Unit - V - Probate & Letters of Administration

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Indian Succession Act, 1925

Probate, Letters of Administration &

Administration of Assets of Deceased

Grant of Probate & letters of Admn.
218: To whom administration may be granted where deceased is
a H, M, B, S, J or exempted person
- to any person, who would be entitled to the whole or
any part of such deceased’s estate.
- if more than one applied – discretion of the court –
grant to any one or more of them
- when no such person applies to a creditor

219: Where deceased is not a H, M, B, S, J or exempted person

- to those who are connected with him either by
marriage or by consanguinity
- widow (personal disqualification or no interest in the
Grant of Probate & letters of Admn.

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