Beginning The Journey Where I Am

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Beginning the

Journey Where I Am
Stand and Name – Profession Rap

Rico : I am Rico, I will be a surgeon! Yo! Yes,
yes, yo!
Group : Rico is a surgeon! Yo! Yes, yes, yo!

Track: TVL
Strand: ABM Good • Poor English • Scholarship in •  Financial
mathematic • communication college issues
Specialization: al skills skills • Job •  Distance from
____________ opportunities in residence to
the locality college or

Track: TVL
Strand: Home • artistic • easily • local emplyment • local small
Economics • practical discouarged • international business
Specialization: • analytical • less infomation employment competitors
Food and thinker ofthe latest food • entrepreneurshi • upgrading of
Beverages • patient and beverages p skills in food and
Production • honest production beverages
• people/person issues production
• communication • stagnation of
skills (verbal business
and written)
Guide Questions

1. How do you feel about your strengths? your

2. Are your weaknesses manageable in terms of pursuing
your career goal? How will you manage these?
3. How will you cope with the threats that arise in pursuing
your career goal?
4. Based on the areas that you considered in your career
plan, which do you prioritize in order to attain your goal?
The Boat Sinking Game
• Example, say, “The boat is sinking, group yourselves into
nine,” the participants should group themselves into nine
members per group.
• Each member of the group will answer and discuss the
guide questions.
• Have each group choose a rapporteur to present to the
class their common answers to the guide questions.
“The true purpose of the strong is to
promote greater strength in the weak, and
not to keep the weak in that state where
they are at the mercy of the strong.”
- Chistian D. Larson
Patience and perseverance are burning desires
that need to be fueled constantly in the process
of reaching one’s goal. The quest for the
realization of your dreams is like waging a
momentous battle during which you might
encounter severe setbacks. But success comes
to those who turn adversities into opportunities,
overcome their limitations, and bounce back
with renewed vigor.
Career Development is a lifelong process that
includes physical, cognitive, and emotional
development (Seligman, 1980).
There are many factors that influence lifelong
career development process.
• Psychological factors
• Social factors
Career Development is a lifelong process that
includes physical, cognitive, and emotional
development (Seligman, 1980).
There are many factors that influence lifelong
career development process.
• Psychological factors
• Social factors
The SWOT framework is credited to Albert
Four Elements of SWOT
1. Strengths—Internal attributes and resources that
support successful outcome of the chosen track and
2. Weaknesses—Internal attributes and resources
that work against a successful outcome of the
chosen track and strand.
The SWOT framework is credited to Albert
Four Elements of SWOT

3. Opportunities—External factors of the career goal

that can be capitalized on or used to its advantage.
4. Threats—External factors that could jeopardize
the career goal.
• Personal Performance—Accomplishments,
previous successes or failures (most influential).
• Vicarious Experience—Watching others, modeling,
• Verbal Persuasion—Verbal encouragement or
• Physiological and Emotional Factors—Perceptions
of stress reactions in the body
It is important to understand the distinction
between self-esteem and selfefficacy in career
planning. According to Bandura (1992):
•  Self-esteem relates to a person’s
sense of self worth.
•  Self-efficacy relates to a person’s
perception of his/her ability to reach a
Self-Efficacy Affects Human Function in Relation
to Career Planning

Choices regarding Behavior

The individuals will be more inclined to take
on a task if they believe they can succeed.
They generally avoid tasks where their self-
efficacy is low, but engage when it is high.
Self-efficacy that is significantly higher than
ability can lead to psychological damage.
My Ladder to Success!
“The Journey”
by Lea Salonga
..\..\Downloads\The Journey - Lea Salonga.mp4
Writing Prompts
Directions: Complete the following phrases. Recall
the previous activities you did to answer.
1. I want to become
2. I need to learn my skills in
3. I want to work in
4. I have the qualities for
5. I am
Writing Prompts
Directions: Complete the following phrases. Recall
the previous activities you did to answer.
6. I value ______________________ at work, because
___________________. (State your ideals)
7. I like working in
8. I like working with people who are
9. I do not like to work at ______________because_____________.
10. I do not like to work with people who

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