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Joshua S. Canseco
TOP 1 - LET September 2019
1. Which is/are the sources of
man’s intellectual drives,
according to Freud?
A. Id - pleasure principle
B. Super ego - morality principle
C. Id-ego
D. Ego - reality principle
2. As a teacher, you are reconstructionist, which among
these will be your guiding principle?
A. I must teach the child every knowledge, skills
and value that he needs for a better future.
B. I must teach the child to develop his mental
powers to the full.
C. I must teach the child so he is assured of heaven.
D. I must teach the child that we can never have
real knowledge of anything.
3. The concepts of Trust vs. mistrust,
Autonomy vs. Shame & Self-doubt, and
Initiative vs. Guilt are most closely
related with works of _____.
A. Erickson
B. Piaget
C. Freud
D. Jung
4. Student Z does not study at all but when the
Licensure Examination for Teachers comes,
before he takes the LET, he spends one hour or
more praying for a miracle, i.e., to pass the
examination. Which attitude towards religion or
God is displayed?
A. Religion as fake
B. Religion as magic
C. Religion as authentic
D. Religion as real
5. Teacher B engages her students with
information for thorough understanding, for
meaning and for competent application. Which
principle governs Teacher B’s practice?
A. Constructivist
B. Gestalt
C. Behaviorist
D. Cognitivist
6. Student B claims: “I cannot see
perfection but I long for it. So it must
be real”, under which group can he be
A. Idealist
B. Empiricist
C. Realist
D. Pragmatist
7. What does extreme authoritarianism in
the home reinforce in learners?
A. Doing things on their own initiative
B. Ability to direct themselves
C. Dependence on others for
D. Creativity in work
8. You arrive at knowledge by re-
thinking of latent ideas. From
whom does this thought come?
A. Experimentalist
B. Realist
C. Idealist
D. Existentialist
9. Behavior followed by pleasant consequences will be
strengthened and will be more likely to occur in the
future. Behavior followed by unpleasant
consequences will be weakened and will be more likely
to be repeated in the future. Which one is explained?
A. Freud’s psychoanalytic theory
B. Thorndike’s law effect
C. B.F. Skinner’s Operant conditioning theory
D. Bandura’s social learning theory
10. Principal B tells her teachers that
training in the humanities is most
important. To which educational
philosophy does he adhere?
A. Existentialism
B. Perennialism
C. Progressivism
D. Essentialism
11. Principal C shares this thought with the
teachers, “subject matter should help students
understand and appreciate themselves as unique
individual who accept complete responsibility for
their thoughts, feelings and actions.” From which
philosophy is this thought based?
A. Perennialism
B. Essentialism
C. Existentialism
D. Progressivism
12. To come closer to the truth we
need to “go back to the things
themselves.” This is the advice of the
A. behaviorist
B. phenomenologist
C. idealist
D. pragmatists
13. Teacher F is convinced that whatever a
student performs a desired behavior, provided
reinforcement and soon the student will learn
to perform the behavior on his own. On which
principle is Teacher F’s conviction based?
A. Cognitivism
B. Environmentalism
C. Behaviorism
D. Constructivism
14. Teacher U teaches to his pupils that
pleasure is not the highest good.
Teacher’s teaching is against what
A. Realism
B. Hedonism
C. Epicureanism
D. Empiricism
pleasure is the modest pleasure, acceptance of
highest good freedom from fear, pain
and absence from
bodily pain

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15. Availing the Philippine Education
Placement Test for adults and out-of-school
youths is in support of the government’s
educational program towards _____.
A. equitable access
B. quality
C. quality and relevance
D. relevance
16. A mother gives his boy his favorite snack
every time the boy cleans up his room.
Afterwards, the boy cleaned his room every
day in anticipation of the snack. Which theory
is illustrated?
A. Associative learning
B. Classical conditioning
C. Operant conditioning
D. Pavlonian conditioning
17. Which group of philosophers
states that “truth exists in an objective
order that is independent of the
A. Idealists
B. Pragmatists
C. Existentialists
D. Realists
18. Under which program were students who were
not accommodated in public elementary and
secondary schools because of lack of classroom,
teachers, and instructional materials, were enrolled
in private schools in their respective communities at
the government’s expense?
A. Government Assistance Program
B. Study Now-Pay later
C. Educational Service Contract System
D. National Scholarship Program
19. Which of the following prepositions is attributed
to Plato?
A. Truth is relative to a particular time and
B. Human beings create their own truths.
C. Learning is the discovery of truth as latent
ideas are brought to consciousness
D. Sense perception is the most accurate guide
to knowledge.
- Aristotle
20. In a treatment for alcoholism, Ramil was
made to drink an alcoholic beverage and then
made to ingest a drug that produces nausea.
Eventually, he was nauseated at the sight and
smell of alcohol and stopped drinking alcohol.
Which theory explains this?
A. Operant conditioning - B.F Skinner
B. Social learning theory - A. Bandura
C. Associative learning
D. Attribution theory - F. Heider
21. In a social studies class, Teacher I
present a morally ambiguous situation and
asks his students what they would do. On
whose theory is Teacher I’s technique
A. Kohlberg
B. Bandura - Social Learning/ Cognitive Theory
C. Piaget - Cognitive Development Theory
D. Bruner - Spiral Progression Approach
22. Your teacher gives an opinion that the
world and everything in it are ever
changing and so you need the skill to cope
with change. What is his governing
A. Idealism
B. Existentialism
C. Experimentalism
D. Realism
23. The search for related literature by
accessing several data bases by the use of a
telephone line to connect a computer that
have database is termed ______.
A. compact disc search
B. manual search
C. on-line search
D. computer search
24. We encounter people whose prayer
goes like this: O God, if there is a God;
save my soul if I have a soul,” from
whom is this prayer?
A. Stoic
B. Empiricist
C. Agnostic
D. Skeptic - requires strong evidence
25. Who among the following needs less
verbal counseling but needs more concrete
operational forms of assistance? The child
who ________.
A. has mental retardation
B. has attention-deficit disorder
C. has learning disability
D. has conduct disorder
26. Which does NOT belong to the
group of alternative learning
A. Multi-grade grouping
B. Graded education
C. Multi-age grouping
D. Non-graded grouping
27. The cultivation of reflective and
meditative skills in teaching is an
influence of _____.
A. Shintoism - purity
B. Zen Buddhism
C. Confucianism - fundamentally good
D. Taoism - Yin Yang
28. The best way for a guidance counselor to begin to
develop study skills and habits in underachieving student
would be to ______.
A. have these underachieving students observe the
study habits of excelling students.
B. encourage students to talk study habits from
their own experiences
C. have them view filmstrips about various study
D. give out list of effective study approaches
29. Teacher B uses the direct instruction
strategy. Which sequence of steps will
she follow?
I. Independent practice
II. Feedback and correctiveness
III. Guided student practice
IV. Presenting and structuring
V. Reviewing the previous day’s work
30. Teacher H gave first-grade class a page
with a story in which picture take the place
of some words. Which method did she
A. The whole language approach
B. The Spaulding method
C. The rebus method
D. The language experience approach
31. The burnout malady gets worse if a
teacher doesn’t intervene to change
whatever areas he or she in control. Which
one can renew a teacher’s enthusiasm?
A. Stick to job
B. Initiate changes in jobs
C. Judge someone else as wrong
D. Engage in self-pity
32. I drew learners into several content
areas and encouraged them to solve a
complex question for interdisciplinary
teaching. Which strategy did I use?
A. Problem-centered learning
B. Unit method
C. Reading-writing activity
D. Thematic instruction
33. Direct instruction is to facts, rules, and
actions as indirect instruction is for
_____ ,____, _____.
A. hypotheses, verified data and
B. concepts, patterns and abstractions
C. concepts, processes and
D. guesses, data and conclusions
34. Teacher T taught a lesson denoting ownership
by means of possessives. He first introduced the
rule, then gave examples, followed by class
exercises, then back to the rule before he moved
into second rule. Which presenting technique
did he use?
A. Combinatorial
B. Comparative
C. Part-whole
D. Sequential
35. Teacher E discussed how electricity flows through
wires and what generates the electric charge. Then she
gave the students wires, bulbs, switches, and dry cells and
told the class to create a circuit that will increase the
brightness of each bulb. Which one best describes the
approach used?
A. It used a taxonomy of basic thinking skills.
B. It was constructivist.
C. It helped students understand scientific
D. None of the above
36. Teacher W wants to review and check on the
lesson of the previous day. Which one will be most
A. Having students identify difficult homework
B. Having students correct each other’s work.
C. Sampling the understanding of a few students.
D. Explicitly reviewing the task-relevant
information necessary for the day’s lesson.
37. Which activity should a teacher
have more for his students if he wants
to develop logical-mathematical
A. Drama
B. Choral reading
C. Problem solving
D. Storytelling
38. Which is one role of play in the pre-
school and early childhood years?
A. Develops competitive spirit.
B. Separates reality from fantasy.
C. Increase imagination due to
expanding knowledge and
emotional range.
D. Develops the upper and lower limbs.
39. Teacher M’s pupils are quite weak
academically and his lesson is already far
behind time table. How should Teacher M
proceed with his lesson?
A. Experientially
B. Inductively
C. Logically
D. Deductively
40. I want to teach facts, rules, and
action sequence. Which method is
most appropriate?
A. Indirect instruction
B. Direct instruction
C. Discovery
D. Problem solving
41. In Krathwohl’s taxonomy of
objectives in the affective, which is
the most authentic?
A. Characterization
B. Valuing
C. Responding
D. Organization
Benjamin Bloom’s Taxonomy
(revised by Lorin Anderson)
42. “In the light of the facts presented,
what is most likely to happen
when…?” is a simple thought question
on _____.
A. inferring
B. generalizing
C. synthesizing
D. justifying
43. The teacher’s first task in the
selection of media in teaching is to
determine the:
A. choice of the students
B. availability of the media
C. objectives of the lesson
D. technique to be used
44. Which is a form of direct
A. Discovery process
B. Problem solving
C. Programmed instruction
D. Inductive reasoning
45. Based on Edgar Dale’s Cone of
Experience, which activity is farthest
from the real thing?
A. View images
B. Attend exhibit
C. Watch a demo
D. Hear
Edgar Dale’s Cone of Experience
46. I combined several subject areas in
order to focus on a single concept for
interdisciplinary teaching. Which
strategy/method did I use?
A. Problem-centered learning
B. Thematic instruction
C. Reading–writing activity
D. Unit method
47. What should a teacher do for students in his class who
are on grade level?
A. Give them materials on their level and let them work at a
pace that is reasonable for them, trying to bring them up
to a grade level.
B. Give them the same work as the other students, because
they will absorb as much as they are capable of.
C. Give them the same work as the other students, not
much, so that they won’t feel embarrassed.
D. Give them work on the level of the other students and
work a little above the classmates level to challenge
48. On whose philosophy was A.S.
Neil Summerhill, one of the most
experimental schools, based?
A. Rousseau
B. Pestalozzi - head, hand, heart,
C. Montessori - Montessori approach
D. John Locke - tabula rasa
49. It is not wise to laugh at a two-
year old child when he utters bad
word because in his stage he is
learning to __________.
A. considered other’s views
B. distinguish right from wrong
C. socialize
D. distinguish sex differences
50. In mastery learning, the definition
of an acceptable standard of
performance is called a:
A. behavior
B. condition
D. criterion measure

Joshua S. Canseco
TOP 1 - LET September 2019
51. After giving an input on a good paragraph,
Teacher W asks her students to rate a given
paragraph along the elements of a good
paragraph. The students’ task is in level of
A. application
B. analysis
C. evaluation
D. synthesis
52. A sixth grade twelve-year old boy comes from a
dysfunctional family and has been abused and neglected.
He has been to two orphanages and three different
elementary schools. The student can decode on the
second grade level, but he can comprehend orally
material at the fourth or fifth grade level. The most
probable cause/s of this student’s reading problem is/are
A. emotional factors
B. poor teaching
C. neurological factors
D. immaturity
53. Which questioning practice promotes
more class interaction?
A. Asking the question before calling a
B. Focusing on divergent questions.
C. Focusing on convergent questions.
D. Asking rhetorical questions
54. Which types of play is most characteristic
of a four to six-year old child?
A. Solidarity plays and onlookers plays
B. Associative and cooperative plays
C. Associative and onlookers plays
D. Cooperative and solidarity plays
55. The principle of the individual difference
requires teachers to ___________.
A. give greater attention to gifted learners
B. provide for a variety of learning activities
C. treat all learners alike while in the
D. prepare modules for slow learners in
56. During the Spanish period, what
was/were the medium/media of
instruction in schools?
A. The Vernacular
B. English
C. Spanish
D. Spanish and the Vernacular
57. Rodel is very aloof and cold in his
relationship with classmates. Which basic
goals must have not been attained by Rodel
during his developmental years, according to
Erickson’s theory of psychological
A. Autonomy
B. Trust
C. Initiative
D. Generativity
58. John Watson said “Men are built not born.”
What does this statement point to?
A. The ineffectiveness of training on a
person’s development.
B. The effect of environmental stimulation
on a person’s development.
C. The absence of genetic influence on a
person’s development.
D. The effect of heredity.
59. Teacher G’s lessons objective has
something to do with the skill of
synthesizing? Which behavioral term
is most appropriate?
A. Test
B. Assess
C. Appraisal
D. Theorize
60. Which assumption underlines the teacher’s use
of performance objectives?
A. Not every form of learning is observable.
B. Performance objectives assure the learner
of learning.
C. Learning is defined as a change in the
learner’s observable performance.
D. The success of the learner is based on
teacher’s performance.
61. The following are used in
writing performance objectives
A. delineate
B. diagram
C. integrate
D. comprehend
62. The primary objective of my lesson is: “To
add similar fractions correctly.” Before I can
do this I must first aim at this specific
objective: “to distinguish a numerator from a
nominator. “What kind of objective is the
A. Major
B. Terminal
C. Enabling
D. Primary
63. With which goals of educational
institutions as provided for by the
Constitution is the development of work skills
A. To develop moral character
B. To teach the duties of citizenship
C. To inculcate love of country
D. To develop vocational efficiency
64. In instructional planning it is
necessary that parts of the plan from
the first to the last have ___________.
A. clarity
B. symmetry
C. coherence
D. conciseness
65. If a teacher plans a constructivist
lesson, what will he most likely do? Plan
how he can _______.
A. do evaluate his student’s work
B. do reciprocal teaching
C. do lecture to his students
D. engage his students in convergent
66. Ruben is very attached to his mother
and Ruth to her father. In what
developmental stage are they according to
Freudian psychological theory?
A. Oedipal stage
B. Latent stage
C. Anal Stage
D. Pre-genital stage
67. What was the prominent
educational issues of the mid
A. Bilingual Education
B. Value Education
C. Accountability
D. Mainstreaming
DO 52, S. 1987
68. Which behavioral term describes a
lesson outcome in the highest level of
Bloom’s cognitive domain?
A. Create
B. Evaluate
C. Analyze
D. Design
69. The main purpose of compulsory study of
the Constitution is to ___.
A. develop students into responsible,
thinking citizens
B. acquaint student with the historical
development of the Phil Constitution
C. make constitutional experts of the
D. prepare students for law-making
70. Based on Freud’s psychoanalytic
theory which component (s) of
personality is (are) concerned with a
sense of right and wrong?
A. Super ego
B. Super-ego and Ego
C. Id
D. Ego
71. Who among the following puts more
emphasis on core requirements, longer
school day, longer academic year and
more challenging textbooks?
A. Perennialist
B. Essentialist
C. Progressivist
D. Existentialist
72. A student passes a research report poorly
written but ornately presented in a folder to
make up for the poor quality of the book
report content. Which Filipino trait does this
practice prove?
A. art of academics
B. substance over “porma”
C. art over science
D. “porma” over substance
73. Which one may support equitable
access but may sacrifice quality?
A. Open admission
B. School accreditation
C. Deregulated tuition fee hike
D. Selective retention
74. Based on Piaget’s theory, what should a teacher
provide for children in the sensorimotor stage?
A. Games and other physical activities to
develop motor skill.
B. Learning activities that involve problems of
classification and ordering.
C. Activities for hypothesis formulation.
D. Stimulating environment with ample
objects to play with.
74. Based on Piaget’s theory, what should a teacher
provide for children in the sensorimotor stage?
A. Games and other physical activities to
develop motor skill.
B. Learning activities that involve problems of
classification and ordering.
C. Activities for hypothesis formulation.
D. Stimulating environment with ample
objects to play with.
75. A teacher’s summary of a lesson serves the
following functions, EXCEPT:
A. it links the parts of the lesson.
B. it brings together the information that
has been discussed.
C. it makes provisions for full
participation of students.
D. it clinches the basic ideas or concepts of
the lesson.
76. Bruner’s theory on intellectual
development moves from enactive to iconic
and symbolic stages. In which stage(s) are
diagrams helpful to accompany verbal
A. Enactive and iconic
B. Symbolic
C. Symbolic and enactive
D. Iconic
77. Which is a true foundation of the
social order?
A. Obedient citizenry
B. The reciprocation of rights and
C. Strong political leadership
D. Equitable distribution of wealth
78. Teacher Q does not want Teacher B to be promoted and so
writes an anonymous letter against Teacher B accusing her of
fabricated lies. Teacher Q mails this anonymous letter to School
Division Superintendent. What should Teacher Q do if she has to
act professionally?
A. Submit a signed justifiable criticism against Teacher
B, if there is any.
B. Go straight to the School Division Superintendent and
gives criticism verbally.
C. Hire a group to distribute poison letters against
Teacher B for the information dissemination.
D. Instigate student activists to read poison letter over
the microphone.
79. Each teacher is said to be a trustee of the
cultural and educational heritage of the nation and
is under obligation to transmit to learners such
heritage. Which practice makes him fulfill such
A. Use the latest instruction technology
B. Observing continuing professional
C. Use interactive teaching strategies
D. Study the life of Filipino heroes
80. Teacher A is directed to pass an undeserving student
with a death threat. Which advice will a hedonist give?
A. Pass the student. Why suffer the threat?
B. Don’t pass him. You surely will not like
someone to give you a death threat in order to
C. Pass the student. That will be use to the student,
his parents and you.
D. Don’t pass him. Live by principle of justice.
You will get reward, if not in this life, in the
pleasure is the modest pleasure, acceptance of
highest good freedom from fear, pain
and absence from
bodily pain

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81. If you agree with Rizal on how you can
contribute to our nation’s redemption, which
should you work for?
A. Opening our doors to foreign influence
B. Upgrading the quality of the Filipino
through education
C. Stabilizing the political situation
D. Gaining economic recovery
82. “All men are pretty much alike. It is only by
custom that they are set apart, “ said one Oriental
philosopher. Where can this thought be most
A. In a multi-cultural group of learners.
B. In multi-cultural and heterogeneous groups
of learners and indigenous peoples’ group.
C. In a class composed of indigenous people.
D. In heterogeneous class of learners.
83. In what way can teachers uphold the highest
possible standard of quality education?
A. By continually improving themselves
personally and professionally
B. By wearing expensive clothes to change
people’s poor perception of teachers
C. By working out undeserved promotions
D. By putting down other professions to lift the
status of teaching
84. How would you select the most fit in
government position? Applying Confucius
teaching, which would be the answer?
A. By course accreditation of an
accrediting body
B. By merit system and course
C. By merit system
D. By government examinations
85. The attention to the development
of a deep respect and affection for our
rich cultural past is an influence of
A. Confucius
B. Hegel - idealist
C. Teilhard de Chardin - evolutionary
D. Dewey - pragmatism
86. A teacher/student is held
responsible for his actions because
s/he _______.
A. has instincts
B. has a choice
C. is mature
D. has reason
87. Teacher H and teacher I are rivals for promotion. To again
the favor of the promotion staff, teacher I offers her beach resort
for free for members of the promotional staff before ranking. As
one of the contenders for promotions, is this becoming of her to
A. Yes. This will be professional growth for the
promotional staff.
B. No. This may exert undue influence on the members
of the promotional staff and so may fail to promote on
the basis of merit.
C. Yes. The rare invitation will certainly be welcomed by
an overworked promotional staff.
D. Yes. There’s nothing wrong with sharing one’s
88. Rights and duties are correlative. This
means that:
A. rights and duties regulate the
relationship of men in society.
B. rights and duties arise from natural
C. each right carry with it one or several
corresponding duties.
D. rights and duties ultimately come from
89. In the Preamble of Code of Ethics of
Professional Teachers, which is NOT said
of teachers?
A. LET passer
B. Duly licensed professionals
C. Possess dignity and reputation
D. With high moral values as well as
technical and professional
90. Teacher often complain of numerous non-teaching
assignments that adversely affect their teaching. Does this mean
that teachers must be preoccupied only with teaching?
A. Yes, if they are given other assignments, justice
demands that they be properly compensated.
B. Yes, because other community leaders, not teachers,
are asked to lead in community activities.
C. No, because every teacher is expected to provide
leadership and initiative in activities for betterment of
D. No, because teaching is enough full-time job.
91. Which illustrates a development approach
in guidance and counseling?
A. Spotting on students in need of
B. Teaching students how to interact in a
positive manner
C. Acting as a mentor
D. Making the decision for the confused
92. Whose influence is the education
program that puts emphasis on self-
development through the classics, music,
and ritual?
A. Buddha
B. Mohammed
C. Confucius
D. Lao tsu
93. Helping in the development of
graduates who are “maka-Diyos” is
an influence of ___.
A. naturalistic morality
B. classical Christian morality
C. situational morality
D. dialectical morality
94. Teacher F is newly converted to a religion. Deeply convinced
of his new found religion, he starts Monday classes by attacking
one religion and convinces his pupil to attend their religion
services on Sundays. Is this in accordance with the Code of
Ethics of Professional Teachers?
A. Yes. What he does strengthens value education.
B. No. A teacher should not use his position to proselyte
C. Yes. In the name of academic freedom, a teacher can
decide what to teach.
D. Yes. What he does is a value education.
Article 2, section 5
of the Code of Ethics:
A teacher shall not engage in the promotion
of any political, religious, or other partisan
interest, and shall not. directly or indirectly,
solicit, require, collect, or receive any money
or service or other valuable material from
any person or entity for such purposes
95. In a study conducted, the pupils were asked which
nationality they preferred. If given a choice. Majority
of the pupils wanted to become Americans. In this
case, in which obligation, relative to the state, do
schools seem to be failing? In their obligation to:
A. respect for all duly constituted authorities
B. promote national pride
C. promote obedience to the laws of the state
D. install allegiance to the Constitution
96. A guest in one graduation rites told his
audience: “Reminder, you are what you
choose to be”. The guest speaker is more
of a/an _____.
A. realistic
B. idealistic
C. pragmatist
D. existentialist
97. From whom do we owe the theory
of deductive interference as illustrated
in syllogism?
A. Plato
B. Aristotle
C. Socrates
D. Pythagoras
98. In what way can teachers uphold the highest
possible standard of quality education?
A. By continually improving themselves
personally and professionally
B. By putting down other professions to lift the
status of teaching
C. By wearing expensive clothes to change
people’s poor perception of teachers
D. By working out undeserved promotions
99. Teacher A knows of the illegal activities of a
neighbor but keeps quiet in order not to be
involved in any investigation. Which
foundational principle of morality does Teacher
A fail to apply?
A. Always do what is right
B. The principle of double effect
C. The end does not justify the means
D. Between two evils, do the lesser evil
100. Soc exhibits fear response to freely
roaming dogs but does not show fear when a
dog is on a leash or confined to a pen. Which
conditioning process is illustrated?
A. Extinction
B. Discrimination
C. Generalization
D. Acquisition
101. Ruben is very attached to his mother
and Ruth to her father. In what
developmental stage are they according to
Freudian psychological theory?
A. Latent stage
B. Pre-genital stage
C. Anal Stage
D. Oedipal stage - phallic stage
102. Which of the following is
considered a peripheral device?
A. Keyboard
C. Monitor
D. Printer
103. Comprehension skills comprise
the following EXCEPT for
A. Finding the main idea
B. Recreational reading
C. Sequencing events
D. Reading critically
104. Which of the following initiatives
would NOT help a school address
A. Using ability grouping
B. Using cooperative learning
C. Working with neighborhood groups
D. Using culturally-relevant teaching
105. What pillar of education emphasizes
learning to be human, through acquisition
of knowledge, skills, and values conducive
to personality development?
A. Learning to Know
B. Learning to Do
C. Learning to Live Together
D. Learning to Be
106. If the teacher is emphasizing the
development of the learners’ competency to
transform knowledge into innovations and job-
creation, what pillar of education does he/she
A. Learning to Know
B. Learning to Do
C. Learning to Live Together
D. Learning to Be
107. Which of the following qualities should be
developed by the pillar “Learning to Live
A. Strong appreciation of the diversity of
the human race
B. Readiness to take risks and resolve or
manage conflicts
C. Scientific spirit and inquiring mind
D. Complete fulfillment of humans, in all
richness of his personality
108. Which of the following conditions manifest trend of
A. Establishment of stronger boundaries between
and among nations
B. Increased awareness on the importance of
national cultures and traditions
C. Less and less impact of human activity on the
planet earth
D. The incorporation of local and national
economies into a worldwide global economy
109. Which of the following statements about
gender is correct?
A. Gender is biologically determined
B. Gender is socially and culturally-
C. Gender roles are the same in all
D. Gender is an ascribed status in the
110. To what pillars of education lend
individuals to personal responsibility?
A. Learning to Know
B. Learning to Do
C. Learning to Be
D. Learning to Live Together
111. The mandatory teaching of human
rights in the school curriculum is included
in the following legal documents EXCEPT
A. Executive Order 27 - commonwealth
B. DECS Order 61
C. 1987 Constitution
112. The following is a pathway to
peace EXCEPT ____________.
A. Social equity
B. Economic security
C. Ecological balance
D. Ecological growth
113. A global citizen is expected to do
the following EXCEPT _______.
A. speak up against injustice
B. reduce waste
C. bank with an ethical investor
D. buy world products
114. To be moral person is to __________.
A. be acceptable in a society
B. know and act upon the “ought to
be” and the “ought to do”
C. be able to follow what’s dictated of
one’s conscience
D. be integrated in speech, feeling,
thinking, and action
115. The following are global
problems EXCEPT
A. poverty
B. globalization
C. territorial conflict
D. diversity
116. To promote sustainable development, it
is necessary to ______.
A. avoid all forms of technology
B. practice an equitable and affordable
use of natural resources
C. promote social equity
D. promote social equity and sustainable
use of resources
117. Terrorism is an issue of
A. Peace and Order
B. Poverty
C. Socio-economic-political
D. U.S. Imperialism
118. Which of the following is a
Fundamental Moral Principle?
A. Stealing is wrong
B. Health is wealth
C. Do good, avoid evil
D. Cheating is normal
119. What is the highest form
of values?
A. Pleasure
B. Vital
C. Spiritual
D. Values of the Holy
Max Scheler’s Hierarchy of Values
120. Gardner, in his Multiple Intelligences
Theory, encourages this among teachers:
A. Focus on students' I.Q.
B. Think in a diverse and
multidisciplinary way.
C. Present the lesson methodically and
D. Consider various intelligence when
writing a lesson plan.
121. Jerome Bruner asseverates that
learning is a continuous process of
acquisition, transformation and
A. assimilation
B. application THEORY OF
C. evaluation LEARNING
D. ratification
122. Which of the following is the greatest
contribution of EFA to the public?
A. Practice of inclusive education.
B. Emphasizing formal education system.
C. Making educational reform in
exclusive schools.
D. Offering of Alternative Learning
System to indigents.
123. Which of the following is true about human
A. Human development considers both maturation
and learning.
B. Development refers to the progressive series of
changes of an orderly coherent type toward the
goal of maturity.
C. Development is the gradual and orderly
unfolding of the characteristics of the
individuals as they go through the successive
stages of growth.
D. All of the above
124. Which of the following is the correct order of
psychosexual stages proposed by Sigmund Freud?
A. Oral stage, anal stage, phallic stage, latency
stage, genital stage
B. Anal stage, oral stage, phallic stage, latency
stage, genital stage
C. Oral stage, anal stage, genital stage, latency
stage, phallic stage
D. Anal stage, oral stage, genital stage, latency
stage, phallic stage
125. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of
A. Stretching a social, political and economic
activities across political frontiers, regions and
B. The growing magnitude of interconnectedness
and flows of trade, investment and migration.
C. A speeding up of global interactions and
processes through worldwide systems of
transportation and communication.
D. The expansion of economic protectionism and
isolation of poor countries.
126. Which of the following may be considered an
economic impact of globalization on education?
A. Increasing commercialization of education and
the corporate takeover of education
B. Weakening of the notion of the "citizen" as a
unified and unifying concept.
C. New technologies of information and
communication creates new approaches to
D. Reduction of state and government support and
subsidy for education
127. When planning her lessons and units,
Mrs. Jones is careful to include books and
resources from a variety of cultures and
ethnic groups. What kind of education is
A. Multilingual education
B. Transformative education
C. Multicultural education
D. Gender-free education
James Banks’s Approaches to Multicultural Education
128. How does the notion of cultural relativity and variability affect the
teaching-learning processes in school?
A. The students' varied cultural background will in no way affect
the way they will learn the lessons in school.
B. The students can readily adjust to the way the teacher
initiates learning in school because children are adaptable
beings no matter what culture they come from.
C. The child's cultural background influences the children's way
of interpreting and viewing the world; hence, teachers must
consider the children's world view when teaching.
D. The teacher should be wary of differing cultural points of
view and must make sure that students will see things the
same way.
129. Mr. Angelo combined several subject
areas in order to focus on single concept
for interdisciplinary teaching. Which
strategy or method did he use?
A. problem-centered learning
B. thematic instruction
C. reading-writing activity
D. unit method
130. According to R.A. 9155, which
among the following is considered the
“heart of the formal education
A. The pupil
B. The teacher
C. The classroom
D. The school
131. According to R.A. 9155, a school
head has two roles, namely
administrative manager and
A. health officer
B. instructional leader
C. facilitator
D. guidance counselor
132. What does Grade VI teacher
encourage when she encourages students
to think about the motives and feelings
of their group projects?
A. Egocentrism
B. Understanding
C. Perspective-taking
D. Conservation
133. What do you call the quantitative
increase in terms of height and weight as
observed by the school physician during
the physical examination of the students?
A. Development - qualitative
B. Growth
C. Learning
D. Maturation
134. What functions are associated
with the left brain?
A. Verbal, logical, intuitive
B. Verbal, visual, intuitive
C. Verbal, intuitive, detail-oriented
D. Verbal, logical, detail-oriented
135. The following characterize a child-
centered kindergarten EXCEPT:
A. academic-oriented
B. importance of play in development
C. emphasis on individual uniqueness
D. focus on the education of the whole
136. Who of the following considers
music as the highest form of aesthetic
creation because it cuts across the heart
of the Absolute?
A. Existentialist
B. Idealist
C. Realist
D. Pragmatist
137. By way of language medium,
which is best for student of diverse
cultural background?
A. Regional dialect
B. National language
C. English and Filipino
D. Multi-lingual teaching
138. How many percent is given to
written work in Language, AP,
and ESP for Grade 1-10?
A. 30%
B. 40%
C. 20%
D. 50%
139. How many percent is given to
written work in Math and Science
for Grade 1-10?
A. 30%
B. 40%
C. 20%
D. 50%
140. How many percent is given to
performance task in MAPEH, EPP,
and TLE for Grade 1-10?
A. 40%
B. 50%
C. 60%
D. 30%
141. How many percent is given to
performance task in Math and
Science for Grade 1-10?
A. 40%
B. 50%
C. 60%
D. 30%
142. Teacher Jane is concerned more
on conceptual matters since reality is
mental. She holds this kind of
A. Empiricism
B. Realism
C. Idealism
D. Progressivism
143. This is the defining feature of
A. Existence precedes essence
B. Essence precedes existence
C. Essence is non-existence
D. Existence is non-essence
144. A school principal emphasizes the
importance of the humanities in the
curriculum. To which educational
philosophy does he adhere?
A. Existentialism
B. Perennialism
C. Essentialism
D. Positivism
145. In the school, we teach realities
that cannot be verified by the senses
like an invincible god.
A. Empiricist
B. Rationalist
C. Skeptics
D. Stoicist
146. Student Anton pursues a degree in
Education to fulfill his dream of becoming
a teacher. This action demonstrates which
kind of philosophy?
A. Progressivism
B. Perennialism
C. Realism
D. Reconstructivism
147. Giving of rewards and
reinforcements are the primary
technique of this philosophical point
of view.
A. Existentialism
B. Behaviorism
C. Progressivism
D. Perennialism
148. _____________ claims that
reality is politically, socially, and
economically formed.
A. Progressivist
B. Pragmatist
C. Realist
D. Reconstructivist
149. Believers on this philosophy believes
that whenever there are difficulties and
adversaries, you have to patiently accept
and endure them.
A. Realism
B. Hedonism
C. Epicureanism
D. Stoicism
pleasure is the modest pleasure, acceptance of
highest good freedom from fear, pain
and absence from
bodily pain

< =
150. In recent curricular revision, the
humanities are gradually replaced by
technical courses that bear practical
consequences. This shows that curricular
direction is toward ____________.
A. Pragmatism
B. Realism
C. Idealism
D. Essentialism

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