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Good evening and happy

Thank you for the message in song.
My message this evening is all about preparing our family.
I choose this message because I was bless by nightly meeting of
pastor Baloyo , you all know that I have three kids and I am assign
in the children department.

That’s why I choose this message.

This message is during my college day. As I scan my file I was bless and
worried how can we prepare our children. In the final judgement God will
ask us where is the flock that I entrusted to you. God will not ask how
much money in your bank account.
for the
Time of
What should we prepare? we all know that pandemic
is not yet the trouble in our prophecy. But leading to
the last day trouble. We all know what will happen in
the last day.
Our message will be how to prepare our
family for the Time of Trouble?
A right foundation must be laid, a
framework strong and firm, erected. And then
day by day the work of building, polishing,
perfecting must go forward.
We need to make the education of our
children a business, for their salvation depends
largely upon the education given them in
The greatest evidence of the
power of Christianity that can be
presented to the world is a well-
ordered, well-disciplined family.
This will recommend the truth as
nothing else can, for it is a living
witness of its practical power
upon the heart. {AH 32.2}
If you have children, you have a work to do, in union with
the mother, in the formation of their characters. Those who
feel that they have an imperative call to labor for the
improvement of society, while their own children grow up
undisciplined, should inquire if they have not mistaken
their duty. Their own household is the first missionary field
in which parents are required to labor. Those who leave the
home garden to grow up to thorns and briers, while they
manifest great interest in the cultivation of their neighbor's
plot of ground, are disregarding the word of God. {FE 65.3}
Modern King James
The Romans 13:11

This also, knowing

the time, that it is
already time to
awake out of sleep;
for now our salvation
is nearer than when
we believed.
"Sooner or later Sunday
laws will be passed."
Many Families Unprepared.
The Lord gave me a decided message
for the people. My burden was for our
Families who are unprepared to meet the
A special burden was upon me to point out to
our people the need of seeking the Lord with
close searching of heart and earnestness of
purpose. Parents who are
truly converted will reveal in their home life
that they are bringing their lives under the
discipline of the Word of God.

CG 556.1
Luke 21:28
And when these things begin to happen,
then look up and lift up your heads, for
your redemption draws near.
Must we see things foretold
come to pass before we will
believe what He has said? In
clear, distinct rays light has
come to us, showing us that
the great day of the Lord is
near at hand, "even at the
doors." Let us read and
understand before it is too

{9T 20.1}
Today the signs of the times declare that we
are standing on the threshold of great and
solemn events. Everything in our world is in
agitation. Before our eyes is fulfilling the
Saviour's prophecy of the events to precede
His coming.

{PK 536.4}
The prophecies which the great I AM has given
in His word, uniting link after link in the chain
of events, from eternity in the past to eternity
in the future, tell us where we are today in the
procession of the ages and what may be
expected in the time to come.

{PK 536.3}
All that prophecy has foretold as coming to pass,
until the present time, has been traced on the
pages of history, and we may be assured that all
which is yet to come will be fulfilled in its order.

{PK 536.3}
As we near the close of
this world's history,
the prophecies recorded
by Daniel demand our
special attention,
as they relate to the
very time in
which we are living.

{PK 547.2}
Important are
the lessons to
be learned from
the experience
of the Hebrew
youth on the
plain of Dura.

{PK 512.1}
Story of Daniel and his three friends; Ananias,
Misael and Azarias.
king of Babylon was
seeking to conquer
the world.

Kingdom after
kingdom was forced
under the control of
the vast Babylonian
At the time of Daniel,
Nebuchadnezzar had
conquered Judea.

As a trophy of his victory, he

took the most promising young
men captive to Babylon.

Among these young men were

three special young called
Daniel, Hannaiah, Mishael and
King James Version
Daniel 1:4

Children in whom was no blemish, but well

favored, and skillful in all wisdom, and cunning
in knowledge, and understanding science, and
such as had ability in them to stand in the
king's palace, and whom they might teach the
learning and the tongue of the Chaldeans.
Never were
they to
with idolaters.

{PK 479.1}
In prosperity
and adversity
honored God,
and God

{PK 479.1}
Strong were the
them in that
corrupt and
luxurious court,
but they

{PK 482.2}
Unsaman ang ilang sikreto?

From the comparative simplicity of their

Jewish home, these youth of royal line were
taken to the most magnificent of cities and
into the court of the world's greatest

{PK 480.1}
There is not one family in a hundred who
will be improved physically, mentally, or
spiritually, by residing in the city.

--AH 137 (1905). {LDE 98.4}

The Lord desires His people to move into the
country, where they can settle on the land,
and raise their own fruit and vegetables, and
where their children can be brought in direct
contact with the works of God in nature.
Take your families away from the cities, is
my message.

--2SM 357, 358 (1902). {LDE 99.3}

Again and again the Lord has instructed that our
people are to take their families away from the
cities, into the country, where they can raise their
own provisions, for in the future the problem of
buying and selling will be a very serious one.

--2SM 141 (1904). {LDE 99.4}

As in the days of
Shadrach, Meshach,
and Abednego, so in
the closing period of
earth's history the Lord
will work mightily in
behalf of those who
stand steadfastly for
the right.

{PK 513.1}
The Need for Family Prayer
Every family should rear its
altar of prayer.

If any persons in the world

need the strength and
encouragement that religion
gives, it is those who are
responsible for the education
and training of children.

{CG 517.1}
If they educate
their children to
live for this life
only, they will make
no preparation for

{CG 517.1}
Fathers, mothers,
you need to seek
God morning and
evening at the family
altar, that you may
learn how to teach
your children wisely,
tenderly, lovingly.

{CG 517.1}
Family Worship
Iniquity abounds.
Corruption flows in the vital
currents of the soul, and
rebellion against God breaks
out in the life. Enslaved by
sin, the moral powers are
under the tyranny of Satan.

{CG 517.2}
Tragedy of a Prayerless Home.
I know of nothing that causes me so great
sadness as a prayerless home.
I do not feel safe in such a house for a single
night; and were it not for the hope of helping
the parents to realize their necessity and their
sad neglect, I would not remain. The children
show the result of this neglect, for the fear of
God is not before them.

{CG 518.2}
Let all Christians
see that the hour
of prayer is the
most precious, the
most sacred, and
the happiest hour
of the day.
They bring a peace
and rest grateful to
the spirit.

{CG 521.1}
They should be taught
to respect the hour of
prayer; they should be
required to rise in the
morning so as to be
present at family

{CG 521.2}
Make the Worship
Period Interesting.

The father, who is the

priest of his household,
should conduct the
morning and evening

{CG 521.3}
Children to Respect the
Worship Hour.
Your children should be
educated to be kind, thoughtful
of others, gentle, easy to be
entreated, and, above
everything else, to respect
religious things and feel the
importance of the claims of God.

{CG 521.2}
They will die as
they have lived,
without God,
and parents will be
called to account
for the loss of their

{CG 517.1}
To the mother and
father the right
training of their
children is the
most important
work of their life.”

CG 556.1
At the same time,
saith the LORD, will
I be the God of all
the families of
Israel, and they
shall be my people.

Jeremiah 31:1

Daniel and his associates had been

trained by their parents to habits of
strict temperance.

{PK 482.2}
Home Health Education

Regularity should be the rule in all the habits

of children. Mothers make a great mistake in
permitting them to eat between meals. The
stomach becomes deranged by this practice,
and the foundation is laid for future suffering.

{CE 163.1}
Children are permitted to indulge their tastes
freely, to eat at all hours. . . . The digestive
organs, like a mill which is continually kept
running, become enfeebled, vital force is called
from the brain to aid the stomach in its
overwork, and thus the mental powers are

{HL 49.2}
The unnatural stimulation and wear
of the vital forces make the children
nervous, impatient of restraint, self-
willed, and irritable.

{HL 49.2}
Their fretfulness may have been caused
by unwholesome food, still undigested;
but the mother feels that she cannot
spend time to reason upon the matter
and correct her injurious management.
Neither can she stop to soothe their
impatient worrying.

{CE 163.1}
She gives the little sufferers a piece
of cake or some other dainty to
quiet them, but this only increases
the evil.

{CE 163.1}
Some mothers, in their anxiety to do a great
amount of work, get wrought up into such
nervous haste that they are more irritable
than the children, and by scolding and even
blows they try to terrify the little ones into

{CE 163.1}
Mothers often complain of the delicate
health of their children, and consult the
physician, when, if they would but exercise
a little common sense, they would see that
the trouble is caused by errors in diet.

{CE 163.2}
We are living in an
age of gluttony, and
the habits to which
the young are
educated, even by
many Seventh-day
Adventists, are in
direct opposition to
the laws of nature.

{CE 163.3}
Through the fidelity
to the principles of
temperance shown
by the Hebrew youth
God is speaking to
the youth of today.

{PK 488.3}
There is need
of men who
like Daniel will
do and dare
for the cause
of right.

{PK 488.3}
The body is a most important
medium through which the mind
and the soul are developed for the
upbuilding of character.

{PK 488.4}
Set a guard over
the appetite; teach
your children by
example as well as
by precept to use a
simple diet.

{CE 165.3}
Should they(parents)
pamper the appetite
until it gets the
mastery, and then
expect to restrain the
NO; temperance and
self-control should be
taught from the very
cradle up.

{CE 166.1}
Upon the mother
must rest largely
the responsibility
of this work.

{CE 166.1}
Yet the mother's
responsibility is
a heavy one, and
should have the
constant aid of
the father.

{CE 166.1}
Wherever the habits of the parents are
contrary to physical law, the injury
done to themselves will be repeated in
future generations.

U. T., Jan. 11, 1897.

Health Benefit for Children

Children reared/trained in a healthful way are

much more easily controlled than those who are
indulged in eating everything their appetite craves,
and at all times. They are usually cheerful,
contented, and healthy.

{HL 42.1}
The Sweetest Type of Heaven.

Home should be made all that the word

implies. It should be a little heaven upon
earth, a place where the affections are

{AH 15.3}
Christ's Presence Makes a Home

The home that is beautified by love,

sympathy, and tenderness is a place
that angels love to visit, and where God
is glorified.
{AH 19.2}
In the atmosphere of such a
home the children will learn to
love both their earthly parents
and their heavenly Father.
{AH 19.2}
Even the most stubborn, passionate, and
wayward have become submissive, patient,
and possessed of self-control by persistently
following up this order of diet, united with
a firm but kind management in regard to
other matters.

{HL 42.1}
Self-control on
the part of all the
members of the
family will make
home almost a

{CE 167.3}
The future happiness of your families and the
welfare of society depend largely upon the
physical and moral education which your
children receive in the first years of their life. If
their tastes and habits are as simple in all
things as they should be, if the dress is tidy,
without extra adornment, mothers will find
time to make their children happy, and teach
them loving obedience.

{CE 169.2}
“But in the
days of Noe
were, so shall
also the
coming of the
Son be.”

Matthew 24:37
*naay naluwas ug dili naluwas

*Gamay lang ang naluwas sa

kadaghang mga tao

* Aduna lang 8 ang naluwas

*Usa ka pamilya ang naluwas

Modern King James Version
Hebrews 11:7

By faith Noah, having been

warned by God of things not
yet seen, moved with fear,
prepared an ark to the
saving of his house, by
which he condemned the
world and became heir of
the righteousness which is
according to faith.
The well-being of society, the success of
the church, the prosperity of the
nation, depend upon home influences.
{AH 15.1}
A home is like a restaurant. It is
a place where family finds food
to eat and enjoy together.
A home is like an
auditorium. It is a place
where parents and
children play.
A home is like a
workshop. It is a
place where children
are trained to work.
The FAMILY that
is the FAMILY that
stays together!
Modern King James
Psalms 127:1
Unless Jehovah
builds the house,
they labor in vain
who build it.
To parents, teaching and training our children is a
great privilege and challenge. It is indeed a
Parents have to labor consistently with love
& patience and with God’s grace when our
children grow up as mature christians, we can
happily say, thanks God, our labor is not in vain!
Some of us here seen their sacrifices
• As teacher, parents and parent to be
• Our greatest joy is when God will say to all of
• Well done my faithful servant.
• I hope and pray that we will prepare our
family to meet thy God.

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