Science Group Project Group: 4 Class: 5F: Students in The Group: Niranjan, Gokul, Saif, Yousuf, Amman

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Science Group Project

Group : 4
Class: 5F
Students in the group: Niranjan,
Gokul, Saif, Yousuf, Amman
•Insects have tiny holes along
the side of their bodies. These
holes are called spiracles.
Insects breathe through there
spiracles. The air that enters
through spiracles, reaches all
the parts of the body through
small tubes called breathing

Breathing Organs For

• Instead of nostrils, insects breathe through openings in the
thorax and abdomen called spiracles. Insects that are diapausing
or non-mobile have low metabolic rates and need to take in less
oxygen. Insects exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide through
CCL: Biology
• In Organs for Breathing The subject we Link is Biology.
What do we Learn in Biology?
In biology, we students study a variety of life processes
and learn how different organisms meet the challenges
of living in their environment.
•Earthworm and
What are Earth
• Earthworms do not live in desert or regions where
there is permafrost or permanent snow and ice.
Typically only a few inches (7 or 8 centimeters) long,
some members of this species have been known to
grow to a snakelike 14 inches (35 centimeters).
• Earthworms' bodies are made up of ringlike
segments called annuli. These segments are
covered in setae, or small bristles, which the worm
uses to move and burrow. These terrestrial worms
typically dwell in soil and moist leaf litter. Their
bodies are characterized by a "tube within a tube"
construction, with an outer muscular body wall
surrounding a digestive tract that begins with the
mouth in the first segment. As they burrow, they
consume soil, extracting nutrients from
decomposing organic matter like leaves and roots.
What is Paramecium

• Paramecium, genus of microscopic, single-

celled, and free-living protozoans. Most
species can be cultivated easily in the
laboratory, making them ideal model
organisms, well suited for biological
study. Paramecium vary in length from
about 0.05 to 0.32 mm (0.002 to 0.013
inch). Their basic shape is an elongated oval
with rounded or pointed ends, such as in 
P. caudatum. The term paramecium is also
used to refer to individual organisms in
a Paramecium species. Paramecium is the
only genus in the family Parameciidae,
which resides within the phylum Ciliophora.
Breathing organs
for Earth Worm

• Respiration. Earthworms have no
special respiratory organs. Gases are
exchanged through the moist skin
and capillaries, where the oxygen is
picked up by the haemoglobin
dissolved in the blood plasma and
carbon dioxide is released. Water, as
well as salts, can also be moved
through the skin by active transport.
Breathing organs for

• Unicellular organisms such as amoeba

and paramecium respire through their cell
membrane. The cell membrane is thin and
permeable to gases. They take in oxygen
through the entire body surface and give
out carbon dioxide. Exchange of gases takes
place through the cell membrane by the
process of diffusion.
Environmental awareness, critical thinking, Teamwork
Organs for breathing in amphibians

• Amphibians are those animals

that live in both land and in
water for example: frogs,
salamander, axolotl etc.
• They have both gills and lungs Frog
and also breathe through their


Lets learn more about how a frog breathes…..
Different organs of respiration in frogs
Lungs Skin
(Outside water) (Inside water)

• A frog may also breathe • While completely submerged

like a human, by taking air all of the frog's respiration
in through their nostrils takes place through the skin
and down into their lungs. • When the frog is out of the
water, mucus glands in the skin
keep the frog moist, which
helps absorb dissolved oxygen
from the air.
Real Life
• They eat insect, pests which is a
benefit to agriculture and help
control mosquitos which
benefits humans.
• Amphibians are also an
important part of the food
chain, providing food resources
for numerous animals from
snakes to raptors.
• In some parts of the world,
frogs are also harvested for
human consumption.
• Many people enjoy listening for
frogs on a summer’s night as
they are greeted by a chorus of
sounds coming from multiple
species’ frog calls.
Examples of aquatic animals​
•Sharks are large fish that have a
skeleton made of cartilage. They live
in salt water all over the world, and
as carnivores, they eat fish and
other animals using their sharp
teeth and powerful jaws. They are
sometimes dangerous to human

•Starfish are animals that live in

salt water. They can live almost
anywhere in the world's oceans,
including both cold and warm
locations. They are invertebrates,
which means they have no
•Octopuses are sea animals famous for
their rounded bodies, bulging
Octopuses eyes and eight long arms. These cool
critters live in all the world’s oceans, but
they’re especially abundant in warm,
tropical waters

•A jellyfish look like small, clear blobs. But

some of them are bigger and more colorful
with a bunch of tentacles that hang down
underneath them, like an octopus. Beware
of those tentacles! They are very

•Orcas are the largest of the dolphin family,

and one of the largest and most powerful
predators in the world. They are distinctively
black-and-white in colour and are more
widely referred to as killer whales. They are
typically black in colour with white around
their eyes and on their undersides.

•Seahorses are tiny fishes that are named

for the shape of their head, which looks like
the head of a tiny horse. The body of
the seahorse is similar to the leafy and
weedy sea dragons. You'll find seahorses in
the world's tropical and temperate coastal

•Turtles belong to one of the oldest reptile groups in the

world. These creatures date back to the time of the dinosaurs,
over 200 million years ago. These magnificent creatures come
in all shapes and sizes and live in a number of
different environments
Values:- Care, Respect,
•Animals need to breathe to get oxygen for
respiration.Oxygen burns the food within the animal’s body
and releases energy for all the activities.Animals take
oxygen from their surroundings like air and water.Different
animals breathe through different organs.

•AQUATIC ANIMALS like fish, prawn and crab,Breathe with the help of
gills.they take in water through their mouth.This water passes through the
gills where the oxygen is absorbed and reached to every part of the
body.the gills also expel out the carbon dioxide into water
•Whales and dolphins are mammals and
HOW DO breathe air into their lungs, just like we do. ...
AQUATIC They breathe through nostrils, called a
blowhole, located right on top of their heads.
MAMMAL This allows them to take breaths by exposing
S just the top of their heads to the air while
they are swimming or resting under the
BREATHE water.
HUMAN •In mammals, pulmonary ventilation occurs via inhalation
During inhalation, air enters the body through the nasal
MAMMELS cavity located just inside the nose . As air passes through
the nasal cavity, the air is warmed to body temperature and
BREATHE humidified.
•Oryx have an unusual circulation system in
their head. They are able to cool the blood
flowing to their brain through the capillaries in
MEP their nose as they breathe. Beisa oryx and
fringe-eared oryx can tolerate periods of
extreme heat by raising their body
temperature to 116 degrees Fahrenheit

Done BY a.Gokul – Mammals/MEP

b.Saif – Aquatic Animals/MIP

c.Yousuf – Amphibians/Real-Life Applications.

d.Amaan – Earthworm and


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