Introduction To ELT Research

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Research & Article Writing in

Introduction to Research
Overview of
Research in EL/ELT

The nature and stages (collecting data, analyzing data, and
reporting the results) in quantitative, qualitative, and mixed
method investigation in applied linguistics in general and the
teaching of English (ELT) in particular.
• research. 1.a. the systematic
investigation into and study of
materials, sources, etc, in order to
establish facts and reach new
conclusions. b. an endeavour to
discover new or collate old facts etc
by the scientific study of a subject
What is or by a course of critical
investigation. [Oxford Concise
research? Dictionary]
• research (NOUN)1. a
detailed study of a subject,
especially in order to discover
(new) information or reach a
(new) understanding. [Cambridge
Dictionaries Online]
What is research?

• Research, in it’s most profound sense, is an activity of trying the

answers to our questions which is conducted systematically to get
trustworthy results. It is a disciplined inquiry (Dornyei, 2011, p 15).
• Research is ‘the organized, systematic search for answers to the
questions we ask’ (Hatch and Lazaraton, 1991, p.1).
Two Basic Ways of Research
Secondary, Conceptual, Library
• Getting answers to questions by looking at what other
people has said about the concerned issue
• This research is essential for it saves time and energy and
prevent us from ‘reinventing the wheel’ again and again

• Conducting one’s own investigation to collect data and
drawing conclusions from it.
• Empirical research is essential because: (1) it provides
empirical data of a specific condition; (2) the results
contribute to the field advancement; and gives
satisfaction to the researcher
Why should EFL teachers do

• To understand how foreign languages are

actually learned and taught
• To evaluate new theories, and decide which ones are
effective in the classrooms and with the students—no
single approach Is perfect
• To bridge the gap between theories and practice
• To investigate their own classrooms in order to
improve the teaching practice (esp. through classroom
action research)
Research Methodology vs.

• Research methodology= a discipline of

studying how research is done scientifically.
It covers the various steps adopted by a
researcher in studying his research problem
along with the logic behind them, such as
what instrument to use, why it is used, and
how to design it; what data analysis
technique to administer and why.
• Research methods= a part of research
methodology which refers to the
behavior and instruments used in
selecting and constructing research
Research Traditions/Approaches/Methods

Quantitative Qualitative
• Use numbers–counting to quantify • use text–to understand the qualities
• Focus more on the outcomes than • focus on the processes and the outcomes
the processes • look at individuals–from the bottom up
• Summarize about the group • exploratory research–often used to begin
(variables) studied to understand something
• confirmatory research – test • the results are more descriptive or
hypothesis concrete
• The claims tend to be more • collect data through observation,
abstract interview, diaries, comments
• Use tests, questionnaires, and reflections of participants
and • Employs emergent design (open
observations and
• Insists on standardized flexible for refinement during the
procedure to process
maintain ‘objectivity’.
Why did students take English Teaching major?

Quantitative: Qualitative:
In the sample, 67% of students Since her childhood Siti have
took the English teaching had a dream to be an English
major because they love teacher. She believed helping
teaching; 20% of students others to master English is a
great and rewarding
because they want to work profession. By mastering
using English in the future; English, a person would be
and 13% of students because able to study anything he
they want to travel to some wants, including science,
English-speaking country. technology, and cultures.
English will also make it
possible for him to share
ideas with people all over the
A Continuum of Research Approach

Quantitative Qualitative
Dornyei, Z. (2011). Research methods in applied
linguistics: Quantitative, qualitative, and
mixed methodologies. Oxford: Oxford
University Press.
Kotari, C.R. (2004). Research methodology:
Methods and techniques. New Delhi: New
Age International (P) Ltd., Publishers

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