Abinitio Ace: (A I Application Configuration Environment)

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AbInitio ACE

(A>I Application Configuration Environment)

Co>Op: 3.1
• Introduction
• Architecture
• Application Template
• Application Configuration
• Configurations-
 Dataset
 Generate DML
 Lookup
 Join
 Generate Feed
• Data Lineage

• ACE is the abinitio software that helps organization to take help of generalized
applications to improve business agility, streamline business processes and
increase application reusability.
• Business analyst use the ACE in web browser to select a generalized application
and configure it for one or more specific business uses (in one case business data
and in another case using inventory data). This approach enables an organization
to focus development resources on a smaller set of applications and keep those
applications more insulated from changing business details. At the same time it
gives analyst the flexibility to handle those changing business details simply and
directly by editing an application configuration or by creating a new one.
• While using ACE, analyst work interactively in graphical view of selected
application’s configuration. They can test result of their configuration settings,
view how these settings affect sample data, and make changes as needed. When
an application configuration complete, they can publish to be checked in,
promoted and run.
• Any business users that needs to operate on same kind of operation multiple
times, can make use of ACE. For example, suppose a company needs to feed
various kind of data from various sources into a data warehouse. Instead of
designing several separate application to handle each scenario, they can
develop a single feed application with flexibility to handle them all.
• Developer use Abinitio s/w to create Application Template(s), which is then
used by Analyst to create application configuration to handle various scenarios.
This speeds up the usual cycle of analyzing, building and testing application
• BRE (Business Rule Environment) is configured in ACE for writing
Transformation. BRE is another Abinitio tool, used to write/test Ruleset.
• EME(Enterprise Metadata Environment) maintains all the metadata information
of ACE.
• ACE is a web based interface.
• ACE and BRE are installed together. They can’t be installed separately.
• The Pair of application are installed on Application Server such as Apache Tomcat
or IBM Websphere.
• The application Server communicates with Co>Op through ab-bridge process.

Abintio Server Software Host

End Application Server

Ab Initio Bridge Co>Op
User Host – ACE Web
App EME Authentication

Check In EME
Client Check Out TR
• Each BRE or ACE browser session creates a new instance of a server on the
Co>Operating System host, that provides access to Co>Operating System services.

• Memory Consumption on the Co>Operating System host increases with each browser
session as the number of server instances accumulates.

• Processing for the BRE and the ACE is primarily on the Co>Operating System host
and not on the application server.
Application Template
• Application template is an XML-based specification that tells the ACE how to perform the
Configuration of a particular generic application.

• Each template is created and maintained by developers who are familiar with the chosen
application (including plans, graphs and psets), the Abinitio development environment,
and the configuration requirements of their business analyst.

• Within an application template, developers define the user interface (controls,

organization, and style) that the ACE is to display when a business analyst creates or edits

• Developers define, how that user interface-

• Enables analyst to specify values for the parameters exposed by the generic
application (in its plan, graphs, and psets).
• Enables analyst to test the effects of their values by displaying data from appropriate
points in the application’s execution.
• Generates psets containing the values specified by analyst when they save their
configuration work.
Application Configuration
• An Application Configuration specifies actual values for the configurable details of an

• Business Analyst creates application configuration from application template.

• An organization might create a few application configurations for a particular application

or it might create many. Each application configuration represents a different use of the
application, satisfying a different set of business requirement.

• For example, a company that needs to feed various kinds of data from various sources
into a data warehouse. Instead of designing several separate applications to handle each
scenario ( special customer and their transactions or regional orders and inventory.) they
can develop a single feed application with flexibility to handle them all.
File, DB Table, Excel, EME Dataset(Object from EME)

File, Excel, Table, XML

•Filter records
•Group Record – Keep last Property only
•Remove Duplicate – Keep first Property only
•Remove Duplicate from Source data
•Sort Records
•Modify Records
•Lookup Operation

.appconf(xml code), .xfr, .pset
File, DB Table, Excel

Lookup File(.dat)

•Create a lookup file based on Key and Record Format.
•Modify, group records
•Remove duplicates
•Filter records.

.appconf(xml code), .xfr, .pset
Generate DML
Excel, DB Table, SQL, EME Dataset etc

DML file

-Generates DML for the specified source

.appconf(xml code), .dml
File, DB Table, Excel, EME Dataset

File, Excel

Join Types-
•Inner Join

•Join on basis of key, else Failure.
•Filter records before Join.

•None- First Input file is Driving file.
•Reformat – Write rules, define ruleset.
•Rollup – Rollup on o/p of Inner Join
Generate Feed
Generate Feed creates a metadata in DB, which is then used for loading any
source file, or running a DB Procedure.

• Run a source feed using combination of Dataset and Lookup.
• Run a DB Procedure using some signal file.
• Create signal file on completion of Job.
• Sequence the order of execution of Proc, Dataset, and/or Lookup.

.appconf(xml code), .pset
Data Lineage
More Info…
To start/open Abinitio ACE bridge-

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