Group 1 Final

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Environmental Factors
• Location/Status of the students environment
• Family situations
• Outside noises/distractions
• Part-time Jobs
• House chores
• Electricity
Poor Internet Connection
• Service provider
• Data plan
• Internet speed
Lack of Resources
• Financial status
• Gadgets
• E-learning Materials
Problem Statement
How can we realign students
to have a more effective and
productive learning?
Along side the spread of Covid-19 is the emergence of new problems of
society. One part of the society that is impacted the most by Covid-19 is the
educational sector. When the authorities ordered the mass closure of schools and
universities and the face-to-face learning transitioned into remote learning where
most of the transactions and exchange of information is done online, new and
unfamiliar problems arise. Students nowadays are compromising the quality of
education that they receive due to the mentioned problems and finding easy way
outs for the sake of passing a certain courses or subjects. Covid-19 impacted the
society so fast that our educational sector is forcing the students to quickly adapt to
an ineffective educational system that is gradually affecting their productivity. Our
group aims to help students to realign and reconfigure their approach on to the new
learning modality to increase both the effectivity of learning and productivity of
the students.
•Name USER
• Age
•Relationship Status
•Year level
•Tell me a little something about yourself (What is your personality, hobby,
•Do you prefer online class or face to face class moddity?
•What is the benefit of your chosen moddity base on your own opinion?
•What is the downside of the moddity you didn’t choose based on your opinion?
•What are the daily tasks that you usually do during the day?
•Does your online class infere with the daily tasks you do during the day? If yes,
how does it infere?And if no, why is it so?
•Are you able to manage your time to do both online class and your daily task? If
yes, how do you do it? And if no, do you have plans managing it?
•Does the area you live in optimal to do your online class? If no, why does you say so?
•Does your family environment support and let you do online class effectively? If no, why is it so?
•Can your family be able to provide you the things and the resources you need for your online schooling? If no,
whatare the usual struggles that you and your family encounter?
•Do you have a device that you are able to use join or access your online class? If yes, what kind of device are
you using? If no, what is your alternatives to access your classes?
•Does your Internet connectivity let you access your online class on time and lets you do your task and pass it
on time?
•What are the other challenges you encounter during your online class amidst the COVID-19 pandemic?
•How does online class learning compare to face-to-face classes?
•Does online class an effective moddity of learning in your opinon?
•Does online class helps you become more productive in learning lesson and doing your task?
•In the past months/year, how did you cope and adjust despite of the challenges in your online classes?
•Based on the result of the interview, most of the user prefer face to face
classes rather than the online modality because based on their answers
that studying with peers make them more motivated and a more
effective learning.

•While most of educators also understand the struggles of online class,

some users encountered professors that are inconsiderate and become a

•One of the common factors based on the answer of the user that
contribute to the problem is their family status, some work as part
timers, some have house chores, some take turns using gadgets to attend
class and many more.

•But some also said that online class is good specially during this
pandemic and said that it actually help them to not get contacted by the
The user needs an educator that will be understanding and will cater to the
students needs but would bot compromise the quality of education that they
will deliver

Users need a flexible learning modality where it will be a hybrid of face to
face and online class that can both benefit those user that prefer face to face
classes rather than online to study more effectively and vice versa.

Users need educators that would focus on giving helpful feedback to students
rather than negative criticism, because these factors help and affect greatly
the effectiveness of education and productivity of the students.
Dela Cruz, Juanito D.
Playing Guitar
Pets & Quite places
Noisy places & Crowded areas
God & Family
Continue to challenge yourself and go beyond
Challenges Pain points
• The pressure of studying alone and not being able to reach out for peers for
motivation, help, and fun turns the pressure of studying heavier than it should have
• The time management of Juanito in doing his responsibilities in school (attending
classes on time and regularly, completing all homework and activities, studying their
lessons) and also synchronizing his responsibilities outside the school (household
chores, work/part-time jobs, help in siblings’ education) causing to distractions, stress
and failure of submitting requirements on time. Management challenges are low
motivation to complete an important task, procrastination habits, lack of organization,
inability to concentrate, maintain focus, and lack of rest. These challenges slow Juanito
down or, sometimes worst, make us not complete our tasks in school.
Top 3 Needs
• Juanito needs an educator that will be understanding and will
cater to his needs but would bot compromise the quality of
education that they will deliver
• Juanito need a flexible learning modality where it will be a hybrid
of face to face and online class that can both benefit those Juan
that prefer face to face classes rather than online to study more
effectively and vice versa.
• Juanito need educators that would focus on giving helpful
feedback to students rather than negative criticism, because these
factors help and affect greatly the effectiveness of education and
productivity of the students.
Deep need statements
Prioritizing frequent or check-ins to ask Juanito of his
well being will be calming as these moments of
connection can strengthen a sense of autonomy while
validating what is going right and well. Being able help
Juanito control his emotion and keeping him motivated
can help both Juanito and his educators to assess
properly and give an honest feedback on how Juanito
react to their lesson.
1. Enforce an authority to monitor educators/professors to be considerate
and be strict at the same time in educating students and help improve their
absorption of knowledge from their modules through their educators.
2. School should give option for the students to select their learning
3. educators and students should undergo training to help improve their
skill and in giving feedback and train students on how to absorb it and
make it a useful energy for them to study.
The institution should create an educational system that will cater the different needs and
struggles that student encounter during the pandemic. These include creating a system that
will monitor and upheld that educational value that educators give to their students while
being considerate and understanding during this hard times. Create educational program that
will cater students that learn more effectively on a face to face setting and keep them safe and
also address those student that are afraid to go back because of the threat of virus. And the
institution should sponsor and conduct frequent seminars that will educate both the educators
to give an effective feedback and help students absorb theses feedback to be used as
motivation to improve their productivity.
Thank you for

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