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Learning outcome

 Define Heart Attack, sudden cardiac arrest and cardiac death

 Identify the differences between a Heart attack and cardiac arrest
 Understand the core function of the heart in connection to the
occurrence of heart attack and cardiac arrest
 Know what to do during an emergency.
 List symptoms, causes and preventive measures to both emergencies.
What is a Heart Attack?
 A heart attack is caused by blockage in one or more blood vessels leading to the heart, restricting
oxygenated blood reaching the heart muscle.

 Other terms used for a heart attack include myocardial infarction, cardiac infarction, and coronary
thrombosis. An infarction is when the blood supply to an area is cut off, and the tissue in that area dies.

 A heart attack is the blockage of a blood vessel leading to the heart, while a cardiac arrest occurs
when the electrical system to the heart malfunctions or becomes very irregular. It involves the heart
stopping the pumping of blood around the body which eventually leads to sudden cardiac death.
How the heart Works
(Heart beat mechanism)

 The heart is divided into 4 main compartments:

2 atria and 2 ventricles.
 Each compartment has a gateway protected by
 Arteries carry blood out of the heart
 Veins carry blood into the heart
 The heart sends blood to the lungs where it
exchanges CO2 for O2 and then sends the
oxygenated blood round to body.

Heart Attack Cardiac arrest

 Recurring Chest pain/ Tightness which  Abnormal breathing or racing heartbeat
last more than 2 minutes without prior warning
 Severe pain around the arm, jaw, neck  No sign of a pulse of breathing
and back areas  Discolouration of the face
 Shortness of breath  Extreme dizziness and faint feeling
 Nausea and light headedness accompanied with severe sharp chest pain
 Collapsing or Unresponsiveness
What to do!
During a Heart attack During a Cardiac Arrest
 Rush the victim to the nearest hospital for medical attention if
 Manual chest compressions
conscious  Use of defibrillator
 Start Manual chest compressions if unconscious
 Use of defibrillator

CPR Steps:
1. Assess the scene
2. Check for response
3. Call for an Ambulance / Emergency medical unit
4. If breathing (slightly) Give 1 recue breath every 5 seconds
5. If no sign of breathing or pulse, Give 2 rescue breaths and 30 chest
compressions in 18 seconds or less.
6. Repeat until a defibrillator arrives.
After stabilization from Heart After stabilization from a Cardiac
Attack Arrest
 aspirin and other antiplatelet  Drugs. Doctors use various anti-
arrhythmic drugs for emergency
 beta blockers
 Implantable cardioverter-defibrillator
 ACE (angiotensin converting enzyme)
 Coronary bypass surgery.
 statins
 Corrective heart surgery.
 angioplasty
CAUSES of Heart attack
The following factors are associated with increased risk of a heart attack:

 Age
 Angina
 High cholesterol levels
 Diabetes
 Diet
 Genetics
 Heart surgery
 Hypertension
 Obesity
Causes of Sudden cardiac arrest

 Respiratory failure
 Previous heart surgery
 Haemorrhage
 Poison
 Massive Pulmonary Embolism
 Thrombosis (Pulmonary and Coronary)
 Hypothermia

 ECG or electrocardiograph
 Blood tests (cardiac enzyme tests)
 Imaging Tests (chest X-ray)
The best way of preventing a heart attack and eventually, sudden cardiac death is to have a healthy
lifestyle. Measures for healthy living include the following:

 not smoking
 eating a balanced, healthful diet
 getting plenty of exercise
 getting plenty of good quality sleep
 keeping diabetes under control
 keeping alcohol intake down
 maintaining blood cholesterol at optimum levels
 maintaining a healthy body weight

 During a heart attack (blockage in blood vessel), the heart muscle is still beating but is suffocating due to
reduced/lack of oxygen.
 During a cardiac arrest (electrical signal malfunction), the heart develops arrhythmia which eventually
causes it to stop beating. The person can die within minutes.
 Chest discomfort and pain are common symptoms.
 CPR is administered during an ongoing heart attack or cardiac arrest until a defibrillator arrives.
 Men are more prone to having a heart attack at an earlier age than women.
 Smoking and obesity are big factors, particularly in the at-risk age range.

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