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Past simple

• Spelling
Irregular Regular
Base tense Past tense Base tense Past tense
Make Made Walk Walked
Pay Paid Talk Talked
Say Said Wait Waited
Come Came Stop Stopped
Break Broke Play Played
Eat Ate Try Tried
Find Found Study Studied
• Affirmative = S + V2 + ………….(time expression)
EX1: I walked to school yesterday.
Ex2: She ate dinner last night.
• Negative = S +did not/didn’t + V +…………(time expression)
EX1: I didn’t walk to school yesterday.
EX2: She didn’t eat dinner last night.
• Question = Did + S + V +………..(time expression) + ?
EX: Did you finish your assignment yesterday?

• We use past simple to describe an action that started in the past and
ended in the past.
Wh-question in the past simple
Form: Wh-question (what,why….) + did/didn’t + subject + V +…..+?
Ex1: When did you go to school?
Ex2:What did you do yesterday?
Tag question in the past simple

We use a positive sentence or negative sentences in the past simple +,+

did/didn’t then add subjects and ?

Ex1: Thara cooked dinner last night , didn’t he ?

Ex2: Thara didn’t cook dinner last night , did he ?

Noted: When the sentences is positive, the tag is negative.When the

sentences is negative, the tag is positive.

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