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Docente: Antonello Auciello

5^B – Polo degli Studi “A. Moro”
The European Union

•What is the European Union?
•History of the European Union
•European institutions

Learning goals:
•Understand information on the EU
•Learn, discuss and report on the European system and
•Analyse, compare and make comments on the
European institutions
The European Union:
500 million people – 27 countries
The European anthem
The European flag
The euro – a single currency for Europeans

Can be used everywhere in the euro area

4Coins: one side with national symbols,

one side common

4Notes: no national side

EU countries using the euro

EU countries not yet using the euro
24 official languages
The treaties – basis for democratic cooperation
built on law

1952 1958
The European Steel and Coal Community The treaties of Rome:
The European Economic Community
The European Atomic Energy Community

2009 1987
Treaty of Lisbon The European Single Act:
the Single Market

2003 1999 Treaty of European Union
Treaty of Nice Treaty of Amsterdam – Maastricht
The EU institutions

European Council (summit)

Council of Ministers
European Parliament (Council of the EU) European Commission

Court of Court of Economic and Social

Justice Auditors Committee Committee of the Regions

European Investment Bank Agencies European Central Bank

Three key players

The European Parliament

- voice of the people
David Sassoli, President of
of the European Parliament

The council of Ministers

- voice of the Member States
Antonio Costa, President of the European Council

The European Commission

- promoting the common interest
Ursula von der Leyen, President
of the European Commission
The European Parliament – voice of the people

4 Decides EU laws and budget together with Council of Ministers

4 Democratic supervision of all the EU’s work

Number of members elected in each country (February 2020)

Austria 19 Finland 14 Latvia 8 Romania 33

Belgium 21 France 79 Lithuania 11 Slovakia 14

Bulgaria 17 Germany 96 Luxembourg 6 Slovenia 8

Cyprus 6 Greece 21 Malta 6 Spain 59

Czech Republic 21 Hungary 21 Netherlands 29 Sweden 21

Denmark 14 Ireland 13 Poland 52 United Kingdom 0

Estonia 7 Italy 76 Portugal 21 Total 705

Council of Ministers – voice of the member states

-One minister from each EU country

-Presidency: rotates every six months
-Decides EU laws and budget together
with Parliament
-Manages the common foreign and
security policy
The European Commission – promoting
the common interest

27 independent members,
one from each EU country

4Proposes new legislation

4Executive organ
4Guardian of the treaties
4Represents the EU on the international stage
The Court of Justice – upholding the law

27 independent judges,
one from each EU country

4Rules on how to interpret EU law

4Ensures EU countries apply EU laws in the
same way
How EU laws are made

Medical Physicists
can advise and propose

Citizens, interest groups, experts: discuss, consult

Commission: makes formal proposal

Parliament and Council of Ministers: decide jointly lobby

National or local authorities: implement

Commission and Court of Justice: monitor implementation

The European Court of Auditors:
getting value for your money

27 independent members

4Checks that EU funds are used

4Can audit any person or organisation
dealing with EU funds

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