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Prepared by:
Gaurav kumar
Pit configuration
Pit configuration
Determination of ultimate pit configuration for
surface mines
Once the mineral inventory is developed, the next step involves the
development and superimposition of the pit onto the mineral
The mineable material becomes that lying within the pit boundaries.
The size and shape of the pit is a function of economic factors and
design/production constraints. With an increase of selling price of
mineral/ore, the pit would expand in size assuming all other
factors remain constant and vice-e-versa
. The pit configuration existing at the end of mining is called the ‘final
pit configuration’ or the ‘ultimate pit configuration (UPC)’.
The UPC may be determined by different methods – hand methods,
computer methods and computer assisted hand methods.
 In the hand methods, there are following four basic
steps involved in determining the UPC.
I. A slice is selected.
II. The contained value is compared with the
III. If the net value is positive, the pit can be
expanded, and if it is negative, the pit
IV. The final pit position is where the net value of
the slice is zero.
• There are number of computer methods available
for determination of UPC. Of these, floating cone
method and Lerchs-Grossmann 2-D algorithm are
commonly used for determination of UPC in two-
dimensional cross section. For optimizing the UPC
in three dimensions, 2 ½ -D algorithm and Lerchs-
Grossmann 3-D algorithm are generally used. In all
these methods, at first the economic block model of
the ore body is developed and then the UPC is
Floating cone method
Floating cone method
Floating cone method
Floating cone method..
Floating cone method..
Floating cone method..
Ultimate vs Optimal
Taylor’s Mine life formula
• Taylor (1977) studied many actual projects (some operating and others only
planned) involving a wide range of ore-body sizes, and shapes (other than thin
deposits of very large lateral extent), for which the total ore reserves were
reasonably well known before major design commenced. The designed lives
were proportional to the fourth root of the tonnage. This lead to the
formulation of Taylor's rule, a simple and useful guide that states:

In this equation, quantities expressed in millions and except for special

conditions, the practical range of variation seems to lie within a factor of 1.2
above and below.
Highwall Slope Design Methodology
Dump Design Methodology
Factors affecting upc
 Stripping ratio
 Grade of ore
 Types of deposit
 Tonnage of ore reserve
 Market conditions
 Available capital
 Presence of geological discontinuities
 Hydrological conditions
 Desired profit margin
 Availability of equipment
 Transportation facilities

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