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Balance study, family and entertainment

• As we all know that year 2020,was a year of COVID-19/Corona virus. It had
huge many negative impacts, not only to us or to our nation, but the whole
world had to face these issues, let that be economical losses or academic
losses. But a coin has two sides, similarly, here too inspite of many negative
points, it had some positive points, like as you asked, about a balance
between study, family and entertainment.
• Actually, this became more easy, and better in this period, because it was for
the first time that the whole world had to undergo lockdown in their
respective countries, and due to this most of the things became online,
including our schools or parents’ offices. Thus, there was no time wastage for
our transporting, and as this way a lot af time was saved, thus we could also
find time for our parents as everyone was at home, and also have time for
entertainment activities, other than only studying.
• Lifestyle, If I tell then, when I was in X I actually tried and managed my time in order to be
comfortable and also study at the same time.
• Like, if I would tell you then it’s is also very critical time for you all, for X as it may come out to be
the turning point in your life, if you are focused at this time then might be that you may be one of
the future best scientists in the future, you may make India feel proud in some or the other way.
But for these you all will have to sit concentrated at a single place and study focused. I would say
you start with your favourite subject for now, and slowly move on to the rest, and while studying
the same chapter or same subject for a long time, if you feel some sort of discomfort, like when I
use dto feel discomfort, I used to take some rest of about 15-20 mins., move around talk with my
parents, etc and then back to study with a different subject for some sort of change.
• Also, you all can choose any time for you all to self-study, which is different from the class studies
or he completion, your comfortable time may be either morning or evening, like when I used to
study, I studied mostly at night, because morning we our regular school classes afternoon hw
thus for me I was most comfortable to self-study at night. You all may choose yours.
Main issues faced
• Obviously, the main issues for me were also the same as that faced by
you all, like due to online classes laziness increased in the beginning,
and also focus was diverted.
• Not only these but also dependency on Google increased in the
beginning, same would have have happened with you all. But later on
I could improve myself with self dedication and motivation, and same
should be the case with you.

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