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HSE Induction

Course Contain

1. Introductions
2. Site Orientation
3. Safety Roles of CPF Construction Site
4. Temporary Muster Point
5. Emergency procedures
6. First Aid Facilities
7. Good Safety Practices
1. Project : BMS Field Development Project

2. Client : Sonatrach / Hess / Petranas

3. Contractor : Hyundai Engineering Co., Ltd.

4. Location : Hassi Messaud of Algerie

5. Major Components
- Oil Production: 13,200 BBL/D
- 60KV OVHD Electrical Transmission Tie-In at Bir Reba Nord(BRN)
- Crude Oil Compression for Exporting, Water Treatment, StorageTanks,
- Compression Facility of Gas and Water for reinjection
- 3 Oil Gathering Flow Lines(6”, 1~3Km), Crude Exporting Line 25Km
- Building (Administration/Control/Substation etc 총 10 동 )
- BDV (Permanent Camp) 제외

BMS Project Site





Hyundai Engineering Company

Site Orientation

1. Entry into the individual Plant area is controlled by a security point

at the entrance.
2. A valid Security Pass is required, issued by the respective HEC HSE
team for entry into the plant;
3. The arrival of Visitors to the site must be advised to the site security
in advance in order that the necessary entry process can be
4. If you are in possession of any prohibited items, they must be
handed over at the Gate.
5. You must not carry matches or lighters or any sources of ignitions;
6. If you fail to declare any prohibited items and they are found in
Site Orientation

Photography • The carrying of cameras is

prohibited anywhere within the
MGP site

• Photography is only allowed on
site after authorization by the HEC
HSSE team has been given.
• DO NOT carry a camera on your
person, this includes cameras on
Site Orientation
What Are They?

BMS’s Life Saving Rules

1 3 5 7 9 11

2 4 6 8 10 12

• The Company reserves the right to take circumstances of the rule breaking into
account to modify the disciplinary measures.
• The Breaking of a Life-Saving Rule is considered a Major Misconduct, and the
HR disciplinary process as defined in the Employee Policy Manual will be used
to administer this consequence matrix.
• ROP speed and alcohol thresholds will be used.
• Other existing rules and procedures remain valid.
Site Orientation
BMS’s Life Saving Rules
Obtain a valid Permit to Work
whenever required for the task at hand
• PtW Applicant must visit the worksite when
planning the task.

• The PtW Approver must also visit the worksite,

when required by the PtW procedure.

• An effective, documented toolbox talk is

needed to ensure that all PtW conditions are
well understood by the work team.

• Proper controls and procedures must be


• Through site visits, supervisors and

department heads shall verify PtW is adhered
to and Job Safety Plans are being followed.
Site Orientation
BMS’s Life Saving Rules
Conduct gas tests whenever required
• When gas testing is required by the PtW, the
Area Authority shall ensure that the
appropriate test (for oxygen, hydrocarbons or
toxics) is carried out by an Authorised Gas
Tester at the frequency specified on the PtW.

• The test results must be accepted by Permit

Holder before work commences.
Site Orientation
BMS’s Life Saving Rules
Verify isolation before work begins
and use the specified life-protecting equipment
• Area Authority shall verify that all locks,
disabling devices and isolation tags are in
place, as specified on the PtW and Isolation
Certificate (Mechanical/Electrical).

• Area Authority shall update the

isolation/override registers.

• Marked-up drawings and sketches showing

the isolation arrangement must be available at
the work site with the PtW.

• The Area Authority will verify the

reinstatement of systems and update the
isolation/override registers on completion of all
Site Orientation
BMS’s Life Saving Rules
Obtain authorization or a valid Permit to Work
before entering a confined space
• No one shall enter a confined space without a
valid PtW and a Confined Space Entry

• When gas testing is required by the PtW, the

Area Authority shall ensure that the
appropriate test (for oxygen, hydrocarbons or
toxics) is carried out by an Authorised Gas
Tester and that the results are accepted by
the Permit Holder before and during the
confined-space work.

• Supervisors will ensure a ‘Standby Watch’ or

‘Standby Person’ is posted and monitors the
confined-space work.
Site Orientation
BMS’s Life Saving Rules
Obtain authorization or a valid Permit to Work
before overriding or disabling safety-critical equipment.
• Instrument Technician or Area Authority
shall ensure the Overriding Request Form is
completed and authorised before any
overrides are put in place.

• Safety System Overrides must be clearly

labelled, communicated and registered.

• Instrument Technician shall verify the

removal of overrides, normalization of the
systems and close out the Overriding
Request Form on completion of all works.

• The Area Authority shall close out the PtW

and verify all isolations and overrides are
Site Orientation
BMS’s Life Saving Rules
Use specified fall-prevention equipment when working at
• Supervisors shall ensure work at height is

• All persons working above 2 metres will use a

safety harness, unless working on a flatbed

• Supervisors are responsible for 100% tie-off


• Supervisors shall ensure fixed barriers are

placed around openings where a potential fall
is more than 2 meters.

• Supervisor shall ensure that scaffolding is

certified prior to any worker working on it.
Site Orientation
BMS’s Life Saving Rules
Do not walk under a suspended load
• Every “routine” lift must have a generic lifting

• Every “non-routine” lift must have specific

lifting plan.

• Person In Charge shall ensure lift area is

cordoned off during the lifting operations.

• No one should ever be under any working

crane or suspended load.
Site Orientation
BMS’s Life Saving Rules
Do not light up cigarettes, cigars or pipes in no-smoking
• Zero tolerance for smoking outside designated
Site Orientation
BMS’s Life Saving Rules
Follow the prescribed safe Journey Management Plan
• Drivers will not commence a journey without a
Journey Management Plan (JMP) where
required and will follow the approved JMP.

• Journey Manager will ensure drivers are

aware of the JMP requirements and verify
compliance before authorizing the journey.

• Vehicles must meet the JMP requirements,

and drivers must inspect the vehicles prior to
Site Orientation
BMS’s Life Saving Rules
Wear seat belts when in a moving vehicle
• Vehicle occupants shall never be in a moving
vehicle without wearing a seatbelt.

• Drivers will never drive without first ensuring

that all vehicle occupants are wearing seat
Site Orientation
BMS’s Life Saving Rules
While driving, do not use a mobile phone
and do not exceed speed limits
• While driving, no one shall use mobile
phones, including hands-free/bluetooth GSM
or two-way radio.

• Drivers shall never exceed posted speed


• Drivers shall never overtake in a dust cloud

nor tamper with a vehicle’s safety devices.
Site Orientation
BMS’s Life Saving Rules
Do not drive or work under the effect of drugs or alcohol
• No person will report for work or be at work
under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
Site Orientation
BMS’s Life Saving Rules
What are the Consequences of Rule-Breaking

Warning Letter
low potential impact Final
Rule is broken for the
first time
Warning Dismissal
Final Warning Letter Letter
high potential impact
Rule is broken for the
second time or several
rules are broken at the Final Warning Letter Dismissal
same time
Rule is broken for the
third time, or rule-
breaking caused injury Dismissal
or death, or was done
recklessly or wilfully
Site Orientation

HEC Priorities in
Responding to Incidents

1.Protecting Human Life

2.Protecting the Environment

3.Preventing Escalation

4.Maintaining Business Continuity

5.Protecting Company Reputation

Site Orientation
The 8 elements of HEC Management System

1. Leadership and Commitment

2. Policy and Strategic Objectives

3. Responsibilities

4. HSSE Management and Proactive

5. Implement and Enforce the Rules

6. Implementation and Monitoring

7. To achieve zero accidents/incidents

8. Review
Site Orientation
Our goal is an incident Fatality
and injury free project



First Aid

Near miss

Property Damage

Unsafe Acts / Conditions


Culture, Management Leadership, Corporate Policies
Training, Work Procedures, Enforcement, etc.
Site Orientation
Environmental Protection
1. Hunting, disturbing, or capturing native birds, or
other animals. IS FORBIDEN .

2. Trees and vegetation shall not be removed to an

extent greater than is necessary for the work, as
determined by COMPANY.

3. Oil, solvents, chemicals, etc. shall not be

discharged directly into open sea or any well or
onto an open land.

4. If a liquid spill occurs the primary step is to keep

the liquid from getting into the sea, streams,
sewers, drainage ditches, etc.
Site Orientation
Spill Prevention
Most spills currently occurring on sites can be
prevented with proper maintenance and containment
using drip trays
Site Orientation
Housekeeping must be a part of the daily work
routines and especially at the end of the shift.
This eliminates environmental problems and reduces
fire and injury risk.
Site Orientation
Hazardous Waste & Non-Hazardous Waste
Hazardous waste
Arising from commercial, industrial, agricultural, or any other
activities which due to its nature, composition, quantity, or any
other reason is hazardous or potentially hazardous to human
health, to plants or animals, to air, soil, or water.
This includes explosive, radioactive or flammable substances
which may cause diseases as well as those issued by a decision
of the Minster
 paints

 solvents

 fuels

 lubricants
 cleaning agents
 glues
Site Orientation
Hazardous Waste & Non-Hazardous Waste
Non-Hazardous waste
Any solid material or semi-solid material, which does not pose
any danger to the environment or to human health if it is dealt
with in a safe scientific way

When working with hazardous substances you should:

1. Make sure you know what you are working with
2. Use standard manual handling procedures
3. Make sure your Personal Protective Equipment is in good working
4. Not smoke around flammable or explosive materials
5. Not eat or drink around hazardous substances
6. Wash your hands and other exposed areas prior to eating or
going to the toilet
Site Orientation
Security Control
1. NO Alcohol , No Drugs (non-prescribed )

2. Exit pass – material / equip to be taken out

3. All altercation / Abuse incident, to be reported to the

Immediate Supervisor for the site.
Site Orientation
Workers Responsibilities
1. Workers shall report to work in a fit and proper
condition to perform their job in a safe and
competent manner. They has right to refuse if
unsafe environment.
2. Workers take reasonable care for safety & health
of himself and other person.
3. Workers shall observe and follow all established
site HSE rules and safe work practices. Workers
shall adhere to all work directives and procedures
for the tasks
4. Wear and use all times any personnel protective
equipment provided by Contractor.
Site Orientation
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Hard Hat

Safety Glasses



Safety Boots
Site Orientation
Additional PPE

Welding Mask Face Shield

Earplug Chemical Goggles

Site Orientation
Signage and Notice Board
Safety Signs and Notice Board should be used to inform,
advise, instruct, warn of danger and improve unsafe
condition in the workplace.
Site Orientation
Colour Code
1. Lifting Equipment – the colour code for all lifting
equipments change every 6 months. This means it is
inspected and certified every 6 months and a new colour
code applied

2. The colour code for all electrical equipments change

every 6 months. This means these equipments are
inspected by a qualified electrician and certified every
6 months and a new colour applied
Site Orientation
Driving Safety
All categories of vehicle, including self-propelled mobile plant, will
be operated only when:
1. Vehicle is fit for purpose, inspected and confirmed to be in safe working
2. Do not exceed manufacturer’s design specification for passenger and
loads secure all loads before driving away and follow the speed limit of
the road drivers are authorized and they are trained, certified and
medically fit to operate the class of vehicle
3. They are not under the influence of alcohol or drugs, and are not
suffering from fatigue
4. They do not use hand-held cell phones and radios while driving
5. They are trained, certified and medically fit to operate the class of vehicle
6. They are not under the influence of alcohol or drugs, and are not
suffering from fatigue
7. They do not use hand-held cell phones and radios while driving
Site Orientation
Vehicle Safety
1. 20 Kph speed limit in-Camp
2. 30 Kph speed limit on Mountain Graded roads
3. Travelling from site out and the journey which exceed
more then 80 kph need to register with the admin dept
before leaving the site
4. Report any non-compliance with journey plan to
journey manager(Admin and HSE manager)

Journey plan Shall be

Submitted to Journey
Site Orientation
Vehicle Safety
• Never leave vehicles with engine running
• Observe safe distance
• Talking on phones / texting while driving prohibited
• Wear seat belt at all times, driver to compel passengers
• Follow stop signs
• Stop at blind spot, use the horn
• Pedestrians (workers) have the right of way
• No riding in non-passenger vehicles / mobile equipment
e.g. fork lifts, loaders, back of pick-ups.
• Daily check by vehicle users.
Site Orientation
Rules for Driving on Graded Roads
When Driving on Graded Roads Drivers Shall:
• Drive with dipped headlights and high intensity rear
lights on at all times
The Dust Code
• If an oncoming vehicle is creating a dust cloud
which makes it difficult to see the road ahead drivers
shall Slow down!
• Pull off the road, cross over the windrow before
entering the dust cloud and keep moving slowly
along the hard shoulder. Rejoin the road only when
the road is clear in both directions
• If it is not possible to leave the road drivers should
slow to a crawl and drive as close to the windrow as
Site Orientation
Rules for Driving on Graded Roads
If a vehicle travelling in the same direction is
creating a dust cloud, drivers shall:

• Slow down!

• Keep away from the dust cloud. Keep a clear view –

Stay at least 4 seconds time distance from the rear
edge of the cloud.

• Never overtake in a dust cloud otherwise this can

Site Orientation
Rules of Driving
Light Vehicle Drivers Shall:
 Take 15 minutes of rest after two hours of driving

Drivers Shall:
 Wear their seatbelt at all times
 Make sure passengers are wearing theirs
 Carry out a daily check on their vehicle
 Wear suitable, sturdy footwear whilst driving -
HGV Drivers shall wear safety shoes and
coveralls when on duty
 Take adequate rest breaks
Site Orientation
Rules of Driving
Heavy Vehicle drivers Shall:
 Take a minimum of one hour rest after four hours of
Drivers Shall Not:
 Use a GSM - even a "Hand Free" while driving
 Drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs
 Tamper with safety devices e.g. speed limiters or
seat belts
 Drive faster than Government Speed limits
 Work more than a twelve hour shift
Site Orientation
Excavation work
• Pilot trenching for all types of excavation works
• Proper sloping / shoring, benching
• Proper protection, signage, barricades
• Daily inspection of deep excavation, inspection
immediately after rainfall.
• No work immediately following rainfall in deep
• Competent person to first assess condition
• 1 meter off the edge clear of spoils, equipment and
Site Orientation
Working at Heights
Working at height of 1.8 meters or higher
above the ground will only proceed when:
A fixed platform is used with hand rails, verified by a competent
person or fall arrest equipment is used that has:
- A proper anchor - preferably overhead
- Full body harness using double latch self locking snap hooks at
each connection
- Synthetic fibre lanyards
- Shock absorber
Fall arrest equipment will limit free fall to 1.5meters or less a visual
inspection of the fall arrest equipment and system is completed and
any equipment that is damaged or has been activated is taken
out of service.

person(s) are competent to perform the work

Site Orientation
Lifting Operation
Lifts utilizing cranes, hoists, or other
mechanical lifting devices will start only when:
- An assessment of the lift has been completed and the lift method
and equipment has been determined by a competent person
- Operators of powered, lifting devices are trained and certified for
that equipment
- Rigging of the load is carried out by a competent person(s)
- Lifting devices and equipment have been certified for use within
the last 18 months
- Load does not exceed dynamic and static capacities of the lifting
- Any safety devices installed on lifting equipment are operational

- All lifting devices and equipment have been visually examined

before each lift by a competent person(s)
Site Orientation
Lifting Operation
• Never leave crane in operation, with load suspended or
with engine running
• Outriggers fully extended
• Tyres off the ground
• Signalling riggers in orange vest
• Only qualified riggers
• 1 banks man per crane
• Crane operator to walk-around before moving
• KEEP OFF outriggers
• Signage / barricades required
Site Orientation
Welding/ Cutting
• Cylinders must always be stored and
secured properly
• Use caution when transporting cylinders
• Understand the hazards of a compressed gas before using it
• Even compressed air can be dangerous
• Upright and secure
• Away from flames, sparks, electricity
• Keep oil, grease, flammables off cylinders
• Open valve by hand, if tools required don’t use the cylinder
• Open valve slowly with hand to the side
• Don’t tamper with safety devices

 Use fire Blanket

 Have stand by fire watchman
 No Combustible materials
Site Orientation
Fire Extinguisher
Know How To Operate Fire Extinguisher

P - pull the pin or puncture

A - aim at base of flame
S - squeeze the trigger
S - sweep from side to side
Site Orientation
All connections must be well protected & covered .
- All electrical works must be carried out by competence
- Temporary electrical panels ,extension cables and other
electrical tools must be check and inspected prior to use .

Do Not Touch Electrical Appliances ,

If You Are Not Authorized & Competent
Site Orientation
Hand Tools
• Use the correct tools
• Do not use defective hand tools
• Transport or store tools in a box.
• Avoid throwing tools.
• Keep the tools out of the walkways or the aisles.
• Use a basket.
• Use non spark generating tools in high risk

Good Handling of Hand Tools will

Site Orientation
Handling of Chemicals
1. Use appropriate PPE
2. Emergency and First-Aid Procedures
3. MSDS Sheets and Inventory of Chemicals should be made available for use
4. In case of spillage or leakage follow MSDS instruction


Site Orientation
Heat Stroke

Signs & Symptoms Basic First Aid

• Weakness. • Move The Injured Person Into

• Irritability. The Shade.

• Call An Ambulance.
• Dizziness.
• Remove The Injured Person's
• Sweating Has Stopped.
• Skin Hot, Red And Dry. • Wrap Him In A Cold, Wet Sheet.
• Temp. 105F/40 C Degrees • Prepare To Start CPR If Required.
Or Greater. • Give Nothing By Mouth .
• May Loose • Intravenous Fluids Needed.
Site Orientation
Permit to Work System
Permit to Work System is a formal written system used
to ensure the management & control of
 Risk
 Procedures

It communicates requirements between site/facility

management, plant supervision, operators and those
who carry out the work and anyone involved in the
safe system of work.
Site Orientation
Permit to Work System
Essential features of the system are:

• Define the task

• Identify the hazards, Carry Out JSA
• Ensure that controls are in place
• Co-ordinate the work
• Authorize the work to proceed when a safe system
of work is in place.
• Issue instruction to proceed for authorized period of
• Re-validate shift by shift
• Confirm task completion.
• Job closeout
Site Orientation
Permit to Work System
Hot work permit

Cold work permit

Any work likely to cause a
spark or flame or involve
temperatures hot enough to
Confined spaceignite
combustible materials
Welding, grinding,

Site Orientation
Permit to Work System – Hot Work
1. Work involving naked flames
(burning / welding, grinding)
2. Electrical induction pre-heating/stress relieving or the
use of high temperature thermal calibrations
3. Use of portable grinding equipment (air or electrically
4. Use of air / hydraulically / electrically powered tools,
capable of generating a spark in hazardous zones
5. Use of battery-operated equipment in hazardous zones
e.g. cameras / flashlights / mobile telephones
6. Use of non intrinsically safe equipment in hazardous
7. Dry grit/shot blasting in hazardous zones
Site Orientation
Permit to Work System – Cold Work
1. Mechanical works
2. Working with radioactive sources in conjunction with
Radiography Certificate
3. Insulation work
4. Civil works
5. High pressure water jetting or wet grit blasting
Painting/spray painting
6. Removal of handrails, gratings, hatches and fixed ladders 
7. Scaffolding erection/dismantling
8. Use of air or hydraulically powered tools including needle
guns in non-hazardous zones
9. Dry grit/shot blasting in non-hazardous zones
Site Orientation
Permit to Work System – Confined Space
1. A space contains, or has a potential to contain, a hazardous
2. Contains a material that has the potential for engulfing an entrant or, if
there is a risk of serious injury from hazardous substances or
conditions within the space
3. Some confined spaces are easy to identify, such as
– Closed tanks
– Vessels
– Sewers
– Pipelines
– Pits
– Trenches & Excavations
– An enclosed or partially enclosed space which:
– Is at atmospheric pressure during occupancy
Site Orientation
Lock out & Tag out
A Lock-out/Tag-out system is the placing of safety tags to prohibit the operation of
equipment. The aim is to create a physical boundary within which commissioning
activities may be performed safely.
LOTO is used for:
Electrical systems not yet connected to a power
Electrical systems that have been commissioned but are
linked to other systems/equipment still under commissioning

Electrical systems in permanent operation but isolated for

maintenance or repair
Lines, valves, equipment under test that require isolation to
prevent uncontrolled release of pressure, liquids or gas

Any equipment that requires isolation to create a

safe working environment
Site Orientation
Job Safety Analysis/Assessment (JSA)
A planning tool designed to get involvement from
the workgroup in breaking the job into steps,
analyzing each step, addressing associated hazards
and then developing a safe working procedure.
Site Orientation
Job Safety Analysis/Assessment (JSA)
Basic Steps in Developing JSAs
1. Select the job (task) to be analyzed.
2. Develop a sequence of steps.
3. Identify potential hazards/accidents.
4. Develop a procedure to eliminate the hazards and potential
Benefits Derived From The JSA Process
• Encourages Thinking Before Acting!
• Identifies Hazards
• Reduces Accidents
• Increases Awareness and in addition
• Will likely improve the quality of your finished project
• Will likely save you time and rework
Site Orientation
Tool Box Meeting (TBM)

1. Share the current HSE Matters and Talks

2. Communicate pre-job Hazards and risks

3. Check out the workers’ health

With working out and implementing TBM

regularly, most workers on site gain the
recognition of hazards and the importance
of their health ahead of work.

The activities will help it increasing the

site’s HSE cultures.
Safety Roles of CPF Construction Site
Working at BMS CPF Construction Site
All personnel must:

• Comply with company policies and procedures

• Take reasonable care of your own health and safety, and of the
• Consider the safety of other persons who may be affected by your acts
and omissions
• Comply with all instructions, regarding HSE given by Supervision and
• Observe safety signs and barriers at all times
• Ensure that appropriate HSE equipment and controls are employed at
all times
• Report all accidents, damage, hazardous situations and near misses
immediately to your Supervisor or HSE
• Carry out your work responsibly at all times
Safety Roles of CPF Construction Site
The objectives of the project are:




Safety Roles of CPF Construction Site

The BMS Safety Rules Topics

Energy Isolation Hot Work

Lifting and Hoisting Excavation and


Working at Heights Land Transportation

Confined Space Entry

Safety Roles of CPF Construction Site

While on BMS CPF Site, all personnel shall be subject to Site Security
• Personnel shall wear or carry Site I.D. Cards at all times
• Personnel shall present I.D. Cards on request by Security or HSE
• Obey instructions from Security personnel and HSE
• In event of Security Alert/Emergency;
 Stay calm and do not leave your place of work
 Wait for the all clear given by one of the Security personnel or HSE.
Safety Roles of CPF Construction Site

As an absolute minimum, all

personnel working in site SHALL
wear; Safety Glasses, Coveralls,
Safety Boots, Gloves and Hard

Security Staff shall refuse entry to

the Work Areas to personnel not
wearing the correct PPE

PPE Free zones will be clearly

signposted and identified during
the site induction
Safety Roles of CPF Construction Site

BMS SSE Policy

All Short Service Employees are personnel with less

than 6 months experience with their employer or time
with the project, they shall wear a Green Safety Helmet
and will be supervised
Safety Roles of CPF Construction Site


• All PPE used on site will comply with recognised EU or US standards.

• PPE must be kept clean, maintained in good working order and

stored correctly.

• PPE must be changed when damaged or unfit for use.

• Do not deliberately alter, damage or interfere with anything

provided for your safety.

• PPE must be worn in all areas except designated PPE free zones.

• If you have problems with PPE, contact the HSE Department

Safety Roles of CPF Construction Site

Smoking is not permitted in any offices, accommodation,
or enclosed public spaces except at clearly designated
smoking areas
Cigarette butts shall be placed in cigarette bins provided
at the smoking areas. This removes a fire hazard and is
good housekeeping

Smoking shall not be permitted at the worksite, except in

areas clearly marked as designated smoking areas.
Safety Roles of CPF Construction Site


No alcohol is allowed on site or on any Company property, except where

specifically approved & authorised by the Co-Directeurs Generaux

If you are drinking, remember the morning after….you may still be drunk.

All employees and sub-contractors will be subject to the Company’s Drug

and Alcohol abuse policy

Personnel may be subjected to either drug or alcohol testing;

Where there is just cause to believe that a person is under the influence.
 After any accident or incident
Safety Roles of CPF Construction Site

Risk Assessment should be used at all stages of the project and may

• Formal hazard assessments (JSA/TRA)

• Taking “Time out” for Safety

• Toolbox meetings

• Hazard & Near Miss Reporting

• If a Hazard or Unsafe Condition exists; Stop the job!!!

Safety Roles of CPF Construction Site

Identify → Assess → Remove the Hazard if possible → Mitigate →



 What am I going to do?

 How can I hurt myself?

 How can I hurt others?

 What can I do prevent it?

Safety Roles of CPF Construction Site

Assess the hazard, apply the protection!

Safety Roles of CPF Construction Site
Reporting Injuries/Incidents
Report all injuries, incidents, unsafe conditions and near misses
immediately on discovery/occurrence to your Supervisor or a
member of the HSE team

If you or a colleague is injured (even a cut, burn or abrasion) or

feels unwell, inform your supervisor.
For a major injury, do not move the Injured Person, a Doctor and
ambulance can be summoned to attend the scene.

Correct any unsafe conditions observed, or bring

them to the attention of your Supervisor or the HSE
team, and prevent a potential incident or injury
Safety Roles of CPF Construction Site

Trained First-aid personnel shall be

available at site and clinic facilities.

An ambulance shall be on call 24/7 in the

event of an emergency
Safety Roles of CPF Construction Site
Prevention is the first line of defence against fire. All reasonably practicable measures shall be
taken to reduce the fire risks at site to as low as reasonably practicable.
•No materials, flammable or otherwise, should be allowed to accumulate in the workplace or in
walkways, where they can present direct fire hazards, provide fuel for a fire, or obstruct
attempts to deal with a fire.

•Work areas and walkways should be kept free of any unnecessary flammable or combustible
•Suitable containers shall be provided for waste materials. These containers must be clearly
labelled with regard to their use and contents.
•Oily or paint soaked rags, waste, or clothing shall be placed in metal containers that shall be
emptied frequently, ensuring safe disposal of their contents
•All spills involving flammable or combustible liquids shall be cleaned up immediately. Where
necessary, suitable cleaning materials should be provided and used
•Keep containers of flammable or combustible liquids closed when not in use. If possible, use
safety containers with self-closing lids
Safety Roles of CPF Construction Site
In the event of discovering a small fire;
If you have been properly trained and feel confident in the use
of portable first-aid fire equipment;- Locate the nearest fire
extinguisher, check the contents gauge, pull the pin, aim the
extinguisher at the base of the fire and compress the handle,
sweeping from side to side.
If you fail to extinguish the fire, evacuate the area and contact
your supervisor.
Do not under any circumstances attempt to
fight a fire unless you are certain of your
own safety
Safety Roles of CPF Construction Site
In the event of discovering a small fire;
Hot Work
Activities involving welding, burning, grinding are
designated as hot work.

Always use correct PPE when welding, burning or


Where necessary, ensure protective tent/sheeting is

erected and fit for purpose

Remove all combustibles from the work area

Observe good hose and cable discipline

Keep all gas cylinders away from heat sources

Ensure a Fire watch is present

Safety Roles of CPF Construction Site

A fire watch shall be provided at all work sites where hot work is ongoing.
The fire watch shall be assigned to cover a designated work area, which
can include monitoring of several individual hot work tasks.
The fire watch shall be fully conversant in the use of portable fire fighting
The fire watch shall familiarize himself with Fire Equipment locations and
nearest escape routes
Firewatch shall ensure area clear of combustibles, signs and barriers
erected as required, and have dark glasses (PPE) available for use.
The fire watch shall monitor the work areas for 30 minutes after
completion of works to ensure no deep-seated/smoldering ignition sources
are present.
Safety Roles of CPF Construction Site

 All rigging equipment shall be certified, and inspected safe for use.
 All rigging equipment used must be marked with the current colour
 Control free swinging loads by fitting tag lines.
 If you have any doubts regarding rigging, ask your Supervisor
 Crane hooks shall be fitted with safety catch
 Never lift loads over personnel, or allow

personnel to walk under suspended loads

 The banksman must have a clear view

of the crane operator at all times

 Clear hand signals must be used
 Banksman shall wear a Hi-Viz jacket
 Riggers shall control loads by tag lines,

no load shall be manually handled

above waist level
Safety Roles of CPF Construction Site
Site Speed Limits:

The speed limit inside the Site is 10km:

Vehicles will not be operated on Site unless:

• Vehicle is inspected & confirmed to be in safe working order
• Drivers are trained and certified to operate the class of vehicle
• Seat belts are installed and worn by all occupants
• Hand held phones are not used by the driver while vehicle is
• Personnel shall not ride in the beds of pick-ups
Safety Roles of CPF Construction Site

• Wear seat belts that meet manufacturers standards except on equipment that
is designed only for standup operation, or that has no rollover protective
• Check vehicles before each shift to assure that all parts and accessories are in
safe operating condition
• Do not drive a vehicle in reverse gear with an obstructed rear view, unless it
has an audible reverse alarm, or another worker signals that it is safe

• Make sure that you and all other personnel are in the clear before using
dumping or lifting devices
• Lower, block JCB arms,crane booms end-loader buckets, dump bodies, etc.
when not in use, and leave all controls in neutral position
Safety Roles of CPF Construction Site


• Set parking brakes when vehicles and equipment are parked, and
chock the wheels if they are on an incline
• All vehicles must have good braking systems and other safety devices
• Drivers must exit Haulage vehicles that are loaded by cranes, JCB’s etc.,
until load is safely secured.
• Do not exceed a vehicle's rated load or lift capacity
• Do not carry personnel unless there is a designated safe place to ride  
• Workers next to machinery or vehicles must be highly visible in all levels
of light
Safety Roles of CPF Construction Site


Stairs - Use Handrails

Roads - Beware of through traffic and plant equipment
Pedestrian Paths - If there is a walkway use it
Ladders - 3 points of contact
Scaffolds - Use only approved and tagged scaffolds
Ensure all access routes are kept free of obstructions; Hoses, Cables,
waste materials, Tools and Tool Bags, Loose Equipment etc.

Report any Deviations or Hazards to your Supervisor or HSE

Safety Roles of CPF Construction Site
Struck-By: Falling/Flying Objects 

Wear correct PPE
Stack or secure all materials to prevent sliding, falling, or collapse.

Power Tools, Machines etc.

Use safety glasses/goggles/face shields, where equipment/tools may cause flying particles
Inspect tools to ensure that protective guards are in good condition
Make sure you are trained in the proper operation of power actuated tools

Cranes and Hoists

Avoid working underneath any loads being moved
Barricade hazard areas and post warning signs
Inspect cranes and rigging equipment to see that all components, such as wire rope, lifting
hooks, chains, etc., are in good condition
Do not exceed lifting capacity of cranes or rigging equipment

Overhead Work
Secure tools and materials to prevent them from falling on people below
Barricade hazard areas and post warning signs
Use toeboards, screens, or guardrails on scaffolds to prevent falling objects.
Safety Roles of CPF Construction Site
Spills to be avoided
 Use drip trays when refuelling or transferring liquids

 Blank/cap fuel drums/hoses

 Don’t overfill drip trays/drums

If there is a spill;
 It must be contained and reported to the HSE team

 Absolutely do not wash spills into drains.

 If in doubt, seek advice from the HSE team

Small Spills;
 Use spill kits or any suitable absorbent material and report to

Large Spills;
 Isolate source and immediately inform your supervisor/HSE team


Safety Roles of CPF Construction Site


Suitable and sufficient lighting shall be provided at all work areas in

order to eliminate the risks of injuries or slips, trips and falls due to
dark work areas.
Safety Roles of CPF Construction Site
Most accidents are caused by only two things – unsafe
acts & unsafe conditions, in fact 9 out of 10 accidents
are the result of unsafe acts. Why do we deliberately
expose ourselves to injury every day?

• You've carefully thought out your work.

• You've done it a thousand times.
• It comes naturally to you.
• You know what you're doing, its what you've been trained to do.
•Nothing could possibly go wrong….?
Safety Roles of CPF Construction Site


Temporary Muster Point
To be Updated
Emergency Procedure
In event of alarm you are required to make your job safe,
proceed directly your nearest muster point and remain
there until advised to leave. Do not run. At the muster
point please stand still, keep quiet and allow the muster
marshal to carry out a head count.

All emergencies (fire, explosion, structural failure, injury),

any incidents and near-misses to be immediately reported
HSE Manager
Project Manager
Emergency Procedure

BMS Project Emergency Response Team (ERT) will undertake all

emergency response duties within work area , pipeline, and access roads

For all emergencies call the emergency number -

MGP Emergency phone number

When you call for emergency give enough information :

•What Happen !
•Where !
First-aid Facilities
Medical / First Aid Apart from the above facilities our
Health Administrator will be available in our office
during day time which the sign board is posted on
the door.
During night he will be available in the Camp.
Nurse Number is
Behavioural Based Safety
•Looks at what people Do
•Involves everyone in safety
•Focuses on safe behaviours
•Helps to identify at-risk behaviours
•Communicates safety concerns
•Systematically looks at safety processes
•Helps management and supervision make right decisions
•Makes the connection between behaviours and injuries
•Assists in changing the safety culture
Behavioural Based Safety
1) No Finger point at each other.
2) No name to be in the card.
3) Observe the action of the person and write the comment.
4) Approach the concern and talk to him regard the action.
5) Be positive at your approach.
6) Write the action in the card.
7) Return the card to the supervisor or to the HSSE Personnel
at site or office.
8) Make sure the observation
shall be unsafe act or any action
toward safety at work place.

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