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Math grammar

Equal (vb) (adj) Equality (n)


Two plus two equals four.

10 x 10 = 100

Ten times ten equals one hundred.

8/2 = 4

Eight divided by two equals four.


Two plus two equals four.

8 - 1 =9

Eight minus one equals nine.

7 x 7 = 49

Seven times seven equals forty nine.

Multiply + by / Divide + by

7 x 7 = 49
Seven multiplied by seven equals forty nine.
7/7 = 1
Seven divided by seven equals one.
Subtract from

8-10 = 2
Eight subtracted from ten equals two.
Add to

10 + 100 = 110
Ten added to one hundred equals one
hundred and ten.
Word order:

One to four ratio

5 boys to every 20 girls.

The ratio of boys to girls is one to four.

Word order:
One to four ratio

Ten added to one hundred equals one hundred and ten.

Eight subtracted from ten equals two.

Seven multiplied by seven equals forty nine.

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