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Isu Plagiarisme

Bambang Sumintono ( & )

dosen di Institute of Educational Leadership – Universiti Malaya

Peneliti bisa salah, tapi tidak boleh berbohong

Nasruddin Hoja:
cerita mencari jarum di halaman rumah
Plagiarism is like a TIME BOMB
Maketab Mohamed (FKK-UTM)
Dear Editor, seems like Prof. AA Banyu Perwita is following the trend
in universities nowadays - he is following the culture of "cut and
paste", which is part of the Internet culture. During the pre-
Internet era, researchers pored through books, journals and other
periodicals in half-lit libraries and manually wrote sentences or
passages into cards, to be later typed by typewriters into articles and
in the process modifying the original sentences etc. Nowadays it is
easier to find articles in the Internet, copy the materials and paste it
in "your" article modifying the words or sentences without proper
referencing and claim the article as "yours". Prof. AA Banyu Perwita
is a victim of his own success as he has proven that he can write on
his own considering that he completed his PhD in Flinders
University in Australia and his M.A. in Lancaster University, U.K. but
probably due to time constraints, he took the short cut way, which
he will regret all his life.
Apakah plagiarisme itu?
Latin plagiarius (penculik) atau plagium
Pencurian intelektual (intellectual theft)
Pelanggaran ilmiah yang serius (a serious
scientific misconduct)

Creativity is fine
but plagiarism is
Jenis-jenis plagiarisme
Penjiplakan langsung (direct, text)
Pengubahan susunan kata/kalimat
(paraphrase)/ Pencurian ide
 Self-plagiarism
 Sumber sekunder
Is it Plagiarism? YES! You need to use
quotes and to cite your
You read: source

“Nineteen percent of full- You write:

time freshmen say they
spend only 1 to 5 hours per
week preparing for Nineteen percent of full-
classes…” time freshmen say they
spend only 1 to 5 hours
From: Young, Jeffrey R. Homework? per week preparing for
What Homework? Chronicle of Higher classes.
Education, 49 (15).12/6/2002.
Is it Plagiarism? Yes! You must
credit your source
if you paraphrase
You read: text.
"Students are studying about
one-third as much as faculty
say they ought to, to do well," You write:
said George D. Kuh, director Most students spend
of the survey and a professor about one-third as much
of higher education at Indiana time studying as faculty
University at Bloomington. say they should.

From: Young, Jeffrey R. Homework? What

Homework? Chronicle of Higher Education, 49
Is it Plagiarism? No. As long as you have
included the Young
article in your reference
You read: list, you have properly
cited your source.
"Students are studying about one-
third as much as faculty say they
ought to, to do well," said George
You write:
D. Kuh, director of the survey and a
professor of higher education at According to George D.
Indiana University at Bloomington. Kuh, Indiana University at
Bloomington, students
study about one-third of
From: Young, Jeffrey R. Homework? What the time that is expected
Homework? Chronicle of Higher by faculty. (Young, 2002)
Education, 49 (15).12/6/2002
Is it Plagiarism? No. Commonly known
facts or ideas do not have
You read: to be cited.

“The tip given most

consistently by professors and You write:
college officials is that
students should simply do College students should do
their homework. The most their homework.
commonly prescribed amount
is at least two hours of class
preparation for every hour
spent in the classroom…”

From: Young, Jeffrey R. Homework? What

Homework? Chronicle of Higher Education,
49 (15).12/6/2002
Yes! You need to credit the
source of images and
Is it Plagiarism? other media as well as

You find: text.

Your title page:

Should we or
shouldn’t we protect
the gray wolf?
By Ima Lamb
Gray wolf (Canis lupus). Eng 110
© Jeff Lepore/Photo Researchers
Apr. 1, 2004
Wolf. Encyclopædia Britannica. Retrieved March 31,
2004, from Encyclopædia Britannica Online.
Mengapa melakukan plagiat?
Ketidaktahuan (ignorance)
Kurang pengetahuan dalam etika
penulisan ilmiah dan ketrampilan
menulis yang rendah
Ambisi, kompetisi, ingin cepat-nya saja
Sistem “publish or perish”
Tidak mudah ketahuan
Bagaimana menghindari plagiarisme?
Untuk kutipan singkat dalam teks, gunakan tanda kutif
ganda dan sebutkan sumbernya (pengarang, tahun).
Kuntipan panjang gunakan paragraf menjorok ke tengah
Jika menggunakan tabel, gambar, diagram dll, sebutkan
sumbernya secara lengkap, bila perlu sebutkan bahwa ijin
sudah didapatkan.

Jika anda hanya mengubah kata dan

susunan kalimat tanpa menyebut sumber,
hal itu dianggap plagiarisme
Contoh 1: tesis bahasa Indonesia
Contoh 2: artikel dalam English
Kesamaan lebih dari tujuh
kata dianggap indikasi
adanya plagiarisme. Batas
maksimum biasanya 10%
dari total teks
(laporan/tesis/artikel) yang
didalamnya sudah
menerapkan prinsip
pengutifan secara baik.

Honesty is the best policy!

Use your own ideas and words –
research and publication is an
opportunity where you learn to be
creative, expand your knowledge,
develop your writing and analytical

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