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Goods receipt from production HUM activated


Goods Receipt of product from a production order

Confirmation of production Purchase Order LPR

SM Mvt 101 Automatic goods receipt Automatic or manuel TO creation WHS Packing GRV Printing of label if necessary TO printing Physical transfer WHO

Manual goods receipt GRV

Confirmation of TO WHO

PRQ = Buyer LPR LPR = Receiver GRV APA = Creator of transfer orders WHS

= Stock keeper (warehouses other than maintenance warehouses)

Business rules 1/2 Goods Receipt of product from a Each production of materials in stock must production order keeper. be accepted in SAP by the stock
A good receipt is a stock movement which starts and creates a recording of a stock increase The good receipt in SAP must occur against a production order.
With production orders, the user entering the production is doing the receipt. 2 possibilities exist:
Confirmation of production automatically starts the receipt of the goods

Business rules 2/2 Goods Receipt of product from a production order

Each Good Receipt leads to a material document, which records the stock movement in SAP The good receipt updates the order itself by indicating that the order has been delivered. Physical movement of materials
The creation of the transfer order must be carried out prior to the physical movement Transfer requests are automatically created at receipt of goods

Goods Receipt of product from a production order (HUM activated)
What information do I need to accept my materials in stock? Quantities actually received The production order number HU number to pack (ex : box) and HU number used for packing (ex : palet) HU number to receipt (ex : Palet) Two variants for reception (HUM

YWR19 2/2 Packing and goods receipt of product goods

Menu access : Transaction YWR19 : HU packing and good receipt

YWR19 1/5 Packing and goods receipt of product goods

1. Enter or scan order production number 2. 3. Product good, batch and plant are automatically display Press F4 for next screen


Enter or scan packing material number for the HU higher level If higher level HU already exist and needs only to add HU lower level to it, press F6 and scan HU higher level number Press F4 for next screen



YWR19 3/5 Packing and goods receipt of product goods

1. 2. 3. 4. Enter or scan HU lower level number to add and press enter List is incremented with HU, HU numbers and total quantities are updated Scan again HU number to select an HU in the list (blue arrow) Press F9 if you want unpack HU lower lever inside the HU higher level Press F7 if you want to see lower level HU detail. It s HU included inside HU selected (blue arrow) Press F1 if you want to save packing without made the good receipt. Press F8 if you want to save packing and make the good receipt.


6. 7.

YWR19 4/5 Packing and goods receipt of F7 HU details product goods HU. This HU This function allow to see details inside an
can contain other HU or materials. be change by user before 1. Material quantity can
to save packing and make the good receipt. 2. Press enter after changing quantity to validate the change. Press F3 to come back to previous screen.


YWR19 5/5 Packing and goods receipt of F8 Recording good receipt product goods This function allow to :
Save HU structure created (higher level HU creation, assignment / unsassignment of lower level HU) Save HU good receipt When HU are assigned and quantities eventually 1. changed, press F8 to record HU and good receipt. Create transfert order for warehouse strategy (optionnal 2. Print automatticaly labelMessageshigher level of HU are display regarding option made. HU
number created is display, material document number and eventually transfert order (if transfert order creation is activated).

2 1

YWR20 1/5 Goods receipt of product goods (HUM)

Accs par le menu : Transaction YWR20 : HU good receipt

YWR20 2/5 Goods receipt of product goods (HUM)

1. 2.

Enter or scan order production number Product good, batch and plant are automatically display Press F4 for next screen


YWR20 3/5 Goods receipt of product goods (HUM)

1. 2. 3. 4. Enter or scan HU lower level number to add and press enter. List is incremented with HU, HU numbers and total quantities are updated Scan again HU number to select an HU in the list (blue arrow) Press F9 if you want unpack HU lower lever inside the HU higher level Press F7 if you want to see lower level HU detail. It s HU included inside HU selected (blue arrow) Press F8 if you want to save assignments and make the goods receipt.



YWR20 4/5 Goods receipt of product F7 HU details goods (HUM)an HU. This HU This function allow to see details inside
can contain other HU or materials be change by user before 1. Material quantity can
to save packing and make the good receipt. 2. Press enter after changing quantity to validate the change. Press F3 to come back to previous screen.


YWR20 5/5 Goods receipt of product F8 Recording good receipt goods (HUM) This function allow to :
Save HU good receipt Create transfert order for warehouse strategy (optionnal) 1. When HU are assigned and quantities eventually
changed, press F8 to record HU and good receipt. 2. Messages are display regarding option made. HU number created is display, material document number and eventually transfert order (if transfert order creation is activated).

2 1

Transaction to be carried 1/2 out

Whan HU print is not automatic, print are proceed with transaction VL74

Reprint HU label

1 2


Mode de traitement : 1. 2. If HU is not already printed To re print HU when it is already printed

2. 3.

Enter HU number or find it with order production number via match code Execute

Transaction to be carried 2/2 out

Reprint HU label

1. 2. 3.

Select HU Execute Following message ius display when label is correctly printed

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