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Problem in the World

Over the last 20 years, 16 Million Leprosy patients have been cured
The prevalence rate in 1985: 21.1 cases per 10,000 population
The prevalence rate in 2020: 0.25 cases per 10,000 population
In 2020, there were 1,92,713 leprosy patients worldwide

Problem in India
The prevalence rate in 1981: 57.6 cases per 10,000 population
The prevalence rate in 2005: 1.0 cases per 10,000 population
In 2020, there were 88,166 leprosy patients in India….almost 50% of the cases worldwide

States with poor control of Leprosy: Tripura, Mizoram, Diu and Daman, Lakshsadweep, Bihar, Chhattisgarh
Global Leprosy Strategy 2016-2020:
“Accelerating towards a Leprosy-free world”
• To strengthen Government ownership, coordination and partnership
• To stop Leprosy and its complications
• To stop discrimination

3 Key Targets for all National Leprosy Programmes

1. Zero Grade 2 Disability of children diagnosed with Leprosy
2. New Leprosy cases with Grade 2 Disability to be less than 1 case per million population
3. Zero countries allowing discrimination on basis of Leprosy
World Leprosy Day 2021:
Celebrated on January 30th this year:
…the campaign calls for unity in honouring the dignity of people who have been affected by Leprosy

First World Leprosy Day observed in 1954 by Frenchman, Raoul Follereau as a tribute to
The life of Mahatma Gandhi, who did much work with people affected by Leprosy
National Programmes on Leprosy in India:
National Leprosy Control Progmamme was lauched in 1954-55

Multi-Drug Therapy came into use in 1982

National Leprosy Eradication Programme was introduced in 1983:

• Decentralized integrated leprosy service
• Early detection and treatment
• Surveys for detection of leprosy in children
• Invovement of ASHAs
• Conducting Health Education classes

First World Bank supported project in India in 1993

WHO Classification
Indian Classification:
Deformities occurring in Leprosy
WHO Grade 2 Disabilities
Leprosy Control:
National Orientation Meeting
13th Common Review Mission
16th October, 2019
National Leprosy Eradication Programme

Rekha Shukla
Joint Secretary (LEP & VBD)
Why NLEP is important

• Leprosy if not detected in time and treated, is a

dreadful disease, Causes Grade II disability 21
Important activities

• Active case detection activities

• Prompt referral, confirmation & treatment

• ABSULS (ASHA Based Surveillance for Leprosy


• FLC (Focussed Leprosy Campaign)

Important activities

• Special plan for Hard to Reach Areas

• MDT (Multi Drug Therapy)

• Post Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP)

• Grade II Disability (G2D) Investigation

• Self Care kits

Important activities
• RCS (Re-constructive Surgeries)

• Trainings of personnel across cadres

• Monitoring and Supervision of ABSULS by ANM,


• Maintenance of Records

• Strong IEC activities

• Submission of monthly reports 24

Community ToR
• How leprosy spreads across population

• Leprosy is fully curable

• MDT (Drugs) is available free of cost

• ASHA’s visit to individual households for

Leprosy screening

• ASHA’s screening process

• IEC for leprosy from any media (TV/ News Paper/Radio/Miking/Gram

Sabha/ any other)
Health & Wellness Centre ToR
• Your role under NLEP

• Leprosy screening, referral and treatment protocols

• Your role for supervision of ASHAs under ABSULS (ASHA Based Surveillance for
Leprosy Suspects)

• If yes, do you conduct sample monitoring visits in

the villages as given in the guidelines

• How to maintain records for Leprosy

• Grade II disability case detection

and investigation protocols

• If any IEC activity done for Leprosy specifically 26

• Your role under NLEP

• Leprosy screening, referral and treatment protocols

• Your role for supervision of ASHAs under ABSULS (ASHA Based Surveillance for Leprosy Suspects)

• If yes, do you conduct sample monitoring visits in the villages as given in the guidelines

• Active case search activities in respect of leprosy

• MDT, MCR footwear & self care kits availability

• How to maintain records for Leprosy

• Grade II disability case detection and investigation


• If any IEC activity done for Leprosy specifically

• Your role under NLEP

• Leprosy screening, referral and treatment protocols

• Your role for supervision of ASHAs under ABSULS (ASHA Based Surveillance for Leprosy

• If yes, do you conduct sample monitoring visits in the villages as given in the guidelines

• Active case search activities in respect of leprosy

• MDT, MCR footwear & self care kits availability

• How to maintain records for Leprosy

• Grade II disability case detection and investigation


• Complicated case management protocol

• If any IEC activity done for Leprosy specifically 28

• Is there a Full time DLO with no additional charges?

DLO to be asked
• Awareness regarding various activities of NLEP (eg. LCDC, ABSULS, SLAC etc.)

• Are regular monthly progress reports from Block level being received

• MDT, MCR footwear & self care kits availability

• Are there facilities for Reconstructive Surgery(RCS)

• Grade II disability case detection and investigation mechanism

• Focused Leprosy Campaign (FLC) mechanism


• Training mechanism at all levels starting from ASHAs to ANMs to


• Mechanism for mapping of hard to reach areas and special strategies

• Mechanism for monitoring of progress under ABSULS

• Maintenance of Records

• Management of Complicated cases

• If any IEC activity done for Leprosy specifically

State ToR
• Is there a Full time SLO with no additional charges?

SLO to be asked
• Awareness regarding various activities of NLEP (eg. LCDC, ABSULS, SLAC etc.)

• Are regular monthly progress reports from district level being received

• MDT, MCR footwear & self care kits availability

• Are there facilities for Reconstructive Surgery(RCS)

• Grade II disability case detection and investigation mechanism

• Focused Leprosy Campaign (FLC) mechanism

State ToR

• Training mechanism at all levels starting from ASHAs to ANMs to


• Mechanism for mapping of hard to reach areas and special strategies

• Mechanism for monitoring of progress under ABSULS

• Maintenance of Records

• Management of Complicated cases

• If any IEC activity done for Leprosy specifically

Take home Messages:

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