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Cloud Computing & Cloud Service Models

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Cloud Computing

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 Cloud computing is a technology that uses the internet and central
remote servers to maintain data and applications without need to
store locally.

 Cloud computing allows consumers and business to use

applications without installation and access their personal files at
any computer with internet.
 Only pay what we needed. We can avoid hardware maintainance,
infrastructure, network, storage

 User do not have or need knowledge, control owner ship in the

computer infrastructure.

 All consumers would need an internet connection to access files.

 Example: Yahoo, outlook e.t.c

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Cloud service :

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 Examples:
 Google Apps like Gmail and other email
 Quick books online
 Google Docs
 DeskAway
 etc.

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 Examples:

 Google app Engine; Microsoft Azur,

 OrangeScape.

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Iaas – Infrastructure as a service

 Examples:
 Amazon EC2, Amazon S3, Google
computer Engine, etc

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Difference b/w IaaS, PaaS and SaaS

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Cloud Models

 Cloud computing is divided into 4 Models

 Public Cloud
 Private Cloud
 Community Cloud
 Hybrid Cloud

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Public Cloud

 Public cloud is the most common and popular form of cloud computing. In Public cloud,
computing resources are provisioned over the internet, and third-party service provider
services as utilities and paid what they used.
 Simply If we deploy an application on public any one can access.

 Examples:
 Google App Engine
 Microsoft windows Azure
 IBM Smart Cloud
 Amazon EC2

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Private Cloud

 Private cloud is cloud infrastructure operated solely for a single organization, whether
managed internally or by third part. This private cloud is costly than public cloud due to
availability of more security and resource services.

 If we deploy application only particular people/with in Landscape.

 Examples:
 Ubuntu Enterprise Cloud
 Amazon Private Cloud
 Microsoft ECI Data Center

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Community Cloud

 Community cloud is a cloud environment in which multiple organizations access the

infrastructure based on similar needs. This is often used by number of departments
within large organizations, including government sectors.
 With the cost spread over fewer user than the public cloud, this option is more expensive
but offer higher privacy, security and policy compliance.

 Only group of people can access this applications.

 Examples:
 Google Government Cloud
 Microsoft Government Cloud.

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Hybrid Cloud

 Hybrid cloud is a composition of two or more clouds(Private, Public or Community) that

remains unique entities but are bound together, offering the benefits of multiple
deployment models.

 This cloud models are likely to emerge as the most common form of cloud computing in
the future as they provide subscribers greater choice and opportunities to access specific
services within the same cloud without the need to switch to other providers.

 To simplify it is a combination of both private and public cloud.

 Examples:
 Windows Azur
 VMware vCloud.

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Advantages and Disadvantages

Advantages Click icon to add picture


Cost Saving Requires constant Internet connection

Improve performance Security threat

Reduce Software Cost Does not work well in low speed internet
Instance Software Update
Unlimited Storage capacity
Device Independent
High Speed
Backup and Restore Data

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Some commercial Cloud Offerings
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Different integration technologies

 SAP  PI(process Integration)/PO(process orchestration)(On premises) &

CPI(Cloud Platform Integration)
 Mulesoft
 UiPath

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S/W Application
S/w applications


Take care by Take care by Take care

Take care
customer Vendor by Vendor
by customer
On premises Applications Cloud applications Cloud application
On premises

MM SuccessFactors
HCM Oracle AWS
SCM Java Gmail
SRM .net Facebook
Simple finance
IS-Retail Webservices Dropbox
ABAP Mail Python
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On On
BS2 premises / premises
On cloud BS3 /cloud
premises / [SAP/non [SAP/non
cloud sap] sap]

On BS6 premises
premises / On /cloud
BS4 [SAP/non
cloud premises /
[SAP/non cloud sap]
sap] [SAP/non
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CPI integration

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API (Application Programming Interface)

 API is an Application Programming Interface which is a collection of communication protocols and subroutines
used by various programs to communicate between them.
 So, an API helps two programs or applications to communicate with each other by providing them with necessary
tools and functions. It takes the request from the user and sends it to the service provider and then again sends the
result generated from the service provider to the desired user

 Example – Food delivery vendors.

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Types of APIs:

 Local ApI’s
 Program API’s
 Advantages & Disadvantages

Advantages Disadvantages
Efficiency Cost
Integration Security issues

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