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HRM Project Report- Dalmia Bharat Group

Group Members
• S K Savita
• Bikash Ranjan Satapathy
• Mohit Tiwari
• Gunamani Sahoo
About Dalmia Bharat Group

• Dalmia Bharat Group, is an Indian conglomerate company

(Cement, Suger and Power).
• Founder: Jaidayal Dalmia
• Founded: 1930
• Headquarters: Kolkata
• Revenue: 8,300 crores INR (2020)
• Number of employees: 101200
Selection Procedure

Internal Candidate:
Internal Job Posting
External Candidate:
1-Campus Interview
2- Online Job Posting
Selection Procedure for Internal Candidate
Selection Procedure for External Candidate

At Dalmia Bharat, we believe in prioritising people over profits.

We attract bright minds, encourage diversity, foster inclusiveness and groom

an enviable talent pool that helps us stay ahead and deliver sustained value.

Our people define our success. We are able to realise our aspirations
because our people believe in them.

As the force behind structures built to endure and last for generations,
Dalmia Bharat is committed to protecting the only home we have, our
planet. We are investing in technologies that consume less natural
resources, reusing and recycling material from our operations and other
industries, consuming energy responsibly and deepening the dialogue to
drive far-reaching adoption of green building practices.

Our commitment to pave the way for disruptive changes in the ecosystem
and build a carbon-negative future for all energises us each day.

Our sustained success and enduring performance helps us create

tangible value for our stakeholders today.
It also gives us the wherewithal to strengthen the foundation of
responsible and sustained growth for Dalmia Bharat in the future
through investments in innovation, technology, assets and building
a robust network of stakeholder relationship
Strategic Goals
An Inclusive Workplace

Dalmia Bharat is committed to creating a fair workplace

built on trust, celebrates diversity and encourages ethical
behaviour at all times. We are grateful to our Talents who
have contributed to our success. We are happy that this
feeling of trust and respect are valued and reciprocated by
our Talent.
Permanent Talent Headcount
Talent Happiness and Engagement
We connect and stay engaged with our Talent to earn their trust and align them to
our values. Our talent engagement initiatives include leadership talks,
organisational announcements, polls, peer communication, cultural celebrations,
and crisis announcements.

We conducted The Happiness Survey average scores on a scale of 1 to 5, with

five being the highest. Happiness Survey in FY21 to measure our employee

Our Talent rated the company’s performance across parameters like happiness at
work, job satisfaction, role engagement, job purpose, and responsibility in the top
Responses to Happiness survey
The Happiness Survey average scores on a scale of 1 to 5, with five being the highest.
Engagement Methods
COVID-19 Related Talent Engagement
Talent Attraction and Retention

As an equal opportunity employer, we make conscious efforts to drive diversity

and inclusion at the workplace holistically. Our career development framework
plays a crucial role in attracting and retaining Talents with the organisation’s
values at its core. Our diversity hiring focuses on the recruitment of female
Talents. Our efforts to enhance the diversity of thought and abilities also look at
attracting Talent from underprivileged segments and the differently abled.
We ensure that the salaries of our male and female Talents are at par. We are
broadening our skill diversity by hiring experienced Talents from non-cement
industries in senior management roles. At Dalmia Bharat, we run focused
career progression planning and job shadowing programs throughout the year.
These measures, amongst others, helped bring down attrition rates.
Attrition rate of Permanent Talent 8.56%
Learning and Development

We are committed to nurturing our Talent to accelerate value creation for the company and our stakeholders and
help them build fulfilling careers. We identify key skill requirements of the company across job levels and bring in
best-of-class trainers for talent development. The Human Resources team identifies critical business talent and
develops a succession plan to manage sudden exits.
Training Details
Digitalisation of Talent Management

We aim to groom a digitally enabled workforce and use digitalisation at work as a change enabler. In FY21,
the organization
moved from physical working to a ‘Work from Anywhere’ concept. The HR team prepared Talents to adapt
to the changed
work model and provided tools required for a smooth transition. This included setting up robust guidelines to
manage fatigue
from working digitally. Our HR processes are automated and digitally driven with HR buddies and bots to
respond to our
people’s queries and concerns

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