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Blood Physi-

Arba Minch University
College of Medicine and Health Sciences
School of Medicine
Department of Biomedical Sciences
Physiology Unit
Tariku A. (Msc in Medical Physiology)

07/05/2022 Tare-Blood 1
 At the end of this lesson, the student are expected
1. List functions of blood.
2. Explain the components of blood.
3. Discuss about blood types.
4. Enumerate the functions of the immune system.
5. List the blood abnormalities.

07/05/2022 Tare-Blood 2
• Introduction
• Blood composition & circulation
• Functions of blood
• Blood plasma
• Formed elements (cells) in blood
• Human blood types (group)
• Immunity
• Clinical correlates of blood

07/05/2022 Tare-Blood 3
• Blood, vital fluid found in humans & other animals
that provides important nourishment to all body
organs & tissues & carries away waste materi-
• Sometimes referred to as “the river of life,” blood is
pumped from the heart through a network of blood
vessels collectively known as the circulatory system.
• An adult human has about 5 - 6 liters of blood,
which is roughly 7- 8% of total body weight.

07/05/2022 Tare-Blood 4
• Infants & children have comparably lower volumes
of blood, roughly proportionate to their smaller
• The volume of blood in an individual fluctuates.
– During dehydration, for example while running a
marathon, blood volume decreases.
– Blood volume increases in circumstances such as
pregnancy, when the mother’s blood needs to carry ex-
tra oxygen and nutrients to the baby.

07/05/2022 Tare-Blood 5
Overview of Blood Circulation
• Blood leaves the heart via arteries that branch re-
peatedly until they become capillaries.
– O2 & nutrients diffuse across capillary walls & enter tissues
– CO2 & wastes move from tissues into the blood

• Oxygen deficient blood leaves the capillaries and

flows in veins to the heart.
• This blood flows to the lungs where it releases CO2
& picks up O2
• The oxygen rich blood returns to the heart.
07/05/2022 Tare-Blood 6
Composition of Blood
• Blood is the body’s only fluid tissue composed of:
– liquid plasma (55%) and
– formed elements (45%)

• Formed elements include:

1. Erythrocytes = Red blood cells (RBCs)
2. Leukocytes = White blood cells (WBCs)
3. Thrombocytes = Platelets

07/05/2022 Tare-Blood 7
Composition of Blood…

(55% of whole blood)

Buffy coat:
leukocyctes and
1 Withdraw blood 2 Centrifuge (<1% of whole Formed
and place in tube blood) ele-
Erythrocytes ments
( 45% of whole blood)

07/05/2022 Tare-Blood 8
Composition of Blood…

07/05/2022 Tare-Blood 9
Composition of Blood…

07/05/2022 Tare-Blood 10
Physical Characteristics & Volume
• Blood is a sticky, opaque fluid with a metallic
• Color varies from scarlet (oxygen-rich) to dark red
• The pH of blood is 7.35 – 7.45.
• Temperature is 38C, slightly higher than “normal”
body temperature.
• Average volume of blood is 5–6 L for males, and
4–5 L for females.

07/05/2022 Tare-Blood 11
Functions of Blood
1. Substance distribution.
2. Regulation of blood levels of particular substances.
3. Protection.

07/05/2022 Tare-Blood 12
Blood transports:
1. Oxygen from the lungs
and nutrients from the
digestive tract.
2. Metabolic wastes from
cells to the lungs and to
kidneys for elimination.
3. Hormones from en-
docrine glands to target

07/05/2022 Tare-Blood 13
Regulation Protection
Blood maintains: Blood prevents blood loss
1. Appropriate body
temperature by ab- 1. Activating plasma proteins
sorbing & distributing & platelets.
heat. 2. Initiating clot formation
2. Normal pH in body when a vessel is broken.
tissues using buffer Blood prevents infection by:
3. Synthesizing & utilizing an-
3. Adequate fluid vol- tibodies.
ume in the circulatory
system. 4. Activating WBCs to defend
the body against foreign
07/05/2022 Tare-Blood 14
Blood Plasma (liquid portion of blood)
Blood plasma contains over 100 solutes, including:
 Proteins
- albumin, globulins, clotting proteins, …
 Non-protein nitrogenous substances
- lactic acid, urea, creatinine
 Organic nutrients
- glucose, carbohydrates, amino acids, fats
 Electrolytes
- sodium, potassium, calcium, chloride, bicarbonate
 Respiratory gases
- oxygen and carbon dioxide

07/05/2022 Tare-Blood 15
Formed Elements (cells in blood)
• Erythrocytes, leukocytes, & thrombocyte make up
the formed elements
– Only WBCs are complete cells
– RBCs have no nuclei or organelles, and platelets
are just cell fragments

• Most formed elements survive in the bloodstream

for only a few days
• Most blood cells do not divide but are renewed by
cells in bone marrow.

07/05/2022 Tare-Blood 16
Formation of Blood Cells (Hematopoiesis)
 Occurs in the red bone marrow.

07/05/2022 Tare-Blood 17
Erythrocytes (RBCs)
• Biconcave discs, anucle-
ate, essentially no or-
• Filled with hemoglobin
(Hb), a protein that func-
tions in gas transport.
• Plasma membrane of RBCs
is comprised of flexible pro-
– allow them to change
shape as necessary.
07/05/2022 Tare-Blood 18
Erythrocytes (RBCs)…
• Are an example of how structure drives function.
Structural characteristics contribute to its gas trans-
port function
Biconcave shape that has a huge surface area
relative to volume.

Discounting water content, erythrocytes are more

than 97% hemoglobin.

ATP is generated anaerobically, so the erythro-

cytes do not consume the oxygen they transport.

07/05/2022 Tare-Blood 19
Erythrocyte Function
Erythrocytes are dedicated to respiratory gas transport
 Hemoglobin
• Reversibly binds with O2 & most O2 in the blood is
bound to hemoglobin.
• Is composed of the protein globin, made up of 2α
& 2β chains, each bound to a heme group
Each heme group bears an atom of iron, which
can bind to one O2 molecule
• Each hemoglobin molecule can transport 4 mole-
cules of O2.

07/05/2022 Tare-Blood 20
Structure of Hemoglobin

The body stores iron in :

 Hemoglobin (65%), liver, spleen & bone marrow.
07/05/2022 Tare-Blood 21
Production of Erythrocytes

07/05/2022 Tare-Blood 22
Regulation & Requirements for Erythropoiesis

• Circulating erythrocytes - the number remains con-

stant & reflects a balance between RBC production
& destruction.
– Too few RBCs leads to tissue hypoxia
– Too many RBCs causes blood viscosity
• Erythropoiesis is
1. Hormonally controlled and
2. Depends on adequate supplies of:
• Iron, proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, vitamin B12, and
folic acid

07/05/2022 Tare-Blood 23
Hormonal Control of Erythropoiesis
• Erythropoietin (EPO) release by the kidneys is
triggered by hypoxia due to:
1. Decreased RBCs count.
2. Decreased oxygen availability.
3. Increased tissue demand for oxygen.

• Enhanced erythropoiesis increases the:

– RBC count in circulating blood and
– Oxygen carrying ability of the blood.

07/05/2022 Tare-Blood 24
Erythropoietin Mechanism
I mb
nce Start

Normal blood oxygen levels

Stimulus: Hypoxia due to de-
creased RBC count, decreased
I mb
al a availability of O2 to blood, or in-
creased tissue demands for O2
ability of blood
Reduces O2 lev-
els in blood

Kidney (and liver to a
Enhanced ery- stimulates red
smaller extent) releases
thropoiesis in- bone marrow
creases RBC

07/05/2022 Tare-Blood 25
Fate & Destruction of Erythrocytes
• The life span of an erythrocyte is 100–120 days.
• Old erythrocytes become rigid and fragile, and their
hemoglobin begins to degenerate.
• Dying erythrocytes are engulfed by macrophages.
• Heme & globin are separated & the iron is salvaged
for reuse:
* Heme: broken down into iron and bilirubin
* Globin: a reusable protein

07/05/2022 Tare-Blood 26
Human Blood Groups
• Grouping depends on the presence of antigens or
agglutinogens on the surface of RBCs.
• RBCs contain protein (glycoproteins /lipoproteins) on
their surface with antigenic effect. These antigens
– Unique to the individual
– Recognized as foreign if transfused into another individual
who does not have those same antigens on RBC membrane

• Presence or absence of these antigens is used to

classify blood groups.
07/05/2022 Tare-Blood 27
Major blood groups
• Over 14 blood groups and over 100 antigens are
identified from erythrocytes.
• Major blood groups are
1. ABO blood group
2. Rh system
3. Other blood groups (medically less important)
 MNS system
 P, Kell, Kide, Duffy system
 Diego, Lutheran system

07/05/2022 Tare-Blood 28
Importance of Knowing Blood groups:
1.Very essential medically, socially & Judicially.
• Socially, one should know his or her own blood group &
become a member of the blood donor's club so that he
or she can be approached during emergency conditions.
• Judicially it is helpful in medicolegal cases to sort out
parental disputes.
2.Among the couple helps to prevent the complica-
tions due to Rh incompatibility & save the child from

07/05/2022 Tare-Blood 29
ABO Blood Group
- Based on the + of 2 agglutinogen
Blood Antigen
(A and B), the ABO blood group can type present
be classified into 4 types of blood.
1. When agglutinogen A is present on A A
RBCs, the blood is type-A
2. When agglutinogen B is present on B B
RBCs, the blood is type-B
3. When both agglutinogen A & B exist AB A&B
together, type-AB
4. When neither agglutinogen A nor B neither A
nor B
are present, type-O
07/05/2022 Tare-Blood 30
Agglutinins (antibodies)
• In the ABO blood grouping, plasma contains 2
genetically determined agglutinins (antibodies):
 Anti-A antibodies (agglutinin-α)
 Anti-B antibodies (agglutinin-β)

• Existence of agglutinogen and agglutinins

1. When agglutinogen A is present on RBCs, anti-B antibody
2. When agglutinogen B is present on RBCs, anti-A antibody
3. When agglutinogen A & B exist together, neither anti-A
nor anti-B antibody present in the serum
4. When no agglutinogen on RBCs both anti-A and anti-B an-
tibodies are present in the serum
07/05/2022 Tare-Blood 31
Ag-Ab coexistence in the ABO Blood groups

Blood type Antigen Antibody

A A anti-B

B B anti-A

AB A&B Neither

O Neither both anti-A & anti-B

AB = universal receiver O = universal donor

07/05/2022 Tare-Blood 32
Ag-Ab coexistence …

07/05/2022 Tare-Blood 33
Ag-Ab coexistence …

07/05/2022 Tare-Blood 34
Rh Factor
 It was first worked out on Rhesus monkey to the
name Rh-system.
 Grouped as Rh+ and Rh- based on the + of agglu-
tinogen D on the surface of RBCs:
 Presence of agglutinogen D on RBCs = Rh+
 Missing agglutinogen D on RBCs = Rh-
 Agglutinin (anti-D antibodies) are not normally
present in the serum, produced secondary to expo-
sure of an Rh- blood to Rh+ blood (antigen-D).

07/05/2022 Tare-Blood 35
Erythroblastosis Fetalis
• Disease that destroys red blood cells.
• A serious blood disease of fetuses & newborn babies,
in which the antibodies produced by Rh- mother
destroy the RBCs of Rh+ fetus.
• Occurs when Rh- mother marries Rh+ father &
conceives Rh+ fetus.
• During delivery, there could be a leakage of Rh+
blood from the fetus to the circulation of the mother.

07/05/2022 Tare-Blood 36
Erythroblastosis Fetalis...
 Rh+ blood induces production of anti-D antibodies in
the circulation of the mother.
 During 2nd conception of Rh+ fetus, anti-D antibodies
cross the placenta and attack RBCs of the fetus.
Rho Gam injection after 1st birth which blocks
mother from forming anti-Rh antibody
 Limits risk for subsequent births

07/05/2022 Tare-Blood 37
Prevalence of ABO &
Rh blood groups among
different ethnic groups

Frequency of blood groups (%)

O A B AB Rh+
Whites 45 41 10 4 85
Blacks 48 27 21 4 88
Chinese 36 28 23 13 100
Ethiopians 47 28 20 5 97
07/05/2022 Tare-Blood 38
Compatibility between the Donor's Cells
& Recipient’s Serum
Recipients Serum
Donor's Cells

A  Х  Х
B Х   Х
AB Х Х  Х
O    

 No Agglutination Х Agglutination
Agglutination = clumping of red blood cells in the presence of an antibody
07/05/2022 Tare-Blood 39
Blood Transfusions
• Blood transfusion is giving of blood of one person
to another when there is a need. It can be:
1. Whole blood transfusion
– When blood loss is substantial.
– In treating thrombocytopenia.
• the state of having fewer than the normal
number of blood platelets per unit volume of
blood, often associated with hemorrhaging.
2. Packed red cells transfusion
- cells with plasma removed
- are used to treat anemia.
07/05/2022 Tare-Blood 40
Transfusion Reactions
• Transfusion reactions occur when mismatched
blood is infused.
• Donor blood cells are attacked by the recipient’s
– Diminished oxygen-carrying capacity.
– Clumped cells that impede blood flow.
– Ruptured RBCs that release free hemoglobin
into the bloodstream
• Circulating hemoglobin precipitates in the kid-
neys and causes renal failure
07/05/2022 Tare-Blood 41
Diagnostic Blood Tests
 Laboratory examination of blood can assess an indi-
vidual’s state of health
 Microscopic examination:
 Variations in size & shape of RBCs
- predictions of anemias
 Type and number of WBCs
- diagnostic of various diseases
 Chemical analysis can provide a comprehensive pic-
ture of one’s general health status in relation to
normal values.

07/05/2022 Tare-Blood 42
Leukocytes (White Blood Cells)

07/05/2022 Tare-Blood 43
Leukocytes (WBCs)…
• WBCs only make up about 1% of blood, but their
small number belies their immense importance.
• Play a vital role in the body’s immune system.
– the primary defense mechanism against invading bacte-
ria, viruses, fungi, and parasites.
• Often accomplish this goal through direct attack,
– which usually involves identifying the invading organism
as foreign, attaching to it, and then destroying it.
This process is referred to as phagocytosis.

07/05/2022 Tare-Blood 44
Leukocytes (WBCs)…
• WBCs also produce antibodies, which are released
into the circulating blood to target and attach to
foreign organisms.
– after attachment, the antibody may neutralize the or-
ganism, or it may elicit help from other immune system
cells to destroy the foreign substance.
• There are several varieties of WBCs, including neu-
trophils, monocytes & lymphocytes,
– all of which interact with one another & with plasma pro-
teins & other cell types to form the complex & highly ef-
fective immune system.

07/05/2022 Tare-Blood 45
Leukocytes (WBCs)…
• The only blood components that are complete cells.
– contain nucleus, and other organelles
• Less numerous than RBCs and platelets.
• WBC count :
– Normal (4,000-11,000/mm3)
• Average (7,000/mm3)
– Decrease in WBC count = Leukopenia

– Increase in WBC count = Leukemia

* normal response to bacterial or viral invasion

• 07/05/2022
Function = defense/protection Tare-Blood
against disease. 46
Types of WBCs
Granular leukocytes Agranular leukocytes
PMN-cells: Neutrophils Monocytes
Eosinophils Lymphocytes
WBC differential count
 Neutrophils: 50-60% (60%), 3000-7000/mm3
 Eosinophils: 1-4% (2.4%), 100-440/mm3
 Basophils: 0.3-0.5% (0.4%), 20-50/mm3
 Monocytes: 2-8% (5.3%), 100-700/mm3
 Lymphocytes: 20-40% (30%), 1500-3500/mm3

07/05/2022 Tare-Blood 47
Primary Functions of WBCs
1. Neutrophils
• The most abundant WBC & the first line of defense.
• Phagocytic cells (ingest bacteria)

2. Monocytes
• The largest WBCs & highly phagocytic cells.
• Leave the circulation, enter tissue & differentiate
into macrophages:

07/05/2022 Tare-Blood 48
The tissue macrophage system
(reticuloendothelial system)
Monocytes are formed in the bone marrow

enter the circulation

leave the circulation & enter the tissue

↑size, ↑lysosomal activities

become tissue macrophages

Lungs Skin Liver Brain Bone Spleen

Alveolar Histocytic Kupffer Microglial Lymph nodes
macrophage cells cells cells reticular cells
07/05/2022 Tare-Blood 49
Primary Functions of WBCs...
3. Basophils
• Liberate heparin, histamine & serotonin in al-
lergic reactions that intensify the overall in-
flammatory response.
4. Eosinophils
• Absorb histamine during allergic conditions so that
lessen the severity of allergies
• Produce hydrolytic enzymes to kill big parasites.
Increase in number during parasitic infection
– Eosinophilia

07/05/2022 Tare-Blood 50
Primary Functions of WBCs...
5. Lymphocytes
• Are responsible for acquired immunity.
• Of 2 types; B and T lymphocytes.
• An important cell class in the immune system that
produces antibodies:
– to attack infected & cancerous cells, and
– to reject foreign tissue.

07/05/2022 Tare-Blood 51
07/05/2022 Tare-Blood 52
07/05/2022 Tare-Blood 53
The Immune System
• A complex system that is responsible for protecting
us against infections & foreign substances.
• There are three lines of defense:
1. Keep invaders out (skin, mucus membranes).
2. Non-specific ways to defend against pathogens that
have broken through the first line of defense (inflamma-
tory response & fever).
3. Mounted against specific pathogens that are causing
• B cells produce antibodies against bacteria or viruses
in the ECF,
• T cells kill cells that have become infected.

07/05/2022 Tare-Blood 54
The Immune System …
• The immune system is closely tied to the lym-
phatic system, with B & T lymphocytes being
found primarily within lymph nodes.
– Tonsils & thymus gland are also considered
lymph organs & are involved in immunity.
• We often don't realize how effective the immune
system is until it fails or malfunctions, such as when
the lymphocytes are attacked by HIV in an AIDS pa-

07/05/2022 Tare-Blood 55
The Immune System …
• Body's ability to resist or eliminate potentially
harmful foreign materials or abnormal cells consists
of the following activities:
1. Defence against invading pathogens (viruses & bacteria).
2. Removal of 'worn-out' cells (old RBCs) & tissue
debris (from injury or disease).
3. Identification & destruction of abnormal or mutant cells -
primary defence against cancer.
4. Rejection of 'foreign' cells (organ transplant ).

07/05/2022 Tare-Blood 56
Types of Immunity
A. Innate / Natural / Non-specific immunity
 Phagocytosis
 HCl in the stomach
 Skin barrier
 Lysozymes in saliva

B. Acquired/ Adaptive / Specific immunity

 Specific
 Memory
 Recognition of self and non-self
07/05/2022 Tare-Blood 57
Innate Immunity
• It is also known as Natural / Non specific immunity.
• It is present since from the birth & it is the inborn
capability of the body to resist the entry of
microorganisms into the body.
• This type of immunity represents the first line of
defense against any pathogens.
• Therefore it is called Non Specific Immunity.

07/05/2022 Tare-Blood 58
Innate Immunity…
The mechanisms involved in Innate Immunity are:
1. Destruction of bacteria by gastric HCl.
2. Protective function of ciliated epithelium in the respiratory
3. Reflex mechanisms like sneezing, coughing, & vomiting.
4. Protective function of keratinised stratum corneum of
skin, a physical barrier against entry of microorganisms.
5. Presence of proteolytic enzymes & lysosomes in secretions
like sweat, saliva, sebum etc. destroys or inactivate the

07/05/2022 Tare-Blood 59
Acquired Immunity
•It is the resistance developed in the body against
any specific foreign body like bacteria, viruses, toxins.
• It is the most powerful immune mechanism that
protects the body from the invading organisms or
toxic substances.
• Of 2 types:
1. Passive Immunity
2. Active Immunity
 Active immunity is the function of Lymphocytes.

07/05/2022 Tare-Blood 60
Acquired Immunity…
1. Passive Immunity:
- Immunity developed in a non immune individual by
transfer of blood, serum, lymphocytes/antibodies
from an immune individual.
2. Active Immunity:
• Immunity developed by the production of anti-
bodies in response to the specific foreign antigen
• Immunity developed by the production of antibod-
ies by injecting antigen into the body through
07/05/2022 Tare-Blood 61
Active Immunity
 Active Immunity is of 2 types:
1. Cell Mediated Immunity (Cellular Immunity)
2. Antibody Mediated Immunity (Humoral Immunity)
1. Cell Mediated Immunity:
• It is provided by the activation of T lymphocytes.
• It is particularly effective against intracellular
pathogens that reside within host cells primarily
fungi, parasites, & viruses.

07/05/2022 Tare-Blood 62
Active Immunity …
2. Antibody Mediated Immunity
• It is provided by the activation of B lymphocytes.
• B lymphocytes fight against the invading organisms
by secreting antibodies into the blood & lymph.
• It is particularly effective against extracellular
pathogens that multiply in body fluids, mostly the

07/05/2022 Tare-Blood 63
Development & Processing of Lymphocytes:
Lymphoid stem cell
From bone marrow
Thymus processing [Maturation]
Mature T lymphocyte Mature B lymphocyte
Sensitised T cell Sensitised B cell
Memory cells
Helper Memory Suppressor Cytotoxic Plasma cells
T cells cells T cells T cells Antibodies
Cell mediated immunity
07/05/2022 Antibody mediated immunity
Tare-Blood 64
Development of Cell Mediated Immunity:
• For the development of cell mediated immunity,
T cells must be activated by exposure to an antigen
• Antigenic materials are released from invading
organisms & presented particularly to helper T- cells
 It is done by a special type of cells called
Antigen Presenting Cells (APC).
• Role of Antigen Presenting Cells, Helper T Cells,
Cytotoxic T Cells, Suppressor T Cells & Memory T
Cells will be discussed later.

07/05/2022 Tare-Blood 65
1. Role of Antigen Presenting cells:
• Only Macrophages & B lymphocytes function as
APCs & synthesize class II MHC proteins.
• Helper T cells require class II MHC proteins to func-
• When foreign organisms invade the body the APCs
engulf them by phagocytosis.
• Later the antigen from the engulfed organism is
partially digested into smaller peptide fragments by
the proteolytic enzymes of macrophage.

07/05/2022 Tare-Blood 66
The resulting
digested frag-
mented then
bind to class II
MHC proteins
IL 1 & TNF of

07/05/2022 Tare-Blood 67
2. Role of helper T cells:
• The binding between helper T cell receptor & antigen
to class II MHC is an essential event for the activation of
helper T cells.
• Finally the antigenic binding of the APC to the helper T cell
causes the APC to secrete interleukin – 1 (IL-1) & tissue
necrosis factor (TNF),which facilitates the activation of
helper T cells.
• Activated helper T cell now secretes various cytokines like
• IL2 which inturn activates the same helper T cell &
as well as the nearby cytotoxic T cells.
• IL4 & IL5 which activates the B lymphocytes & caus-
ing the production of antibodies.
07/05/2022 Tare-Blood 68
3. Role of Cytotoxic Cells:
• The activated cytotoxic T cells circulate through blood &
lymph & destroy the invading organisms by attacking them
directly in the following way:-
1. The binding between cytotoxic T cell receptor & antigen
causes the release of cytotoxic substances like lysosomal en-
zymes which destroys large number of microorganisms.
2. Cytotoxic T cells destroy even body’s own tissues which
are affected by the foreign bodies particularly the viruses.
Many viruses are entrapped in the membrane of affected
• The antigen of the viruses attracts the T cell, the cyto-
toxic cells kill the affected cells also along with viruses b/
se of this cytotoxic T cell is called Killer cell.
07/05/2022 Tare-Blood 69
4. Role of Suppressor T Cells:
• The suppressor T cells are also called as regulatory
T cells.
• These T cells suppress the activities of cytotoxic T
cells & plays an important role in preventing the
cytotoxic T cells from destroying the body’s own
tissues along with invaded organisms.
• The suppressor T cells also suppress the activities
of helper T cells.

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5. Role of Memory T Cells:
• Some of the T cells activated by an antigen do not enter the
circulation but remain in lymphoid tissue. These T cells are
called memory T cells.
• In later periods, the memory cells migrate to various
lymphoid tissues throughout the body.
• When the body is exposed to the same antigen for the 2nd
time, the memory cells identify the organism & immediately
activates the other T cells. So, the invading organism is
destroyed very quickly.
• The response of the T cells is also more powerful at
this time.

07/05/2022 Tare-Blood 71
Development of
Antibody Mediated Immunity
• The Antibody Mediated Immunity is developed by
the antibodies, which are circulating in the blood.
• The antibodies are produced by the B lymphocytes.
– These antibodies fight against the invading organisms.
• The Antibody Mediated Immunity is the major de-
fensive mechanism against the bacterial infec-
• As in the case of Cell Mediated Immunity, the
macrophages & other APC play an important role in
the development of Antibody Mediated Immunity.

07/05/2022 Tare-Blood 72
1. Role of Antigen Presenting cells.
• Antigen Presenting Cells (Macrophages) present the
antigen bound to class II MHC to B cells in addition
to presenting to T cells.
• The B cell receptor recognizes the antigen bound to
MHC which is displayed on the surface of the APC.
• The antigenic products activate B cells. Macrophages
also secrete a cytokine called IL-1. This causes the
activation & proliferation of lymphocytes.
• The B cells proliferated & transformed into 2 types of cells.
1. Plasma Cells
2. Memory Cells
07/05/2022 Tare-Blood 73
2. Role of Plasma Cells:
• Produce antibodies which are globulin in nature. The
antibodies are called Immunoglobulin's.
• The rate of antibody production is very high & are released
into lymph & then transported into the circulation.

3. Role of Memory B cells:

• Occupy the lymphoid tissues throughout the body.
• Are in inactive condition until the body is exposed to the
same antigen for the second time.
• The antibodies produced during the 2nd exposure to the
foreign antigen are also more potent than those produced
during 1st exposure.
07/05/2022 Tare-Blood 74
4. Role of helper T cells:

 The activated helper T cells in response to antigen

secrete two substances called :
 IL-2 &
 B cell growth factor which promote;
• Activation of more number of B lymphocytes.
• Proliferation of lymphocytes.
• Production of Antibodies.

07/05/2022 Tare-Blood 75
Antibodies (Immunoglobulin's)
• Are produced by plasma cells in response to antigen.
• The antibodies produced by B lymphocytes are found in
almost all the tissues of the body.
• Among these antibodies,
Ig G forms 75% of the
antibodies in
the body.
1. Ig G
2. Ig A
3. Ig M
4. Ig E
5. Ig D
07/05/2022 Tare-Blood 76
Mechanism of Action of Antibodies

07/05/2022 Tare-Blood 77
• The smallest cells in the
blood which are designed
for coagulation/ forming
a clot, whenever a blood
Inactive platelets
vessel is broken.
• As soon as an artery or
vein is injured, the
platelets in the area of
the injury begin to
clump together & stick
to the edges of the cut.
Active platelets
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Platelets and clotting
• Platelets also release messengers into the blood
that perform a variety of functions:
1. Constricting the blood vessels to reduce
2. Attracting more platelets to the area to enlarge
the platelet plug.
3. Initiating the work of plasma-based clotting
factors, such as fibrinogen.

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Platelets and clotting…
• Through a complex mechanism involving many
steps and many clotting factors,
– the plasma protein fibrinogen is transformed
into long, sticky threads of fibrin.

• Together, the platelets and the fibrin create an

intertwined meshwork that forms a stable clot.
• This self-sealing aspect of the blood is crucial to

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Genesis of Platelets
• The stem cell for platelets is the hemocytoblast

07/05/2022 Tare-Blood 81
o A series of reactions designed for stoppage of
o During hemostasis, 3 phases occur in rapid se-
1. Vascular spasm
- immediate vasoconstriction in response to injury

2. Platelet plug formation

3. Coagulation (blood clotting)

07/05/2022 Tare-Blood 82
1. Vascular spasm
• Local vasoconstriction that is caused by:
 Reflex sympathetic discharge and
 Local myogenic contraction of the vascular wall

• In effect both reaction minimize rate of bleeding

by narrowing the diameter of the hole (rupture)
on the wall of the blood vessels.

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2. Platelet Plug Formation
• Normally, platelets do not stick to each other or to the en-
dothelial lining of blood vessels. Upon damage to blood vessel
endothelium (which exposes collagen) platelets:
– Adhere & stick to exposed
collagen fibers and form a
platelet plug
– Release serotonin and ADP,
which attract additional
• The platelet plug is limited to
the immediate area of injury.

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3. Coagulation
• A set of reactions in which blood is transformed from a
liquid to a gel (clot).
• It is slow but has long lasting effect to stop bleeding.
• Follows intrinsic & extrinsic pathways, undergoes three
steps of reactions:
1. Formation of prothrombin activators through the in-
trinsic & extrinsic pathways
2. Convertion of prothrombin into thrombin by the action
of prothrombin activators (prothrombinase)
3. Conversion of fibrinogen into fibrin thread by the ac-
tion of thrombin

07/05/2022 Tare-Blood 85
Tare-Blood 86
07/05/2022 Tare-Blood 87
Injury to the Blood vessel

Damage to the endothelium &

Local smooth
Exposure of Collagen fibrinogen
Adherence of Platelets
Release of Activation of Platelets Fibrin thread
Serotonin by Secretion of ADP, & Thromboxane A2
the platelets
Aggregation of more & more Platelets Blood clo
Formation of loose Platelet plug ting
Formation of tight
Hemostatic plug
Tare-Blood 88
• Coagulation is formed
primarily of fibrin threads
(or polymers),
– but also including blood
cells and platelets.

• Blood clots:
– in the right places
prevent the loss of blood
from ruptured vessels,
– but in the wrong place
can cause problems such
as a stroke .

07/05/2022 Tare-Blood 89
Clot Retraction & Repair

 Clot retraction
– stabilization of the clot by
squeezing serum from the
fibrin strands

 Repair
– Platelet-derived growth factor
(PDGF) stimulates rebuilding of
blood vessel wall
– Fibroblasts form a tissue patch
– Stimulated by vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF),
endothelial cells multiply & restore the endothelial lining

07/05/2022 Tare-Blood 90
Prevention of unwanted intravas-
cular clotting
1. Smoothness of the endothelium
- prevents platelet adhesion
2. The presence of intravascular anticoagulants
produced by endothelial cells, platelets and WBCs.
 Heparin
 Anti-thrombin-III
 Protein-C
 Prostaglandin-I2
 Oral anticoagulant drugs

07/05/2022 Tare-Blood 91
Prevention of Undesirable Clots…
• Substances used to prevent undesirable clots include:
 Aspirin
– inhibits initiation of clotting mechanism so platelets are
less likely to stick together
 Heparin
– anticoagulant used clinically for pre- and postoperative
cardiac care
 Warfarin
– used for those prone to atrial fibrillation

07/05/2022 Tare-Blood 92
Abnormal intravascular clotting
• Blockage of a blood vessel by a blood clot thrombus
1. Damage to the endothelium.
e.g. Atherosclerosis
2. Sluggishness of blood flow.

3. Increase in viscosity of blood due to high platelet or

high RBC count.

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Abnormal intravascular clotting…
Thrombus – a clot that develops & persists in blood vessel
• Thrombi can block circulation, resulting in tissue death and
organ failure
• Coronary thrombosis – thrombus in blood vessel of the heart
e.g. Myocardial infarction (heart attack)

Embolus - a thrombus (blood clot) freely floating in the blood

• Pulmonary emboli can impair the ability of the body to obtain
oxygen (600,000 per yr in US causing 60,000 deaths)
• Cerebral emboli can cause strokes

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Erythrocyte Disorders
I. Anemia
• Insufficient Erythrocytes
• Decreased Hemoglobin Content
– blood has abnormally low oxygen-carrying capacity
• Blood O2 levels can not support normal metabolism
• The symptoms are :
– fatigue, paleness, shortness of breath, and chills
• Of 5 types

07/05/2022 Tare-Blood 96
Erythrocyte Disorders…
1. Hemorrhagic anemia
- result of acute or chronic loss of blood
2. Hemolytic anemia
- prematurely ruptured erythrocytes
3. Aplastic anemia
- destruction or inhibition of red bone marrow
4. Iron-deficiency anemia
- results from inadequate intake of iron-
containing foods & impaired iron absorption

07/05/2022 Tare-Blood 97
Erythrocyte Disorders…
Sickle blood cells
5. Sickle-cell anemia
- Results from a defective gene,
single aa substitution in the
- This defect causes RBCs to
become sickle-shaped after
O2 is released to tissue Normal RBCs
- RBC becomes rigid & can get
stuck in blood vessels
* tissue hypoxia (severe
pain & organ damage)

07/05/2022 Tare-Blood 98
Erythrocyte Disorders…
II. Polycythemia
– excess RBCs that increase blood viscosity of 3 types:
1. Primary polycythemia (polycythemia Vera)
- occurs when excess RBCs are produced as a result of an
abnormality of the bone marrow
2. Secondary polycythemia
- caused by either natural or artificial increases in the
production of erythropoietin
3. Blood doping
- the practice of boosting the number of RBCs in the
bloodstream in order to enhance athletic performance.

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Leukocytes Disorders
I. Leukemia
• An abnormal increase of white blood cells
• Cancerous conditions causing proliferation of immature WBCs
• Symptoms
 night sweats and fever, infections, weakness/chronic fa-
tigue, headaches, bleeding/bruising, Joint/bone pain, ab-
dominal swelling from enlarged spleen, lymph node
swelling, weight loss
• Of 2 types :
1.Acute leukemia - rapid onset (children and adults)
2.Chronic leukemia - symptoms develop slowly
(mostly adults)

07/05/2022 Tare-Blood 100

Leukocytes Disorders…
• Immature WBC are found in the bloodstream in all leukemia
in large number.
• Bone marrow becomes totally occupied with cancerous WBC.
• The WBC produced, though numerous, but are not functional
• Death is caused due to internal hemorrhage and massive
• Treatments include :
– irradiation, antileukemic drugs, & bone marrow transplants

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Leukocytes Disorders…
II. Leukopenia (leukocytopenia)
• A decrease in the number of WBCs (leukocytes) found in
the blood, w/c places individuals at increased risk of infection.
• May be due to a recent infection such as a cold/flu.
• It can also be associated with chemotherapy, radiation ther-
apy, and aplastic anemia.
• HIV AIDS, influenza, a deficiency in certain minerals such
as copper and zinc.

07/05/2022 Tare-Blood 102

Leukocytes Disorders…
Symptoms of Leukopenia
• Fatigue, headache and fever are frequent symptoms. One
also experiences hot flashes and irritability.
• The person becomes susceptible to various infections and
oral ulcers.
Treatment for Leukopenia
• Steroids & vitamins are prescribed by doctors to activate the
bone marrow in order to produce more white blood cells.
• Some therapies like cytokine therapy and chemotherapy are

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Bleeding disorders
• Inability to synthesize procoagulants (factors regulating
clotting mechanism) by the liver results in severe
bleeding disorders.
• Causes can range from vitamin K deficiency to hep-
atitis and cirrhosis
• Inability to absorb fat can lead to vitamin K deficiencies
as it is a fat-soluble substance and is absorbed along
with fat
• Liver disease can also prevent the liver from producing
bile, which is required for fat & vitamin K absorption.

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Bleeding disorders…

• Hereditary sex-linked recessive bleeding disorder
in males
XXh x XY = XX, XY, hXX, hXY
• It is a genetic disorder characterized by prolonged
bleeding, occurs due to deficiency of factor VIII.
 regular infusions of the deficient clotting factor,
replacement therapy

07/05/2022 Tare-Blood 105

Bleeding disorders…

Mother Father

Normal Normal Carrier Defective
healthy healthy healthy haemophilic
daughter son daughter son
07/05/2022 Tare-Blood 106
Bleeding disorders…
• A disorder with prolonged
bleeding time.
• Characterized by spontaneous
hemorrhage in the skin.
• Whenever damage to the
small blood vessels occurs
platelets plays a role in
arresting the bleeding.

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Bleeding disorders…
• But deficiency of platelets causes small tiny hemor-
rhagic spots in many areas of the body.
• These spots under the skin are called purpuric spots
(purpuric patch like appearance) that is why the
disease is called purpua.
• Caused by
– suppression/destruction of bone marrow
e.g. malignancy, radiation
• Treated with whole blood transfusions

07/05/2022 Tare-Blood 108

Bleeding disorders…
3 Types of purpura
1. Thrombocytopenic purpura
- due to decreased platelet count in bone
marrow disease.
2. Thromboesthenic purpura
- due to formation of abnormal platelets
3. Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura
- exact cause not known

07/05/2022 Tare-Blood 109

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