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Dzakiya Qurrota A'yun

Father's Unconditional Love

Once upon at time, there lived taxi-driver with his little daughter, Sarah her name. A hope that
one day, his daughter will grow up to live a better life. If had been 5 years, since he had lost his
wife to a fatal disease. Now, George drives someone else taxi and even after working through the
hours, he earns hardly enough. George had to put more effort into making money so his daughter
could be happy. even though it's very difficult. until in the end the child has grown up and attends
a private senior high school and the child begins to be affected by her environment. so she was
ashamed to have the father of a taxi driver. until Sarah at home always troubled her father. and
when she wants a school trip. until the father sold the necklace his wife gave him to get money.
Sarah was finally brought by her father to the airport. and at the airport sarah missed a ticket, then
george came back and had an accident. but the father was able to survive and finally the daughter
realized that h
father's unconditional love her

Dynamic. Because of it's changing character ( Protagonist- Antagonist- Protagonist again )


Flat/ Minnor

A. The Main character is Geogre and Sarah. Where at the beginning of the story the characters
that appear most often are the father, George and his daughter, Sarah. and those whose characters
are slightly opposite.
B. The Antagonist character is the Shopman. Because of his bad behavior by not giving leniency
to George for money. even so evil he gave interest on the loan interest to George.
C. The Protagonist character is the Father "Goerge". Because he has a very gentle nature and
loves his daughter very much. so that when his daughter turned ewicked and arrogant. the father
still loves sarah
D. The flat/MINOR character is the Sarah's Friends. Because Sarah's friends will actually accept
Sarah as she is. just because sarah was dishonest from the start

House, Sarah's School,Airport, Shop

Once upon at time, One day
Back and forth flow. Because when at the beginning
of the story there is a flach back story. which tells,
when in the past George still had a wife and then
they lived very happily. until after that it returns to
the forward flow

The conflict began when, Sarah had grown up and had

entered the Senior High school class, where the school was
quite elite because it was a private school. So Sarah began
to be influenced by her friends who were rich, beautiful
and liked to tell stories about her wealth. Then Sarah was
embarrassed to have a father who was a taxi driver. until in
the end he lied to her friend, that Sarah's father was a taxi


In this short story the problem

solving is when the father
delivers Sarah's ticket in the car
to the airport. Happy ending. Because sarah began
to be kind, caring, good behavior and
so love her father who loved her very
much or unconditional love
Theme and Moral Value

Theme : Romantic

Moral Value : Love your parents, especially the

father. Before it's too late and then Love the
people who always love you.
Thank you for participants


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