. An occupational health physician – expertise
on health surveillance programs.
Decide Who Will Do The Assessment

Continued …………..
c. Competent persons in various fields, e.g. competent
person on the inspection and testing of local exhaust
ventilation system, competent person on the
sampling of airborne contaminant.
d. Toxicologist – expertise on the toxicity of chemicals.
Identification of Chemicals
• The purpose of this step is to identify all chemicals found
in the workplace.
• The inventory of chemicals in the workplace will
provide information on the trade and common names,
chemical compositions, quantities used or stored and
locations where chemicals are used or stored. The
inventory should also indicate the availability of
• Where a MSDS is not available, the supplier should be
contacted and a request made for the MSDS.
Determine Degree of Hazard
 Hazard information can be obtained from the
supplier’s MSDS. A complete MSDS provides useful
information such as the hazard description, the
toxicity data, and the acute and chronic health effects.
 The toxicity and hazard of each chemical is to be
assessed and designated a hazard rating (HR).
 Where the required information is not available or
suspected to be inaccurate, other information sources
should be consulted.
Divide Into Work Units

Before a workplace assessment is conducted,

the following information must be made available :
a. Plant layout
b. Process flowchart
c. Employee demography; and
d. List of chemicals and their location of use or
Divide Into Work Units

 Familiarization with the company’s organization

and chemical safety management system is
necessary to ensure the smooth running of the
assessment process.
 It is important to identify, persons responsible for
keeping various related records such as
monitoring results, health surveillance report,
and local exhaust system inspection and testing
Divide Into Work Units
 A process familiarization briefing and tour is
necessary before work units for assessment can be
identified. The purpose is to identify where
hazardous chemicals are used or handled; the group
of workers exposed to the same hazardous chemicals
and whose exposure are similar.
 A work unit is essentially a group of workers doing
similar tasks in one work area or covering several
work areas and are exposed to the same hazardous
Evaluate Exposure

 The purpose is to assess the exposure

and risk of the work unit to each of the
hazardous chemicals used/handled by or
exposed to the work unit; and the adequacy
of the existing control measures.
Evaluate Exposure
• The first step is to identify the tasks in which
hazardous chemicals are being used or where there
is likely exposure to hazardous chemicals, such as
from spills, leaks, etc.
• This can be done by going through their work
procedures, observation of the various tasks
performed and interviewing the members of the
work unit.
• The next step is to identify the chemical hazards of
all the chemicals used or formed in the process
carried out by the work unit.
Evaluate Exposure
 Exposure are evaluated by assessing the likelihood of
contact of the work unit with the hazardous chemical;
how the chemicals are released into the work
environment; the method of handling the chemical;
the way the chemical enters the body; the duration of
contact; and the degree of magnitude of each
 Apart from assessing exposures during normal
operation, the possibility of exposures due to spillage,
leaks or accidental entry into the body such as through
injection is to be considered.
The assessment needs to be reviewed :
a. Every five years;
b. If the risk situation changes; such as due to :
- changes in the chemicals used or handled;
- a significant change in the quantity of
hazardous chemicals used;
- change in methods or rate of work;
- deterioration in the efficiency of control
equipment; or
- plant failure or system failure.
CHRA Concepts

Risk is the likelihood that a substance will

cause illness in the conditions of its use.
Mesch and Kugele (1992) have suggested
a risk equation as follows :
Risk = How x How bad x How much,
which purposes that health risk is a function
of three things i.e. :
CHRA Concepts

a. The likelihood of exposure or contact

with the chemical (How).
b. The potential of the chemical to cause
harm or its hazard or toxicity (How bad).
c. The degree of exposure to the chemical
(How much).
Risk Rating

The risk equation can be rewritten in the

following form :
Risk = [ Hazard x likelihood of exposure x
degree of exposure ]. For the purpose of
risk assessment, this risk equation is
redefined as follows :

RR =√ HR x L x ER
Risk Rating
• RR = risk rating on the scale of 1 to 5;
• HR = hazard rating on the scale of 1 to 5;
• L = likelihood of exposure; where L = 0 for
unlikely exposure; and L = 1 for likely
exposure; and
• ER = exposure rating on the scale of 1 to 5;
Note : the scale of 1 to 5 is in increasing order
of magnitude; Risk rating (RR) will be zero if
there is unlikely exposure and the square root is
to ensure RR is within the scale of 1 to 5.
Hazard Rating

 The hazard of a chemical is rated on a 1 to 5 scale

with a rating of 1 implying least hazardous and a
rating of 5 implying most hazardous.
 Rating will depend on the particular chemical has
acute toxicological data or not.
 For chemicals with toxicological data, hazard
rating will be guided by table 1, while others will
be guided by table 2.
Hazard Rating

a. Chemicals with acute toxicological data

Hazard rating for this class of chemicals is
in accordance to the OECD proposal for
classification of chemicals into 5 classes
based on their acute toxicity criteria.
Note that the hazard rating scale is in
opposite order to the OECD hazard class.
Hazard Rating

b. Chemicals without acute toxicological

data. For chemicals without acute toxicity
data. Table II will be used to rate the hazard.
A hazard rating of 1 means that the chemical
is not known at the present moment to cause
any adverse health effects. Ratings of 2 to 4
are assigned to those chemicals with varying
degrees of adverse health effects.
Hazard Rating

b. Chemicals without acute toxicological

data (continued)
A rating of 5 is assigned to those chemicals
which are either proven (i.e. effects shown
in human) or possible (i.e. effects shown in
animal or suspected in human) carcinogens,
teratogens, or mutagens.
Table I. Hazard Rating For Chemicals With
Acute Toxicity Data
Hazard OECD LD50 oral LD50 dermal LC50
rating class (mg/kg body Inhalation
(mg/kg body
weight) weight) Gas/vapor Dust
(mg/l) (mg/l)

5 1 ≤5 ≤ 50 ≤ 0,5 ≤ 0,125

4 2 > 5 ≤ 50 > 50 ≤ 200 >0,5 ≤ 2 >0,12 ≤ 0,5

3 3 > 50 ≤ 200 > 200 ≤ 1000 > 2 ≤ 10 > 0,5 ≤ 2,5

2 4 > 200 ≤ 2000 > 1000 ≤2000 > 10 ≤20 > 2,5 ≤ 5

1 5 > 2000 > 2000 > 20 >5

Table II. Hazard Rating for Chemicals Without acute
Toxicity Data
Hazard Description of effects Examples of
rating chemicals
1 No known adverse health effects -

2 Local : slight and reversible Mild irritants

damage to the skin, eyes or
mucous membranes
Systemic : changes readily,
reversible once exposure ceases
3 Local : moderate and reversible Dilute
damage to skin, eyes or mucous acids/alkalis
Systemic : moderate reversible
changes. Reversible changes not
severe enough to cause serious
physical or health impairment or
threaten life.
Table II. Hazard Rating for Chemicals Without
Acute Toxicity Data (continued)
Hazard Description of effects Examples of
4 Local : injury to the skin, eyes Concentrated
or mucous membranes of acids/alkalis.
sufficient severity to threaten Potent sensitizers
life or produce permanent
impairment, disfigurement, or
irreversible change. Neurotoxic
Systemic : can produce chemicals, etc.
serious physical or health
impairment or even death.

5 Exposure even to low Carcinogens,

absorbed dose can cause mutagens,
serious physical or health teratogens
Exposure Likelihood
To determine whether there is likelihood of
exposure (L = 1) or there is no likelihood of
exposure (L = 0), observation and inspection
of the normal operation conditions where the
chemical is being used need to be carried out.
At the same time the possibility of abnormal
operating conditions or situations such as
spillage, leak, fire etc. need also to be
Exposure Likelihood

Likelihood of exposure (L = 1) means a

possibility of chemicals being inhaled,
absorbed through the skin or ingested,
and these possibility depend on :
Exposure Likelihood
a. Physical form of contaminant
Particulates, gas or vapor may be inhaled or
contacted with skin/eye.
b. Size and density
The smaller the size of particulates, the more
likely they are to be inhaled. Denser gas or
vapor tends to settle and is less likely to
Exposure Likelihood

c. Nature of handling/contact with chemical

manual or mechanized handling direct or
indirect source contact.
d. Frequency of contact
Daily : continuous, intermittent; weekly,
Exposure Rating
The purpose of determining ER is to assess
the likelihood of employees exposed to the
hazardous chemicals getting injured. The
important considerations are :
a. How they are exposed
b. How frequent is exposure
c. How high is each exposure.
Exposure Rating (Continued)
There are two ways of determining the exposure
rating (ER). If exposure data are available from
personal or area monitoring of the workplace or
biological monitoring of the affected workers,
computation of ER is straightforward. If, however,
exposure data are not available, then the
determination of ER will have to go through a few
In either case, the degree of exposure (E) to
the chemical must first be determined and this
Is given as follows :
E = F x D x M ………………………(4)
Where F = Frequency of exposure per week
D = Average duration of each exposure
M = Magnitude of exposure in ppm or
W = Average working hours per week
(taken as 40 hours/week)
Exposure Rating

Equation (4) can be simplified by substituting W

with 40 hours per week and (F x D) with TD i.e.
total duration of exposure per week, then :
E = M x TD …………………… (5)
Once the degree of exposure (E) has been
determined, exposure rating (ER) can be
estimated from Table III.
Table III. Exposure Rating Based
On Measured Personal Exposure
Degree of exposure Exposure rating (ER)

< 0,1 PEL 1

> 0,1 PEL < 0,5 PEL 2

> 0,5 PEL < 1,0 PEL 3

> 1,0 PEL < 2,0 PEL 4

> 2,0 PEL 5

Magnitude of Exposure

 The magnitude of exposure (M) in equation 5 can be

estimated either quantitatively or non-quantitatively.
 Quantitative estimation can be made when exposure
data are available from personal or area monitoring or
results of biological monitoring of workers.
Magnitude of Exposure

• Non-quantitative estimation is made when

exposure data are unavailable and the
magnitude of exposure (M) must be
estimated through observation and
inspection of the workplace.
Quantitative Determination

Quantitative determination is based on :

 Current measurement of personal
exposure either airborne or biological.
 Estimation from previous
measurement of personal exposure
either airborne or biological.
Quantitative Determination

 Estimation of personal exposure from

ambient or general air levels.
 Estimation of personal exposure from
breathing instruments (such as multi-gas
infrared zone measurements by the use of
direct reading analyzers or respirable dust
Example 1

 A worker is exposed to toluene once a day

for a 5-day working week.
 The average duration of exposure to toluene
is about 3.5 hours per day.
 Measurement using direct reading equipment
showed that the average concentration of
toluene is 350 ppm (PEL = 200 ppm)
Degree of Exposure

Computation : from equation (4)

E = FxDxM
= 5 x 3,5 x 350
= 153 ppm or 0,8 PEL
Example 2

 A worker works with ethylene glycol three times a

 Each time his maximum exposure to ethylene glycol
is found to be 40 ppm (PEL-Ceiling = 50 ppm)
 E = M ----- since ceiling value
 E = 40 ppm or 0,8 PEL
Non-Quantitative Determination

Non-quantitative determination of the

magnitude of exposure (M) depends on factors
such as :
 Physico-chemical properties of the chemical

including its physical form, size and density.

 The release and removal rate of the chemical

 The nature of handling/contact with chemical

Non-Quantitative Determination

• Assessor’s observation on the presence as

well as degree of contamination by the
• The breathing rate (physical activity) or skin
• The frequency of contact
• Physiological responses from records of medical
cases or workers’ health complaints; and
• The use of PPE.
Non-Quantitative Determination

Estimation of M requires four (4) steps involving

Table IV to VII inclusive. The procedure is as
follows :
Step a ----- Determine the degree of release
or emission form table IV.
Step b ----- Determine the degree of
absorption or contact from table V.
Non-Quantitative Determination

 Step c : From outcomes of steps a and b

determine the magnitude of
exposure rating (MR) from table
 Step d : Using magnitude of exposure
rating (MR) from step c determine
the corresponding magnitude of
exposure (M) From table VII.
Non-Quantitative Determination

Step a : Determination of chemical release or

The degree of chemical release is determined through
observation of the sources and the presence of the
chemical in the working environment. These observations
are made for both inhalation and dermal risk. A table for
grading the degree of release based on workplace
observation is given in Table IV.
Table IV : Degree of Contact or Absorption
Degree Observation

Low No contamination of clothing and

no accumulation on work
Table IV : Degree of Contact or Absorption
Degree Observation

Moderate release such as :
a. Solvents with medium drying time in
uncovered containers or exposed to
work environment.
b. Detectable odors of chemicals with odor
thresholds exceeding the PELs.
Evidence of contamination of air, clothing
and accumulation on work surfaces of skin
sensitizers, skin or eye irritants, or
chemicals capable of skin absorption
Table IV : Degree of Contact or Absorption
Degree Observation

Substantial release such as :
a. Solvents with fast drying time in uncovered
b. Sprays or dust clouds in poorly ventilated
c, Chemicals with high rates of evaporation
exposed to work environment;
d. Strong odor of chemicals with odor
thresholds exceeding the PELs;
Gross contamination of air, clothing and work
surfaces with skin sensitizers, skin or eye
irritants, or chemicals capable of skin
Non-Quantitative Determination
Step b : Degree of contact or absorption
The degree of contact or absorption is assessed
for inhalation and dermal absorption risks.
Observation of skin contact and inhalation of
chemicals as well as examination of or feedback
from medical or workers’ health complaint records
are used to determine the degree of contact or
absorption as shown in table V.
Non-Quantitative Determination
Step b : Degree of contact or absorption
The degree of contact is determined from the
worse of the two risks, For example, if the
degree of inhalation risk is low and the degree
for dermal risk is moderate, then the degree of
contact or absorption is taken as moderate.
Table V : Degree of Contact or Absorption
Degree Inhalation risk Dermal risk

Low Low breathing rate Contact of chemical

(light work), No other than described
complaints of ill- under “moderate and
effects. No reported high”. Small area of
cases of illness contact – limited to
related to the palm (intact skin).
chemical exposure. No indication of any
skin conditions
Table V : Degree of Contact or Absorption

Degree Inhalation risk Dermal risk

Moderate Moderate breathing Contact with chemicals

rate (moderate which have “skin”
work). Source close notation or capable of
to breathing zone. skin penetration except
Complaints of mild those describer under
ill-effects or reported “high”. Moderate area
cases of employees of contact to one or
with preclinical both hands. Skin
symptoms related to dryness and
the chemical detectable skin
exposure. conditions.
Table V : Degree of Contact or Absorption
Degree Inhalation risk Dermal risk

High High breathing rate Skin soaked or

(heavy work). immersed in chemical
Source within with “skin” notation.
breathing zone. Area of contact not
Widespread only confined to hands
complaints of ill- but also other parts of
effects and reported body.
cases of disease or Skin damaged.
illness related to the Severe drying, peeling
chemical exposure. and cracking.
Reported cases of
Non-Quantitative Determination
Step c : determination of the magnitude
rating (MR)
The magnitude of exposure is determined by
the combination of the degree of release and
the degree of contact or absorption.
Low releases coupled with low absorption will
mean very low exposure and a magnitude
rating of 1 is designated.
Non-Quantitative Determination

Step c : determination of the magnitude rating

(MR). At the other end, high releases with high
absorption will mean very high exposure and the
designated rating is 5. The various combinations are
given in table VI below.
Table VI : Magnitude Rating (MR)
Degree of chemical Degree of contact Magnitude rating
release or absorption

Low Low 1
Moderate 2
High 3

Moderate Low 2
Moderate 3
High 4

High Low 3
Moderate 4
High 5
Non-Quantitative Determination

• Step d : Determination of the magnitude

of exposure (M)
Based on the magnitude rating (MR)
obtained from step c, the magnitude of
exposure (M) is determined from table VII.
Table VII : Magnitude of Exposure (M)
Magnitude rating (MR) Assigned M

1 0,05 x PEL value

2 0,1 x PEL value

3 0,5 x PEL value

4 1,0 x PEL value

5 2.0 x PEL value

Evaluation of Risk
RR = √(HR x L X ER) …………………(3)
When the square root is not a whole
number, the next highest whole number
is designated as the risk rating.
Example : HR = 3; ER = 4; L = 1;
RR = V (3 x 1 x 4) = 3,46
Thus, assigned RR = 4
Tolerable Risk
Risk that has been reduced to a level
that can be endured by the organization
having regard to its legal obligations and
its own OH&S policy. (Risiko yang telah
dikurangi sampai pada tingkat yang dapat
ditahan oleh organisasi dalam hal
kewajiban hukum dan kebijakan K3-nya)
Risk is evaluated as either “significant” or
“not significant”.
Risk is regarded as not significant if it is
unlikely that the work exposure will
adversely affect the health of the workers.
This situation arises when either there is not
likelihood of exposure (L = 0) or the chemical
is least hazardous (HR = 1) or the exposure
is very low (ER = 1).
Significance of Risk
Another situation is where the chemical is of
low toxicity (HR = 2) and the exposure level is
below 0,5 PEL ( i.e. ER = 2) is considered as
presenting a non-significant risk.
Hence, those risk situation where RR is either
0,1, or 2 is considered as not significant.
Table VIII below summarizes the decision for
the risk evaluated.
Table VIII : Decision on the Significance of Risk
Risk Rating (RR) Decision

0, 1, 2 Not significant

3, 4, 5 Significant

Note : risk is not significant irrespective of RR if

either HR is 1 or ER is 1 (RR can only be 0 if L = 0)
Assess Adequacy of Control Measures

 The presence and adequacy of existing control

measures are evaluated for each work unit.
 The adequacy of existing control measures is
assessed by inspecting the existing control
measures; checking records of air sampling,
biological monitoring; and checking records on the
inspection, testing and examination of control
A control measure is adequate if :
a. It is suitable for protecting the employees
taking into consideration the physical form
and toxicity of the chemical, the nature of
work, the routes of entry of the chemical and
the adaptability of control measures to the
capacities and capabilities of the employees.
b. It is effective in preventing and minimizing
exposure; and
c. It is properly maintained.
Concluding the Assessment

The assessment for each work unit

needs to be concluded as this will be
useful in determining whether actions
to control risk need to be identified.
Concluding the Assessment

Before concluding the assessment, the

assessor needs to consider the following
a. Whether there is sufficient information to
identify the degree of hazard and the degree
of exposure.
b. Whether the risk is “significant” or “not
significant”; and
c. Whether the existing control measures are
adequate (see Table XI).
Table IX. Conclusion of Assessment
Risk Decision Adequacy of Conclusion
control measures

Not significant - C1

Significant Adequate C2

Not adequate

Uncertain C4
Identify Action to be Taken

Identify possible action to be taken including

control measures based on the conclusion of
assessment. For risk decision C1 : risk not
significant now and not likely to increase in
future, the action required are :
a. End current assessment;
b. Review assessment in five years or if situation
For risk decision C2 : risk significant but
already adequately controlled, could increase
in future, but the actions required are :
a. Determine precautions to maintain controls and
minimize chances of higher exposure occurring;
b. Determine additional measures for regaining
control if a high risk event occurs, despite
c. Determine if monitoring or health surveillance is

required to check on effectiveness of controls;

d. Review assessment every five years or when
there is a change in circumstances.
For risk decision C3 : risk significant now and
not adequately controlled; the actions required
are :
a. Identify and implement immediate measures
for preventing or controlling exposure;
b. Establish the need to stop the process;
c. Begin review of longer-term control
d. Reevaluate exposure when thr upgraded
control measures are in place;
e. Determine if monitoring or health surveillance
is required.
For risk decision C4 : uncertain (insufficient
information; or uncertain about degree and
extent of exposure); the actions required
are :
a. Meanwhile, implement good work practices
to minimize exposure.
b. Obtain additional information or conduct a
more detailed assessment. Obtain specialist
advice if necessary;
Keep Records

Recording of an assessment is important

because it will be useful for the purpose of follow
up action, review and compliance with legal
requirements. The information to be recorded
include :
a. Name and address of the workplace;
b. Particulars of chemicals being assessed
including their hazard descriptions and
hazard rating;
c. Description of work units
Keep Records

d. Particulars of the workplace assessment

including exposure description and rating
and adequacy of existing control measures;
e. Risk evaluation and conclusion of
f. Recommendations for further action;
g. Date of the CHRA; and
h. Name and position of the assessor or
assessor team.
The assessment needs to be reviewed :
a. Every five years;
b. If the risk situation changes; such as due to :
- changes in the chemicals used or handled;
- a significant change in the quantity of
hazardous chemicals used;
- change in methods or rate of work;
- deterioration in the efficiency of control
equipment; or
- plant failure or system failure.
Conclusions of CHRA

Based on the risk decision and the

assessment of existing control
measures there are 4 conclusions that
could be reached from the assessment and
there are denoted by C1, C2, C3, or C4.
Conclusions of CHRA

For risk decision C1 : risk not

now and not likely to increase in future,
the actions taken required are :
 End current assessment;
 Review assessment in five years or
situation changes.
For risk decision C2 : risk significant but
already adequately controlled, could increase
in future, the actions required are :
• Determine precautions to maintain controls and
minimize chances of higher exposure occurring;
• Determine additional measures for regaining
control if a high risk event occurs, despite
• Determine if monitoring or health surveillance is
required to check on effectiveness of controls
• Review assessment every five years of when
there is a change in circumstances.
For risk decision C3 : risk significant now, and
not adequately controlled, the actions required
are :
• Identify and implement immediate measures for
preventing or controlling exposure;
• Establish the need to stop the process;
• Begin review of longer-term control
• Re-evaluate exposure when the upgraded
control measures are in place;
• Determine if monitoring or health surveillance is
NO. Question/Statement Answer

1. Hazard is something that has the potential to cause A

harm to people, equipment, or the environment is
2. Risk is the likelihood, chance or probability that A
harm may occur from a particular hazard. It is
commonly represented as a combination of the
frequency and consequences of a specific identified
3. Example of risk: An employee with limited driving A
skill is driving his car in Grassberg
4. Sounds, lights, and dust is categorized as B
ergonomic hazard
5. To be safe in operating a heavy equipment, you A
must use these controls. Among others are: heavy
equipment training ; PTFI Five Rules to Safety ; and
Heavy Equipment SOPs
6. Examples of ‘consequence’ of ‘hazard’: ‘Someone A
falling when working at height and broke his legs.’

7. What is meant by ‘control action’ is safe acts B

performed by employees during their work

8. Example of control instrument in the context of B

safety: a television operated with remote control

9. Frequency is the amount of occurrences that this A

event is likely to occur, measured from e.g.
“Expected Never To Happen” to “ Once per Week,
Shift, Month or the present Time”
10. Correct Control Hierarchy (at PTFI): Elimination- A
Protective equipment (PPE)
11. The operational rule for practicing HIRADC at B
PTFI is PTFI Standard No. 5.20
12 To know the risk rank of any task at PTFI, you are A
suggested to utilize PTFI SHE Risk and Impact
Assessment Matrix.

13 In HIRADC, you should do communication B

properly, especially in the beginning stage,
because it a very important stage.

14 Knowing the detailed process of any task is B

actually not too important in identifying the
15 In HIRADC, to determine the risk ranks of tasks, it B
is enough for reference if we see the accident
trend of the year before.

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