Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets Directed by Chris Columbus Written by Steve Kloves Based On J.K Rowling Novel Produced by David Heyman

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Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets

Directed By chris columbus

written by steve kloves

Based on J.k Rowling novel

Produced by david heyman


 I would like to express my special thanks to my mentor Dr.Devika Trehan, who gave
me the opportunity to do this wonderful project of Business Orientation, which helped
me in doing a lot of research and also helped me in completing my project. I came to
know about so many new things. I am really thankful to them.
Table of Content
 Summary

 Changes Made by the Movie

 New Ending to the Story

 Added New Characters in an Existing


 Message give by the Film Maker

Harry Potter lives with his uncle, aunt and cousin during the summer when he is not at Hogwarts. They are very mean to
him. He has to stay in his room and be quiet, so no one knows he is there. When he enters his room, something is sitting on
his bed. It is Dobby. He does not know about Dobby. Dobby tells him his name. Dobby tells him that he should not go to
Hogwarts. It is very dangerous for him. After summer, it’s the time for Harry Potter to go to Hogwarts. One day, Harry
Potter and his friends catch pixies. It is an adventure. Harry Potter likes to play Quidditch. Quidditch is magical sport
playing on flying brooms. In the Hallways of Hogwarts, Harry Potter hears a voice. No one else hears the voice. The voice
scares him. He follows the voice to a wall. The wall has warning sign on it. This is the chamber of secrets. The warning is for
witches and wizards who do not have magical parents like Hermione Granger. She is in danger. The students at Hogwarts
want to learn about The Chamber of Secrets. Students who do not have magical parents are in danger. Many of them are
getting sick. Draco Malfoy says a spell that creates a snake. Harry Potter tells the snake to go away. The snakes understands
Harry Potter. Harry Potter and his friends think Draco Malfoy knows about The Chamber of Secrets. After sometime, they
find out Draco Malfoy does not know about The Chamber of Secrets. When Harry Potter and Ron Weasley visit Hermione
Granger, they learn that the monster who lives in The Chamber of Secrets is a big snake. Harry Potter and Ron Weasley
enter the Chamber of Secrets to save Ginny Weasley. Harry Potter meets the Tom Riddle in the Chamber of Secrets. Tom
Riddle is a bad man. He is Voldemort. The magic that can get rid of the wizards without magical parents belongs to Tom
Riddle. The monster lives in the Chamber of Secrets. Harry Potter fights with the monster. After defeating the monster,
Harry potter fights Tom Riddle. He defeats Tom Riddle and save Ginny Weasley. Then, they all leaves the Chamber of
Secrets. All the wizards and witches are safe at Hogwarts. The school year is over at Hogwarts.
Changes made by the Movie
• Well, The book begins in the morning of Harry Potter’s birthday. But, the movie begins in the evening.

• In the book, when Harry enters his room, Dobby sits on his bed quietly. In the film, Dobby is jumping on his bed and laughing.

• In the book, Harry knew that this was what had been watching him out of the garden hedge that morning. But, in the movie
there was no scene related to it.

• In the film, Ron wishes Harry a happy birthday when they fly away from 4 Privet Drive. Ron doesn't say this in the book as
Harry's birthday was the same day the Masons visited. It should be mentioned that in the film the Weasleys gets Harry out the
same evening, while in the book they saved him from the Dursleys early in the morning, next day.

• In the book, Mr Weasley repairs Harry's glasses in Diagon Alley, but in the film, Hermione repairs them. 

• Harry and Ron get to Hogwarts with almost no problem in the book, whereas in the film they nearly get hit by the Hogwarts
Express, and Harry nearly falls out of the car.

• In the book, Harry, Ron and Hermione are spoken to by the teachers in Gilderoy Lockhart's office. In the film,
they are spoken to in the corridor where the attack happened.
• In the film, the Quidditch match takes place in sunlight. But, in the book, the match takes place in rainy weather.

• In the book, when Harry asks the Sorting Hat whether it put him in the right House, he does it with the hat on his head. In the
film, he merely stands before it.

• In the book, Professor Binns explains to the class about the Chamber of Secrets during a History of Magic class, but in the film,
Minerva McGonagall explains it to the students.

• In the book, after Hagrid mentions that if they were looking for answers, all they'd have to do was follow the spiders, Harry and
Ron didn't see any spiders until one day. But, In the film, right after Hagrid is taken away by the Minister, Harry and Ron see
spiders crawling along Hagrid's window and follow them into the Forbidden Forest.

• In the book, it says that the snake who had shed the skin must have been at least twenty feet long. In the film, Ron remarks that
the creature must have been at least sixty feet long.

• In the book, Harry Potter only destroyed the diary with the basilisk fang after he was healed by Fawkes. In the film adaptation,
Harry destroyed the diary with the fang before he was healed.

• In the book, Harry's conversation with Dumbledore after the defeat of the basilisk is set in McGonagall's office, and Arthur,
Molly, and McGonagall are present at the start of the scene. In the film, the scene is set in Dumbledore's office instead, and
Arthur, Molly, and McGonagall do not appear.
New Ending To The Story
According to my perception, after taking birth, Lord Voldemort will start fight with Harry Potter because he wants to
kill him as he knew that he is the only one who can destroy him, if he master and learn all the magic. When fight
begins, Voldemort will use his magic to capture Harry but he will run away. Now Harry will hide from him to save
himself. But he will not get any space where he could hide himself. On the other hand, Ginny Weasley will inform all
the professors and wizards in the Hogwarts that Voldemort is trying to kill Harry Potter. Then, many of them will
come there to help Harry and some of them will stays at Hogwarts to save other children from danger. In the fight
Voldemort will calls his army of the monster and he will also call his friends which are bad wizards and will use
black magic. Then fight will starts again between the good and the evil. Monsters trying to defeat the wizards.
Furthermore, Dumbledore starts fight with Voldemort and try to save Harry. Some of the black magic wizards will try
to enter in the Hogwarts and by using their magical powers they will try to destroy its gate. They are putting their
efforts to destroy the gate and in the end they will eventually succeed in it. When they enters in the Hogwarts they
will try to destroy it and to kill the other wizards and children. But, at the end they will not succeed in that end and
killed by them. Then all the wizards and children comes in together to the chamber to fight with Voldemort and to
save Harry Potter. On the other hand, Harry will kill the Basilisk with the help of Minerva McGonagall and then he
will go to help the Dumbledore. The fight will go between Dumbledore and Voldemort is very intense and Harry
would joins the fight. In the end, Voldemort will be defeated by these two and Dumbledore will capture him with his
magic. Moreover, they will send him to the Azkaban (Prison) because in this place they keep only bad wizards.
Azkaban Prison
New Characters added in an Existing Scene
If I have to add new characters in the last scene, then i will add Professor Dumbledore and Minerva McGonagall
because, they both are very powerful wizards and also Harry is very close to them. After adding these two in the
story, when fight will start between Harry and Tom Riddle it will not take too much time to end. When fight starts
between them. Tom Riddle use his snake(Basilisk) against Harry Potter for fighting. At that time Dumbledore uses
his magic to save him from its attack and starts fighting with Tom Riddle. At that Point Harry finds a hat when he
goes near the hat and it gives him a sword. This hat is a magical hat and Harry uses this sword against that big
snake(Basilisk). Then, Minerva McGonagall distracts the snake and Harry comes from behind the wall and jump on
the snake and he pointed his sword towards its head and stab it in it. On the other Hand, Dumbledore uses his magic
to capture Tom Riddle but, Tom Riddle does not get in it and he revealed his true identity as Voldemort and vanished
away. After adding these two new characters, the fight did not take too much time to end and they easily won against
Tom Riddle and saved Ginny Weasley. Furthermore, Harry did not get any injuries.
Message given by the Creators
Reliance on a Community

In the novel, almost nothing is achieved by a single person alone. Harry, Hermione, and Ron break the secret of
the Chamber, find the entrance, and defeat the beast inside by working together. Each of the three adds a special
element to the trio, and all depend on the others for support and assistance. When Harry and Ron are about to be
eaten by spiders, Ron's car saves them; when Harry is about to be eaten by the basilisk, Dumbledore's phoenix
saves him. Although the three main characters are courageous, they are also able to seek help when necessary,
either from each other or from outside sources. Although Harry is the protagonist and hero, he must rely on others
to succeed.

The Importance of Choices

With the help of Dumbledore character they explains the importance of choices when he reassures Harry that
Harry is meant to live in the Gryffindor’s dormitory. Although it is important for wizards to have inborn skill and
astute minds, knowing how to use ability and knowledge is ultimately a more important trait. Harry, although
famous from the beginning, is impressive because he does not count on his special abilities to protect him. Harry
uses each moment as a springboard for the next test of his will and courage, making choices that shape his life, not
waiting for his life to shape itself.
Both novel and the movie describes the same story about the Chamber of secrets and the birth of Lord Voldemort
through Tom Riddle’s defeat. The professors in Hogwarts d0 not want that Harry comes there. Because of secrets
of chamber’s mystery. Everyone is in fear. When Harry and Ron get’s the information about Ginny Weasley that she
was taken inside that chamber by the monster then they decided to go inside that chamber to save Ginny Weasley.
When they enters in that chamber Harry has to fight with Tom Riddle. Tom Riddle use his snake(Basilisk) to kill
Harry but he failed in it. Then Dumbledore send his Phoenix to help Harry. When Phoenix destroyed both eyes of
that snake at that time Harry gets the sword from the magical Hat and use this sword to kill that Basilisk. After
defeating that snake Harry has to fight with Tom Riddle. Harry destroys his magical dairy to defeat him. Then
suddenly, Tom transformed into Voldemort. This is the first time when Lord Voldemort took birth and made his
entrance to the series. Voldemort is an evil who wants to kill Harry potter and to destroy Hogwarts. Everyone, fears
from Voldemort because of his black magical powers. He is very powerful wizard and he is also a monster.

Tom Riddle & Ginny Weasley &

Voldemort Harry Potter

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