EFA Question Bank

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1. What is the proper treatment for Heat Stroke?

A) Rapid cooling of the body

B) Covering with a blanket

C) Exercise

D) Drinking Alcohol

Answer : A
02. First aid treatment for battery
acid or alkali burns, especially ?

 A) Flushing with large amounts of fresh water and

seeking medical attention ashore or by radio

 B) Wiping the affected area with a clean dry cloth and

resting quietly for several hours.

 C) Drying the acid or alkali with a rag followed by

applying a light cream

Answer : A
03. If a person suffering from possible
broken bones and internal injuries is
correctly being administered first aid,
What statement is true ?
A) The person should be examined on the scene and then walked to a bunk to
await the arrival of medical assistance

B) The person should be moved from the scene but not allowed to walk on their
own power without assistance

C) The person should not be allowed to lie down where injured but should be
moved to a chair or bunk

D) The person should not be moved (unless remaining on the scene is unsafe),
but made comfortable until medical assistance arrives

Answer : D
04. Doctors recommend the RICE method for
treating sprains, Rest, Ice, _______ and Elevate ?

 A) Cover

 B) Clean

 C) Compress

 D) Comfort

Answer : C
05.What action should be taken for
a patient suffering from heat
exhaustion ?
 A) Moved to a cool room and told to lie down

 B) Kept standing and encouraged to walk

slowly and continuously

 C) Given a glass of water and told to return to

work after 15 minutes of rest

 Answer : A
06. What danger to personnel exists when
a carbon dioxide fire extinguisher is
discharged in a small enclosed space ?

 A) Second degree burns

 B) Electric shock

 C) Suffocation

D) Burst eardrums

Answer : C
08. Severe exposure to chlorine gas can be fatal,
chlorine gas is primarily a _______ ?

 A) Respiratory irritant

 B) Skin burning agent

 C) blood poisoning agent

 D) nerve paralyzing irritant

Answer : A
09. Which of the following precautions should be taken
when treating burns caused by contact with dry lime ?

 A) Water should be applied in a fine spray

 B) The burned area should be immersed in

 C) The entire burn area should be covered

with ointment
 D) Before washing with water, the lime should

be brushed away gently and removed from

skin contact

 Answer: D
10. Where there are multiple accident
victims, which injuries should be the
FIRST to receive emergency treatment ?

 A) Major multiple fractures

 B) Eye Injuries

 C) Back injuries with spinal cord damage

 D) Airway and breathing difficulties

 Answer : D
11. Which procedure should not be done for
a person who has fainted?

 A) Revive the person with smelling salts

 B) Loosen the clothing

 C) Lay the person horizontally

 D) Give pain reliever

 Answer : D
12. Person who have swallowed a non-
petroleum based poison are given large
quantities of warm soapy water or warm salt
water to _______ ?
 A) Induce vomiting

 B) absorb the poison from the blood

 C) neutralize the poison in the blood

 D) Increase the digestive process and

eliminate the poison

 Answer :
13. The best treatment for preventing
traumatic shock after an accident is to
________ ?
 A) Have the victim exercise to increase circulation

 B) Keep the victim from electrical equipment

 C) Keep the victim warm and dry while lying down

 D) Apply ice packs and avoid excitement

 Answer :
14. The proper stimulant for an
unconscious person is ?

 A) Tea

 B ) Coffee

 C) Whiskey and water

 D) Ammonia inhalant

 Answer : D
15.Which danger exists to people when
CO2 is discharged into a small enclosed
space ?
 A) Damaged eardrums

 B) Electric shock

 C) Frostbite

 D) Respiratory arrest

 Answer : D
16. At what stage of immersion does the falling body
temperature become a primary hazard ?

 A) Initial immersion

 B) Short term immersion

 C) Long term immersion

 D) Post immersion

 Answer : C
17. How long can a person survive in
cold water (50 degrees) ?

 A) 1.5 Hours

 B) 2.5 Hours

 C) 4 Hours

 D) 7 Hours

 Answer : B
18. How much percentage increase in your survival time in
the sea if you are in huddle position ?

 A) 20

 B) 50

 C) 60

 D) 75

 Answer : B
19. What will do if the victim has no
pulse and respiration ?

 A) Live the victim as such

 B) Take him to hospital immediately

 C) Start CPR immediately

 Answer : C
20. At which method, heat is lost by
sweating ?

 A) Evaporation

 B) Conduction

 C) Radiation

 D) Convection

 Answer : A
21.Humans are ?

 A) Cold animal

 B) Warm animals

 C) Adapt both warm and cold

 Answer : B
22. At which stage the person body
temperature will continue to drop as the
water temperature ?
 A) Initial immersion

 B) Short term immersion

 C) Longer term immersion

 D) Post rescue immersion

 Answer : C
23. Water pulls heat from the body at
what rate ?

 A) 10 times faster than air

 B) 20 times faster than air

 C) 30 times faster than air

 D) 25 times faster than air

 Answer : D
24.What symptom indicates a patient
needs emergency care for hypothermia?

 A) Stumbling

 B) Blueness of skin

 C) Disorientation

 D)Poor co-ordination

 Answer: C
25.The accepted treatment for a
sprained ankle is ?

 A) Remove the shoe and check for swelling using

the capillary reflex method
 B) Keep the shoe on, apply an ankle bandage for

support, elevate and apply cold towels

 C) Keep the shoe on, apply an ankle splint and

apply heat if possible

 D) Have the victim walk or move as soon as

possible to prevent stiffness

 Answer : B
26.Green stick fracture is :

 A) Fracture that happens on a twig

 B) Fracture that is hardly noticed

 C) Fracture in children

 D) An irreparable fracture

 Answer : C
27.What are non absorbable sutures
material ?

 A) Dexon

 B) Nylon

 C) Vicryl

 Answer : B
28.What are the intravenous injection
site except ?

 A) Veins of the dorsal

 B) Veins of the forearm

 C) Veins of the thigh

 D) Veins of the foot

 Answer : C
29.What is the defibrillation energy
level for the third shock ?

 A) 100 J

 B) 200 J

 C) 200-300 J

 D) 360 J

 Answer : D
30.Before giving CPR you should first
make sure ?
 A) They are not bleeding

 B) They are conscious or unconscious

 C) Are not vomiting

 D) Are not dead

 Answer : B
31. The accepted treatment for a
femor or thigh fracture is ?

 A) Place a short padded splint on each side of the

 B)This type of fracture is best handled by a
traction splint applied by those with special
 C) Move the victim before properly applying a leg
 D) Bind both legs with two long splints using two
cravats, one above and one below the break

 Answer: B
32. What is the length of adult male
endotracheal tube ?

 A) 21 CM

 B) 22 CM

 C) 23 CM

 D) 24 CM

 Answer : C
33. Heimlich maneuver is used for ?

 A) Burns

 B) Battle field injuries

 C) Anaphylaxis

 D) Choking

 Answer : D
34. Second line therapy is a minimum
of how many drugs ?

 A) 1

 B) 5

 C) 3

 D) 10

 Answer : 3
35. How many steps present in HIV
life cycle ?

 A) 2

 B) 4

 C) 5

 D) 7

 Answer : B
36. What is first line therapy ?
 A) The first single drug for HIV treatments

 B) The first combination drugs for HIV treatments

 C) The second single drug for HIV when the first drug is

 D) The second combination drug for HIV when the first

drug is resistance

 Answer : B
37.AIDS stands For _______ ?

 A) Auto immune deficiency syndrome

 B) Acquired immune deficiency syndrome

 C) Amniotic immune deficiency syndrome

 Answer : B
38. HIV prevention can be made
difficult by all except ?

 A) Physicians ambiguity

 B) Social ambiguity

 C) Language barrier

 D) Failure to convince patient

 Answer : D
39.HIV affects a person’s immune system,
which makes them more vulnerable to
infections, and can make them very ill ?

 A) It makes a person lose weight very suddenly

 B) It reduces the body’s core temperature

 C) It attacks the immune system

 Answer : B
40. Acute infection in HIV may
present as ?

 A) Diarrhoea

 B) Vomiting

 C) Swollen lymph glands

 D) Swelling of the feet

 Answer : C
41. The acute period last for
______weeks after initial infection ?

 A) 0- 4 weeks

 B) 2- 6 weeks

 C) 6- 12 weeks

 C) 12- 16 weeks

 Answer : C
42. Anorexia and bulimia are frequently comorbid with major depression, thus eating disorders have tended
pharmacologically with which of the following ?

 A) Antipsychotics

 B) Antibiotics

 C) Antihistamine

 D) Antidepressants

 Answer : D
43. In binge-Eating/Purging type anorexia nervosa, self –starvation is
associated with ?

 A) Not eating to help control weight gain

 B) Not being bothered about weight gain

 C) Regularly engaging in purging activities to

help control weight gain

 D) Eating only certain food types

 Answer : C
44. Advance communications system and technology
stipulated by WHO where medical advice can be sought
by ?

 A) Tele medicine

 B) Satellite communication

 C) Radio medical advice

 D) Compulsory on board specialized

 Answer : C
45. Which of the following is not a good
approach to managing stress ?
 A) Talking directly to the person who is causing
the stress
 B) Giving yourself a treat, like comfort food or a
 C) Accepting that there are things beyond your
 D) Trying cognitive behavioural therapy to learn
new copying skills

 Answer : B
46.Cancer of the cervix in women can
be detected by regular pap smears ?

 A) VAT test

 B) Elise test

 C) Pap smears

Answer : C
47. A high-fiber, low-fat diet and
regular exercise can help to ?

 A) Increase CVD

 B) Increase weight

 C) lose weight

 Answer : C
48. First aid means_________?
 A) Providing CPR to a person in distress

 B) The treatment of broken bones

 C) Immediate and temporary basic medical

care to an ill or injured person

 D) Providing the proper dosage of medications

 Answer :
49. The first aid symbol is ?

 A) The maltese cross

 B) The cross of gibraltor

 C) The sudanese cross

 D) The cross of the dead

 Answer : A
50. Doctors recommend the RICE
method for treating sprains, Rest, Ice,
_____ and elevate ?
 A) Cover

 B) Clean

 C) Compress

 D) Comfort

 Answer : C

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