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Dhani has just got his master degree. His parents want to celebrate it next week.

Dhani : "Rio, ..............."

Rio : "I'm glad to come. Could I bring my girlfriend?"

Dhani : "Why not?"

A. I need your help in my party next week.

B. Can you distributes these invitations for me?

C. My parents need some help from you for next week.

D. I'd like you to come to my party next week.

E. We'd like you to help me distributes the invitation.

Father : Which one do you want for your birthday present Ria? A pair of shoes or a dress?

Ria : I'd rather have a dress than a pair of shoes.

From the dialogue above we know that Ria...............

A. Dislike both of the birthday present.

B. Wants a dress for her birthday present.

C. Wants a pair of shoes for her birthday present.

D. Wants a dress and a pair of shoes for her birthday present.

E. Didn’t get any present from her father for her birthday present.
Questions 3 - 7 refer to the following letter.
Jl. Imam Bonjol 199 Semarang

Dear Sulis,

I'm Sorry that I have to turn down your invitation. I'd give anything if I could go with you, but my Dad needs me at the store.
Since nearly all of his clerks are on vacation. I have to stay around to help out.

I hope that you and your family have a good trip.


1. Why did Elva write the letter?

A. She missed her friend

B. She wanted to go

C. She is a good writer

D. She went to her friend's house

E. She could not accept the invitation

Why couldn't Elva go with Sulis?

A. She was lazy

B. Dad wanted her to stay at home

C. She had to keep the store

D. Dad wanted her to go to around the store

E. She was on vacation

What does the word turn down means?

A. Accept

B. Turn up

C. Put up with

D. Agree

E. Refuse
Why were some clerks absent?

• A. They were taking days off

• B. They were having a rest

• C. They were keeping the store

• D. They were sleeping

• E. They were lazy

Which sentence is NOT TRUE based on the text??

A. Elva is the sender of the letter.

B. Elva will join the trip.

C. Elva will help her Dad.

D. Sulis invites Elva to join her family trip.

E. Sulis is the receiver of the letter.

The following text is for the questions number 8 – 13.

In Melani’s house the weather is very hot on that day.

Ani : Wow the weather is very hot, do you have any idea?

Melani: How about making avocado juice.

Ani : Okay, what do we need to make avocado juice?

Melani: Simple, two avocadoes, sugar, 250 cc water, ice cubes, milk.

Ani : Do you know how to make it?

Melani: First, spoon out avocado pulp and place in blender in blender.

Ani : Then, what else?

Melani: Add 250 cc water, enough sugar, and milk, ice cubes.

Ani : After that.

Melani: Blend it for 4-5 minutes, pour the juice in a tall glass.

Ani : Finally the avocado juice is ready to serve.

Melani : That is right.

What will they make?

A. Orange juice

B. Apple juice

C. Blueberry juice

D. Avocado juice

E. Tomato Juice
What is the weather that day?

A. Bright and Sunny

B. Cloudy

C. Rain heavily

D. Windy

E. Option B and C are correct

What is the text type above?

A. Narrative

B. Descriptive

C. Procedure

D. Recount

E. Report
How many person are talking in the dialogue above?

A. 3 persons

B. 2 persons

C. 6 persons

D. 4 persons

E. 5 persons
How much water do they need?

A. 205 cc

B. 520 cc

C. 350 cc

D. 502 cc

E. 250 cc
How long do they blend avocado?

A. 10-15 minutes

B. 4-5 minutes

C. 5-6 minutes

D. 8-10 minutes

• 5-10 minutes
Peter : How about having dinner with me tonight?

Kate : Thank you, I’d love to.

From the dialogue above we can conclude that …..

A. Kate declines the the invitation

B. Peter wants to have dinner

C. Kate loves Peter

D. Peter invites kate to have dinner together

E. Peter makes a dinner for Kate

Aprilia : My brother has got a scholarship to continue his study in one of  prominent university in America.

Ine : “ ……………..”

A. I’m glad to hear that

B. it’s common

C. I’m not satisfied

D. I’m sorry to know that

E. I’m not surprise

Cavin : You know Rita’s father is hospitalized for his serious illness.

Barbara : …………….

A. She must be very sad

B. It’s boring

C. She must be very happy

D. it’s good idea

E. Excuse me
Read the following text to answer questions number 17 to 20.

Dear Betty,

I'm writing to you concerning of my last day in Jogja. I just got back from Borobudur, the wonderful temple I've
ever seen. The weather is fine. We are now staying in a hotel. It's not far from Malioboro. We have treated will
here. It has many excellent staff who served the customers. We have planed to go around Malioboro after the
children taken a short nap. We want to enjoy having "lesehan" there. It is a kind of a restaurant but we have sat
on the ground.

Many kinds of local handicraft have sold along Malioboro street. Both domestic and foreign tourists have
interested in them. I have bought some as souvenirs. Don't worry, I would also buy you the most interesting one.


What is the Letter about?

A. Betty’s holiday in Jogja

B. The Wonderful Borobudur temple

C. Dara’s last day in Jogja

D. The souvenir to be bought

E. A comfortable hotel near Malioboro

Who is the Letter from?

A. Customers

B. The Hotel Staffs

C. Betty

D. Dara

E. Dara’s friend
What has a writer planed after the children taken a short nap?

A. Go back from Borobudur

B. Go around Malioboro

C. Go around Borobudur

D. Have bought some souvenir

E. Go to local handicraft
From the letter we can conclude that....

A. the writer’s holiday is very interesting

B. the writer feels bored with her traveling

C. the children enjoyed having “Lesehan”

D. the writer visited a Prambanan temple

• the staff is giving serve to the costumer

This text is for question 21 to 23.

Jhon : I heard that you went to Bali, last week?

Alex : That’s true, how do you know?

Jhon : Do you forget that you called me when you were in bali?

Alex : Oh yes, sorry jhon!

Jhon : What did you do there?

Alex : I spent my holiday there with my family, I visited pandawa beach and saw the sunset, it was so

Jhon : Where did you spend your night?

Alex : I spent my night in a hotel near the beach

Where Alex and family spend his holiday?

A. He spent his holiday at home

B. He spent his holiday in the beach

C. He spent his holiday in town

D. He spent his holiday in hotel

E. He spent his holiday in Bali

How does John know that Alex went to Bali?

A. He called Alex Last week

B. Alex called John when he were in Bali

C. Alex and John spent their nigh in Bali

D. Alex and Family holiday in Bali

E. John asked Alex to come in Bali

How was Alex feels during that holiday?

A. He was Bored

B. He was Happy

C. He was Scary

D. He was challenge

E. He was Speechless
This text is for questions no.24-27.

Our trip to the Blue Mountain

On Friday, we went to the Blue Mountain. We stayed at David and Della’s house. It has a big garden with lots of
colorful flowers and tennis court.

On Saturday, we saw the Three Sisters and we went on the scenic railway. It was scary. Then, Mom and I went
shopping with Della. We went to some antique shops and I tried on some old hats. On Sunday, we went on the
scenic Skyway and it rocked. We saw cockatoos having shower.

In the afternoon, we went home.

How many days did they take their trip?

A. three days

B. five days

C. four days

D. six days

E. two days
Whose trip is actually stated in the text?

A. The writer and his/her mother

B. The writer and the reader

C. The writer and David

D. The writer and Della

E. the writer and his/her mother, and Della

When did they go home?

A. on Sunday afternoon

B. on Saturday afternoon

C. on Friday afternoon

D. on Friday afternoon

E. on Saturday morning
“Our trip to the Blue Mountain”.The underlined word has the same meaning as…..

A. Journey

B. Gift

C. Experience

D. Mission

E. desire
Complete the paragraph with the suitable word for no. 28 - 30!

Last week my youngest brother, Teddy, (28) ….. His birthday. We held a small party for him. To make him more
cheerful , I decided to dress up like a clown. I put thick cosmetics on my face and wore a clown costume. It (29)
..… very colorful. Teddy screamed happily when he saw me walking like a clown. I was glad that all guests
were also (30) ..…
A. celebrate

B. celebrates

C. celebrated

D. is celebrating

E. has celebrated

A. is

B. be

C. are

D. were

E. was

A. disappointed

B. annoyed

C. touched

D. entertained

E. surprised

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