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Where Value & Innovation co-exist

Automated regression testing

Where Value & Innovation co-exist


 Automation Process
 Automation Logical Flow
 Automation Framework Overview
 Automation Coverage
 Execution Method
 Result Tracking
 Automation Metrics

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Where Value & Innovation co-exist

Automation Process:

 List of Features to be Identified for Automation

 Preparing Automation Plan

 Scripting

 Reviewing of Scripts

 Execution of Scripts

 Exploring the Results

 Preparing Test Reports

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Where Value & Innovation co-exist

Automation Logical Flow

Framework Include Files

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Where Value & Innovation co-exist

Automation Framework
 Framework is the development of application friendly environment which includes Window
declaration, Methods declarations, Property declarations, Class declaration, Class objects
declaration, Functions declarations, data function declarations, result logging function

 Snapfish Automation Framework Files:

 Include Files
 Global
 file providing smart and powerful functions for Snapfish application.
 This include file consists of all global functions used for the project.
 consists of declarations of all the windows in Snapfish. Some of
windows having methods related with the functionality.
 file consists of all the constants used for the Snapfish automation
project like staging Urls, silktest shortcut keys, common text, common captions of
the objects etc.
 Existing silktest classes overriding, New class definition, Methods and properties
definitions, common objects definition is are defined in this file.
 Which includes all the framework inc files.

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Where Value & Innovation co-exist

 Script Files
 For each module, we will maintain separate script files which includes Data Driven
 Each Data Driven Testcase is derived by Test Driver File.

 Test Driver File

 Using External Flat File (like .xls)
 Which includes TestData for the corresponding TestCase.

 Master Plan Files

 Automated test cases/scripts are further organized into master test plans and suite files to
ensure priority-based test execution.

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Where Value & Innovation co-exist

Automation Coverage for Snapfish (Some

Part of Plans)
# Total TestCases # Automated # Not Automation
Automated Coverage
# Project/Feature

1 Fwd Prod to a Friend 167 40 128 24%

2 Web2Mobile on UK site 128 107 21 84%

3 Home Printing integration 925 415 510 45%

4 International registraiton 434 260 174 60%

5 Registration 242 130 112 54%

6 Card Store 1172 905 268 77%

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Where Value & Innovation co-exist

Execution Process & Results Tracking

 Scripts are automatically run using scheduling mechanism.
 Sanity test suite is scheduled to run after build deploy to make
sure build is ready for further tests.
 Automated test cases/scripts are further organized into master
test plans and suite files to ensure priority-based test execution
 Plan for executing the scripts is for every release as part of
 Execute specific scripts based on the requests from Testing
 Send Results files to testing team
 Analyse the results and report any errors found
 Re-run scripts for any errors found on next builds
 Result files are kept in perforce
 Metrics report prepared based on the results
 Failed cases will be re-executed in order to identify whether it’s a
bug or script error.

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Where Value & Innovation co-exist

Automation Metrics for Snapfish

 No. of Regression Test cases automated: 40000+ (Approx.)

 Regression person-hours covered by Automation suite: 3000+
(Approx.) hours.

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Where Value & Innovation co-exist

Thank you!

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