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Narrative Text
Class A Morning
Lectuer : Hamid Asman ,S.Pd
Meeting 1:
Introductory material

Definition of Reading

The Purpose of Reading to

Definition of Narrative Text
Reading is a necessity if we want to rule the
world. By reading, we become more open view
of the new things that we did not know before.
When identical with the previously read the
book, then in this digital era of almost read not
only in reading the book because of all the
current information has been available in

Reading is an important stage in the
development of children because reading is
the first gate to get to the more complex of
lesson process
Purpose of Reading
The general objective is to find and read
information from sources that are read

Definition of Narrative Text

Narrative text is one of the 13 types of English text (genre) who

was born of the Narration (see Types Of Text) Likewise
Recount Text, Text anecdote, Spoof News Items Text and Text
which serves to tell the story of the past and for entertainment.
The purpose of learn narrative text is to entertain the
listeners or readers on a story or stories relating to the
past experience of the real, imaginary or complicated
events leading to a crisis, which eventually came to a
Example of Narrative text
The Wounded Bird

I find a bird. It is wounded on its right wing. I take the bird.

I look after it. I put it into a cage.
Everyday, I shed Iodine on the wounded wing.
I pray for it. I wish that it will be fine.One week later, it is getting better.
It can fly in the cage from one side to the others.
I think it will be happy to fly at the outside. I open the cage. I take the bird.
I pet its small head. Finally, I let it fly away. It sings so loud.
It flies highly in the sky. I south to the bird,
”Go away… and find your family!”.
Burung Yang Terluka

Aku menemukan seekor burung. Burungnya terluka pada sayap kanannya.

Aku mengambil burung itu. Aku menjaganya. Aku meletakkannya di dalam sebuah kandang.
Setiap hari, aku memberinya obat merah pada sayap yang terluka. Aku berdoa untuknya.
Aku harap burung ini akan sehat.Seminggu kemudian, burung itu membaik. Burung itu bisa
terbang di dalam kurungan dari satu sisi ke sisi yang lain. Aku pikir burung itu akan bahagia
bila terbang di luar.
Aku buka kurungannya. Aku ambil burungnya. Aku usap pada kepala kecilnya.
Akhirnya, aku membiarkannya terbang. Burung itu bernyanyi dengan begitu keras.
Burung itu terbangt tinggi di angkasa. Aku berteriak pada burung itu,”Pergilah… Dan
temukan keluargamu.”
Teachers read the narrative text, followed by
The Teacher asked one by one of the students
to read aloud in front of the class as the initial
Then the students were told to describe a bird,
example : the bird is animal that has wings,
legs and beak, the birds chirping in the
morning he always lived in the trees and
make nests as a place to live, he can fly fruits,
some are eating meat.
Teachers give assignments to students
Teacher asks students translation to text Indonesian, as
the initial training and tasks at home.
Teacher gives conclusions
question and answer
Closing prayer at the end of the lesson.
Burung Yang Terluka

Aku menemukan seekor burung. Burungnya terluka pada sayap kanannya.

Aku mengambil burung itu. Aku menjaganya. Aku meletakkannya di dalam sebuah
kandang. Setiap hari, aku memberinya obat merah pada sayap yang terluka. Aku berdoa
untuknya. Aku harap burung ini akan sehat.Seminggu kemudian, burung itu membaik.
Burung itu bisa terbang di dalam kurungan dari satu sisi ke sisi yang lain. Aku pikir
burung itu akan bahagia bila terbang di luar.
Aku buka kurungannya. Aku ambil burungnya. Aku usap pada kepala kecilnya.
Akhirnya, aku membiarkannya terbang. Burung itu bernyanyi dengan begitu keras.
Burung itu terbangt tinggi di angkasa. Aku berteriak pada burung itu,”Pergilah… Dan
temukan keluargamu.”

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