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TOPIC : Visualisation of sorting algorithms

Data Structure Used
Flow chart of algorithms
Insertion sort
Merge sort
Quick sort
Selection sort
Source code Description of code
1.Insertion Sort Lorem ipsum
2.Merge sort
Merge sort
Description of code
Description of code - Merge sort
Quick sort
Quick sort Description of code
Lorem ipsum
4.Selection sort
Description of code
Description of code
Selection sort
Implementation using Javascript
Applications of sorting algorithms
1.Selection sort:
• Selection sort almost always outperforms bubble sort and gnome sort.
• Can be useful when memory write is a costly operation.
• While selection sort is preferable to insertion sort in terms of number of writes
(Θ(n) swaps versus Ο(n^2) swaps).
• It almost always far exceeds the number of writes that cycle sort makes, as cycle
sort is theoretically optimal in the number of writes.
• This can be important if writes are significantly more expensive than reads, such
as with EEPROM or Flash memory, where every write lessens the lifespan of
the memory.
2.Quick sort
• Quicksort is a cache-friendly algorithm as it has a good locality of reference when used for
• It is an in-place sort that does not require any extra storage memory.
• Numerical computations and in scientific research, for accuracy in calculations most of the
efficiently developed algorithm uses priority queue and quick sort is used for sorting.
• The sorting algorithm is used for information searching and as Quicksort is the fastest
algorithm so it is widely used as a better way of searching.
• Sports scores are quickly organised using quick sort algorithm.
3.Merge sort
• Inversion count problem:
• Merge sort helps to solve this problem by telling the number of inversion
pairs in an unsorted array. The inversion count problem tells how many
pairs need to be swapped in order to get a sorted array.
• External sorting:
• Merge sort is an external sorting technique. Databases use this technique to
sort sets of data that are too large to be loaded into the memory
4.Insertion sort
• Insertion sort is more efficient in practice on small arrays than asymptotically fast
algorithms like Quicksort and Heap Sort, because of better constant.
• Insertion sort can also be implemented when tailors arrange shirts in a cupboard,
they always keep them in sorted order of size and thus insert new shirts at the
right position very quickly by moving other shirts forward to keep the right place
for a new shirt.
• While shopping on flipkart or amazon, you sort items based on your choice, that
is, price low to high or high to low.
• The contact list in your phone is sorted, which means you can easily access your
desired contact from your phone since the data is arranged in that manner for
you. In other words, “it is sorted”.

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