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Green Building Technology


Presented by,
Sadrudin ali
• The construction waste is regarded as one of the main causes of
environmental and health problems such as asbestos which is generated
during the demolition works and can be hazardous. Essentially, building
materials are the main contributors of the construction waste
• Waste materials generated from construction activities are concrete, dry
wall, plastics, ceramics tiles, metals, paper, cardboards, plastics, glass etc. 
Effective Ways to Minimize Construction
• Avoid Creating Waste in the First Place
• Store Your Materials Properly
• Add Organization to Your Construction Site
• Recycle and Re-Use Your Salvageable Materials
Avoid Creating Waste in the First Place:
• Should avoid creating it in the first place.
• Conducting regular inventory checks will prevent from over ordering
materials that are already there.
• Taking exact measurements to ensure we have enough materials to build
without any unnecessary leftovers is going to help tremendously.
• Training team and educating them on the importance of construction
waste management will help them to implement greener practices within
their own job responsibilities.
Storing Materials Properly
• First and foremost, secure your site to minimize damage and even theft.
• For example, you can store lumber on blocking and make sure to cover it
up to prevent any damages. You want to do the same with brick and other
• Take the weather into account. Some supplies can be stored outside (set on
pallets to protect them from ground moisture and covered by a roof or
tarp), while others (like some power tools) need to be kept inside at all
times when they’re not in use.
Recycle and Re-Use Salvageable Materials
• Recycle materials like paper, plastic, metal, and glass, wood
• Re-using your salvaged materials
• Construction waste recycling is the separation and recycling of
recoverable waste materials generated during construction and
Add Organization to Construction Site
• Separating recyclable and salvageable materials together in an area to
reduce confusion.
• Rapid growth in construction activities increases construction waste
problems around the world. Construction waste gives a negative impact
to the environment, costs, time, productivity and social of country. To
reduce these negative impacts, it needs a comprehensive understanding
of the construction waste generation and management.
10 top tips for waste reduction
1. Plan to reduce waste at the start of a project – set goals, identify waste
recycling opportunities and target specific wastes you expect from the
project. Use the REBRI Waste Management Plan.
2. All staff and subcontractors need to follow the waste management systems.
Include waste reduction instructions or standards in your contracts in your
induction material and other communications with staff and subcontractors.
Make it a regular item on toolbox and project management meetings.
3. Order just-in-time delivery of products to reduce the storage time on site
(and the potential for damage). Have accurate cutting lists and quantity
surveys to avoid over ordering and product wastage.
4. Talk with suppliers about the latest methods for product installation and
uses so that you can reduce off-cuts, mistakes and damage that all create
waste during construction.
5. Keep waste materials separate for recycling and reuse. Store them in different
skips, bins or piles, and use clear signage so that everyone knows what to do.
10 top tips for waste reduction

6. Set up a single waste storage area – many smaller bins over one site encourages people
to use the nearest bin (and mix up the various waste types making it harder to recycle).
7. Different waste types occur at different times in the project so plan your waste
separation system around this. Concrete, steel and timber waste occurs during
foundations and framing; cladding, plasterboard, electrical cable and insulation waste
occurs during the next phase; cardboard, plastic wrap, paint tins and other packaging
waste occurs during fit-out.
8. Encourage reuse of off-cuts, scraps and so on. Keep them in a handy place until the
end of the project.
9. Keep a current list of recycling operators in the site office for easy reference. Use the
REBRI Waste Management Plan to list the specific recycling operator’s details for the
10. Have incentives such as morning tea shouts if waste reduction is achieved on the
Plan ahead to waste less on your work site

• As a project manager, you’re tasked with building a plan before

diving into the job. When the project is organized properly, fewer
mistakes are made which results in less waste on your construction site. 
• Measure exactly so you have the right amount of each material. Only
order what you need.
• Conduct regular inventory checks so you know what you have and what
you need. Don’t buy extra.
• Account for potential construction site waste in the planning process.
Have reuse and recycle bins on site.
• Identify materials that can be reused and recycled before the project
begins. Make sure all workers know how to sort the waste as it is created.
Types of construction waste
1. Dredging Materials
• Dredging materials are those objects or materials which are evacuated
during the preparation phase of a construction or demolition site.
Trees, tree stumps, dirt, rocks, and stumps are few of the examples of
dredging materials.9

2. Insulation And Asbestos Materials

• In simple terms, Asbestos is a mineral which provides resistance to
corrosion and heat. It is because of these properties that asbestos is
used in several building materials.
• Few examples of asbestos-containing materials are floor backing,
gaskets, resilient floor tile, asphalt roofing, pipe insulation, ceiling and
wall insulation, sprayed-on fireproofing, thermal pipe insulation and
boiler coverings, ceiling tiles and damaged material which were
originally non-friable.
• Materials which contain asbestos are highly hazardous and pose a
health risk to humans.
3. Concrete, Bricks, Tiles, And Ceramics
• The below list excludes asbestos-containing materials –
• Concrete – Non-hazardous          
• Brick – Non-hazardous  
• Tiles and ceramics – Non-hazardous
• Concrete, bricks, tiles, and ceramics (alone or in mixtures) containing
hazardous substances – Hazardous
• Concrete, bricks, tiles, and ceramics in mixtures, containing no
hazardous substances – Non-Hazardous
• Concrete and bricks form most of the construction and devolution
waste and dumping it in landfills. But again, these can be recycled by
crushing it into rubble

4. Metallic Waste
• Metallic waste in construction includes, copper, bronze, brass,
aluminum, lead, iron and steel, tin, mixed metals; all of these are non-
hazardous and can be easily recycled. However, metals containing
hazardous substances, cables containing oil, coal tar, are highly
hazardous substances and demand careful handling.
5.Wood, Glass, And Plastic
• Demolition of temporary structures and houses generate wood, glass,
and plastic waste. These non-inert materials can be recycled or reused
and as a last resort disposed of to the landfill.
• Waste materials which are predominately new wood from new
construction include plywood, chip wood, dimensional lumber,
shavings, and sawdust. In addition to this, plastic waste materials used
in new construction. This includes PVC, PVC siding, plumbing pipe,
plastic sheet, and Styrofoam insulation. Glass materials include waste
from glass windows or doors panes, glass from sky lighting or glass
shelves. Most of these materials when untreated or uncontaminated are
non-hazardous but may sometimes contain hazardous substances
6. Drywall
• A construction site can contain huge amounts of masonry and drywall waste.
Typically, Drywall is constructed using gypsum wallboard, and mostly excess
wallboard is left over after the construction of a new building.
7. Cement
• Waste during construction activity also relates to excessive cement mix which is
left after the work is over, sometimes rejection/ demolition caused due to change
in design or even wrong workmanship. It is important to note, that un-used or
un-set cement is always hazardous in nature.
8. Paints, Varnishes, Adhesives & Sealants
• Paints, varnishes, adhesives and sealants used in new construction which is left
after work or wasted due to an accident. Paints cans, paint removers, varnish
remover, organic solvents, adhesive containers, and sealant containers are
extremely hazardous waste.
According to sources, almost ninety percent of construction wastes are inert or non-
hazardous. These can be reclaimed, reused and recycled. However, the non-
recyclable, non-hazardous and hazardous waste materials comprise the
remaining ten percent. The hazardous construction waste materials include
contaminated soil, leftover paints, solvent, aerosol cans, asbestos, paint thinners,
striping paint, contaminated empty containers and non-inert materials include trees,
green vegetation, trash, and other organic materials
Wastage in or during construction
Standard wastage of construction materials:-
1)Cement -1%
2) Reinforcement Steel – 3%
3) Structural Steel  -10%  wastage
4) Course aggregate  – 2.5%
5) Fine aggregate – 2.5%
6) Formwork  – 5 %

Allowable wastage of construction materials :- 

1) Cement  – 1.5 to 2 %
2) Reinforcement Steel – 3 to 5%
3) Brick – 5%
4) Course agg – 5%
5) Fine agg  – 10%
6) Structural steel – 5% to 10 %
7) Tiles – 7 to 10%
Wastage in or during construction
• As per study done at different locations considering different atmospheric
conditions, the average wastage of construction materials are

Cement  – 1.3 %
Reinforcement Steel – 3.35%
Brick – 4.42%
Course agg – 4.49%
Sand  – 3.56%
Category of factors Significant factor determined
Design Frequent design changes
Significant factors that Handling Wrong material storage
contributes to External Effect of weather
construction waste
Management Poor planning
Procurement Ordering mistakes
Worker Workers mistakes
Site condition Leftover materials on site
• Green field project: a project that is built from scratch and lacks
constrains of prior work.

• Stages of green field project:

• Identification of site
• Assessment
• Approval
• Design and construction
• Operational

• Example for green field projects:

• Airports
• Roads
• Metro
• Heavy industry- powerplant, steel plant
• Manufacturing and urban development
Advantages of a greenfield project
Flexibility: The main attraction of a greenfield project, is that it offers
developers the option of starting from scratch and designing a project
that meets not only current but also future needs. They also have
complete flexibility while designing the project, without needing to
demolish or remodel anything on the site.
Development: Greenfield sites are rarely available within congested
cities like Mumbai and Delhi. So, most greenfield projects are on the
outskirts of towns and cities. This, in turn, creates an opportunity for
infrastructural and economic development, as a direct result of increased
business activity in that area.
High livability quotient for home buyers: Residential greenfield
projects are often made as self-sustained townships, have smart homes
outfitted with the latest in home automation and offer community living
with new residents, as opposed to sharing the premises with old tenants,
as in the case of a redevelopment project.
Disadvantages of a greenfield project
• Environmental impact: One of the main disadvantages cited for greenfield
projects, is the encroachment on green areas and the destruction of natural green
cover found in sparsely populated areas, where virgin land is usually available.
• Cost of development: On greenfield sites, development of a new project has to
start from scratch, including the application for various permits and licences
required to start constructing on a new piece of land. This, coupled with the
development of basic infrastructure in the area, significantly drives up the cost of
• Long completion time: The time required to undertake a new development on a
greenfield site, right from the initial approvals stage, to the final construction stage
can be significantly longer than in a brownfield project. While the absence of
existing infrastructure on a new site can be seen as an advantage and a design
opportunity, it also means that the developer must obtain a whole host of
approvals for the new site, from several government agencies. If these approvals
are not granted in a timely manner, it can stall a project for several years.
Architects: Auroville Design Consultant
Area: 1753 m²
Year: 2018
•  The “HUMANSCAPES HABITAT- is an applied research and
demonstration project of Sustainable and Integrated Urban Living
Project” for benchmarking in habitat as a course correction for a
sustainable and harmonious model of development which is an
imperative need in the present global crisis of energy and climate change.
• This mixed-use development of residences, community, and workspace
would be a touchstone for standards for low-embodied energy building.
• this project builds with high embodied energy materials to building
materials and technology to reduce the carbon footprint.
• Using local building materials and skills, the residences become a net
energy-positive habitat by generating their own energy, using renewable
• Zero-discharge of water, reduction, and recycling of solid waste,
drought-resistant local endemic species landscaping, and growing
organic food as a model for urban agriculture would be a hallmark of
this project.
• Reducing point-to-point travel by integrating work and living spaces,
using integrated community and IT infrastructure

• The housing units are adequately

ventilated to reduce artificial cooling.
• Also proper openings for daylight
• Urban landscaping and edible landscaping
to provide fresh air.
• Water-efficient landscaping using local
endemic species, and growing organic
• Solar panels are used to optimize energy consumption.
• Integrated environmental planning of rain water harvesting to
encourage water efficiency.
• Solar Powered Buildings improve the Heating & Cooling System’s
efficiency by 30 percent by proper installation of a new HVAC system.
• Design techniques such as solar passive design and solar passive
ventilation to reduce artificial cooling and lights during daytime.
• Passive solar design takes advantage of a building’s site, climate, and
materials to minimize energy use.
• Passive solar cooling systems work by reducing unwanted heat gain
during the day, producing non-mechanical ventilation, exchanging
warm interior air for cooler breeze from outdoor
• Reduction of steel and cement consumption.
• Poured earth walls to reduce embodied energy and also to act as a
thermal break between the exterior and the interior.
• Little to no maintenance is required of poured earth walls, since they
have a high resistance to the deteriorating effects of water and sun.
• Usage of local materials reduces the cost; for cladding stoned from the local quarry is
used; for poured earth walls soil form the site is used
• Recycled wood is used for window and door fixtures; Promoting of recycled wood is eco
• Aerocon Ceiling Tiles is used for waterproofing and insulating the roof also Cool roof
and energy efficient fixtures reduces using artificial cooling.
• Poured earth wall reduced the usage of brick and cement.
• Vaulted roof increases natural light and allows ventilation of hot air.
• Indian Patent Stone is used for flooring. Concrete floors possess high thermal mass and
this can be used to improve the internal environment within the dwelling and reduce
the energy demand for thermal comfort.
•Brownfield Development is a term in urban planning which includes
development of land that has previously been contaminated or used for
dumping industrial waste that has now become vacant and unused.

•Brownfields can be regenerated and used again if the land is cleared of its
contamination before any new development occurs in the area.

•Brownfield development is most well known in the UK and USA and has
been a part of England’s industrial age and heritage. The UK government
declared in 1998 that all new development in the country should take place
in Brownfield land.
• Brownfields are previously developed lands which are currently not in
use whether the land is contaminated or not.
• These lands are previously used for industrial or any commercial
purposes with known as well as suspected pollution that includes soil
contamination due to the excess hazardous waste.
• Brownfield sites need preparatory regenerative work before the new
development that can be partly occupied.

• Some Brownfield sites include;

• Oil refineries
• Railroads
• Steel or any other heavy
• manufacturing plants.
• Dry cleaners
• Gas stations
Some of the major barriers for the Brownfield development include:
Cost of clearing the land – The immense cost for cleaning the Brownfield
land to safety standards is difficult and not something most developers
would be interested in investing because the cost of the land after cleaning
the contamination might be less than what it actually took for the total cost
of the land. This can also postpone the redevelopment processes.
Waste regeneration – It is thought that if the waste generated by
contamination is not cleared in advance, that the residents of the area might
be affected by the previous use of the land. This indicates that the
regeneration process needs to be well thought and strictly generated so that
it doesn’t affect the new use of the land. For instance, tanks which still have
waste in them and are not cleaned properly, might not benefit from the new
regeneration of the land.

1. Process of redeveloping Brownfields;

2. Identify Brownfields and tie to redevelopment goals
3. Investigate – Phase I/II site assessments (environmental due
4. Clean-up, if necessary
5. Redevelop

1. Identify Brownfields:
• Make a list of potential sites
• Set Redevelopment Goals and Vision for Site, Area, and Region
• Involve all stakeholders
• State the economic, community, and environmental needs &
opportunities to
drive redevelopment
• Make conceptual scenarios and diagrams
• Identify partners and funding sources
• Adjust and Revise Plans as Needed
2. Investigate:

• Perform Phase I/II Environmental Site

Assessments (ESAs);

– to identify environmental risks before

purchase – evaluate whether environmental
risks are worth accepting / correcting in a case
where contamination is discovered

3. Brownfields Cleanup:
• Low to moderate levels of contamination
• Risk-based cleanups for future use and/or
resource protection
– Industrial – Commercial – Residential
• Prevent exposure to contaminants
– Treatment, removal, containment
– Land use controls
‒ Soil and Soil to Groundwater
‒ Surface Water
‒ Groundwater
4. Redevelopment:

• Gather resources and partners needed to redevelop according to master

and community input to address various needs and opportunities.
• Economy
• Community
• Environment – Smart growth & livability principles for sustainable
• Removes actual sources of land such as
soil and water contamination

• Preserves historical landmarks

• Recovers desirable locations

• Eliminates vandalism

• Revives older urban communities

• Help to prevent heritage architecture

• Beautifies urban landscapes

• Decreases the risk of health hazards

• Utilization of old or existing infrastructure

Thackston Park Brownfield Remediation
• An abandoned dry cleaning plant located in the City of York was
becoming a nuisance for nearby residents.
• It is located across the street from a housing development owned
by the York Housing Authority and made it a target for
• The Authority saw an opportunity where many saw a risk too lofty
to take on.
•  The former dry cleaner was surrounded by Thackston Park, a city
park named in memory of a respected community educator,
prompting the Housing Authority to strike a deal with the city. 
• In exchange for the land housing Thackston Park, the Housing
Authority traded the land along the Corodorus Creek where many
of the structures were failing and requiring demolition.
• This ensured the city and community did not lose their treasured
park, and gained a waterfront amenity.
• The site operated as a dry cleaner since the early 1900s up until
2008 so a thorough investigation was in order.
• Furthermore, suspect underground storage tanks (USTs)
identified in the Phase I ESA required investigation as well.

• The condition of USTs

represent a potential
pathway for hazardous
substances and
petroleum products to
directly impact
underlying soil and
• With the findings in hand, the Housing Authority was able to have a
better understanding of the environmental risks and potential
remediation costs associated with the property.
• The proposed development included dedicated green space within the
footprint of the former dry cleaner’s building.
• Five USTs located underneath the dry cleaner’s operations were
identified during the excavation.
• Two of the USTs were used for heating oil storage, while the remaining
three were associated with the dry cleaning operations.
• The following measures determined the presence, or absence of
hazardous substances that could impact the site:
• Geophysical investigation

• Soil boring investigation

• Vapor intrusion (soil gas) study

• Groundwater investigation
• Groundwater remediation is ongoing, but the groundwater
monitoring results have proven that the environmental cap
was an effective remedy through natural attenuation.
• Vapor intrusion of volatile organic compounds was also
concern for the residential units
• Active sub-slab depressurization systems were installed in
every unit as an engineer control to eliminate any exposure
pathways from vapor intrusion.
• The proposed
development included
dedicated green space
within the footprint of
the former dry cleaner’s
• An engineered
geosynthetic cap
encapsulated the
impacted soil creating a
barrier between the
surface and the
contamination as well as
halted leaching of the
contaminants into the
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