Sampling Survey

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Sampling and sampling survey

Course Title: Statistics Lab-2

Course Code: BDA153
Program-Bachelor of Science (Hons.)-
Data Science Semester: 2nd
Student Name: -Lareb Choudhary
System ID: - 2021807813
Student Name:-Shafaque Naaz
System ID: - 2021519199
Submitted to
Dr. Surya Kant Pal
Assistant Professor
Department of Mathematics
Sharda University
Knowledge Park III, Gr. Noida

Objectives :
• To learn about sampling and sample
• To know why do we use sampling.
• To know what is the difference
between sampling surveys and
complete enumeration.
Why Sampling is needed?
• We come across situations where we would like to
know about vast population,in that case sampling is

• But the factors like time, money, cost and large

size of the population make it almost impossible
to go for the complete enumeration of all the

• Instead we can select a representative or part of

the population (known as sample) & infer about
the entire population on the basis of our
knowledge about the sample.
What is sampling?

It is a process of learning about a population on the basis of

samples drawn from it.

Some important terms in sampling theory:

• (A) Population
• (B) Sample

Population: It is a set of all units under consideration. e.g.

(a) Population of Income-tax Payers in India

(b) Population of all people living in Kolkata

(c) Population of employees working in a certain factory

(d) Population of cars produced by a certain company

(e) Population of flowers in a certain town.

Population Size:

The no. of members in the population is

called as the size of the population. It is
denoted by N.
Different types of

Finite • Population consists of finite no. of

elements is called as finite population.
Population: Eg –students present in the class.

Infinite • Population consists of infinite or uncountable

number of units is known as infinite
Population: population. e.g. stars in the sky.
Different types of
Population :

• Population consists of real objects is called

Existent Population : as existent population. e.g-students,books

Hypothetical(Imaginary) • A population exists just hypothetically is

Population: known as hypothetical population. e.g.
Population of heads when a coin is
tossed infinitely many times.

(B) Sample : It is a part of the population which is selected at random from the
The number of members/units in the sample is known as the
sample size & is denoted by ‘n’.

These units are known as “Sampling Units”.


A detailed & complete list of sampling units is known as “Sampling frame”.

Sample Survey And Complete

When complete information is collected for all

the units belonging to a population, it is defined
as complete enumeration or census and when
we consider a few portion of population to
conduct a survey it is known as sample survey
We prefer sample survey to complete
enumeration due to the following factors:
• Speed
• Cost
• Reliability
• Accuracy
Principles of Sample

Sample Survey is the study of unknown population on the

basis of a proper representative sample drawn from it.

This study is based on the following principles:

• 1.Law of statistical regularity
• 2. Principle of Inertia
• 3. Principle of Optimization
• 4. Principle of Validity
1.Law of Statistical

According to the law if a sample of fairly large size is drawn

from the population at random, then on an average the
sample would posses the characteristics of that population.

For example, if we want to find out the average income of

10,000 people, we take a sample of 100 people and find
the average.
2. Principle of
Inertia :

According to this law as the results derived from the sample are
more likely to be reliable, accurate and precise as the sample size
increases, provided other factors are kept constant.
3.Principle of

The principle of optimization ensures that an optimum level

of efficiency at a minimum cost or the maximum efficiency
at a given level of cost can be achieved if the selection of
an appropriate sampling design is done.
For ex-if we are given an amount of 1 lakh rs to conduct a
sampling survey than we have to select a appropriate
sample design to conduct a survey in 1 lakh rs.
4. Principle of
Validity :

The principle of validity states that a sampling design is valid

only if it is possible to obtain valid estimates and valid tests
about population parameters. Only a probability sampling
ensures this validity.
Errors In Sample Survey:

Meaning Sampling error is a type of error, occurs

due to the sample selected does not perfectly
represents the population. An error occurs due to
sources other than sampling, while conducting
survey activities is known as non sampling error.
Occurs Only when sample is selected. Both in
sample and census

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