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Course Title: Statistics Lab-1

Course Code: BDA101
Program-Bachelor of Science (Hons.)-
Data Science Semester: 1st
Student Name: -lareb choudhary
System ID: - 2021807813
Student Name:-Shafaque naaz
System ID: - 2021519199
Student Name:-aryaman Bhardwaj
System ID:-2021003661
Submitted to
Dr. Prem Shankar jha
Assistant Professor
Department of Mathematics
Sharda University
Knowledge Park III, Gr. Noida
• To know the personal views of the people regarding various branded shoes like Addidas & Reebok.

• To study which branded shoe is mostly preferred by people as per their choices.
• To Compare between Addidas & Reebok.
• To Find out factors influencing the people at the time of purchasing shoes such as Quality, Durability, Variety, Price and use in Sports.
 Reebok has dominated the Indian sportswear market. While its major competitors
Adidas (as Brand) and ADIDAS have not been as successful in the Indian market,
Reebok ended 2015 with total sales exceeding $91 million. Sales in 2014 were $59
million. In contrast, according to market sources, Adidas India’s sales revenues are
about $22 million. Reebok's main advantage has been that it understood the Indian
consumer very well and has made an effort to grow alongside him. For instance, when
the company came to India, all that the consumers wanted was an international
brand of footwear and Reebok gave them that at an affordable price. One aspect to
Reebok's success has been its ubiquitous retail chain. By the end of 2015, the company
was retailing from 182 franchised stores. It also retails from two thousand multi-
brand outlets. Reebok India commands a 51% market share in the premium
sportswear industry. It plans to increase the store count from the existing 500 to over
600 before the next financial year. Reebok reaches out to its target customers through
its 500 exclusive Reebok Stores, 200 Shop in the shop outlets & 2500 dealer outlets.
Strengths of REEBOK
 Competitive pricing
 Good financial position
 Effective Marketing Strategy
 Strong online presence
 Strong brand
 Strong international operations
 Strong distribution chain
 Ease of availibility
Weaknesses of REEBOK
 High cost structure
 Over pricing
 Low quality products/services as compare to others
 Limited product line
 Not much variety of design
 Bill Bower man and Philip Knight started the company we know today as
ADIDAS in 1962. It was originally known as Blue Ribbon Sports. Bower
man was Knight’s track and field coach at the University of Oregon. Philip
Knight went on to study at Stanford where he published a paper on ending
the German domination in the athletic footwear industry. He travelled to
Japan and entered into an agreement with the Onit suka Tiger company and
became their sole distributor in the US. Bower man and Knight received
their first shipment of 200 shoes and sold them at local meets to make a good
profit. Today ADIDAS is the world leader in athletic footwear, with market
shares exceeding the other major players by significant margins. The Swoosh
and ‘Just Do It’ slogan are huge brand identities. ADIDAS is a truly global
player and seen as a model for innovation driven growth.
Strengths of ADIDAS
ADIDAS is a very competitive organization
ADIDAS has no factories. It does not tie up cash in buildings and manufacturing
workers. This makes a very lean organization.
ADIDAS is strong at research and development
ADIDAS is a global brand. It is the number one sports brand in the World.
Product Range
Capacity for innovation
Distribution expertise
Single Brand
Stars endorsement
Contract manufacturing
Large portfolio of products
Weaknesses of ADIDAS
 The organization does have a diversified range of sports products. However,
the income of the business is still heavily dependent upon its share of the
footwear market.
 The retail sector is very price sensitive. ADIDAS does have its own retailer in
 Single Brand
 Too many stars endorsement
 Contract manufacturing
 Spread portfolio of products
 Reliant on retailers
 Reduction of target market

1.Which brand do you prefer in sport shoes?

Brand Youth % Middle % Senior %

Reebok 30 10 25
Adidas 30 10 20
Action 20 20 20
Columbus 05 35 20
Woodland 05 05 10
Others 10 20 10
Comment- youth people mostly prefer adidas and reebok middle
age people prefer columbus and local shoes. while senior people
prefer woodland and adidas mainly.
2.How much would spend on a pair of sport

RS. youth% middle age% senior%

500-1000 10 25 10

1000-2000 40 50 25

2000-3000 50 15 60

>3000--- 10 05   0
Comment-Those who comes under youth likes to spend Rs 2000-3000.In case of
middle age people it is Rs1000-2000.while in case senior people it is Rs 2000-
3.How often do you buy?
Duration Youth % Middle age % Senior %
Occasionally 15 15 __
After 6 months 15 15 05
Yearly 40 25 30
More than2 yrs 30 45 65
Comment- Youth people like to buy shoes after 1 year. In case
of middle age people it is after 2 years and same with senior
4.Which brand attracts you most by advertisement?

Brand Youth Middle Senior

(%) (%) (%)
Adidas 30 35 30
Reebok 55 40 20
Action 10 05 35
Columbus 05 05 10
woodland --- 15 05
Comment- youth and middle age people like Reebok in case
of advertisement. While senior people like action shoes
5.What kind of advertising media would
most attract your attention?
Media Youth (%) Middle (%) Senior (%)

Newspaper 5 5 30

Television 20 5 20

Internet 40 65 35

Magazine 20 15 10

Others 10 10 05
Comment-youth people mainly follow internet. While in case of
middle age people it is also internet. Senior people follow internet
and newspapers.
6.What forces you to buy a new pair of
Reasons Youth % Middle age% Senior %

Wedding __ 05 05

Sports events 25 10 __

Whenever 65 80 70

Others 10 05 25
 Comment-Most of the youth people like to buy shoes in sports events. In case
of middle age people they mainly prefer wedding. While senior people go for
others where they mentioned need
7.Do you always prefer the same brand of
Opinion youth% middle age % senior%

Yes 80 65 75

No 20 35 25
 Comment-Majority of all the three segments use same kind of brand always
8.What is your monthly income?
(thousand) youth% middle age% senior%

5-20 10 25 10

21-35 15 60 10

36-50 50 15 65

>50 25 --- 15
 Comment-In case of youth monthly income goes to 36-50 thousands as they
mainly told about parent’s income. For middle age 21-35 thousands is the
income. For senior income is 36-50 thousands.
9.Which brand do you think will last longer
in the market?
Comment-youth and middle age says reebok will last longer than adidas
whereas senior citizen believes that adidas will last longer
10.What do you prefer most in choosing shoes ?

Preferable point Youth % middle age % Senior %

Style 15 20 ----

Comfort 20 25 55

Brand 45 30 10

Price 15 05 15

Durability 05 20 20
 Comment- senior ones first priority is comfort and then they prefer other
things whereas youth and middle age have brand as their first priority .

 After assessing the overall market scenarios what came in picture was as follows:
 Consumer reaction suggests that Adidas is the marker leader among all its
close counterparts in the sport shoes and apparel segments.
 Reebok is chasing its position most aggressively so now it requires
maintaining its position with new stuff.
 ADIDAS has been major competitor for REEBOK.
 60% Customers are still pro Reebok believer.
 The new stuff of the ADIDAS is attracting the consumers more which might
lead ADIDAS at the top spot in the pack in coming financial year.
 Probably it could be because of the aggressive attention snatched by brands
like Reebok and ADIDAS especially in India.
 Celebrities also affect the sale of brand .ADIDAS shoes promoted by David
 72% respondents take their buying decision after considering the
advertisement of brand.
 Most of respondents prefer to purchase shoes from exclusive showrooms.
 Businessman, serviceman and professionals prefer to wear formal shoes
because of status and students like to wear only sports and casual branded

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