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1. Distinguish a direct speech from reported speech

2. Punctuate direct speech properly

3. Use correct introductory word in changing direct

speech to reported speech

4. Select the correct form of the verb in changing direct to

reported speech

5. Use direct and reported speech appropriately in varied

We use Simple Past Tense to talk about actions that happened
at a specific time in the past.

There are two types of Simple Past form of the verb: regular
and irregular
We use Past Perfect Tense when we are talking about a
completed action before another action done in the past.

It is formed by using the word "had" + the past participle

form of the verb.
1. What was the first action
that happened in the past?
3. What is the time expression
used in the sentence?


Before I knew it, the baby had run to the gate.

SIMPLE PAST 2. What was the second

action that happened
In the past?
What is the difference between the two dialogs?

The girl is the speaker in Dialog A. In Dialog B, she reported what the girl
has said using her own words.
What is the difference between the two dialogs?

In Dialog B, the student reported to his

The teacher is the speaker in Dialog A. classmates what their teacher has said
using his own words.
What is the difference between the two dialogs?

In Dialog B, the girl reported what his classmate

In Dialog A, the boy asked her a question. has said to her using her own words.
What is the difference between the two dialogs?

In Dialog B, the girl reported what the TV

The TV reporter interviewed the Mayor. reporter said to the mayor using her own
Let’s find out how this activity is related to our
Learning Objective # 1
is a sentence that gives the exact words of the speaker.
It has two parts:

1. the introductory part which is usually set off by

comma (,) and

2. the quoted part which gives the exact

words of the speaker and enclosed
with quotation marks (“ ”).
Let us study the following examples...

Direct Speech: “We must accept the new normal now” he said.

Qouted Part (exact words of the speaker) Introductory Part

Direct Speech: The teacher said, “Do your best.”

Introductory Part Qouted Part (exact words of the speaker)

gives the words of the speaker as reported by
another person.

Note: Introductory words such as “that” may be used to

introduce the reported words.
Let us study the following examples...

Reported speech:
He said that we must accept the new normal now.

Reported speech:
The teacher told us to do our best.
REPORTED He told me he was going to call Allan.

DIRECT Rina said, “I’m seeing my brother tomorrow.”

DIRECT “Where is my wallet?” asked Ren.

DIRECT “I had a headache yesterday,” said Lisa.

REPORTED Grace asked me to call her back later.

Learning Objective # 2
” the man
“ Hello, said .

“What are you doing?, said Fred

” .

The policeman shouted Stop!, “ ”

“ Wait a minute, said”Mark .

Lucy said I, “know what we’ll do ”

Learning Objective # 3

To change Direct speech to reported speech you must observe two

A. Using the correct introductory word
B. Forming the correct verb.


to stop
The President ordered us _______________ illegal logging.
1. D: He tells us, “The girl broke the law.
R: He _____tellsus that the girl _____ thebroke

D: She says, “I look up to God for justice.”

saysthat she _____ uplooks
R: She _____ to God for justice.
D: She repeated, “John knows the way.”
repeated knew
R: She _______ that John _______ the way.

D: “We are right,” she said.

said were
R: She ______ that we ______ right.

D: “My brother took the exam,” Karen said.

R: Karen _______ that her brother _______ the had taken

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