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Rival / opponent : a person or thing competing with another for the same objective or for superiority in
the same field of activity.
Competitive (adj) : relating to or characterized by competition.
- Is being competitive a good characteristic?
Trophy : a cup or other decorative object awarded as a prize for a victory or success.
Victor : ( winner ) a person who defeats an enemy or opponent in a battle, game, or other competition.
Other forms : victory (noun) , victorious ( adj)
Bag the award : means to win a contest ; to win
Messy’s team bagged the award. – Messy’s team won.
Has Blackpink every bagged an award?
Battle : a situation in which different people or groups compete with each other in order to achieve
something or get an advantage
Defeat : win a victory over (someone) in a battle or other contest; overcome or beat.
Example: Vietnamese soccer team defeated Chinese team.
What would you feel if you joined a competition you got defeated? * lost
is the interaction between puts a disproportional amount of
individuals that promotes and emphasis on the outcome, rather
than valuing the process or the
fosters striving for higher
journey involved in getting there.
achievements yet creates an And when the outcome becomes
environment where everyone the sole focus, it can promote
in the group hopes that the idea that a person or team
everyone will do well, rather has to do “whatever it takes” in
than wish that others fail. order to succeed.
- no cheating  focuses on WINNING, regardless
of the method
 -rivals become friends
 Opponents consider each other
- focuses on the process as enemies
Healthy or unhealthy competition

1. Samjoined a quiz bee , but he kept a cheat in his

pocket for some difficult questions that he don’t know
2. Sam
congratulated his opponent after he lost in a
badminton game.
3. Sam’s
team intentionally hurt their opponents, so they
cannot play well in the basketball game.
Companies that compete with each other
are called “ BUSINESS RIVALS”
The members of the SEA Games
SPORTS COMPETITION Federation is now 11 comprising
of :

1. Brunei Darussalam
2. Philippines
3. Cambodia
4. Singapore
5. Indonesia
6. Thailand
7. Laos
8. Timor-Leste
9. Malaysia
11. Myanmar (Burma)
Does Vietnamese soccer team
Participate in FIFA?

How can sports competition build friendship between different countries?

Are sports competition important? Why or why not?
Is winning very
important to you?
Why or why not?
Is competition good or bad for children?
Benefits of healthy competition at school

 1. Children get to learn about themselves

 2.Parents can identify and guide their growing children’s
 3. Children learn a lot about relationships
 4.Children learn values that are best learned through
competition such as accepting loss and failure
 5. Children learn to cope with stress

 Dr T.P.Chia said:  David Sarnoff said:

"A competitive person is  "Competition brings out
always a winner. An the best in products and
uncompetitive person is the worst in people.
always a loser." " What does this mean?
 Do you agree?
What images spring to your mind when you hear the word ‘competition’?

Have you ever joined a competition? Talk about it.

What’s your favorite competition?

Do you compete with other students in your English class?

Do you compete with yourself?

Do you care if you lose when you are in a competition?

Which country is in "competition" with your country?
What would the world be like without competition?
Are men more competitive than women?
Do drivers in your country drive as if they are in a competition?
Do you care if you lose when you are in a competition?
Why are some people very competitive?
Is competition good for us?
Do you like competitive people?
In what way is education a competition in your country?
Do you think life is a competition?
Do we learn to be competitive or are we born competitive?

Describe a contest or competition you would like to partici

pate in

You should say:

– What the contest/ competition is about
– where the contest/ competition will take place
– When it will be held.
– And explain why you would like to participate.

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