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TOPIC: Thermal Physics When the temperature of a gas is increased,

SUB-TOPIC: Kinetic particle model of matter Relationship between motion of particles and
temperature the speeds of the molecules increases. This
Date: 7th March, 2022 causes them to collide harder against
Objectives: Imagine a gas is trapped inside a container which
surfaces, increasing the pressure.
• Describe the particle structure of solids, liquids and gases in terms has a fixed size (its volume cannot change). Gas Increasing the temperature of a gas
of the arrangement, separation and motion of the particles, and pressure is caused by the collisions of the gas
(whilst keeping its volume fixed) will
represent these states using simple particle diagrams particles with the inside of the container as they
• Describe the relationship between the motion of particles and increase the pressure.
collide with and exert a force on the container
temperature, including the idea that there is a lowest possible walls.
temperature (−273 °C), known as absolute zero, where the ● The higher the pressure, the more motion
If the gas is heated up, as the temperature of the of a gas’ particles
particles have least kinetic energy
• Describe the pressure and the changes in pressure of a gas in terms gas increases, the particles gain kinetic energy ● The higher the temperature, the more
of the motion of its particles and their collisions with a surface and their speed increases. This means that the motion of a gas’ particles
• Know that the random motion of microscopic particles in a particles hit off the sides more often and with
suspension is evidence for the kinetic particle model of matter greater force. Both of these factors cause the
Keywords- Pressure, temperature, Brownian motion, gas, solid, liquid pressure of the gas to increase. Random motion of microscopic particles
Reference- ● Particles in liquids and gases (known as fluids) move randomly (this is called
A temperature of absolute zero is the point at
notes/2-thermal-physics/2-1-simple-kinetic-molecular-model-of- Brownian motion)
matter/2-1-5-pressure-changes/ which the gas particles stop moving. This
corresponds to a temperature of −273∘C. At this ● This happens because they collide with
temperature, particles have no kinetic energy at other moving particles in the fluid
all, so, no energy can be removed and the ● This is evidence for the kinetic particle
The structure of solids, liquids and gases in terms of
temperature cannot get any lower. With no model of matter- it shows that there are
particle separation arrangement and types of motion
kinetic energy and now stationary, the particles individual particles which make up
will exert no pressure either. solids/liquids/gases
●Gas: particles have the most energy. Since the particles
are the most spread apart, motion is more random and Pressure and changes in pressure
frequent The molecules in a gas move around randomly at
● Liquid: particles have more energy than those in a solid, high speeds, colliding with surfaces and exerting
but less than those in a gas pressure upon them.
● Solid has least energy – particles are not moving, they
are just vibrating

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