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Let’s visit
Borobudur temple
Chapter 5 Lutfi Rizky Adinta

Learning objectives:
After studying Chapter 5, students are expected to be able to:

1. Identifying the meaning, social function, text structure,

and elements linguistics on simple descriptive texts written
and written about tourist attractions and historic buildings
according to usage,
2. Explain the contents of oral and written descriptions about
tourist attractions and historic buildings with regard to
communication objectives, text structure, and linguistic
elements descriptive text in context use.
3. Describe verbally and write tourist attractions or buildings
historic by paying attention to social functions, text
structures, and elements linguistic description text correctly
in the context of use.

01 Look a the pictures!
02 Do you know the place in the picture?
03 Discuss with your! classmates

Read the text about Visiting Borobudur Temple. After you read it, scan the text quickly
to find the English equivalents for the Indonesian words below. You are given the
dashes and some letters of the English words as the clues. Each dash represents a
letter. After you find the words, compare your answer to your friends’.
Borobudur Temple
Borobudur or Barabudur is a 9th century Mahayana Buddhist Temple located in
Magelang, Central Java, Indonesia. It is the world’s largest Buddhist temple, as well as
one of the greatest monuments in the world. The monument consist of six square
platforms topped by three circular platforms and is decorated with 2.672 relief panels
and 504 Buddha statues.
Borobudur is built as a single large stupa and, when viewed from above, takes
the form of a giant tantric Buddhist mandala, representing the Buddhist cosmology
and the nature of mind. The original foundation is a square, approximately 118 meters
on each side. The monument’s three divisions symbolize the three “realms” of
Buddhist cosmology, namely Kamadhatu (the world of desires), Rupadhatu (the world
of forms), and finally Arupadhatu (the formless world).
Approximately 55.000 cubic meters of andesite stones were taken from
neighbouring stone quarries to build the monument. The stone was cut to size,
transported to the site and laid without mortar. Borobudur contains approximately
1.460 narrative and 1.212 decorative panels. The total relief surface is 2.500 square
metres. The narrative panels, which tell the story of Sudhana and Manohara, are
grouped into 11 series that encircle the moment.
Vocabulary builder
Match the words with their Indonesian equivalents.
Compare your work to your classmates’.
Pronunciation practice
Listen to your teacher reading the following words. Repeat after him/her.

monument : / ˈmɑːnjumənt /
platform : / ˈplætfɔːrm /
statue : / ˈstætʃuː /
cosmology : / kɑːzˈmɑːlədʒi/
realm : / relm /
contain : / kənˈteɪn /
without : / wɪˈðaʊt /
approximately : / əˈprɑːksɪmətli /
relief : / rɪˈliːf /
Surface : / ˈsɜːrfɪs /
Encircle : / ɪnˈsɜːrkl /
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Answer the
Task 1: Answer the following questions by referring to the text ‘Visiting Borobudur Temple.’
1. Borobudur is made of how many platforms?
2. The circular platforms are built …. The square platforms.
3. The form of the Borobudur temple was built to symbolize ….
4. The word giant in paragraph 2 means ….
5. Tell the story of Sudhana and Manohara.
6. The word realm in paragraph 3 most probably means ….
7. How many Buddha statues and relief panels are decorated in Borobudur?
8. When Borobudur was built?
9. Where is the located of Borobudur?
10. How many monument’s divisions in Borobudur? Mention it!
11 Can you find a place of similar temple or building to Borobudur in your area?
Tell your classmates about the place.

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Answer the following questions by referring to the text ‘Visiting Borobudur Temple.’
Task 1: Read the text carefully.

Subject Verb Object

Active Mary helps her son

Passive The son is helped by Mary

( to be + V3)

Active People see peace in family as essential for spiritual growth.

Passive Peace in family is seen as essential for spiritual growth.

Active Muslims perform prayers at least five times a day.

Passive Prayers are performed by Muslims at least five times a day.

Using the active-passive
Task 2: Refer back to the text and find at least five sentences written in passive voices.
Change the sentences into active voices.
Passive Active

Task 3: Refer back to the text again and find five sentences written in active voices.
Change the sentences into passive voices.
Active Passive

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Task 2: Refer back to the text and find at least five sentences written in passive voices.
Change the sentences into active voices.
Task 3: Refer back to the text again and find five sentences written in active voices.
Change the sentences into passive voices.
Work in pairs: Try to remember one
interesting place you’ve visited. Tell
your friends about the place.
Answer the following questions by referring to the text ‘Visiting Borobudur Temple.’
Task 1: Imagine Work in pairs. Complete the following chart to
understand the structure of the descriptive text in the Reading

Parts of Text Purposes Details

Introductory paragraph

Supporting paragraph 1

Supporting paragraph 2 To describe Maid of the Mist Boat Tour

Supporting paragraph 3

Supporting paragraph 4

Supporting paragraph 5

Supporting paragraph 6

Concluding paragraph

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Task 2: Collaborative description
Your teacher will assign you to sit in groups of 12-15
students. Sit in a circle and do the following steps.
1. Write a sentence about an interesting place. Start with a topic sentence. When your
teacher gives a signal to stop, stop writing and give your paper to your friend on your right,
and you’ll receive your friend’s paper. Continue writing a sentence on your friend’s paper,
one sentence at a time. Continue doing this, until your paper is back to you.

When writing, pay attention to the following guiding questions:

1. What is the name of the place and why is it interesting?
2. What attractions are available in this place? Describe one by one.
3. What is your overall impression about the place?

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2. Read your and your friends’ description. What do you
think? Is it a funny description? Does your paragraph make
sense? If not, then go to the next activity.

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Task 2: Collaborative description
Use the following questions to guide you:
Does the essay have an introductory paragraph?
Does your essay have supporting paragraphs?
Does your essay include a concluding paragraph?
Does your paragraph use clear references?

Send the assesment through e-mail to your teacher email address

Collaborative description
At At the end of this chapter, ask yourself the following
questions to know how effective your learning process is.

1. What have you learned from this chapter?

2. Can you do all the exercises here?
3. What is your plan to improve your ability in describing places?

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