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Engr. Alexis T. Belonio
Professional Agricultural Engineer
Associate Professor and Chair
Department of Agricultural Engineering and
Environmental Management
College of Agriculture
Central Philippine University
Iloilo City
It is a dryer in which the material being
dried moves through the drying chamber
is substantially in continuous stream
without being re-circulated.
 Re-circulating-type dryer
 Continuous-flow type dryer
 Concurrent-flow type dryer
 None of the above
 Continuous-flow type dryer
It is a continuous-flow type dryer in
which the product that is being dried
moves in the same direction as the
drying air.
 Cross-flow type dryer
 Counter-flow type dryer
 Concurrent-flow type dryer
 All of the above
concurrent-flow type dryer
It is a continuous-flow type dryer in
which the drying bin is a columnar type
with louvers causing mixing to occur as
the grain flows through the system.
 Mixing type
 Non-mixing type
 Re-circulating type
 None of the above
mixing type
It is a dryer in which the product of
combustion comes into contact with
the product that is being dried.

 Indirect fired dryer

 Direct fired dryer
 Combustion fired dryer
 All of the above
 Direct fired dryer
It is the ratio of the total heat utilized to
vaporize moisture in the material being
dried to the amount of heat added to
the drying air.
 Dryer efficiency
 Thermal efficiency
 Heat of vaporization efficiency
 All of the above
 Dryer efficiency
It is a fraction of grain with its length
equal to or greater than three-fourth of
the average.
 Large broken grain
 Small broken grains
 Head grain
 None of the above
head grain
It is an air moving device used to force
heated air through the mass of grain at a
desired air-flow rate and pressure.
 Blower
 Aspirator
 Fanning mill
 None of the above
 Blower
It is a mechanical grain dryer wherein grain is
passed intermittently in cycles or stages
through a drying chamber either by
mechanical means or by gravity with
subsequent cooling and tempering until the
grain reaches the desired moisture content.
 Batch-in-bin dryer
 Flat-bed dryer
 Multi pass dryer
 All of the above
Ö Multi pass dryer
It is a chamber wherein the air pressure
forms a uniform distribution of heated
air through the grain mass.

 Plenum
 Bin
 Duct
 All of the above
 Plenum
It is the minimum requirement for
drying efficiency based on the standard
performance criteria for a mechanical
 90%
 75%
 50%
 None of the above
It is the minimum requirement for
heating efficiency of direct-fired
biomass-fueled grain dryer.
 75%
 65%
 50%
 None of the above
It is the minimum requirement for heat
utilization efficiency based on the
standard performance criteria of direct-
fired petroleum-based fuel for
mechanical dryers.
 90%
 80%
 70%
 None of the above
 90%
It is the warranty period requirement
for mechanical grain dryers.
 6 months
 12 months
 1 year
 Two of the above
 6 months
It is the ratio of the heat released by
the fuel to the theoretical heat
available from the fuel.
 Burner efficiency
 Thermal efficiency
 Combustion efficiency
 None of the above
 Combustion efficiency
It is the percentage of grain free from
foreign matter.
 Percentage foreign matter
 Percentage cleanliness
 Purity
 None of the above
 Purity
It is the pressure build up in the
plenum chamber to maintain the
uniform distribution of air flow through
the grain mass.
 Velocity pressure
 Static pressure
 Dynamic pressure
 Two of the above
static pressure
It is the temporary holding of the
grains between drying passes to allow
the moisture in the center of the grain
equalize with that on its surface.
 Tempering
 Static drying
 Dryaeration
 None of the above
It is the amount of moisture in the grain
expressed as percentage of the total
weight of the samples.
 Moisture content dry basis
 Moisture content wet basis
 Moisture content
 All of the above
moisture content wet basis
It is the amount of moisture in the
grain expressed as percentage of the
weight of dry matter.
 Moisture content dry basis
 Moisture content wet basis
 Moisture content
 None of the above
moisture content dry basis
They are screen cleaners that employ
an air blast to assist in cleaning.
 Screen separators
 Fanning mills
 Blowers
 None of the above
fanning mills
It is a part of a belt conveyor that is
used to discharge materials over the
end of the belt by a diagonal scraper.
 Scraper
 Tripper
 Head pulley
 None of the above
It is a moisture meter that determines
the moisture content of the product
based on the ability of current to pass
through the material.
 Capacitance type moisture meter
 Resistance type meter
 Infrared moisture meter
 All of the above
resistance type meter
It is the moisture that can be found at
the surface of the material.
 Unbound water
 Bound water
 Free moisture
 All of the above
free moisture
It is the blending of ingredients or
materials in agricultural processing
 Sorting
 Molding
 Mixing
 All of the above
It is a burr or plate mill.

 Micro mill
 Attrition mill
 Roller mill
 All of the above
attrition mill
It is process of reducing the size of
materials by applying force to the
product in excess of its strength.
 Shearing
 Crushing
 Milling
 None of the above
It is a process of reducing the size of
materials by pushing or forcing a thin
sharp knife into it.
 Shearing
 Crushing
 Cutting
 All of the above
It indicates the uniformity of grind in
the resultant product.
 Uniformity sex
 Particle size
 Fineness modulus
 All of the above
fineness modulus
It is a process of reducing materials by
combination of cutting and crushing
 Milling
 Grinding
 Shearing
 None of the above
If the amount of water in a product is
determined based on its dry matter
content, the moisture content is
expressed in _____.
 Wet basis
 Dry basis
 Semi wet basis
 None of the above
dry basis
It is a method of measuring the
moisture content of the product by
direct extraction of water.
 Primary method
 Secondary method
 Tertiary method
 None of the above
primary method
It is the process of detaching or
separating rice grains from the panicle
by combing action.
 Stripping
 Reaping
 Harvesting
 All of the above
If 20 kg of water is to be removed from
110 kg of paddy, what is the percentage
moisture content of paddy in wet basis?
 1.8%
 18%
 22%
 None of the above
What is the percentage moisture
content of the paddy above when
expressed in dry basis?
 22%
 30%
 12%
 None of the above
What is the amount of moisture to be
removed from a material whose
moisture content is 14.5% with dry
matter weight of 76 kg?
 12.9 kg
 24.1 kg
 14.5 kg
 None of the above
12.9 kg
If a product has a percentage moisture
content of 12% wet basis, the
equivalent percentage moisture content
in dry basis is ______.
 13.6%
 16.3%
 13.4%
 None of the above
A product expressed in dry basis has a
percentage moisture content 25%, what
is the percentage moisture content of
the product in wet basis?
 20%
 22%
 26%
 None of the above
If 9 tons of a product is to be dried from
24% to 14%, the final weight of the
product would be______.
 7,953.4 kg
 8,837.3 kg
 9,741.4 kg
 None of the above
8,837.3 kg
What is the moisture loss of the
product in the item above?
 1046.5 kg
 2285.6 kg
 2634.4 kg
 None of the above
1046.5 kg
It is the measure of the power output of
fan in relation to its power input.
 Fan thermal efficiency
 Fan performance index
 Fan efficiency
 All of the above
fan efficiency
The recommended depth of grain in a
shallow bed dryer is:
 Up to 12 inches
 Up to 18 inches
 Up to 24 inches
 All of the above
up to 18 inches
It is the recommended clearance for
disk huller to achieve higher brown rice
recovery with less breakage.
 ¼ of the length of paddy grain
 ½ of the thickness of paddy grain
 ¾ of the length of paddy grain
 None of the above
 ½ of the thickness of paddy
The manufacturers’ prescribed peripheral
velocity of a disk huller is ______.
 10m/s
 14m/s
 18m/s
 None of the above
The manufacturers’ recommendation for
the speed of cone in a vertical abrasive
whitening cone should not exceed ____.
 13m/s
 14m/s
 15m/s
 None of the above
What is the manufacturers’
recommendation for the speed of a
horizontal abrasive whitener?
 800 rpm
 1000 rpm
 1200 rpm
 None of the above
1000 rpm
It is the process in which air moves
through stored grains at a low rate to
maintain its quality.
 Cooling
 Aeration
 Fanning
 None of the above
It is the maximum allowable safe
height of sack pile in bag storage.
 12-16 sacks
 18-25 sacks
 28-30 sacks
 None of the above
 18-25 sacks
What is the recommended stacking
density per cubic meter of space for
 5 bags
 10 bags
 15 bags
 None of the above
10 bags
What is the recommended stacking
density per cubic meter of space for
 12 bags
 14 bags
 16 bags
 None of the above
12 bags
What is the recommended stacking
density per cubic meter of space for
milled rice?
 10 bags
 15 bags
 20 bags
 None of the above
15 bags
If a pile of rice is 8-m long, 6-m wide,
and 3.6-m high, how many bags of rice
are safe to be piled?
 2592 bags
 2952 bags
 2295 bags
 None of the above
2592 bags
If 5000 bags of paddy are to be piled
20-bag high, how many square meters
of floor space is required?
 111 sq. m.
 121 sq. m.
 211 sq. m.
 None of the above
111 sq. m.
It is a storage method wherein the gas
concentration in storage atmosphere is

 Sealed storage
 Modified atmosphere
 Controlled atmosphere
 All of the above
modified atmosphere
It is a process of separating lower
density materials from grains.
 Aspiration
 Cleaning
 Fanning
 All of the above
It is a primary cleaner which separates
larger particles of performs rough
cleaning of grains.
 Rotary sieve
 Scalper
 Vibrating screen
 All of the above
The recommended size of scalper for
paddy is____.
 0.2-0.25 m2 per ton
 0.3-0.35 m2 per ton
 0.4-0.45 m2 per ton
 None of the above
0.2-0.25 m2 per ton
What is the theoretical rpm of a bucket
elevator whose head pulley diameter is
0.2 m and the bucket projection is
 77 rpm
 120 rpm
 160 rpm
 None of the above
 77 rpm
If the operational efficiency of the
bucket elevator above is 85% of the
theoretical speed, what is the operation
speed of the elevator?
 65 rpm
 102 rpm
 136 rpm
 None of the above
 65 rpm
What is the theoretical horsepower
requirement of a bucket elevator
whose capacity is 545 kg/min and lift
of 10.7 m? The elevator is loaded
down side.
 2.19 hp
 1.92 hp
 2.91 hp
 None of the above
 1.92 hp
It is a hydrothermal treatment of paddy
before milling.
 Parboiling
 Drying
 Water treatment
 None of the above
 Parboiling
In a disk huller, the stationary disk is
located at the_____.
 Top of the huller
 Bottom of the huller
 Side of the huller
 None of the above
 Top of the huller
The capacity of a compartment type
separator is ______.
 20-30kg. Brown rice per hour
 40-60kg. Brown rice per hour
 70-80kg. Brown rice per hour
 None of the above
Ö 40-60kg. Brown rice per hour
It is the amount of foreign materials in
a sample of grains.
 Impurities
 Chalky grain
 Dockage
 None of the above
 Dockage
It is a storage practice in which grains
are stored in loose form in a large
 Bag storage
 Bunker storage
 Bulk storage
 All of the above
 Bulk storage
It is a small metal probe for taking
samples of paddy.
 Sampling tube
 Trier
 Sampler
 None of the above
 Trier
It is a wooden frame used in staking
bags of rice.
 Dunnage
 Loading platform
 Bag holder
 All of the above
 Dunnage
It is a warehouse used for storing
paddy or rice either in bulk or in bags.
 Silo
 Godown
 Farmstead
 None of the above
 Godown
It refers to the rough cleaning of paddy
to remove most foreign materials prior
to drying and storage.
 Aspiration
 Scalping
 Sieving
 All of the above
A drying temperature of 45°C is equal
 113°F
 131°F
 121°F
 None of the above
Five tons of paddy milled in 6 hours
produces 3950 kg brown rice and 3250
kg. of milled rice, what is the milling
 60%
 65%
 70%
 None of the above
 65%
What is the hulling coefficient of the
huller in the item above?
 0.79
 0.89
 0.99
 None of the above
 0.79
If the head rice recovery of paddy in
the item above is equal to 85%, what is
the amount of broken grains?
 487.50 kg
 478.50 kg
 475.85 kg
 None of the above
 487.50 kg
What is the amount of rice hull
produced during milling in the item
 1000 kg
 1050 kg
 1100 kg
 None of the above
 1050
The optimum relative humidity for
storing fruits and vegetables is ____.
 60-70%
 80-90%
 90-100%
 All of the above
A two-ton mechanical dryer dries paddy
from 24% to 14% in 8 hours. What is
the final weight of the product after
 1767.4 kg
 1677.4 kg
 1776.4 kg
 None of the above
What is the drying capacity of the dryer
in the item above?
 200 kg/hr
 250 kg/hr
 125 kg/hr
 None of the above
What is the moisture reduction per
hour in the item above?
 29.07 kg/hr
 27.09 kg/hr
 20.97 kg/hr
 None of the above
The coefficient of friction of rice to a
steel material is 0.41. what is the
minimum angle of hopper required for
the system?
 22 deg.
 30 deg.
 50 deg.
 None of the above
It refers to the divisional layer between
the dried and the undried products in a
drying system.
 Drying layer
 Drying zone
 Drying front
 All of the above
It is the amount of heat required to
raise one gram of water to one degree
 One BTU
 One Calorie
 One Joule
 All of the above
What is the peak storage capacity of a
5-m diameter grain storage bin with an
average height and a minimum angle of
fill of 6 m and 28 deg., respectively?
 126.5m3
 162.5m3
 156.2m3
 None of the above
It refers to the angle whose tangent
equals the coefficient of friction
between surfaces of the stored
 Angle of contact
 Angle of friction
 Angle of repose
 All of the above
It refers to the expression of the
moisture content which commonly used
in commercial scale.
 Moisture wet basis
 Moisture content dry basis
 Moisture content
 All of the above
A solar dryer is used to reduce the
moisture content of four tons of paddy
from 25% to 15% wet basis. The
amount of moisture removed is about
 471 kilos
 417 kilos
 714 kilos
 None of the above
It is a device that removes excess
moisture generally by forced ventilation
with or without the addition of heat.
 Fryer
 Dehydrator
 Dryer
 None of the above
It is a batch-type dryer with vertical
holding bin and is used for shallow-bed
 Recirculating dryer
 Vertical bin dryer
 Batch-type dryer
 None of the above
It is a batch-type dryer equipped to
circulate or mix grain during drying
 Vertical-bin dryer
 Recirculating dryer
 Flat-bed dryer
 None of the above
It is a batch dryer with horizontal grain
holding bin which is passed
continuously through a drying chamber
utilizing agitator until the grain reaches
the specified moisture content
reduction per pass.
 Batch dryer
 Continuous flow dryer
 Recirculating dryer
 None of the above
It refers to an air chamber maintained
under pressure which is usually
connected to one or more distribution
duct in a drying system.
 Drying bin
 Plenum chamber
 Air duct
 None of the above
It is a machine that converts paddy to
milled rice.
 Paddy husker
 Rice whitener
 Rice mill
 All of the above
It is an example of a rice husker.

 Rubber roll huller

 Disk-huller
 Steel-huller
 All of the above
One ton of coconut will produce
approximately _____ kg of oil.
 400
 500
 600
 None of the above
It is a machine that is used to remove
 Polisher
 Husker
 Whitener
 All of the above
It is a part of a belt conveyor that is
used to discharge materials over the
end of the belt by a diagonal scraper.
 Idler pulley
 Tripper
 Head pulley
 None of the above
It is the ratio of the quantity of light on
the working place to the quantity of
light output from the source.
 Room index
 Coefficient of utilization
 Light intensity
 None of the above
A log has a smallest diameter of 24 in.
and a length of 18 in. What is the net
total number of board foot that can be
obtained from the log?
 450 bd ft
 500 bd ft
 550 bd ft
 None of the above
It is a dryer component that converts
the velocity pressure of the fan to static

 Drying bin
 Plenum chamber
 Manometer
 None of the above
It is the percentage speed difference
among rubber rollers.
 15%
 20%
 25%
 None of the above
The maximum percentage of milling
recovery that can be obtained from a
rice mill is ____.
 69%
 75%
 80%
 None of the above
It refers to the recommended clearance
of disk huller to achieve higher brown
rice recovery with less breakage.
 ¼ of the thickness of paddy grain
 ½ of the thickness of paddy grain
 ¾ of the thickness of paddy grain
 None of the above
A vertical-axis hammer mill is more
advantageous than the horizontal-axis
hammer mill for the reason that
 It is more effective in grinding grains with
higher moisture content of up to 25%
 The power requirement of the vertical-axis
hammer mill is lower than the horizontal-
axis hammer mill
 Less broken grains can be derived from
vertical-axis hammer mill
 None of the above
It is a grain milling machine consisting
of two cast iron disk plates with teeth or
serration on one or both faces.
 Hammer mill
 Attrition mill
 Roller mill
 All of the above
It is a grain milling machine suitable for
grinding grains with moisture content
of up to 30%.
 Hammer mill
 Attrition mill
 Roller mill
 All of the above
It is a type of mill used for crushing
grains by allowing it to pass through a
two rotating cylinder steel, one of which
is smaller than the other.
 Hammer mill
 Roller mill
 Plate mill
 All of the above
The density of pig and poultry feed is
approximately _____.
 250 kg/m3
 450 kg/m3
 650 kg/m3
 None of the above
The auger that is centrally located at
the vertical feed mixer usually rotates at
a speed of _____.
 100-250 rpm
 250-400 rpm
 400-650 rpm
 None of the above
A horizontal feed mixer is not
advantageous for feed mixing as
compared to vertical feed mixer for the
reason that _____.
 Horizontal feed mixer has a lower capacity
 Horizontal feed mixer has a high power
 Horizontal feed mixer has a lesser life
 None of the above.
It is a type of bearing used for
tightening bucket elevator belts.
 Pillow block gearing
 Flange bearing
 Take-up units
 None of the above
When a bucket elevator is to be fed at
the downside section instead of the
upside section of the elevator booth, its
power requirement will _________.
 Decrease
 Increase
 Remain the same
 None of the above
It is a type of a conveyor feeder used
for feeding birds in cages in a poultry
 Flat chain feeder
 Auger feeder
 Round chain feeder
 All of the above
It is an electrically-operated device
commonly used for automatic bagging
of grains or feeds.
 Solinoid switch
 Transducer
 Load cell
 None of the above
It refers to the manufacturers’
prescribed peripheral velocity of disc
for disc-type huller.
 10 m/s
 14 m/s
 18 m/s
 None of the above
It is the recommended peripheral speed
of rubber roller for hulling operations.
 10 m/s
 14 m/s
 18 m/s
 None of the above
It is an element used primarily to
support axial compressive load and
with a height of at least three times its
least lateral dimension.
 Pier
 Column
 Beams
 None of the above
It is a primary cleaner which separates
larger particles or rough cleaning of
rough rice.
 Rotary sieve
 Scalper
 Vibrating screen
 All of the above
It is the recommended size of scalper
for paddy cleaning.
 0.2-0.25m2/ton
 0.3-0.35m2/ton
 0.4-0.45m2/ton
 None of the above
What is the theoretical rpm of a bucket
elevator whose head pulley diameter is
0.2 m and the bucket projection is 0.1
 77 rpm
 120 rpm
 160 rpm
 None of the above
If the operational speed of the bucket
elevator in the item above is 85% of
the theoretical speed, what is the
operational speed of the elevator?
 65 rpm
 102 rpm
 136 rpm
 None of the above
What is the theoretical horsepower
requirement of a bucket elevator with a
capacity of 545 kg/min and lift of 10.7
m and the elevator is loaded down side.
 2.19 hp
 1.92 hp
 2.91 hp
 None of the above
It is a rice mill huller which produces
high milling recovery.
 Steel huller
 Rubber huller
 Stone disk
 All of the above
On the disk huller, the stationary disk is
located at the ______.
 Top of the huller
 Bottom of the huller
 Outside of the huller
 None of the above
It is an air moving device which
produces high airflow but low head.
 Fans
 Blower
 Compressor
 All of the above
It is a device that is used to move oil.

 Blower
 Pump
 Compressor
 All of the above
If mixing is needed to carryout during
conveying, the suitable conveyor is
 Bucket
 Screw
 Belt
 All of the above
The horsepower requirement of belt
conveyors includes power to ____.
 Drive empty
 Drive at horizontal
 Drive vertical
 All of the above
It is a conveyor with a high power
requirement per unit capacity.
 Bucket
 Belt
 Pneumatic
 All of the above
It is an air moving device suitable for
grain cleaning.
 Axial fan
 Propeller fan
 Cross flow fan
 All of the above
If the diameter of a blower is
increased, the pressure will _____.
 Increase
 Decrease
 Remain the same
 None of the above
It is a machine which separates the
paddy from brown rice.
 Screen sifter
 Paddy separator
 Paddy husker
 None of the above
It is a machine that smoothens milled
 Whitener
 Polisher
 Sifter
 All of the above
It refers to the manufacturers’
recommendation for maximum speed
cone on a vertical abrasive whitening
 13 m/s
 14 m/s
 18 m/s
 None of the above
It is recommended for conveying
product with less damage.
 Bucket elevator
 Screw conveyor
 Belt conveyor
 All of the above
It is an air moving device commonly
used for drying which produces high
pressure but low airflow.
 Blower
 Fan
 Compressor
 None of the above
It is recommended to remove metallic
element during conveying.
 Screen separator
 Magnetic separator
 Pneumatic separator
 None of the above
It is a machine that separates brown
rice from paddy.
 Scalper
 Paddy separator
 Rice whitener
 Paddy husker
 None of the above
The speed of fixed rubber roll from the
adjustable roller on a rubber roll huller
is slower by ____.
 20%
 25%
 30%
 None of the above
It is a machine that is used to remove
the bran from the brown rice.

 Polisher
 Grader
 Whitener
 None of the above
It is a machine that is used to make
milled rice shiny after removing the
bran layer.
 Polisher
 Grader
 Whitener
 None of the above
It is a machine that is used to
segregate various fractions/sizes of
milled rice.
 Polisher
 Grader
 Whitener
 None of the above
It is a type of whitener consisting of a
fluted roller rotating inside the
hexagonal chamber with slot-type
 Abrasive-type whitener
 Frictional-type whitener
 All of the above
 None of the above
It is a commonly used material
handling equipment.
 Bucket elevator
 Screw conveyor
 Belt conveyor
 All of the above
It is a conveyor which is essentially
made of an endless belt operating
between two or more pulleys with its
load supported by idlers.
 Bucket elevator
 Screw conveyor
 Pneumatic conveyor
 None of the above
It is a conveyor used for fine materials
and is made of a helical plate which
rotates on a trough and moves the
product by dragging.
 Chain conveyor
 Pneumatic conveyor
 Screw conveyor
 None of the above
It is a material handling equipment
which consists of cups attached to a
chain or belt that revolves around a
bottom-and-top where the cups are
 Chain conveyor
 Belt conveyor
 Bucket elevator
 None of the above
It is a conveyor which utilizes high
terminal velocity air to move the
 Vibratory conveyor
 Screw conveyor
 Pneumatic conveyor
 None of the above
It is the method of determining grain
moisture by directly extracting the
moisture from the product.
 Primary method
 Secondary method
 Tertiary method
 None of the above
It is an example of moisture
determination using primary method.
 Resistance type meter
 Capacitance type meter
 Oven
 All of the above
It is a method of determining the
moisture from the product which is
based on the electrical properties of the
 Primary method
 Secondary method
 Tertiary method
 None of the above
It is a device used in oven-drying to
prevent dehydrated samples resorb
moisture while undergoing cooling
 Distilling flask
 Glass jar
 Dessicator
 All of the above
It is the ability of the machine to
remove hulls from the grains.
 Coefficient of hulling
 Hulling percentage
 Husking efficiency
 All of the above
It is the outer layer of brown rice
consisting of aleurone cells covering
the endosperm of the rice grain.
 Hull
 Embryo
 Bran
 All of the above
It is the ASAE standard agricultural
pallet bin for square shape bin.
 100 cm x 100 cm
 120 cm x 120 cm
 150 cm x 150 cm
 None of the above
It is the ASAE standard agricultural
pallet bin for rectangular shape bin.
 120 cm x 100 cm
 150 cm x 120 cm
 150 cm x 100 cm
 None of the above
It is the overall height of agricultural
pallet bin as recommended by the
 72 or 133 cm
 62 or 122 cm
 52 or 112 cm
 None of the above
It is an auger capable of discharging
materials to one or more locations.
 Feeding auger
 Portable auger
 Distributing auger
 None of the above
It is an auger which releases conveyed
materials essentially uniform along a
substantial portion of its length.
 Feeding auger
 Portable auger
 Distributing auger
 None of the above
It is an auger whose accessories
include a suitable support system which
provides mobility.
 Feeding auger
 Portable auger
 Distributing auger
 None of the above
The auger size refers to the ____.

 Diameter of the auger

 Inside diameter of the auger tube
 Outside diameter of the auger tube
 None of the above
Hammer mills are designed purposely
to ______.
 Chop forage materials
 Reduce the sizes of granular products
 Compact powered product
 None of the above
The husking ratio of the rubber roll
huller is about ______.
 60-70%
 80-90%
 95-98%
 None of the above
A rice thresher that is fed at one end
and discharges threshed product at the
other end is ____.
 Radial-type thresher
 Hold on type thresher
 Axial-flow thresher
 None of the above
They are commonly used threshing
units for throw-in type thresher.
 Peg-tooth
 Wire loop
 Rasp bar
 None of the above
It is the part of the rice thresher that
causes the movement of panicles from
one end to the other end of the
threshing cylinder.
 Louvers
 Concave
 Pegs
 None of the above
It is the recommended rpm of rice
thresher cylinder.
 400-600 rpm
 800-1200 rpm
 2000-3000 rpm
 None of the above
It is a dehulled paddy but the bran
layer remains intact.
 Rough rice
 Milled rice
 Brown rice
 All of the above
It measures the ability of the machine
to remove hulls with minimum
 Coefficient of hulling
 Coefficient of breakage
 Coefficient of wholeness
 All of the above
It is the extent by which the bran layer
of brown rice is removed as a result of
 Milling degree
 Degree of whitening
 Milling recovery
 All of the above
A multi-pass rice mill is determined by
 Having two or three separate hullers in
the system
 Having a series of two or three whitening
 Having the paddy loaded several times in
the rice mill
 None of the above
It is the ratio of the weight of milled
rice to the weight of the paddy
multiplied by one hundred.
 Percentage head rice recovery
 Percentage milling recovery
 Percentage milling capacity
 None of the above
It is an unhulled grain or Oryza sativa.

 Palay
 Paddy
 Rough rice
 All of the above
It is an auxiliary device of a rice mill
which receives the remaining small
bran particles of milled rice and gives a
glossy appearance to the product.
 Whitener
 Grader
 Polisher
 All of the above
It is an example of a rice huller.

 Steel-fluted
 Rubber roll
 Disk
 Centrifugal
 All of the above
It is a process of reducing the corn
kernel into pieces of grits, germs, and
pericarp with or without conditioning.
 Dry milling
 Hammer milling
 Attrition milling
 None of the above
It is a machine which is used to remove
the germ and pericarp from the corn
 Conditioner
 De-germinator
 Corn mill
 None of the above
It is a major component of a corn mill
used to reduce corn kernel into grits.
 Roller mill
 Ball mill
 Attrition mill
 All of the above
It is a kind of cleaner that uses air to
separate lower density material from
cornel kernel/corn grits such as floured
corn, germ, and bran.
 Aspirator
 Oscillating screen
 Cleaner
 Cyclone separator
 All of the above
It is a kind of rice mill that employs
only one whitening machine.
 “Kiskisan” rice mill
 Single pass rice mill
 Rubber roll rice mill
 None of the above
It is the minimum hulling efficiency
requirement for rice mill based on the
standard performance criterion.
 90%
 80%
 70%
 None of the above
It is the process of rewetting of dried
corn kernels to about 18 to 22%
moisture content and tempered to make
the pericarp and the germ more pliable
and easier to remove during de-
germination process.
 Tempering
 Conditioning
 Drying
 None of the above
It is a storage system used for holding
buffer stocks which is usually located at
the shipping receiving terminals.
 Village level storage system
 Commercial level storage system
 Centralized storage system
 All of the above
It is a storage structure made of pre-
fabricated reinforcement concrete of a
pre-fabricated metal siding, which is
either a hopper bottom or a flat
 Warehouse
 Silo
 Bulk container
 All of the above
It refers to the size of wire mesh used
in storage to protect stored product
from insects and rodents.
 ¼ in. mesh
 ½ in. mesh
 ¾ in. mesh
 All of the above
GPEP stands for _____.

 Grain Productivity Enhancement Project

 Grain Productivity Enhancement Program
 Grain Production Enhancement Program
 All of the above
It refers to the areas of concern of the
Philippine Postharvest Industry.
 Research and development
 Training, extension, and commercialization
 Postharvest facility assistance
 Government support to the private sector
 All of the above
 None of the above
It is the fibrous layer of paddy when
hull is removed and is frequently
known as the silver skin of brown rice.
 Lemma and Palea
 Pericarp
 Bran layer
 None of the above
The free space between the husk of
rough rice and the brown rice kernel
greatly affects milling in the sense that
 The larger the free space, the more it
increases the amount of broken grains
 The smaller the free space, the lesser is its
abrasive effect to the rubber roll huller
 The larger the free space, the smaller the
breakage and loses
 All of the above
A slender type paddy has a length to
width ratio of ____.
 Less than 2.0
 Between 2 to 3
 More than 3.0
 None of the above
The uneven expansion and contraction
of the inner and outer layers of the
grains that cause fissuring is a factor of
 Mechanical stress
 Thermal stress
 Physical stress
 All of the above
 None of the above
Broken rice is a quality deterioration
index during _____.
 Drying
 Threshing
 Milling
 None of the above
Changes in texture, odor, flavor, and
nutritive value of grains during
prolonged storage, even in the absence
of insects and microorganisms are due
to the ____.
 Moisture and temperature
 Vapor pressure and temperature
 Vapor pressure and moisture
 All of the above
 None of the above
It is recommended that the paddy
should be harvested when 80% of the
panicle is fully ripe for the reason that
 Harvesting the paddy below 80% will produce
more broken grains
 Harvesting the paddy above 80% will produce
more empty grains
 Harvesting the paddy above 80% will produce
more shattered and broken grains
 All of the above
It is the manual method of harvesting
the paddy using “yatab”.
 Sickle harvesting
 Panicle harvesting
 Stripper harvesting
 All of the above
Shelled corn initially at 24% is to be
dried to 14%. If the initial weight of
corn is 1000 kilos, what is its final
 782 kg
 827 kg
 872 kg
 None of the above
What is the moisture loss of the corn
grains above?
 128 kg
 173 kg
 218 kg
 None of the above
It is a plot representing the equilibrium
moisture content of the grains at
different relative humidity but with
constant temperature.
 Isothermal graph
 Sorption isotherms
 Isothermal humidity
 None of the above
They are factors that cause migration
of moisture during storage.
 Variation of ambient temperature within
the grain mass
 Moisture gradient within the grain mass
 All of the above
 None of the above
It is the process of diffusion from
region of a high concentration to a
region of low concentration.
 Energy transfer
 Mass transfer
 Heat transfer
 None of the above
In grain drying theory, drying will
occur if _____.
 The vapor pressure of grains is higher
than the vapor pressure of the air
 The vapor pressure of grains is lower than
the vapor pressure of the air
 The vapor pressure of grains is equal to
the vapor pressure of the air
 None of the above
The usual depth of grain in deep bed
batch dryer is ____.
 18 in.
 2 to 8 ft
 8 to 10 ft
 None of the above

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