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How to create good working

Make time to build
Focus on building mutual trust with
The simplest thing you can your colleagues
do is to actively make time A relationship is nothing without
for those around you. All it trust, and your work relationships
takes is a spare five minutes are no different; a working
to walk over to a colleague's relationship is only effective when
desk and strike up a mutual trust exists. delivering on
conversation. Whether it's commitments is an important way
work-related or not, those to build trust with your colleagues.
Trust is reciprocal when you can
five minutes a day will help trust a colleague, they are more
you build a connection and likely to feel like
gain trust – the perfect
ingredients for a positive
Listen to others
• At the center of effective Avoid office politics or gossip
communication is good listening. Gossip: Office gossip has the powerful
While it's understandably
ability to foster disengagement and
important to share your own ideas
and be able to speak up in front of negative feelings toward your job,
colleagues, good communication management and your company,
and relationship building is resulting in dissatisfaction in the
dependent upon being able to workplace. Similarly, if you gain a
listen to others. reputation as a gossip, your colleagues
• Colleagues are more likely to may lose trust in you. Therefore, if
support one another in the you're in the process of cultivating
workplace when they feel like strong working relationships, gossip is
they are listened to and
your number one enemy.

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